[Tutor] String Attribute

ltc.hotspot at gmail.com ltc.hotspot at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 02:25:26 CEST 2015

Hi Alan,

I rewrote the code as follows:

fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
if len(fname) < 1 : fname = "mbox-short.txt"
fh = open(fname)
count = 0
for line in fh:
    if not line.startswith('From'): continue
    line2 = line.strip()
    line3 = line2.split()
    line4 = line3[1]
    print line4
    count = count + 1            
print "There were", count, "lines in the file with From as the first word" 

Question: How do I remove the duplicates:

stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za
stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za← Mismatch
louis at media.berkeley.edu
louis at media.berkeley.edu
zqian at umich.edu
zqian at umich.edu
rjlowe at iupui.edu
rjlowe at iupui.edu



Sent from Surface

From: Alan Gauld
Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎July‎ ‎30‎, ‎2015 ‎5‎:‎04‎ ‎PM
To: Tutor at python.org

On 30/07/15 22:17, ltc.hotspot at gmail.com wrote:

> fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
> if len(fname) < 1 : fname = "mbox-short.txt" # assign fname
> fh=open(fname,'r') # Open a new file handle
> for line in fh:
>      print line
>      if 'From' in line.split()[0] and '@' in line: sender = line.split()[1]
>      fn.seek(0)
> print sender
> Questions: Why is the loop not repeating,

What makes you think so?

>>No count = count +1

If you get an error(as I suspect) please post the entire error message.


I would expect a name error on the last line of the loop since there is 
no variable fn defined.

I don't know what you think the seek() is doing, but (assuming
you meant fh) it will reset the file to the first line each time
so you never finish the loop.


> and where should I insert a split to remove 'Sat Jan 5:09:14:16 2008'
>  From stephen.marquard at uct.ac.za Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008 ← Mismatch

Splitting on whitespace will ensure the bit you want is
in the second element

>>Check the revised code, above  

Alan G
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