[Tutor] Read a matrix with lines in different behavior

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 23 16:39:55 CEST 2014

On 23/05/2014 13:23, Felipe Melo wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to read the below matrix, identify when the characters in front
> of "want = " are equal to "1" and then save in an array and in an output
> file the characters above. But I don't know how to identify the second
> line and store in a variable:
> alpha=0 beta=2 gamma=50
> want = 0
> alpha=0 beta=2 gamma=50
> want = 1
> alpha=0 beta=2 gamma=50
> want = 0
> alpha=0 beta=2 gamma=50
> want = 1
> alpha=0 beta=2 gamma=50
> want = 0
> This is part of the code:
>      try:
>          datadir = '/home/me/Test_python/'
>      fileHandle = open( "%s/teste.txt"%datadir, 'r'
>   )
>          vector = [ ]
>          for line in fileHandle.readlines():
>              line=line.strip()
>              a = line.split(" ")[0]
>              print a
>              b = line.split(" ")[1]
>              print b
>              c = line.split(" ")[2]
>              print c
>              d = line.split(" ")[3]
>              print d
>              if d == "1":
>                 vector.append([a,b,c])
>                 n = n + 1
>          fileHandle.close()
>      file = open("saida.txt","w")
>          for cont in range(n):
>              file.write = vector
>      except:
>          print "Exception"
>          sys.exit( 1 )
> When I execute the code there is an error when the loop finds the second
> line
> [felipe at grumari Test_python]$ python verificar.py
> alpha=0
> beta=2
> gamma=50
> Exception

You've made a classic newbie mistake by catching all exceptions.  Take 
the try/except out of your code and Python will tell you precisely where 
your problem actually is.  Try this and if you can't make any progress 
please get back to us.  You also only need one call to line.split, not 
four, and I'm unsure whather or not the call to vector.append is what 
you actually want.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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