[Tutor] Pep 8, about indentation

Alex Kleider akleider at sonic.net
Sat Aug 8 06:50:46 CEST 2015

On 2015-08-07 20:56, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 07Aug2015 12:19, Alex Kleider <akleider at sonic.net> wrote:
>> On Aug 7, 2015 1:18 AM, Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> wrote:
>>> However, when _editing_ I tell vi that when I press TAB it is to 
>>> insert enough
>>> SPACE characters to get to the next 4 column position.
>> How do you do that?
>> I've got vim set up so a CTRL-T while in insert mode does that (and 
>> CTRL-D does the opposite) but don't know how to make use of the tab 
>> key.
> ^T and ^D have done that since time immemorial in vi, no special setup
> required.  I pretty much never use ^T but I do use ^D to back out an
> indent level.
> These are my settings relevant to tabs and indenting:
>  set autoindent
>  set expandtab
>  set shiftwidth=2
>  set tabstop=4
> In order:
>  autoindent: start the next line's text on the same indent as this one
>  expandtab: write spaces instead of a TAB character
>  shiftwidth: how far the < and > shift-text operations move
>  tabstop: the multiple used to tabstops - every 4 columns for me


Here is what I've got in my ~/.vimrc file:
set autoindent
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set textwidth=72
set scrolljump=2
set scrolloff=2

I'll add
set tabstop=4

> Happy to post my other settings should anyone care.

... and yes, I for one certainly do "care."
I'd very much like to see your other settings.


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