[Tutor] Help with Dice game

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Nov 11 13:07:29 CET 2014

<coryloghry at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> Wrote in message:
> <!--
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> Hello, I can not for the life of me figure out where I have gone wrong.  I wrote the following code as a simulation for the table top game x-wing.  It basically simulates dice rolls but the issue is the fact that every time I choose a number of dice to roll, they all hit.  None of them ever miss.  Thank You.
> import random
> print("X-wing dice simulator")
> x = int(input("How many dice will the offensive player be rolling?\n"))
> y = int(input("How many dice will the defensive player be rolling?\n"))
> hits = 0
> crits = 0
> dodges = 0
> offense = 0
> defense = 0
> while offense < x:
>     odie = random.randint(1,8)
>     if odie <= 4:
>         hits = hits + 1
>         offense = offense + 1

>     if odie == 4:

This should be indented, to line up with offens= line

>         crits = crits + 1
>         offense = offense + 1
>     else:

Then this else will mean odie >4
But then instead of continue, you'll need to increment offense.
>         continue

> while defense < y:
>     ddie = random.randint(1,8)
>     if ddie <= 3:
>         dodges = dodges + 1
>         defense = defense + 1
>     else:
>         continue

Continue doesn't help, you need to increment defense.

> print("The offensive player lands", hits,"hits and", crits,"crits\n")
> print("The defensive player dodges", dodges, "hits\n")
> print("The offensive player deals", int((hits + crits) - dodges), "to the defensive player")

You'd have done yourself a favor to do loops with range (),
 instead of the while loops.

For example

for qq in range (x):


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