[Tutor] Option on How to create web Interface

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu May 22 04:44:46 CEST 2014

fabu desay <mydayfabu at gmail.com> Wrote in message:
> If I got the problem correctly

What problem is that? I see no context. 

>   ,you can equally create + open a file
> file =  open(filename,+wr)

But the second argument must be a string.  I cannot imagine any
 content in the wrong variable that would produce a string

> The file should have the HTML extension
> You can now pace your web contents in the file.html you created

So which is it? HTML or html? They are very different. 

> that should work by trigering the python file you programed in and it
> inturn creates the website or pages of your choice
> an example like this could help
> webpage = open('index.html', 'w+')
> webpage.write("<html><head><title>My web page</title></head>");
> webpage.write("<body>This the body</body></html>");
> webpage.close()

Which webserver is this intended for?  Certainly not cgi. 

Was this message intended to be a reply to somebody?  If you had
 done that, and maybe quoted some context,  perhaps it'd make
 sense to me.


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