[Tutor] Translator - multiple choice answer

C Smith illusiontechniques at gmail.com
Thu May 15 01:25:11 CEST 2014

This might be useful for reading values from a text value into a dictionary:

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at hashcollision.org> wrote:
>> Program read TXT file (c:\\slo3.txt)
>> In this file there are two words per line separated by tab.
>> First word is foreign language and second word is proper translation, like
>> this:
>> pivo    beer
>> kruh    bread
>> rdeca   red
>> krompir potatoe
>> hisa    house
>> cesta   road
>> auto    car
>> (not even trying to mess with special characters for now, lol)
> Do look at:
>     http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html
> because the fact that you're dealing with foreign language means you
> want to get it right.
> If it were me, I'd just say that the input is UTF-8 encoded text, and
> always open up the file in utf-8 mode.
>     myfile = open("slo3.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")
> and just know that we're working with Unicode from that point forward.
>> I was going to read content into dictionary, each pair as tuple but I gave
>> up, couldn't figure it out. Looks like it is working with the list so no
>> problem.
>> Question 1: would be better to use dictionary, than list?
> It depends.
> If you're picking out a random entry, then having a dictionary in hand
> is not going to need the key lookup support that dictionaries give
> you.
> For the application you're describing right now, it doesn't sound like
> you need this yet.
>> Question 2: slo3.txt is just small sample for now and before I type in all
>> words, I would like to know is it better to use some other separator such as
>> coma or empty space instead of TAB? I found on the internet example for TAB
>> only, so this is what I'm using for now.
> TAB is a reasonable separator.  You might also consider comma, as in
> Comma-Separated Values (CSV).
> If your data starts having more structure, then check back with folks
> on the tutor mailing list.  There are richer formats you can use, but
> your program's description suggests that you probably don't need the
> complexity yet.
>> I need help with two things. First one is simple, basic, but I couldn't
>> figure it out. If I want to print out 'Wrong,,,,' part in the same line next
>> to wrong answer, how do I do it?
> The print function puts a newline at the end.  You can change this
> default behavior by providing an "end" keyword to it.  The
> documentation mentions it here:
>     https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#print
> Small test program to demonstrate:
> ################
> print("Hello ", end="")
> print("world ")
> ################
>> Now, big, huge help request.
>> I would like to make it easy on my wife :-) instead of her needing to type
>> in answer I would like that she could choose (click on) multiple choice. Say
>> she get 4 or 5 possible answers and one of them is correct. Then she need to
>> click on correct answer...
>> What do I need to do? I understand there will be some graphic/windows things
>> involved. I don't have any additional packages or libraries installed, nor
>> do I know what/how do do it. Complete noob....
> How about printing them with numbers, so that entry is just a number
> rather than the typed word?
> You can put a graphical user interface on the program, though it does
> take a bit more effort to get it to work.
> Look into "Tkinter", which is a library for producing graphical user interfaces:
>     https://wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter
> Another option might be to turn your program into a web site, so that
> the interface is the web browser, which everyone is getting used to
> these days.  But this, too, is also... involved.  :P
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