[Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers

Mirage Web Studio cmgcomsol at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 15:49:23 CEST 2015

On 2015-06-11 12:38 AM, Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Wed, 10 Jun 2015 23:11:36 +0530, George writes:
>> On 2015-05-31 5:04 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
>>> On 30/05/15 19:14, George wrote:
>> Excuse me please for replying late.
>> I got lists to use the method and it is more efficient and faster.
>> (Takes about 10 secs to process first 50 mil numbers)
>> But now another problem i seem to notice that only 1 core of my amd
>> Athlon X2 4core processor is being used.  I suppose if all the four
>> cores are simultaneously used then the programme might run even faster.
>> Is there a way.
>> Kindly guide me.
>> Thank You.
>> George
> If you want, you can use the STM branch of the pypy interpreter.  This
> is a Python without the global interpreter lock.  One of the tests
> we did was, surprise, to calculate prime numbers.
> See the blog post here:
> http://morepypy.blogspot.se/2014/11/tornado-without-gil-on-pypy-stm.html
> Laura
Thank u,

PYPY is indeed very fast and as expected is using all the cores.  I 
think i have found what i was looking for.  I saw that stm branch is 
only for linux.  Windows binaries if available would be of great help.

Thank u all for interest in replying.


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