[Tutor] Schechter Function in python

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Wed Aug 5 01:03:50 CEST 2015

On 8/4/2015 3:16 PM, Michael Roberts via Tutor wrote:
> I'm having a few problems defining a Schecter function in python. Without going into too much detail I need to add a +0j factor for matplotlib to plot the function in real and imaginary space. I know that this is not what should be happening. After extensive debugging I am asking the community for help. I would like to see some answers and compare them to what I have done to see if I have caused the error or if their is some underlying problem with the quoted function (taken from Salim et al. 2007).
> So my question is this: how would you write the following as a python function using valid python mathematical expressions:

Your post ends prematurely without the example to be coded, but a google 
search for "Schecter function in python" yields a variety of hits.  Have 
you checked those?


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