[Tutor] creating a dictionary for capital quiz program

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Tue Jun 2 18:17:09 CEST 2015

Alan Gauld wrote:

> On 02/06/15 15:15, Peter Otten wrote:
>> Not an optimization, but if the user enters neither Y nor N you might ask
>> again instead of assuming Y.
> He does. He only breaks if the user enters N
>>>          choice = input('Do you want to play again y/n: ')
>>>          if choice.upper() == 'N':
>>>              print('end of game')
>>>              break
>>>          elif choice.upper() != 'Y':
>>>              print("invalid choice")
> Y goes round again silently.
> Anything other than Y or N prints the error then tries again.

... with the next state. I meant that instead the question "Do you want to 
play again y/n:" should be repeated until there is a valid answer, either y 
or n.

Current behaviour:

$ python capitals.py 
Enter the capital of Mississippi :Jackson
Do you want to play again y/n: x
invalid choice
Enter the capital of Oklahoma :

So "x" is a synonum for "n".

Suggested behaviour:

$ python capitals.py 
Enter the capital of Mississippi :Jackson
Do you want to play again y/n: x
invalid choice
Do you want to play again y/n: z
invalid choice
Do you want to play again y/n: n
end of game

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