[Tutor] python script

rohit poddaturi rohit.poddaturi at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 04:56:59 CET 2015


I am really new to python and have been given a assignment which is quite complex for my standard.The following is the assignment
The program runs through the word  document and when it sees a date ( the date might be in a variety of forms, but will always list the particular month) it goes to a new row  in the excel sheet and lists that date. Then it searches for a key word. If that key word appears before the next date in the document, then it lists it as a '1' in the excel sheet. If that key word does not appear before the next date listed then it writes down a '0’. 

I am attaching a sample document and excel output for reference. Kindly look into it 

Rohit Poddaturi

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