[Tutor] loop through hours to calc max and plot

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 19 10:16:34 CET 2014

On 19/03/14 05:12, questions anon wrote:

> I have monthly netcdf files containing hourly temperature data.
> I would like to loop through all of the hours and calculate the max for
> each hour (00 - 23) and then make a plot.

Its hard to give specific help since I don't know the file format
and most of your code is using non standard-library modules.

A couple of suggestions would be to
1) convert the code into a few functions each doing one
    specific job. For example the plotting code and the
    reading code could be separated out. That makes it
    easier to read the overall program flow and easier
    to test those individual functions if you change them.
2) You have quite a few redundant or misplaced assignments
    going on, or things happening inside loops that
    shouldn't be. Again removing the surplus just makes
    the rest of the code easier to grasp.

> I have found a way for this to work for a couple of the hours (see
> below) but it requires a lot of set up to do each hour and I am sure
> there must be a simpler way using loops? I also need to find a simpler
> way as I would like to eventually do daily for 1st jan to 31st Dec

If you put the code into smaller functions that will simplify the design 
of your bigger program. Each function should have one clear purpose and 
be as standalone as possible. It should take in the
date it needs as parameters and pass back a value.

> from netCDF4 import Dataset
> import numpy as N
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from numpy import ma as ma
> from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
> from netcdftime import utime
> from datetime import datetime
> import os
> from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
> shapefile1="---"
> OutputFolder=r"/---/"
> fileforlatlon=Dataset("---.nc", 'r+', 'NETCDF4')
> LAT=fileforlatlon.variables['latitude'][:]
> LON=fileforlatlon.variables['longitude'][:]
> #Set up basemap using mercator projection

> map =
> Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=-40,urcrnrlat=-33,llcrnrlon=139.0,urcrnrlon=151.0,lat_ts=0,resolution='i')
> x,y=map(*N.meshgrid(LON,LAT))
> map.readshapefile(shapefile1, '-REGIONS')

> ncvariablename='T_SFC'
> MainFolder=r"/---/"
> ticks=[-5,0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50]
> Title='Surface Temperature (degrees celsius)'

Why aren't these with the other initialization code above?

> cmap=plt.cm.jet

> all_variabledata=[]
> time00=[]
> time12=[]

Why aren't these with the other initialization code above?

> for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(MainFolder):
> for dir in dirs:
> print "the dirs are:", dir
> path=path+'/'

this appears to be in the loop but its the same
value each time so you repeat the same assignment
over and over.

> for ncfile in files:
> fileext=ncvariablename+'.nc'
> if ncfile.endswith(fileext):
> print "dealing with ncfiles:", path+ncfile
> ncfile=os.path.join(path,ncfile)
> ncfile=Dataset(ncfile, 'r+', 'NETCDF4')
> TIME=ncfile.variables['time'][1::]
> #variable=ncfile.variables[ncvariablename][:,:,:]
> TSFC00=ncfile.variables[ncvariablename][00:01:,:,:]
> TSFC12=ncfile.variables[ncvariablename][12:13:,:,:]
> fillvalue=ncfile.variables[ncvariablename]._FillValue
> ncfile.close()

Indentation seems to have gotten lost in email transit.
Maybe you didn't post in plain text?

> #combine all data from the chosen variable to make one array for analyses
> cdftime=utime('seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00')
> ncfiletime=cdftime.num2date(TIME)
> for i in ncfiletime[:]:
> ncfiletime=i

This is a really bad idea. You are using the same variabvle name to hold 
the collection you iterate over then reassigning it to the items within 
the loop. Why not just use i (but use a better name!) within
the loop body rather than reassign it?

And if you must reassign it use a name other than the one you already 
used for the collection. Using the same name in two different ways
is a recipe for confusion.

> timestr=str(ncfiletime)
> d = datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
> date_string = d.strftime('%H')#combine by same hour
> print "the ncfiletime is:", ncfiletime
> print "the date_string is:", date_string
> if date_string=='00':
> time00.append(TSFC00)
> elif date_string=='12':
> time12.append(TSFC12)
> else:
> pass
> big_arraytime00=N.ma.concatenate(time00)
> big_arraytime12=N.ma.concatenate(time12)
> MAX00=big_arraytime00.max(axis=0)
> MAX12=big_arraytime12.max(axis=0)
> #plot output summary stats
> map = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=-40,urcrnrlat=-33,
> llcrnrlon=139.0,urcrnrlon=151.0,lat_ts=0,resolution='i')
> map.drawcoastlines()
> map.drawstates()
> map.readshapefile(shapefile1, 'REGIONS')
> x,y=map(*N.meshgrid(LON,LAT))
> plottitle='TSFCmax00'

another constant assignment that could be in the
initialization code section

> plt.title(plottitle)
> CS = map.contourf(x,y,MAX00, ticks, cmap=cmap)

> l,b,w,h =0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8
> cax = plt.axes([l+w+0.025, b, 0.025, h])
> plt.colorbar(CS,cax=cax, drawedges=True)
> plt.savefig((os.path.join(OutputFolder, plottitle+'.png')))
> plt.show()
> plt.close()
> map = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=-40,urcrnrlat=-33,
> llcrnrlon=139.0,urcrnrlon=151.0,lat_ts=0,resolution='i')
> map.drawcoastlines()
> map.drawstates()
> map.readshapefile(shapefile1, 'REGIONS')
> x,y=map(*N.meshgrid(LON,LAT))
> plottitle='TSFCmax12'
> plt.title(plottitle)
> CS = map.contourf(x,y,MAX12, ticks, cmap=cmap)
> l,b,w,h =0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8

why repeat the previous assignment?

> cax = plt.axes([l+w+0.025, b, 0.025, h])
> plt.colorbar(CS,cax=cax, drawedges=True)
> plt.savefig((os.path.join(OutputFolder, plottitle+'.png')))
> plt.show()
> plt.close()

Note the repetition of the code. Make these lines
into a function.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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