[Tutor] email validation

Válas Péter turtle at 64.hu
Mon Aug 3 09:12:26 CEST 2015

2015-08-03 5:02 GMT+02:00 Quiles, Stephanie <
stephanie.quiles001 at albright.edu>:

> ok so i made a few corrections based on what you stated and moved the name
> variable out of the loop. however, now its doing the same thing with
> alternate email. if it is entered incorrectly, it goes back to email 1 and
> you have to re-enter it. i tried the nested loops but they were not working
> either. where should i insert them into the program to make it work?

Now you hopefully understand the spirit of while loop.
So create two separate loops in a similar way for email1 and email2.
If you really want an alternative address, in the second loop you may check
not only validity, but that email2 is not equal to email1.

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