[Tutor] Feedback on Script for Pandas DataFrame Written into XML

Martin A. Brown martin at linux-ip.net
Mon Mar 30 04:32:53 CEST 2015

Good evening again,

I'm replying to your second post, because I replied to the first. 
This may be a more specific request than is typically handled on 
Python tutor.  This involves specific knowledge of the 
xml.etree.ElementTree and pandas.DataFrame objects.

> I would appreciate your feedback on whether I correctly wrote my 
> XML. I am exporting a DataFrame and writing into a XML file. I 
> used the ElementTree library. The DataFrame has 11 rows and 8 
> columns (excluding the index column).

Side note:  Hard to know or give any advice without considerably 
more detail on the data involved.  But....

> #My schema assumption:
> #<list>
> #[<message>
> #<index>Some number row</index>
> #<date>Sample text </data>
> #</message>]
> #</list>

That shows 6 (XML) elements.  This is neither 8 nor 11.

> CODE: SELECT ALL <http://www.python-forum.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15261#>
> document = ET.Element("list")
> def make_message(document, row):
>    msg = ET.SubElement(document, "message")
>    for field in row.index:
>        field_element = ET.SubElement(msg, field)
>        field_element.text = row[field]
>    return msg
> def add_to_document(row):
>    return make_message(document, row)
> #df.apply(add_to_document, axis=0) ---> if I were to import a DataFrame
> stored in the variable
> #"df", I would simply APPLY the add_to_document function and COMBINE this
> into a document
> ET.dump(document)
> Thank you, in advance for your help.

This is a more general inquiry and is probably better suited for the 
lxml (ElementTree) mailing list ...


... or maybe the Pandas mailing list:


Best of luck,


Martin A. Brown

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