[Tutor] Seismometer alarm Python
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 3 22:07:16 CET 2015
On 03/01/15 19:19, Ted wrote:
> Alan Thank you so much for the reply, attached is a screenshot of a
> 4.9M earthquake in Challis Idaho, about 150 miles north.
> this is what I need the alarm for.
> I am using Python 2.7? and Windows 7.
> 1. Should I reply-all, or ok to you? or either?
ReplyAll please, that way you get responses from everyone not just me.
And that's a very good thing, trust me! :-)
3. The data is coming from a serial port from an arduino........and I
think this is a "string"
Yes, in Python2 it will be, in Python 3 it will be a bytestring
but you can ignore that for now! :-)
> I think I need to see it as an (int)? But I don't know how.
> As you can see here is where I placed that.
> myData = int (arduinoSerialData.readline())
Thats exactly correct. int() converts the string to a number.
> I want to add an IF as you can see below, and this seems to work,
> but I am not sure I am seeing (int), because the numbers don't seem
Tell us what you see and what you expect.
> The good news, is I do see the data in python, either a string or int???
> The good news, is I can play the sound file as it is below.
Great, we'll look at it in more detail.
> import serial #Import Serial Library
> import time # Slows the print
> import winsound
> arduinoSerialData = serial.Serial('com7', 9600) #Create Serial port
> object called arduinoSerialData # Don't change this.
> myData = (arduinoSerialData.readline())
> What happens if you print myData here?
> while (1==1):
while True:
instead of the equality test.
> myData = int (arduinoSerialData.readline())
> if myData >33500:
> print(arduinoSerialData.readline())
Note this is printing the next thing from Arduino but not storing it
You are throwing it away...
> time.sleep(1) #Slows to 1000ms
> soundfile = "c:\Windows\Media\Alarms\Alarm.wav"#Song/Track
> to play(MUST be wav)
Windows paths can be troublesome due to the \ characters
which Python treats as special, you should prefix them with r
to tell Python to ignore the \
soundfile = r"c:\Windows\Media\Alarms\Alarm.wav"
Alternatively use Unix style / instead:
soundfile = "c:/Windows/Media/Alarms/Alarm.wav"
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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