[Tutor] memory error

Joshua Valdez jdv12 at case.edu
Tue Jun 30 17:10:37 CEST 2015

So I wrote this script to go over a large wiki XML dump and pull out the
pages I want. However, every time I run it the kernel displays 'Killed' I'm
assuming this is a memory issue after reading around but I'm not sure where
the memory problem is in my script and if there were any tricks to reduce
the virtual memory usage.
Here is my code (I assume the problem is in the BeautifulSoup partition as
the pages file is pretty small.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys

pages_file = open('pages_file.txt', 'r')

pages = pages_file.readlines()
pages = map(lambda s: s.strip(), pages)
for item in pages:
    item = ''.join([i for i in item if not i.isdigit()])
    item = ''.join([i for i in item if ord(i)<126 and ord(i)>31])
    item = item.replace(" ","")
    item = item.replace("_"," ")


with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as wiki:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(wiki)

wiki_page = soup.find_all("page")
del soup
for item in wiki_page:
    title = item.title.get_text()
    if title in page_titles:
        print item
        del title

*Joshua Valdez*
*Computational Linguist : Cognitive Scientist

jdv12 at case.edu <jdv2 at uw.edu> | jdv2 at uw.edu | joshv at armsandanchors.com

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