[Tutor] Variables in email addresses

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 14:42:53 CEST 2015

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:
> In a message of Wed, 17 Jun 2015 02:05:49 +0100, Oliver Mercer-Deadman writes:
>>Hi I am a complete newbie but am hoping to learn some python for a
>>particular project. Before I hurl myself in I would like to know if a key
>>element is going to be possible.
>>I will need to be able to use a variable as the username in an email
>>address. E.G.
>>username = Input("Enter Something: ")
>>Then later when sending email with SMTP
>>to_addr = 'username at mycompany.com'
>>I realise that it is probably not correct, I am only in the foothills, but
>>in principal can it be done?

If the user input value is just the name, then you need to concatinate
with the part starting with the @. Like this:

to_addr = username + '@mycompany.com'

> You can do this.  Works great.  Note, you will want to be using the
> smtplib that is part of the Python standard library and not write
> all of the code for talking to SMTP yourself.  Somebody else has
> already done this for you.
> Interesting tutorial here:
> http://pymotw.com/2/smtplib/
> But be warned, this uses Python 2 syntax, not Python 3.
> Laura
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Joel Goldstick

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