[Tutor] Reference last email message...
Ken G.
beachkidken at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 14:03:03 CEST 2015
On 04/15/2015 08:45 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 04/15/2015 07:47 PM, Ken G. wrote:
>> I just emailed that I was unable to correct a message in ModTools
>> so I went to Yahoo and made the change and then approved it.
>> Noticing it did not appear on the list, I checked the Activity Log
>> in Yahoo and it was marked Bounced!
>> Several days ago, we had another message correction and that
>> too, bounced.
> It's conceivable that you're referring to:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/modtools/1.0.2
> But your message is so garbled that I have no idea how to respond.
> You have a gmail address, but you're somehow involved with yahoo.
> You refer to "the list," but never say if it's this one.
> You refer to "message correction" but there's no standard way to
> modify a message on python-tutor once it's mailed or posted. So
> perhaps the message correction and the list you're referring to are
> somewhere else.
> Python-tutor is a limited mailing list that only takes messages from
> those who have subscribed/joined. So perhaps you have two different
> email addresses and you've registered using gmail, and are trying to
> post using yahoo.
> In any case, if it is ModTools, this is the wrong list to post
> questions. This list is intended for usage of the Python language and
> the standard library, and while other subjects are permissible,
> they're not as likely to get good responses.
> I'd suggest you email to python-list at python.org a new message,
> starting a new thread. Be explicit about your question, supplying a
> URL when you refer to a 3rd party package, and giving python version
> and OS version. Then show exactly what you've tried and what the
> result was, posting a full traceback if you got an exception.
Oh my! I send this to the wrong address. My apology. < redfaced >
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