[Tutor] Remove a blank row of a Table

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 26 15:50:55 CET 2015

On 26/02/15 05:53, shouqiang1989 at sina.com wrote:
> Hello, everybody:     I came accross a question a few days
> ago. I wrote a Python script to copy something to a table in a word
> file. For some reaons, there are some blank rows. And I want to remove
> the blank rows. I tried many ways, but all didn't work. Below is the

As you can probably see your code came scrambled beyond
reasonable recognition. (We can guess but we can't be sure)

Can you repost in plain text please, not in HTML.

> code.    desfile='C:\\Daten\\TestCASE5\\Model_hill.doc'
>      fd = w.Documents.Open(desfile)    lNam = textwrap.wrap(reportItem.PName)
>      maxLines = len(lNam)    for idx in xrange (1,maxLines) :
>          if fd.Tables[6].Rows[idx].Cells[1] == None :
>                fd.Tables[6].Rows[idx].Remove()
>           else :
>                 pass

Also, since Python by default can't handle Word files can you tell us 
which library you are using to do this. In other words in the line:

fd = w.Documents.Open(desfile)

Where do w, Document, and Open() come from?
They are seemingly not a part of the standard Python library.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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