[Tutor] OT: Preferred email client for sending plain text programming code snippets

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Wed Feb 18 05:15:42 CET 2015

boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> writes:

> Hopefully this is not a touchy subject like Emacs vs. Vim. ~(:>))

Heh. If anyone tries to start a Vim-versus-Emacs fight, feel free to
cite me as someone well experienced with both who sees no need to be
tribal about either of them.

> My home PC uses Win7-64bit.

My condolences, I hope you soon find a better environment in which to

> I currently use Chrome, Gmail and have a Nexus 5 phone.

One strong piece of advice: Please don't be tempted to compose email
messages on a handheld device. The resulting messages are usually
significantly worse, in terms of etiquette.

Instead, wait until you're at a proper keyboard where you can compose a
message that is considerate of readers.

> I actually have come to prefer plain text communication as I only
> rarely need html formatting. And I rarely care to see most of the crap
> people send me that require html!

Congratulations! That is a commendable position, I hope you can persuade
others within your influence to make the same decision.

> So are there any recommendations from this group that would make
> things easy, would still be able to receive/send from my Gmail
> account, etc.?

There are many good email clients. I would recommend you select one
which uses standard protocols (nearly all of them do), and which is
licensed as free software and works on all major platforms.

Google Mail still (I believe) allows you to communicate as the same
identity by sending mail using SMTP and accessing your mailboxes via
IMAP. You need to learn their specific servers and ports to configure
your mail client.

On the Android operating system, the leader seems to be K-9 Mail
<URL:https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.fsck.k9>; though,
again, I'll caution you against composing messages unless you have a
real keyboard plugged in and can edit the text easily.

On a desktop operating system, I would recommend one of:

* Mozilla Thunderbird <URL:https://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird/>,
  very comprehensive and mature.

* Claws Mail <URL:http://www.claws-mail.org/>, lighter but still with
  many features, and a good plug-in ecosystem.

* Sylpheed Mail <URL:http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en/>, quite lightweight
  and focussed.

All three are licensed as free software (copyleft, GPL). All three work
on the major desktop operating systems. All three have alrge active
development and support communities.

Interestingly, all three are also “newsreaders”, clients to Usenet's
NNTP protocol. This allows even better aggregation of discussion forums,
such as those available at GMane.

Good hunting!

 \      “Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whosoever procures |
  `\        it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and |
_o__)                                      happy purchase.” —J. Balguy |
Ben Finney

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