[Tutor] command counter

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sat Sep 6 04:46:12 CEST 2014

Crush <crushed26 at gmail.com> Wrote in message:
> My code is as follows...
> count = 0
> while count < 3:
>   count += 1
>    subprocess.Popen('command')
> if count == 3:
>   sys.exit()

The line beginning "subp" is indented further than the one before
 it, so this script would terminate with an indentation error.

Once you've fixed that we should look at the if statement. If the
 count is 3 it calls sys.exit. But of course count is 3, or we
 wouldn't have finished the while loop.  And you terminate anyway
 when you fall off the end of the script.  So why call sys.exit

Finally,  if you just want to something 3 times, why not use a for

for count in range (3):


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