[Tutor] updating a dictionary

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Thu Feb 19 23:50:02 CET 2015

On 2/19/2015 1:19 PM, Chris Stinemetz wrote:
> Hello List,
> I have a dictionary that I would like to update/add rows to it as I read a
> file line by line.
> The dictionary format looks like:
> format = {'Cell': '','7':'','8':'','9':'','2':''}
> For each line read in I would simply like to check to see if a Cell
> key;value exists and if it does update the correct key==band(7,8,9,2)
> within the dictionary.
> If the Cell doesn't exist do the same thing as above only make sure to
> update the Cell key:value with it's value form the file so it can check to
> see if it exists later. There are duplicate Cell:values in the file so when
> there is a duplicate it will need to look at band to see what key:value to
> update.
> Below is what I have attempted thus far. I can provide sample data if
> needed.
> Thank you in advance.

I've added comments interspersed below as I try to grok what you've got 

> import datetime

don't need this as you replace the value below...

> import string
> import pprint
> from datetime import datetime

''' here.

> # Open a files for reading
> inFileOne = open('PRB_utilization.txt', "r")
> iDas = "DB"
> oDas = "D"
> suffix = (iDas,oDas)
> dict = {'Cell': '','7':'','8':'','9':'','2':''}

it's not good form to shadow python types

> for line in inFileOne.readlines():
>      index = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")

you now have a list of string values...

>      cell = index[1]
>      if cell.endswith(suffix, 14, 16) is False:

... so they'll never end with numeric values.  Further, "".endswith() 
accepts only one argument so you ought to get an error on this line.

>          eNb = cell[0:8]
>          sector = cell[10:11]
>          band = cell[9:10]
>          dl_prb_utl = index[60]
>          site = eNb + "_" + sector
>          if site in dict:

this tests if site is a valid key in dict -- but the only key value 
you've assigned to if 'Cell' so this will always be False...

>              dict['Cell'] = site
>              dict[band] = dl_prb_utl
>          else:

... and the following will always execute.

>              dict['Cell'] = site
>              dict[band] = dl_prb_utl
> inFileOne.close();

Perhaps if you provide a sample of what the contents of inFileOne look 
like and what you want dict to look like after each iteration we'd get a 
better idea of what you're trying to accomplish.  As it is, it'd likely 
take someone who recognizes the problem domain to shed light on this.


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