[Tutor] Python 3: List Comprehensions + range

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 20:28:28 CEST 2014

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Juan Christian
<juan0christian at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a ' self.size = json['number_of_seasons'] ' that equals 5 (already
> checked), the problem is that the API have some series with special seasons,
> aka, season_number = 0, and I don't want to get those.
> I have the following list comp: self.season = [Season(ID, season, self) for
> season in range(1, self.size + 1)]

You are calling Season with different parameters than it was defined to accept.
> Let's say I want Breaking Bad, 5 seasons, but this serie has a special
> season 0. Reading the list comp, I get a range from 1 (in order to ignore
> season 0) to 5 (range is half-open, so I need size + 1, maybe later I can
> implement a closed_range, but I don't think this will be necessary as this
> is the only place I'll ever use this). Then I get the current number and
> hold it on the var season, then I call Season() with this number, but I'm
> still fetching episodes from the season 0 and I don't know why!
> Code:
> import requests
> from consts import API
> from person import Person
> from character import Character
> class Serie:
> def __init__(self, ID):
> response = requests.get('{query}/{id}?api_key={key}'.format(query =
> API.QUERY_SERIE, id = ID, key = API.KEY))
> json = response.json()
> self.id = ID
> self.title = json['name']
> self.date = json['first_air_date']
> self.size = json['number_of_seasons']
> self.season = [Season(ID, season, self) for season in range(1, self.size +
> 1)]
> class Season:
> def __init__(self, ID, season, serie):
> response = requests.get('{query}/{id}/season/{s}?api_key={key}'.format(query
> = API.QUERY_SERIE, id = ID, s = season, key = API.KEY))
> json = response.json()
> self.number = season
> self.serie = serie
> self.date = json['air_date']
> self.episode = [Episode(ID, episode['episode_number'], self) for episode in
> json['episodes']]
> self.size = len(self.episode)
> class Episode:
> def __init__(self, ID, episode, season):
> response =
> requests.get('{query}/{id}/season/{s}/episode/{e}?api_key={key}'.format(query
> = API.QUERY_EPISODE, id = ID, s = season, e = episode, key = API.KEY))
> json = response.json()
> print(json)
> print("\n")
> self.number = episode
> self.title = json['name']
> self.date = json['air_date']
> response =
> requests.get('{query}/{id}/season/{s}/episode/{e}/credits?api_key={key}'.format(query
> = API.QUERY_EPISODE, id = ID, s = season, e = episode, key = API.KEY))
> json = response.json()
> self.cast = [Character(person['character'], Person(person['id'])) for person
> in json['cast']]
> self.cast_size = len(self.cast)
> s = Serie("1396")
> print("DEBUG: " + s.title + " : " + s.id + " : " + s.date + " : " + s.size)
> print(json) is giving me:
> {'vote_average': 0.0, 'id': 62131, 'air_date': '2009-02-17', 'still_path':
> '/t729tFVXPetnJlJ2VsUZQz0rX6v.jpg', 'overview
> ': "Hank and Marie try to spice up their relationship on Valentine's Day.",
> 'episode_number': 1, 'production_code': None
> , 'season_number': 0, 'vote_count': 0, 'name': 'Good Cop Bad Cop'}
> {'vote_average': 0.0, 'id': 62133, 'air_date': '2009-02-17', 'still_path':
> '/wT62P6ZnjKgZXk0M5hHl4e5zSjB.jpg', 'overview
> ': 'Walt and Hank have a talk before Hank gets married.', 'episode_number':
> 2, 'production_code': None, 'season_number':
>  0, 'vote_count': 0, 'name': 'Wedding Day'}
> {'vote_average': 0.0, 'id': 62132, 'air_date': '2009-02-17', 'still_path':
> '/gUHAqFw3Ptzya96JFFE9xVfMjze.jpg', 'overview
> ': 'Jesse and Badger make a behind the scenes video about their band
> "TwaughtHammer" and show a music video for their so
> ng "Fallacies."', 'episode_number': 3, 'production_code': None,
> 'season_number': 0, 'vote_count': 0, 'name': 'TwaughtHam
> mer'}
> [...]
> As you can see, 'season_number': 0, and I want 1 and above only.
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Joel Goldstick

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