[Tutor] creating a dictionary for capital quiz program

Tue Jun 2 10:45:57 CEST 2015

I'm a newbie, but was able to tune it to correctly reply to user inputs.
1. My question is can it be optimized in any way?
2. Why (on Windows) do I have to give inputs in quotes not to cause an error (for ll input the error is ' NameError: name 'll' is not defined')?

def main():

    right = 0
    wrong = 0
    capitals = {'Alabama': 'Montgomery', 'Alaska': 'Juneau', "Arizona": 'Phoenix', \
               'Arkansas': 'Little Rock', 'California': 'Sacramento', \
               'Colorado': 'Denver', 'Connecticut': 'Hartford', 'Delaware': 'Dover', \
               'Florida': 'Tallahassee', \
               'Georgia': 'Atlanta', 'Hawaii': 'Honolulu', \
               'Idaho': 'Boise',  \
               'Illinois': 'Springfield', 'Indiana': 'Indianapolis', \
               'Iowa': 'Des Moines', \
               'Kansas': 'Topeka', 'Kentucky': 'Frankfort', \
               'Louisiana': 'Baton Rouge', \
               'Maine': 'Augusta', 'Maryland': 'Annapolis', \
               'Massachusetts': 'Boston', \
               'Michigan': 'Lansing', 'Minnesota': 'Saint Paul', \
               'Mississippi': 'Jackson', \
               'Missouri': 'Jefferson City', 'Montana': 'Helena', \
               'Nebraska': 'Lincoln', \
               'Nevada': 'Carson City', 'New Hampshire': 'Concord', \
               'New Jersey': 'Trenton', \
               'New Mexico': 'Santa Fe', 'New York': 'Albany', \
               'North Carolina': 'Raleigh', \
               'North Dakota': 'Bismarck', 'Ohio': 'Columbus', \
               'Oklahoma': 'Oklahoma City', \
               'Oregon': 'Salem', 'Pennsylvania': 'Harrisburg', \
               'Rhode Island': 'Providence', \
               'South Carolina': 'Columbia', \
               'South Dakota': 'Pierre', 'Tennessee': 'Nashville', \
               'Texas': 'Austin', 'Utah': 'Salt Lake City', \
               'Vermont': 'Montpelier', \
               'Virginia': 'Richmond', 'Washington': 'Olympia', \
               'West Virginia': 'Charleston', \
               'Wisconsin': 'Madison', 'Wyoming': 'Cheyenne'}

    for k in capitals.keys():
        state = input('Enter the capital of '+k+' :')
        if state.upper() == capitals[k].upper():
            right += 1
            wrong += 1
        choice = input('Do you want to play again y/n: ')
        if choice.upper() == 'N':
            print('end of game')
        elif choice.upper() != 'Y':
            print("invalid choice")

    print('Number of correct answers is: ', right)
    print("Number of incorrect answers is:", wrong)



-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor [mailto:tutor-bounces+jakub.zbudniewek=arimr.gov.pl at python.org] On Behalf Of Peter Otten
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 9:43 AM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] creating a dictionary for capital quiz program

Stephanie Quiles wrote:

> Good evening,
> As you may have noticed i am really struggling with functions and
> dictionaries. I need to figure out why this program is allowing me to
> continue entering incorrect data instead of telling me my answer is
> incorrect. also at the end it’s not tallying the incorrect/correct
> responses properly. please any help would be appreciated.
>     for k in capitals.keys():
>         state = input('Enter the capital of '+k+' :')
>     if state.upper() == capitals[k].upper():
>         right += 1
>         print('Correct')
>     else:
>         wrong += 1
>         print('Incorrect')

When and how often is the line

if state.upper() == capitals[k].upper():


Hint: look at the indentation in the quoted code.


>     capitals = {'Alabama': 'Montgomery', 'Alaska': 'Juneau', \
>  \
>                "Arizona": 'Phoenix', \
>  \
>                'Arkansas': 'Little Rock', 'California': 'Sacramento', \
You don't need these backslashes as long as you're inside parens, brackets 
or braces. Python will happily accept dicts, lists etc. that spread over 
multiple lines.

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