[Tutor] moving objects in only one direction at a time

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Thu Jun 11 20:27:58 CEST 2015

In an event-driven game, you need to give control back to the event
loop in order for the framework to pass events to your program.  Your
main function, however, doesn't do so: you've got a while loop that
monopolizes control flow:

def game():
    # ... game initialization logic
    while playing:
        # ... loop logic

This gives no opportunity to process keyboard events, since the
program is stuck within the while loop.

To resolve this, you want to set up a timer which emits a "tick" event
every so often.  Essentially, if you're using a Tkinter-based
framework, you're looking for the "after" method:


where your program will look something like this:

def game():
    # ... game initialization logic

def gameLoop():
    if playing:
        # ... loop logic
        win.after(speed, gameLoop)

The gameLoop tells the framework to restart the game loop "after" some
time.  gameLoop() then returns, and gives control back to the event
loop that was started with "win.mainloop()".

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