[Tutor] Python Question: Excluding certain keywords.

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Wed Feb 18 01:04:17 CET 2015

On 02/17/2015 03:30 PM, Arnold Chung wrote:
> Dear Python Tutor.

Welcome to the tutor list.  As far as I can tell, this is your first 
post.  And thank you for using text mail, rather than html.

> First of all, thank you for your kindness in advance. I am learning python by myself and having some difficulties in a problem that I encounter.
> Here I attach my python file.

This mailing list doesn't support attachments.  What that means is that 
even if some subscribers might see the attachment you presumably did, 
others will not.  I do not.  Please paste the relevant code into the 
message.  If it's too large for that, then strip it down to a simpler 
case that is reasonable.

You probably will also need to tell us your Python version.


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