[Tutor] While Loop?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon May 19 09:39:40 CEST 2014

On 18/05/14 23:44, Sam Ball wrote:

>> I however would like to add in another line that tells the user their account is invalid
>> before looping around and asking them to re enter their account.

OK, Time to introdusce another Pyhon idioM, the break clause.

while True:   # loop forever
     get input from user
     check/convert input
     if no errors:
        break   # exits the loop
     print error message here

"Please Input Your Account Number:")
>>     userAccountNumber = int(userAccount)
>> As for users typing in a name like "Charlie" or a float I would like that to spit out
>> an error also, but I haven't learned how to accomplish that yet.

The code you have will detect the error and throw an exception.
To stay in the loop you need to catch those exceptions in a try/except 

while True:
       get input
       check/convert input
    except error1, error2,....:
       print error messages here

If you haven't covered try/except yet then you should read up on it
as it has several variations and subtleties.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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