[Tutor] trouble with beautiful soup

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Dec 26 16:38:14 EST 2015

On 26/12/2015 11:23, marcus lütolf wrote:
> replacing „beautifulsoup“ by „bs4“ in my code (2nd line) does not relieve the trace back I get.
> >
> In my directory C:\Python27\Lib I find the folder „beautifulsoup4-4-4-1“ in first place and the file „setup.py“ further down
> Upon opening „beautifulsoup4-4-4-1“,  „bs4“ appears as another folder among others and some  .py files.
> (C:\Python27\Lib\beautifoulsoup4-4-4-1\bs4\)

Please don't type stuff out as it leads to mistakes, use cut and paste.

> 2 days ago I watched a youtube video about installing beautifulsoup. There, the bs4 folder appeared direct in the Lib folder :
> C:\Python27\Lib\bs4\.
> Could this cause my trouble ?

Yes as a normal installation of a third party module involves the 
site-packages directory.  Or is this another typing error?

> By the way, I am using W10 64 bit as OS.
> Regards, Marcus.

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Mark Lawrence

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