[Tutor] Wondering about a project

dw bw_dw at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 2 19:42:19 CET 2015

Well I've made some progress in terminal mode.
The OS is Ubuntu 12.04 LXDE desktop
This script works.
It prompts for the url, lets the user confirm download and then runs the
video in Gnome-Player.  

Once Gnome-Player is dropped by the user, it prompts to either move the
file to storage or delete.  Then returns for another round.
from subprocess import call
import glob,re,shutil,os,time

while True:
    geturl= input("Enter Youtube URL ")
    if len(geturl)==0:
    def unquote(geturl):
        return re.compile('%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})',re.M).sub(lambda m:
        chr(int(m.group(1),16)), geturl)
    print("Download %s?" %geturl)
    answer= raw_input("Press ENTER to continue: ")
    call(["youtube-dl", geturl])

#get the youtube video file names
    print("%s Youtube files: "%(YTfile))

#clean up the file names
    for x in range(len(YTfile)):
	YTfile[x] = YTfile[x][2:]
        print("%s: "+str(x)+" "+YTfile[x]+'\n')

#now play the youtube video
    #for x in range(len(YTfile)):
    call(["gnome-mplayer", YTfile[0]])

#Decide to save the file or delete it
    dofile = raw_input('Save or Delete: S or D ')
    if dofile=='S':

#save the file by moving it into folder
        for x in range(len(YTfile)):

#delete the file
        print("Deleted %s "%YTfile[0])
        time.sleep( 3 )
 Bw_dw at fastmail.net

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