[Tutor] Infinite Recursion

William Becerra wbecerra1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 09:41:40 CEST 2014

Hey, I'm new to programming.
Using python 2.7.8 and running windows8 OS
I'm reading 'How to think like a computer scientist, learning with Python'
I'm in chapter 4 sub-chapter 4.11 Infinite recursion

According to the book if I write
def recurse():
I should get the following error
File"<stdin>", line2, in recurse
( 98 repetitions omittted)
File "<stdin>", line 2, in recurse
RuntimeError: Maximum recursion depth exceeded.

I don't get that error, instead the Python shell prints out two blank lines.

>From what i understand if i don't get the error the infinite recursion is
been tried by the shell.

Am I missing anything in the code?
and If anything is wrong. How can I write a easy Infinite recursion to help
me grasp the concept?
Thank You.
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