[Tutor] String Attribute

Ltc Hotspot ltc.hotspot at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 03:20:04 CEST 2015

Hi Alan,

I made a mistake and incorrectly assumed that differences between 54 lines
of output and 27 lines of output is the result of removing duplicate email
addresses, i.e., gsilver at umich.edu
gsilver at umich.edu, cwen at iupui.edu, cwen at iupui.edu

Apparently, this is not the case and I was wrong :(
The solution to the problem is in the  desired line output:

stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
louis at media.berkeley.edu
zqian at umich.edu
rjlowe at iupui.edu
zqian at umich.edu
rjlowe at iupui.edu
cwen at iupui.edu
cwen at iupui.edu
gsilver at umich.edu
gsilver at umich.edu
zqian at umich.edu
gsilver at umich.edu
wagnermr at iupui.edu
zqian at umich.edu
antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk
gopal.ramasammycook at gmail.com
david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
david.horwitz at uct.ac.za
stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
louis at media.berkeley.edu
louis at media.berkeley.edu
ray at media.berkeley.edu
cwen at iupui.edu
cwen at iupui.edu
cwen at iupui.edu
There were 27 lines in the file with From as the first word
Not in the output of a subset.

Latest output:
set(['stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za', 'louis at media.berkeley.edu', '
zqian at umich.edu', 'rjlowe at iupui.edu', 'cwen at iupui.edu', 'gsilver at umich.edu',
'wagnermr at iupui.edu', 'antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk', '
gopal.ramasammycook at gmail.com', 'david.horwitz at uct.ac.za', '
ray at media.berkeley.edu']) ← Mismatch
There were 54 lines in the file with From as the first word

Latest revised code:
fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
if len(fname) < 1 : fname = "mbox-short.txt"
fh = open(fname)
count = 0
addresses = set()
for line in fh:
    if line.startswith('From'):
        line2 = line.strip()
        line3 = line2.split()
        line4 = line3[1]
        count = count + 1
print addresses
print "There were", count, "lines in the file with From as the first word"


On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 5:44 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>

> On 02/08/15 00:07, Ltc Hotspot wrote:
>> Question1: The output result is an address or line?
> Its your assignment,. you tell me.
> But from your previous mails I'm assuming you want addresses?
> Question2: Why are there 54 lines as compared to 27 line in the desired
>> output?
> Because the set removes duplicates? So presumably there were 27
> duplicates? (Which is a suspicious coincidence!)
> fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
>> if len(fname) < 1 : fname = "mbox-short.txt"
>> fh = open(fname)
>> count = 0
>> addresses = set()
>> for line in fh:
>>      if line.startswith('From'):
>>          line2 = line.strip()
>>          line3 = line2.split()
>>          line4 = line3[1]
>>          addresses.add(line4)
>>          count = count + 1
>> print addresses
>> print "There were", count, "lines in the file with From as the first word"
> That looks right in that it does what I think you want it to do.
> The output result:
>> set(['stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za', 'louis at media.berkeley.edu', '
>> zqian at umich.edu', 'rjlowe at iupui.edu', 'cwen at iupui.edu', '
>> gsilver at umich.edu',
>> 'wagnermr at iupui.edu', 'antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk','
>> gopal.ramasammycook at gmail.com', 'david.horwitz at uct.ac.za', '
>> ray at media.berkeley.edu']) ← Mismatch
> That is the set of unique addresses, correct?
> There were 54 lines in the file with From as the first word
> And that seems to be the number of lines in the original file
> starting with From. Can you check manually if that is correct?
> The desired output result:
>> stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
>> louis at media.berkeley.edu
>> zqian at umich.edu
>> rjlowe at iupui.edu
>> zqian at umich.edu
>> rjlowe at iupui.edu
> ...
> Now I'm confused again. This has duplicates but you said you
> did not want duplicates? Which is it?
> ...
>> cwen at iupui.edu
>> cwen at iupui.edu
>> There were 27 lines in the file with From as the first word
> And this is reporting the number of lines in the output
> rather than the file (I think). Which do you want?
> Its easy enough to change the code to govre the output
> you demonstrate, but that's not what you originally asked
> for. So just make up your mind exactly what it is you want
> out and we can make it work for you.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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