[Tutor] annoying directory structure

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Apr 10 01:44:27 CEST 2015

On 04/09/2015 06:17 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:

Please put your remarks *after* whatever quoting you do, not before.  In 
other words, don't top-post.

> Looks like I can work it, but some walk paths are coming out as two strings
> back to back, which I know python concatenates with print, but how do I
> concatenate them without print so I can use them in my script to append to
> the mp4 filenames and have a windows readable path?. i.e., I am getting
> this sort of triplet when I go through the generator. After doing that the
> rest seems easy enough:
> A = ('I:\\VIDS\\Learn Python Track\\07. Regular Expressions in
> Python\\Stage '
>   '1\\01. Introduction to Regular Expressions\\07. Compiling and Loops',
>   [],
>   ['Compiling and Loops.mp4', 'Compiling and Loops.srt'])
>>> A[0]
> ('I:\\VIDS\\Learn Python Track\\07. Regular Expressions in Python\\Stage '
>   '1\\01. Introduction to Regular Expressions\\07. Compiling and Loops')

that's not what you'd get if you had done the previous two lines.  So 
please post some real code, and maybe you'll get some help.

> Still two unconcatenated strings

You didn't do anything to concatenate anything, so I'm not sure what 
you're talking about.

> And why do I still have tuple parentheses for A[0], which should be a
> concatenated string?

Nonsense without context.  What's your code?

If you're inside a loop on os.walk, the easiest way to make readable 
code is to use implicit tuple unpacking.

See https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/os.html#os.walk

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames = os.walk(  whatever ):
     #Do something here with dirpath and each of the filenames

Once you have a path and a basename you need to combine, you *could* use 
+ on the two strings.  But it'd be much better to use os.path.join().  See



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