[Tutor] Potential problem with Game Over 2.0 problem in "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Ed."

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Feb 17 19:43:23 CET 2015

> Dawson) Game Over 2.0 program in chapter two on page 17. The object of
> this program is to do ASCII-style art to generate a large rendition of
> "Game Over" using the following characters: "_" , "\" , "|" , and "/"
> . When my son tried to do his version, the "Over" portion did not
> print correctly.

Hi boB,

Ah ha.  Escape characters.  I see what you mean.  :P

Just to add: there is a "raw" string literal syntax that will turn off
escape sequence handling.  Using a raw string literal may make it
easier to type the value in question.

We can use raw literal strings by prepending a 'r' in the front of the
string literal.  e.g.:

>>> x = r'''
... this\
... is\
... a/
... test\
... '''
>>> x
>>> print x


It might be that the question is trying to motivate the use of raw
string literals, or teaching about escape sequences.  I don't have the
book, so I can't say for sure.

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