[Tutor] Functional Programming in Python

WolfRage wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 03:53:28 CEST 2015

So I was surprised I did not get more feedback on my abused coroutine, 
maybe that is good or bad, not sure.
Any ways I am on to trying to make that coroutine act more like the 
State Pattern from Gang of Four. And well reading this:
I am not sure how to do this:
class Heroine
   virtual void handleInput(Input input)
     state_->handleInput(*this, input);

   virtual void update()

   // Other methods...
   HeroineState* state_;

(Pointing to the different classes. Since C++ has virtual methods but 
Python does not?) in Python? Do I just reference the new method? Because 
state_ will always be the correct object?

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