[Tutor] where is the wsgi server root?

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 18:56:32 CEST 2015

I set up a simple python wsgi server on port 8000,  which works, but where
the heck is the server root? Is there a physical server root I can simply
put a python program in, as I put a html program into the wampserver root,
and see it in a browser on localhost:port 8000, or do I need to do a bit
more reading ;')   I just cut and pasted the server setup code from the
docs, and assumed a server would have a physical root as my local
wampserver does. I don't want to fool with django right now - just do the
simplest thing to see if I can get python on a web page since I'm used to
making them.

Or if the root is virtual how do I set up a physical root?

Or am I totally confused?


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