[Tutor] Identifying V3 examples

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 22 23:31:34 CEST 2015

On 22/07/2015 15:16, Jon Paris wrote:
> Yup - the “xxx_todo_changeme” was the part that I meant.
> That might not constitute a “problem” for you but, for someone just starting out, exactly what is needed to correct it was not obvious. I have subsequently resolved the issue.
> Jon Paris
> jon.f.paris at gmail.com

Good to hear, but would you please not top post here, it drives me 
insane trying to read things that are arse about face, thank you.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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