[Tutor] Using python 3 on Ubuntu 14.04

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Dec 24 17:03:27 EST 2015

Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> writes:

> Thanks for all the info guys. I got myself confused because I thought
> that python 3 was the default for Ubuntu 14.04, but it is just
> installed by default.

Even if that were true, the ‘python’ command will likely still invoke
a Python 2 interpreter. Most systems that install a Python 3 interpreter
will install the command as ‘python3’.

> I realize now that the modules need to be installed in the proper
> environment.

That also remains true when Python 3 is the default.

> I know Pythoncard is not maintained any more. I have one program I
> wrote using it that I use often so I wanted to see it worked on 14.04.
> It will be a good learning experience to rewrite it for python 3 using
> something else.

Have you considered using Python 3 and the standard Tkinter tookit?

 \           “I’ve been an atheist ever since I heard there was only a |
  `\                     stairway to heaven.” —Stella Young, 1982–2014 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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