[Tutor] Code critique
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Sat Oct 25 09:38:59 CEST 2014
Bo Morris wrote:
> Thank you all for the helpful criticism. I wish I was able to catch on to
> what you are suggesting more quickly.
> Based on your recommendations, I have come up with the following so far,
> however I just dont see it as easily as I did while using the if/elif
> statements.
> This is what I have so far. I can not figure out how to iterate through
> the dictionary inserting each value where "png_file" should be and execute
> the code for each ip address in the list. I was able to do it using the
> if/elif statements, but I am afraid I am lost trying to do it another way.
> ipList = ['ip-1', 'ip-2', 'ip-3', 'ip-4', 'ip-5', 'ip-6', 'ip-7', 'ip-8',
> 'ip-9']
> host = {'3102EHD-01108':'3102EHD-01108.png',
> '3102EHD-01109':'3102DHD-01109.png',
> '3102EHD-MUTV-1082':'3102EHD-01082.png',
> '3102DHD-01033':'3102DHD-MUTV-1033.png',
> 'Encoder':'3102EHD-01302.png',
> '3102DHD-01149':'3102DHD-01149.png',
> '3102EHD-01125':'3102EHD-01125.png',
> '3102DHD-01144':'3102DHD-01144.png',
> '3102EHD-01105':'3102EHD-01105.png'}
> # iterate through the dictionary inserting the png file
> def get_png_file(?):
> process = get_png_file.get(hostname, png_file)
> s.exec_command('export DISPLAY=:0.0; /Downloads/Hourly/win.sh')
> sftp = s.open_sftp()
> sftp.get('/Downloads/Hourly/'png_file,'/Downloads/Hourly/'png_file)
> sftp.close()
> print 'file recieved'
> user = 'user'
> passwd = 'password'
> s = paramiko.SSHClient()
> s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
> # iterate through the list and do the below for each
> for ip in ipList:
> s.connect(ip,22,user,passwd,timeout=4)
> ####since I have all the hostnames in the dic, and I am removing
> ####the if/elif statments, do I need the below command 'echo $HOSTNAME'?
> stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command('echo $HOSTNAME')
> out = stdout.read()
> get_png_file(?)
As hinted in my previous post I don't think you need a dict here. Once you
have the hostname you can build the filename from it with hostname + ".png".
Here's what I had in mind, unfortunately totally untested:
import os
import paramiko
ip_list = [
'ip-1', 'ip-2', 'ip-3', 'ip-4', 'ip-5',
'ip-6', 'ip-7', 'ip-8', 'ip-9']
def connect(ip):
user = 'user'
passwd = 'password'
s = paramiko.SSHClient()
s.connect(ip, 22, user, passwd, timeout=4)
stdin, stdout, stderr = s.exec_command('echo $HOSTNAME')
hostname = stdout.read().strip()
filename = hostname + ".png"
png_source = os.path.join("/Downloads/Hourly", filename)
png_dest = os.path.join("/Downloads/Hourly", hostname, filename)
s.exec_command('export DISPLAY=:0.0; /Downloads/Hourly/win.sh')
sftp = s.open_sftp()
sftp.get(png_dest, png_source)
print "file", png_dest, "received"
for ip in ip_list:
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