[Tutor] Advice needed by a new to Python but abit experience software dev

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun May 4 11:14:07 CEST 2014

On 03/05/14 00:51, Muhammed Salman wrote:

> I have to develop a simple web app. ... I do not want you guys to
> do this project for me ;). But what I want is that maybe you guys can
> give me some hints about where to start and make my journey easy by
> giving me some good pointers on what to look for and what not to.

This list is mainly about the Python language and its standard library.
Other libraries are best supported by their own forumns. And your list 
is pretty much all non-standard...

>  1. Flask

There should be a flask forum

>  2. SQLAlchemy

Definitely has several fora that discuss it including several web 
frameworks that use it (eg TurboGears)

>  3. PostgreSQL
>  4. Git  +  Github

All industry standard and many forums.
The Python bindings to PostGres are fairly standard so we
can probably help there.

>  5. WTForms
>  6. Heroku
>  7. Bootstrap

Never heard of any of these. You probably need to go to their fora.

>  8. pytest

We can probably help here.

> Unfortunately, I only know about SQL and Git and abit about heroku. All
> other things are totally new to me.

In that case its an interesting choice of technologies!
I would focus first on the web framework.
I don't personally know much about flask but I've heard
good things about it. Thee should be tutorials etc on
the flask site and they should give you clues about
how the other bits fit in. For example if flask uses
SqlAlchemy then the PostGres bits should be almost
invisible to you.

> is open for tutoring or some sort of continuous guidance that would be
> also more than appreciated.

We work mainly in a Q&A style so if you have specific questions that you 
think this list can help with feel free to post.
The more specific the question the more specific the answer :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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