[Tutor] Empty GraphicsWindow

niyanaxx95 at gmail.com niyanaxx95 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 04:00:42 CET 2014

I need help figuring why my GraphicsWindow empty, I cannot figure out why it is empty. 

Here is my code :

# Import graphics from module
from graphics import GraphicsWindow

tileSize = 0

def main() :
    # Define global variables
    tilesInRow = 0
    tilesInCol = 0
    gapX = 0
    gapY = 0
    # Input room width
    roomWidth = getNumber(100, 500, "Enter a room width between 100 and 500: ", "")
    roomLength = getNumber(100, 450, "Enter a room length between 100 and 450: ", "")
    tileSize = getNumber(20, 50, "Enter a tile size between 20 and 50: ", "")
    numCols = tilesForSize(roomWidth, tileSize)
    print("The total number of Columns:", numCols)
    numRows = tilesForSize(roomLength, tileSize)
    print("The total number of Rows:", numRows)
    # Print the total number of tiles
    print("The total number or Tiles: %d" %(numCols * numRows))
    # Calculate the gap
    # the gap = (the total width - the number of tiles * tile width / 2
    gapX = calculateGap(roomWidth, numCols)
    gapY = calculateGap(roomLength, numRows)
    # Print the gaps
    print("The gap at each end of a row is: %.1f" % (gapX))
    print("The gap at each end of a column is: %.1f" % (gapY))
    # Draw graphics window
    win = GraphicsWindow(roomWidth, roomLength)
    canvas = win.canvas()
    # Draw the checkered surface
    for row in range(numRows) :
        # If the row is even
        if row % 2 == 0 :
            # If the column is even set color to black, if odd yellow
            drawRow(canvas, row, gapX, numCols, gapY, "black", "yellow")

        # If the row is odd
            # If the column is even set color to yellow, if odd black
            drawRow(canvas, row, gapX, numCols, gapY, "yellow", "black")      
def getNumber(minBound, maxBound, msg, err_msg) :
    num = minBound - 1
    while num < minBound or num > maxBound :
        if(msg == "") :
            num = float(input("Enter a number between %f and %f: " % (minBound, maxBound)))
        else :
            num = float(input(msg))
        if num < minBound or num > maxBound :
            if err_msg == "" :
                print("Invalid input.")   
    return num

def tilesForSize(size, tileSize) : 
    pairs = int(size - tileSize) // int(2 * tileSize)
    num = int(1 + (2 * pairs))
    return num

def calculateGap(size, num) :
    return (size - num * tileSize) / 2

def drawRow(canvas, row, gapX, numCols, gapY, color1, color2) :
    for col in range(numCols) :
        if col % 2 == 0 :
        # Draw the actual rectangle
        canvas.drawRect(row * tileSize + gapX, col * tileSize + gapY, tileSize, tileSize)
main ()

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