[Tutor] While truth

Ian D duxbuz at hotmail.com
Tue May 20 10:25:48 CEST 2014

I was reading a tutorial that had these examples in it:

>>> while False:

  print("False is the new True.")

>>> while 6:

  print("Which numbers are True?")

while -1:

  print("Which numbers are True?")

while 0:

  print("Which numbers are True?")

Unfortunately the author never explained these statements.

I was wondering if the gist of a while statement could be explained in the context of these examples.

e.g. while False:

means while True is False, which is never True because True is of course True not False.

but while 6:

means..... err while 6 is True? and this is True because... err.

Anyway I am a  bit lost with this.

Can anyone shed any light please?


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