[Tutor] Stephen Mik-Novice Python Programmer(Version 3.4.0)Can't get help using Dictionaries, Lists to 'Hangman Game Problem"
C Smith
illusiontechniques at gmail.com
Mon May 5 01:45:28 CEST 2014
Hey, you will want to include some code to show your progress so far.
Can you write a basic program and then work the requirements into it?
Do you have some idea of where to start? Are you supposed to modify a
completed version of "hangman" that is in your text, or come up with
an original 'hangman' program? Does the hangman game need a graphical
interface, or is just printing words to the screen fine?
On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Stephen Mik
<mik.stephen at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:
> Dear Python World:
> I am almost brand new to Python 3.4.0 and am taking a beginning Python
> Programming class at the nearby Community College. One major problem I have
> is time management with beginning pseudo code and coding for my Class
> Assignments. The instructor prefers Office Hour help,and does not respond to
> email.
> One of my Class Assignments due on May 9,2014 deals with making a
> version of the "Hangman Game" which I'm sure somebody out there is familiar
> with. The program problem says to use 1.Dictionaries 2. Lists 3.Embedded
> While lists 4.for loops and more. I can refer to the Textbook for the class
> to get a basic idea of what some of the code will look like,but I cannot
> fathom how to use a Dictionary or List in order to enhance the Basic
> Hangman Game Problem in the text (written by Michael Dawson). The Text does
> cover "Dictionaries","Lists","While Loops","For Loops" but doesn't "amplify"
> and show with examples how some of these Data Structures can be used. And my
> instructor's Assignment directions are very terse and "you do it by
> yourself".
> If I can't get some ideas and hints from the Python Community by
> Monday,May 5,2014, I will have to hold off this difficult programming
> assignment until Tuesday,May 6,2014 when the instructor will be available to
> help. That leaves me just 3 days to pseudocode,code in Python,fix syntax and
> run-time and Logical errors before I can turn it in by Friday,May 16,2014.
> The instructor will only probably give me a suggestion and not some tangible
> ideas.Any thoughts out there about how to implement the Loops and Data
> Structures into a "Hangman Game" programming problem?
> SINCERELY,Stephen W. Mik
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