[Tutor] Calculation error with a simple program

Todd Purple todd_purple at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 12 08:13:23 EST 2015

> On Dec 12, 2015, at 2:03 AM, Jim Gallaher <jcgallaher78 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm reading through a beginners Python book and came up with a super simple program. I'm not getting any errors and everything runs through, but there's a logical calculation error. What the program does is take an amount and calculate a couple percentages and add a couple fees.
> For example, if I put in a value of 1, it will output 752.12 as the sub total and 753.12 as the grand total. It's off by 1 on sub total and 2 on grand total.
> Thanks in advance! Jim Gallaher
> # Car Salesman Calculator
> # User enters the base price of the car and the program adds tax, license, dealer prep, and destination charge.
> print("Car Sales Calculator")
> basePrice = int(input("Please enter in the price of the car: "))
> # Misc charges to be added to the total cost of the car
> tax = basePrice * .07
> license = basePrice * .05
> dealerPrep = basePrice + 500
> destinationCharge = basePrice + 250

I think your main problem is right here. Why do dealerPrep and destinationCharge include the basePrice in their equation? This will add the basePrice in multiple times. I would simply set it like this:

dealerPrep = 500
destinationCharge = 250

If these charges ever change, you can put in some sort of equation. However, it looks like these are meant to be a flat fee. 

> # Add the total misc charges together
> subTotal = float(tax + license + dealerPrep + destinationCharge)
> # Add all the misic charges and include the base pricem
> grandTotal = float(subTotal + basePrice)
> # Display the results
> print("\nThe sub total is", subTotal)
> print("\nYour grand Total is", grandTotal)
> input("\nPress the enter key to close the program.")
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