[Tutor] What is the best approach to organizing the order of functions in a module?

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 19 22:58:37 CET 2015

On 19/03/2015 21:52, boB Stepp wrote:
> I'm still working in the procedural paradigm of programming. Hopefully
> I will find time for OOP soon. But in some of my
> modules-in-progress,my collection of functions has gotten large enough
> that I feel I need to bring some sort of order to their positioning.
> Currently my best thought is to mimic the natural order, in so far as
> it is possible, in which the functions get called. Are there better
> ways to organize them?

This is so much down to personal taste that it's impossible to call. 
The natural order in which functions get called is as good as any, so if 
it fits your mind set, use it :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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