[Tutor] PyBrain: Question on creating customized DataSet

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 18 10:30:41 CET 2015

On 18/03/15 02:15, prudhvi nethi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a data set for using it with BackpropTrainer
> *(PyBrain)*

Your question seems to be about pybrain rather than about Python.

There is a pybrain google group:


and a general email link

contact at pybrain.org

You will probably get more specific help there.

> The model is that i have a bunch of inputs (which can have multiple
> values). Resulting in some Output Kx( different values).
> Sample data ( A subset of the data )
> Input (x)
> Input (y)
> Input (z)
> Input(a)
> Output(k)
> X1
> Y1
> Z1
> A1
> K1
> X1
> Where Input x can have any of the following value in a specific entry:
> (X1,X2,x2)
> *An example from PyBrain Documentation for a simple XOR data set modeling:*
>>>> ds.addSample((0, 0), (0,))>>> ds.addSample((0, 1), (1,))>>> ds.addSample((1, 0), (1,))>>> ds.addSample((1, 1), (0,))

I'm afraid that's making no sense to me whatsoever.
Maybe someone else can decipher it.
But I suggest you try the pybrain community.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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