[Tutor] Need help writing code with python

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sun Feb 8 09:55:56 CET 2015

On 02/07/2015 05:36 PM, Conner Wood wrote:
> I fell behind 2 weeks in my class due to surgery and have a coding project
> due tonight (Saturday, Feb. 7).  I've attached my project to this email.
> Please help!  Also, I'm using a Mac laptop if that helps in anyway.  Please
> get back to me as soon as you can.

Welcome to Python-tutor.  This seems to be your first post.

Thanks for making it a text email.  And for mentioning your OS.  But you 
also should be specifying the Python version.

There's no attachment to your message in the mailing list.  And many 
people here can't see attachments anyway.  If your project is too big to 
include directly in your email message, you may be out of luck.

How big a project is it, and how much of it have you been able to do so 
far?  Is there some particular problem that has you stumped?

We're here to help you get past some sticking point, not to do your 
assignment for you.  I'd expect your prof would give you an extension if 
you can't get it in because of unexpected surgery.


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