[Tutor] Please disable “digest” mode in order to participate (was: Tutor Digest, Vol 134, Issue 32 - amazing range)

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sun Apr 12 12:56:45 CEST 2015

In a message of Sun, 12 Apr 2015 18:05:16 +1000, Ben Finney writes:
>Jim, you are evidently receiving “digest” messages from this forum.
>Please disable that in order to receive individual messages, so you can
>participate properly: responding to individual messages that the rest of
>us see.
>Enabling “digest” mode is only for when you are *certain* that you will
>never at any point need to respond to any message from the forum. That's
>not true, so should be turned off.

Or see if your mailer, like mine, has an option for bursting digests in
place. Bursting is splitting a digest into individual messages so that
you can reply to them individually. (Very few mailers do this, which
is a real shame.  And every one I know of calls this 'bursting'.)
Then please burst your digests before you reply to them.

Laura Creighton

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