[Tutor] Please Help to build an addon for Anki
Mahesh Chiramure
mchirmure at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 10:54:46 CEST 2015
I liked the addon "Picture-flasher" written for anki very much
and I was wondering if the same thing could be done with mp3 and/or
flac files. Means I am looking for an addon that chooses a random mp3
and/or flac file from a directory provided by me (to the addon as we
have to provide in "Picture-flasher") and plays it on successful
reviewing of a certain number of cards (as does the addon
"Picture-flasher"). As a music lover, I feel that this addon can
motivate a whole lot of music lovers out there to pay a visit to Anki
on their PC and review to listen to their favorite mp3 and/or flac
files as a reward.
I am not a programmer yet, please guide.
Hoping for a quick response.
Mahesh Chirmure
-------------- next part --------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Picture-Flasher (a plugin for Anki)
# Authors:
# Emanuel Rylke, ema-fox at web.de
# D_Malik, malik6174 at gmail.com
# Version 2
# License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
A simple plugin that flashes pictures on-screen to reinforce reviews.
Before using:
- Get pictures from someplace. I downloaded pictures off reddit using the script at https://github.com/dpbrown/RedditImageGrab
- Change all lines (in the plugin source) marked with "CHANGEME" according to your preferences.
For more details, see the post at For more details, see the post at http://lesswrong.com/r/discussion/lw/frc/two_anki_plugins_to_reinforce_reviewing/
from anki.hooks import addHook
from aqt import mw
from random import random, choice
from aqt.qt import QSplashScreen, QPixmap, QTimer
from os import listdir
#------ begin configuration ------#
pictureDirectory = "E://Family stuff//22 Feb//Personal//College//A J//" #CHANGEME to the directory where you're storing your pictures. NB: This MUST end with a trailing slash e.g. D://Family stuff//19 Jan//Imgs//Wallys//, D://Family stuff//22 Feb//Imgs//Windows 7//.
flashTime = 3000 #CHANGEME to change how long pictures stay on the screen. The number is time in milliseconds.
#flashPosition = [20, 1050] #CHANGEME if you want the picture to be shown at a specific location. The numbers are x- and y-coordinates.
#CHANGEME: The next lines are a python dictionary associating deck names with probabilities of pictures being shown.
#Eg, when using the deck "brainscience", you will get a picture after 30% of cards. When using a deck without a listed name, "other" is used.
#Change this according to your decks. Decks with shorter, easier cards need lower probabilities.
deckPicsProbabilities = {
"rocketsurgery" : 0.3,
"brainscience" : 0.5,
"other" : 0.1,
#------- end configuration -------#
pics = listdir(pictureDirectory)
def showPics():
if mw.col.decks.current()['name'] in deckPicsProbabilities:
picsProbability = deckPicsProbabilities[mw.col.decks.current()['name']]
picsProbability = deckPicsProbabilities["other"]
if random() < picsProbability:
mw.splash = QSplashScreen(QPixmap(pictureDirectory + choice(pics)))
mw.splash.move(flashPosition[0], flashPosition[1])
except NameError:
QTimer.singleShot(flashTime, mw.splash.close)
addHook("showQuestion", showPics)
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