[Tutor] How parse files in function of number of lines

jarod_v6 at libero.it jarod_v6 at libero.it
Wed May 28 21:16:44 CEST 2014

Dear all!
I have two example files:
name	value	root
mark	34	yes

name	value	root

I want to print a different text if I have more than one row and if I have 
only one row. My code is this:
with open("tmp.csv") as p:
    header =p.next()
    for i in p:
        print i
        g = ()
    if not g:
            print  header
mark	34	yes


I want to obtain only where I have only the header the header string? How can 
I do this?Thnks for your great patience and help!

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