From robertvstepp at  Fri May  1 01:54:21 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 18:54:21 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Ancient Python versions (was: Is there a way to store
 and later use comparison operators (<, <=, =, >=, >) ?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> writes:
>> One problem I have with searching the Python documentation is this:
> If you actually need to read the documentation specifically for a Python
> version that has not been supported since 2008, then I agree that is a
> problem.

I'm pretty much stuck with these relics of Pythons past.

> The documentation has improved since then. If you want newer-looking
> documentation, maybe you should not expect it from a Python released
> nearlt a decade ago?

No, I am not looking for fancy aesthetics. I am looking for
intelligent use of whitespace, so that everything does not run
together into a nearly indistinguishable blob. Bold main section
headings would be nice as well. All of this has been possible forever
and evermore. Readability counts! ~(:>)


From ben+python at  Fri May  1 02:50:53 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 10:50:53 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Ancient Python versions
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> writes:

> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> > If you actually need to read the documentation specifically for a
> > Python version that has not been supported since 2008, then I agree
> > that is a problem.
> I'm pretty much stuck with these relics of Pythons past.

Then you are, unfortunately, stuck with the documentation for that
version. It will not be updated any more, because support for that
ancient version has ended.

> > The documentation has improved since then. If you want newer-looking
> > documentation, maybe you should not expect it from a Python released
> > nearlt a decade ago?
> No, I am not looking for fancy aesthetics. I am looking for
> intelligent use of whitespace, so that everything does not run
> together into a nearly indistinguishable blob. Bold main section
> headings would be nice as well. All of this has been possible forever
> and evermore. Readability counts! ~(:>)

So you might like to borrow the Python time machine and complain to the
people of the mid-2000s.

Complaining about it today, when the currently-maintained documentation
does not have these problems, is futile.

 \         ?Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.?  (?Whatever is |
  `\                      said in Latin, sounds profound.?) ?anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From robertvstepp at  Fri May  1 05:39:42 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:39:42 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
 control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to origin without an
 error occurring?
Message-ID: <>

I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init". I
then copied and pasted a file to that location and put it under
version control with "git add". Next I went to my E-drive,
which is where I intend to be my working directories. After setting up
a similar directory structure (/Projects/), I typed "git clone
C:/Projects/project_name" and the desired result appeared on E:
E:/Projects/project_name/ All seemed well with the world!

Now I made some edits to in my working directory,
added/committed and then attempted to push to the remote repository
and got this:

boB Stepp at DREAMMACHINE1 /e/Projects/project_name (master)
$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 328 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master
remote: error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository
remote: error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsist
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to matc
remote: error: the work tree to HEAD.
remote: error:
remote: error: You can set 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to

remote: error: 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow pushing into

remote: error: its current branch; however, this is not recommended unless you
remote: error: arranged to update its work tree to match what you pushed in some

remote: error: other way.
remote: error:
remote: error: To squelch this message and still keep the default behaviour, set

remote: error: 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to 'refuse'.
To c:/Projects/project_name
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)
error: failed to push some refs to 'c:/Projects/project_name'

I did the usual Google search. What I found recommended I cd to the
remote repository, create a new temporary branch, and then checkout
that branch. Then go back to my working directory and then push to the
remote repository. This works. Problem: I don't understand why what I
was originally doing does not allow me to do a push with errors. Would
someone please elucidate?

And since I am obviously not in the know here, my attempted workflow
must be flawed. Would someone point out the "proper" way to initiate a
new project under Git version control?



From robertvstepp at  Fri May  1 05:55:37 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:55:37 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python 2.4 (was comparison operators)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mhrj8i$bu1$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 1:02 AM, Laura Creighton <lac at> wrote:
> Python 2.4 is really old, right now.  OpenCSW has 2.6.9
> Any chance you could use that?

Laura, I may just attempt this on the dev machine. I have mentioned
before that the production environment is running Python 2.6.x (I
think it is 2.6.6, but don't remember for certain.). Surely updating
Python on the dev to one very near the prod env is an improvement? And
if I am going to do that, I might as well install Git. And I will
probably throw in gVim, too. I have been pondering everyone's comments
to date, and it seems to me that I should be doing all of my
development on the development environment machine and it is thus
justifiable to add the tools I need to effectively do this (Again,
thanks for your thoughts, Cameron!). This seems more *sane*! Plus it
will save me tons of time.

Even though the link you gave was for a package add, I just *know*
there will be missing dependencies. Guess I will have to learn how to
resolve all the issues that come up. Should be fun!

Thanks, Laura!


From akleider at  Fri May  1 06:21:30 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:21:30 -0700
Subject: [Tutor]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-04-30 20:39, boB Stepp wrote:
> I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init". I
> then copied and pasted a file to that location and put it under
> version control with "git add". Next I went to my E-drive,
> which is where I intend to be my working directories. After setting up
> a similar directory structure (/Projects/), I typed "git clone
> C:/Projects/project_name" and the desired result appeared on E:
> E:/Projects/project_name/ All seemed well with the world!
> Now I made some edits to in my working directory,
> added/committed and then attempted to push to the remote repository
> and got this:

I would suggest the following work flow to set up two parallel 

cd <first repo directory>
git init
<do what ever>
git add <files on which you did what ever>
git commit

cd <directory where you want the same repository>
git clone <first repo directory>
# the above command brings in a copy of all that was committed in the 
first repo.

Once this is done, I believe your subsequent commits can be pushed 
without the errors.

From at  Fri May  1 01:44:41 2015
From: at (Vishakh Rameshan)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 05:14:41 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] query
Message-ID: <>

i have downloaded and installed python 3.4.3
and when i just type print "with message to display" it shows missing
paranthesis error
but what i have learnt is that inorder to display message onle print
command and message in "msg"

From __peter__ at  Fri May  1 10:18:02 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 10:18:02 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] query
References: <>
Message-ID: <mhvcrr$eue$>

Vishakh Rameshan wrote:

> i have downloaded and installed python 3.4.3
> and when i just type print "with message to display" it shows missing
> paranthesis error
> but what i have learnt is that inorder to display message onle print
> command and message in "msg"

In Python 2 you would write

print "hello"

but in Python 3 print is no longer a statement, it has become a function. As 
with every other function parentheses are required to invoke it:


There are other subtle changes in Python 3, so you might want to read the 
tutorial at <> or any other 
introductory text specifically targeting Python 3.

From cjl14a at  Fri May  1 12:48:24 2015
From: cjl14a at (Corneil Lionel)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 06:48:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] I am trying to get my encryption program to print from my
 def main. I am just learning the program.
Message-ID: <>

import allison
import corneil
def main():
    choice=input("Would you like to begin? y/n: ")
    while choice!='n':

        print('Would you like to encrypt or decrypt your text?')
        choice=input('Enter "e" to encrypt or "d" to decrypt: ')
        while choice!="d" and choice!="e":
            print("That is not a valid option, please choose again.")
            choice=input('Enter "e" to encrypt or "d" to decrypt: ')
        if choice=="e":
        choice=input("Would you like to go again? y/n: ")

def cipher():
        for x in f:
    except Exception as err:
    return d

def intro(x):
    print('Please enter your',x,'text. Type "quit" to quit.')
    while text!="quit":
    return y


def encrypt(text,cipher,a):
     for char in text:
          if char in cipher:
               encrypted+=cipher[char.upper()]#or lower depending on what
is in cypher.txt

     return encrypted

From alan.gauld at  Fri May  1 14:45:47 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 13:45:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] I am trying to get my encryption program to print from
 my def main. I am just learning the program.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mhvsho$3vq$>

On 01/05/15 11:48, Corneil Lionel wrote:
> text_list=[]
> temp=[]
> import allison
> import corneil
> def main():
>      choice=input("Would you like to begin? y/n: ")
>      while choice!='n':
>          d=cipher()
> alphabet=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
>          print('Would you like to encrypt or decrypt your text?')

Notice that the alphabet line is not indented to the rest of main.
Python will take that as the end of main() and thus your main just loops 
around doing the cipher() it never reaches the alphabet line.

However I would expect python to try to execute this code and
see the wrong indentation.

Do you get an indent error when you run it?
Or is it just an email formatting error?

>          choice=input('Enter "e" to encrypt or "d" to decrypt: ')
>          while choice!="d" and choice!="e":
>              print("That is not a valid option, please choose again.")
>              choice=input('Enter "e" to encrypt or "d" to decrypt: ')
>          if choice=="e":
>              text=intro("plain")
>              corneil.encrypt(text,d,alphabet)
>          else:
>              text=intro("encrypted")
>              #print(text)
>              allison.decrypt(text,d,alphabet)
>          print()
>          choice=input("Would you like to go again? y/n: ")
> def cipher():
>      d={}
>      temp=[]
>      try:
>          f=open('cipher.txt','r')
>          for x in f:
>              temp=x.rstrip().split(':')
>              d[temp[0]]=temp[1]
>      except Exception as err:
>          print(err)

You should catch specific exceptions. This could mask real
errors. Especially since you just print a message which
Python does for you anyway...

>      return d
> def intro(x):
>      print('Please enter your',x,'text. Type "quit" to quit.')
>      text=input("")
>      y=""
>      while text!="quit":
>          y+=text.upper()
>          #text_list.append(text)
>          text=input()
>      return y
> main()
> def encrypt(text,cipher,a):
>       encrypted=""
>       for char in text:
>            if char in cipher:

You have defined cipher to be a function above.
You cannot iterate over a function object.
cipher() returns a dictionary, did you perhaps
intend to call cipher?

             if char in cipher():

>                 encrypted+=cipher[char.upper()]

Again cipher is a function. You probably intended to
call cipher here:


However since you are accessing the same dict twice you
should probably just call cipher once and store the result:

cipher_dict = cipher()
if char in cipher_dict:
      encrypter += cipher_dict[char.upper()]

>            else:
>                 encrypted+=char
>       return encrypted
>       print(encrypted)

Once the return executes you are out of the function so
the final print() never executes.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From fomcl at  Fri May  1 14:52:26 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 05:52:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
	control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to
	origin without an error occurring?
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 1, 2015 6:21 AM CEST Alex Kleider wrote:

>On 2015-04-30 20:39, boB Stepp wrote:
>> I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init". I
>> then copied and pasted a file to that location and put it under
>> version control with "git add". Next I went to my E-drive,
>> which is where I intend to be my working directories. After setting up
>> a similar directory structure (/Projects/), I typed "git clone
>> C:/Projects/project_name" and the desired result appeared on E:
>> E:/Projects/project_name/ All seemed well with the world!
>> Now I made some edits to in my working directory,
>> added/committed and then attempted to push to the remote repository
>> and got this:
>I would suggest the following work flow to set up two parallel repositories:
>cd <first repo directory>
>git init
><do what ever>
>git add <files on which you did what ever>
>git commit
>cd <directory where you want the same repository>
>git clone <first repo directory>
># the above command brings in a copy of all that was committed in the first repo.
>Once this is done, I believe your subsequent commits can be pushed without the errors.

I recently did this by creating an alias:
git config alias.pushall '!git push origin devel && git push github devel

So you can use 'git pushall'. The other method mentioned on SO did not work for me.


From fomcl at  Fri May  1 15:03:41 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 06:03:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] subprocess.Popen(..., cwd) and UNC paths
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 1:12 AM CEST eryksun wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam
><fomcl at> wrote:
>> Hmmm, that sounds pretty convincing indeed (makes it even stranger that CD works the way it works).
>> I believe it threw a WindowsError, indicating that the file(s) could not be found, because the dir was
>> not changed. I actually first ran into this problem with this script, so with my current script I
>> immediately refrained from using cwd:
>> Git gave a fatal error in windows and the pushd/popd fixed it.
>I don't see why you'd need shell=True. Windows supports UNC paths in
>the working directory, but the cmd.exe shell (being a crusty relic of
>the 1980s) 

"Crusty relic" LOL :-)

<does not. So just use the default value, shell=False.
>(However, on POSIX systems, unlike Windows, using shell=False requires
>`cmd` to be a list.) 

Ah, maybe that caused the confusion. I used a str for cmd because I found it more readable that way. I could do cmd.split().

BTW, there's no need to explicitly pass
>cwd=os.getcwd(). The default behavior is to inherit the working
>directory of the current process.

Ok, I'll try this. I remember I was messing with this (hence the 'verbose' parameter). So os.getcwd() == os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) here? (Sorry, I can't try this now, even though I have QPython on my phone)

Best wishes,

From eryksun at  Fri May  1 17:26:50 2015
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 10:26:50 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] subprocess.Popen(..., cwd) and UNC paths
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 8:03 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
> I used a str for cmd because I found it more readable that way. I could do cmd.split().

Don't use cmd.split(). That just splits on whitespace without
respecting how the shell tokenizes the command. Use shlex.split(cmd)

> So os.getcwd() == os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) here?

No, a Python script could be started from any directory, while the RHS
there is specifically the directory of the script. In terms of a
crusty old cmd script we're talking about the difference between %cd%
and %~dp0 (where d=drive and p=path).

From fomcl at  Fri May  1 20:41:29 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 11:41:29 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
	control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to
	origin without an error occurring?
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 1, 2015 5:39 AM CEST boB Stepp wrote:

>I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init".

Not with 'git init --bare'?

I usually prefer initializing a remote with a readme, so I can simply clone it and then populate it with files. No 'git init' and 'git remote add' needed.

This book is good:


From robertvstepp at  Sat May  2 05:45:24 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 22:45:24 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
 control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to origin without an
 error occurring?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:21 PM, Alex Kleider <akleider at> wrote:
> On 2015-04-30 20:39, boB Stepp wrote:
>> I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init". I
>> then copied and pasted a file to that location and put it under
>> version control with "git add". Next I went to my E-drive,
>> which is where I intend to be my working directories. After setting up
>> a similar directory structure (/Projects/), I typed "git clone
>> C:/Projects/project_name" and the desired result appeared on E:
>> E:/Projects/project_name/ All seemed well with the world!
>> Now I made some edits to in my working directory,
>> added/committed and then attempted to push to the remote repository
>> and got this:
> I would suggest the following work flow to set up two parallel repositories:
> cd <first repo directory>
> git init
> <do what ever>
> git add <files on which you did what ever>
> git commit
> cd <directory where you want the same repository>
> git clone <first repo directory>
> # the above command brings in a copy of all that was committed in the first
> repo.
> Once this is done, I believe your subsequent commits can be pushed without
> the errors.

But this is what I did, and I got the pasted error. Is there some
difference between what you are saying and what I posted that I am not
picking up on?


From robertvstepp at  Sat May  2 06:19:43 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 23:19:43 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
 control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to origin without an
 error occurring?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
> ----------------------------
> On Fri, May 1, 2015 5:39 AM CEST boB Stepp wrote:
>>I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init".
> Not with 'git init --bare'?

Should I have used the option --bare? I was following along with the
book, "Pro Git", which is available free on-line via the Git website.

> I usually prefer initializing a remote with a readme, so I can simply clone it and then populate it with files. No 'git init' and 'git remote add' needed.

I'm not certain I am following you here. When you say you are
"initializing a remote with a readme", have you first run "git init"
or "git init --bare" in that directory? And I presume the readme is
the typical readme file that most projects have? And then you go to
your working directory and run your git clone command? And then as you
generate files in your working directory, you push them to the remote?

> This book is good:
Thanks for the link. Just now ordered it.


From braveart08 at  Sat May  2 06:12:40 2015
From: braveart08 at (Jag Sherrington)
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 04:12:40 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
Message-ID: <>

Hi Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong the end result doesn't add up?
people = int(input('Enter how many people '))numdogs = int(input('Enter how many dogs '))
hotdogs = 10buns = 8dogsleft = 0bunsleft = 0
# total number of hot dogs neededdogs_needed = (numdogs * people)
# how many packages of hot dogspackdogs = (dogs_needed / hotdogs)
# how many packs of buns neededpackbuns = (dogs_needed / buns)
# how many hot dogs leftdogsleft = (packdogs * 10, - dogs_needed)
# how many buns leftbunsleft = (packbuns * 8, - dogs_needed)
print('Here are the details:')
print('Total hot dogs needed: ', dogs_needed)
print('Packs of hot dogs ', packdogs)
print('Packs of buns ', packbuns)
print('Dogs left: ', dogsleft)
print('Buns left: ', bunsleft)
Enter how many people 10Enter how many dogs 2Here are the details:Total hot dogs needed: ?20Packs of hot dogs ?2.0Packs of buns ?2.5Dogs left: ?(2.0, -20)Buns left: ?(2.5, -20)
Many thanks for your help.
BraveArt Multimedia?

From michaellemon at  Sat May  2 02:22:14 2015
From: michaellemon at (Michael Lemon)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 00:22:14 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an email option in Python
Message-ID: <>

 I'm a beginner in Python and I wanted to know how to create an email optional field using Python.


From ben+python at  Sat May  2 09:46:23 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 17:46:23 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jag Sherrington <braveart08 at> writes:

> Hi Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong the end result doesn't
> add up?

Maybe. first, though, you'll need to turn off any ?rich text? or other
fancy mangling of your message content. It makes the text

Just compose your message as plain text, and put the program text and
output in the message.

 \           ?Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep |
  `\                                                alone.? ?anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From ben+python at  Sat May  2 09:48:45 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 17:48:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an email option in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lemon <michaellemon at> writes:

> I'm a beginner in Python

Welcome! You have chosen a great language for learning.

> and I wanted to know how to create an email optional field using Python.

Without knowing more about what that means, I'm not sure I would know
how either :-)

What is an ?email optional field?? A field in what, specifically?

Can you show a Short, Self-contained, Complete example
<URL:> of a program which has an email field, and
explain what you'd like it to do differently?

 \          ?Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and |
  `\        action, where it often substitutes for both.? ?John Andrew |
_o__)                                  Holmes, _Wisdom in Small Doses_ |
Ben Finney

From alan.gauld at  Sat May  2 09:52:51 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 08:52:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi1vog$ljs$>

On 02/05/15 05:12, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong the end result doesn't add up?

I assume you are posting in HTML, your code is very hard to read with 
missing newlines. Please check your settings and post in plain text.

I'm not sure what you mean by "doesn't add up"?
What were you expecting to be different?
Is it the 2.0 and 2.5 in the last two results?

> people = int(input('Enter how many people '))numdogs = int(input('Enter how many dogs '))
> hotdogs = 10buns = 8dogsleft = 0bunsleft = 0
> # total number of hot dogs neededdogs_needed = (numdogs * people)
> # how many packages of hot dogspackdogs = (dogs_needed / hotdogs)
> # how many packs of buns neededpackbuns = (dogs_needed / buns)
> # how many hot dogs leftdogsleft = (packdogs * 10, - dogs_needed)

One thing that is odd. Why did you separate this calculation
with the comma? Were you intending completing it later on?

> # how many buns leftbunsleft = (packbuns * 8, - dogs_needed)

same here

> print('Here are the details:')
> print('Total hot dogs needed: ', dogs_needed)
> print('Packs of hot dogs ', packdogs)
> print('Packs of buns ', packbuns)
> print('Dogs left: ', dogsleft)
> print('Buns left: ', bunsleft)

Enter how many people 10
Enter how many dogs 2
Here are the details:
Total hot dogs needed:  20
Packs of hot dogs  2.0
Packs of buns  2.5
Dogs left:  (2.0, -20)
Buns left:  (2.5, -20)

Assuming its the 2.0 and 2.5 that you are querying, I confess I'm 
confused too. I don't get that when I run your code (after fixing
the newlines):

Enter how many people 10
Enter how many dogs 2
Here are the details:
Total hot dogs needed:  20
Packs of hot dogs  2.0
Packs of buns  2.5
Dogs left:  (20.0, -20)
Buns left:  (20.0, -20)

Which is exactly what I'd expect.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Sat May  2 09:56:51 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 17:56:51 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 04:12:40AM +0000, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong the end result doesn't add up?

Hi Jag, it's hard to say exactly what's going wrong because you're 
posting with "Rich Text" that ends up mangling the formatting of your 
code something horrible. Have a look how it ends up:

> people = int(input('Enter how many people '))numdogs = int(input('Enter how many dogs '))
> hotdogs = 10buns = 8dogsleft = 0bunsleft = 0
> # total number of hot dogs neededdogs_needed = (numdogs * people)
> # how many packages of hot dogspackdogs = (dogs_needed / hotdogs)
> # how many packs of buns neededpackbuns = (dogs_needed / buns)
> # how many hot dogs leftdogsleft = (packdogs * 10, - dogs_needed)
> # how many buns leftbunsleft = (packbuns * 8, - dogs_needed)

etc. So we have to try to reconstruct what the code is supposed to be, 
rather than what we are given.

If you are planning to stay here for a while (and we would be really 
happy for you to do so!) you should spend some time fixing the email, 
otherwise (1) you're going to have a bad time, and (2) we're probably 
going to just give up trying to help. (Sorry, but we have only so much 
time and energy we're able to give.)

But for now, let me see what I can do... my guess is that you are trying 
to calculate the number of packets of hot dogs and buns needed to feed 
some people.

hotdogs = 10   # hot dogs per packet
buns = 8  # buns per packet
dogsleft = bunsleft = 0  # how many left over

dogs_needed = numdogs * people  # Each person gets numdogs hot dogs
packdogs = dogs_needed / hotdogs
packbuns = dogs_needed / buns

Your code seems to be okay up to this point. But the next two lines seem 
to be wrong:

dogsleft = (packdogs * 10, - dogs_needed)
bunsleft = (packbuns * 8, - dogs_needed)

The commas turn them into tuples. A tuple is a collection of multiple 
values. If you remember your high school maths, tuples are like X-Y 
coordinate pairs, except they can hold anything, not just numbers, and 
not just a pair of them. But the important thing is that

    packdogs * 10, - dogs_needed

gives you a pair of numbers:

    packdogs * 10



which looks like this when printed:

    (2.0, -20)    

So you need to change those two lines to remove the commas:

dogsleft = (packdogs * 10 - dogs_needed)
bunsleft = (packbuns * 8 - dogs_needed)

Does that fix the program? If not, what does it do, and what did you 
expect it to do instead?


From alan.gauld at  Sat May  2 09:58:34 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 08:58:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mhsppc$oak$>
Message-ID: <>

Please use ReplyAll to include everyone on the the list.

On 02/05/15 03:26, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi Alan
> Thanks for your help. I followed your instruction and get the 
> following message:
> Enter a number between 0 and 36: 9
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "C:\Python34\Tests\", line 8, in <module>
> if number in green_numbers:
> TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable

Think about what I said rather than applying it blindly.

I said the red and black variables were both tuples and so needed an 
'in' test.
Can you see the logic of that. Why it needs to be 'in' rather than equality?

I made no mention of green because it is not a tuple.
Can you see why 'in' is not the right test for green. Can you see
why the interpreter is complaining?

Never change code randomly or just because somebody else says
so (or you think they said so). Always underdstand *why* you are doing it.

> *This is what I programmed:*
> number = int(input('Enter a number between 0 and 36: '))
> green_numbers = (0)
> red_numbers = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,\
>               21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36)
> black_numbers = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20,\
>                 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 29, 31, 33, 35)
> if number in green_numbers:
>     print('Number is Green')
> elif number in red_numbers:
>     print('Number is Red')
> elif number in black_numbers:
>         print('Number is Black')

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Sat May  2 10:10:28 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 09:10:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Pythonic review (descriptors)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Always reply using Reply ALL to include the tutor list members.

On 02/05/15 05:34, Sage Hack wrote:
> Hi, thanks for checking the code.
> I'm trying to figure all your comments and update my code properly.
> On 28/04/15 10:21 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> The thing that jumps out to me is your use of class variables to hold a
>> dictionary of instance responses based on the instance ID.
>> Normally you'd store instance specific data in the instance
>> itself not in a class variable.
> I need to cache results since they all come from network requests.
> That's how I thought would work.
> For example :
> PageTitle('').__get__()
> called 3 time will only fetch the same result the first time.
> With all my descriptor classes, it's possible that the same request come
> up and I can't control the input of carry the data properly.
> In my case let's say 2 Targets() share the same hostname, I don't want
> to fetch the IP twice and there two class instances so keeping the data
> in the instance would not work.

I guess I don't understand why you have two Targets with the same hostname?
Thats what seems strange. If you do need multiple instances pointing at the
same host and yet also need access to all responses then a class variable
is probably correct. But the initial assumption of multiple instances
a host is what I'd question.

Could you use a single instance, perhaps storing them in a dictionary keyed
by host? Or store the instances in the class variable so that when you try
to create a new instance you get the original back (more elegant but
to code)

>> also you overwrite the
>> classvariable entry for each instance every time you call
>> the get(). Is that really what you want?
> I do not understand this comment

Your class variable dictionary is keyed by the id. so every time you
set it you lose the previous entry for that id. From what you say above
that may be what you want. I had assumed you were trying to store
the history of responses, but it appears you just want the latest..
> The other thing is that you should have docstrings for
> both the classes and methods.
> Trying looking up doc to understand docstrings but failed :P Look
> complicated hehe.

No, its very easy, just create an anonymous triple quoted string:

def foo():
    '''  here is a doc string instead of a comment, it tells you what
        the function is for, and what it returns.'''
       # function code here

> Finally, and not Python specific, You have several classes
> sharing the same 'ID' data - self.domain - that's usually
> a bad OOP smell. Only one class should be mastering any
> given type of  data, so maybe your other classes are
> really methods of whichever is the master class? Particularly
> since they don't have any explicit methods (also a bad OOP
> smell) of their own.
> I should explore that indeed. I'll see what I can see.
>> Another point re the PageTitle class:
>> There is not much point in calculating the id each time,
>> it could simply be set in the init(). You never change
>> the url or host.
> That's true. I changed id. Good tip.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From fomcl at  Sat May  2 10:15:23 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 01:15:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
	control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to
	origin without an error occurring?
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 2, 2015 6:19 AM CEST boB Stepp wrote:

>On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
>> ----------------------------
>> On Fri, May 1, 2015 5:39 AM CEST boB Stepp wrote:
>>I created my remote repository on, say my C-drive, with "git init".
>> Not with 'git init --bare'?
>Should I have used the option --bare? I was following along with the
>book, "Pro Git", which is available free on-line via the Git website.

Check out this page:

Isn't the error you mentioned before the same?

>> I usually prefer initializing a remote with a readme, so I can simply clone it and then populate it with files. No 'git init' and 'git remote add' needed.
>I'm not certain I am following you here. When you say you are
>"initializing a remote with a readme", have you first run "git init"
>or "git init --bare" in that directory? And I presume the readme is
>the typical readme file that most projects have? And then you go to
>your working directory and run your git clone command? And then as you
>generate files in your working directory, you push them to the remote?

Sorry, that probably only applies when you use a web service like Github, Bitbucket, or Gitbucket.

>> This book is good:
>Thanks for the link. Just now ordered it.

Yeah, that book has a good TL;DR rating. It's not exhaustive, but the commands you use most of the time are covered. Like "how do I undo a commit", or "How do I create a tag". I have this book, plus a big fat Git book with just about everything in it.

From __peter__ at  Sat May  2 10:36:19 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 10:36:19 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi22a4$q1v$>

Jag Sherrington wrote:

> Hi Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong the end result doesn't add
> up? 

Leaving out the Python side for a moment let's look again at one part of 
your problem:

You need 20 buns.
There are 8 buns in a package.
How many packages do you need?

You could say 2.5 because 2.5 * 8 == 20. But when you go to the shop you are 
limited to buying complete packages. Two won't do, so you have to take three 
packages and cope with the 4 extra buns. 

How can this be calculated in Python? One way is integer division:

>>> 20 // 8

Integer division always gives you a number equal or one below the actual 
number of packages:

>>> 21 // 8
>>> 23 // 8
>>> 24 // 8

To find out if you need an extra package you can calculate the rest with

>>> buns = 20
>>> package_size = 8
>>> buns - (buns // package_size) * package_size

You need 4 more buns and thus an extra package. Spelt in Python:

>>> buns = 20
>>> package_size = 8
>>> whole_packages = buns // package_size
>>> missing_buns = buns - (buns // package_size) * package_size
>>> if missing_buns:
...     total_packages = whole_packages + 1
... else:
...     total_packages = whole_packages
>>> total_packages

Can we simplify that? Python has an operator to calculate the rest or 
"modulo" directly:

>>> 20 % 8
>>> 21 % 8
>>> 22 % 8
>>> 23 % 8
>>> 24 % 8

There's also a way to calculate // and % in one step:

>>> divmod(20, 8)
(2, 4)

With that the calculation becomes

>>> buns = 20
>>> package_size = 8
>>> whole_packages, missing_buns = divmod(buns, package_size)
>>> total_packages = whole_packages
>>> if missing_buns: total_packages += 1
>>> total_packages

You can also find out the leftover buns:

>>> unused_buns = (total_packages * package_size) % buns
>>> unused_buns

Enjoy your meal ;)

From davea at  Sat May  2 12:13:13 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 06:13:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

1) Please reply-list, or if your email program doesn't support that, do 
a reply-all.  The idea is to make sure tutor at is in your To: 
field.  Otherwise you're just leaving private messages, and that's not 
what a public forum like this is about.

2) Please use text email, not html.  As you can see below, your 
formatting was thoroughly trashed by your email program.  I took a 
message at the html in your message, and you tried to use color as well, 
which won't be visible by most people here.

On 05/01/2015 10:29 PM, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi DaveThanks for your help. I followed your instruction and got the following message:
> Enter a number between 0 and 36: 9Traceback (most recent call last):  File "C:\Python34\Tests\", line 8, in <module>    if number in green_numbers:TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable
> This is what I programmed:
> number = int(input('Enter a number between 0 and 36: '))green_numbers = (0) red_numbers = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,\              21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36) black_numbers = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20,\                22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 29, 31, 33, 35)
> if number in green_numbers:    print('Number is Green')
> elif number in red_numbers:    print('Number is Red')
> elif number in black_numbers:        print('Number is Black')
> Kind regards, Jag BraveArt Multimedia
> 0421176576

Your remaining problem is that green_numbers isn't a list or tuple, it's 
just a single number.  You can change either of the following ways:

green_numbers = (0,)      #The comma forces it to be a tuple
green_numbers = [0]       #it's a list

Alternatively, you could use == for green, and in for the other two. 
But as good programming practice, it's good to keep symmetry for the 3 


From alan.gauld at  Sat May  2 13:12:39 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 12:12:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Having Unusual results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

CCing the list. Please use Reply ALL to include the list.

On 02/05/15 10:58, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi Alan thank you for your help have done what you sugested and still the results don't add up?
> # how many hot dogs left
> dogsleft = (packdogs * 10 and - dogs_needed)

You removed the comma. But you added an 'and'.
You need a straight math equation here. By including
'and' you make it a boolean expression and the way
Python evaluates that is to work out the left side
and if it is false(zero) return the value.
if it is true(non zero) then it works out the right
side and return that.

This is done vbecause of the rule in boolean algebra that

TRUE and B = B

So in your case it evaluates it as:

(packdogs * 10 and - dogs_needed)

First it works out packdogs * 10, which is 20, and
therefore True.

It then returns -dogs_needed which is -20 as the result.

That's why you get what you get.

The fix is just to do the math and nothing else, no commas, no 'and'.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From d at  Sat May  2 12:54:57 2015
From: d at (Dave Angel)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 06:54:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
In-Reply-To: <mi22a4$q1v$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/02/2015 04:36 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
> Jag Sherrington wrote:
> With that the calculation becomes
>>>> buns = 20
>>>> package_size = 8
>>>> whole_packages, missing_buns = divmod(buns, package_size)
>>>> total_packages = whole_packages
>>>> if missing_buns: total_packages += 1
> ...
>>>> total_packages
> 3

And that can be simplified:

buns = 20
package_size = 8
total_packages = (buns + package_size - 1) // package_size

#desired answer 3

Or, to take better advantage of the Python library:

import math
total_packages = math.ceil(buns/package_size)

This is exactly what the ceiling and floor mathematical concepts are 
needed for.

Note, I'm using the fact that the OP is writing in Python 3.  If not, 
one should probably add
    from __future__ import division


From nulla.epistola at  Sat May  2 20:30:20 2015
From: nulla.epistola at (Sibylle Koczian)
Date: Sat, 02 May 2015 20:30:20 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mhsppc$oak$>
Message-ID: <>

Am 02.05.2015 um 09:58 schrieb Alan Gauld:
> I made no mention of green because it is not a tuple.
> Can you see why 'in' is not the right test for green. Can you see
> why the interpreter is complaining?
>> *This is what I programmed:*
>> number = int(input('Enter a number between 0 and 36: '))
>> green_numbers = (0)

Additional hint: It's the comma that makes a tuple, not the parentheses. 
So (0) is no tuple, (0,) would be one.

>> red_numbers = (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,\
>>               21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36)
>> black_numbers = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20,\
>>                 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 29, 31, 33, 35)
>> if number in green_numbers:
>>     print('Number is Green')
>> elif number in red_numbers:
>>     print('Number is Red')
>> elif number in black_numbers:
>>         print('Number is Black')

From pythonistaforhire at  Sun May  3 01:25:41 2015
From: pythonistaforhire at (Alex McFerron)
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 16:25:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] python dictionaries (copy by reference or copy by value?)
Message-ID: <>

trying to understand why this is true

step 1: x = {}
step 2: y = x
step 3: x['key'] = 'value'
# at this point if i print x or y i see {'key', 'value'}
step 4:  x['key'] = 'newValue' #and at this point printing x or y i see
{'key', 'newValue'} and this is true if this was y['key']

because of the behavior in step 4, i'm thinking, ok the copy job from step
2 was a pointer only and not a by value copy job. fair enough

step 5: x = {} #or y={}
step 6: print both. and what i get here is that x will be empty but y will
not (or visa verse)

question: if y=x from step 2 (the copy job)  is just creating a pointer y
that points to the same thing as x then why when i set x = {} in step 5
does that also not cause y to equal {}?

what am i not understanding about python dictionaries?

From alan.gauld at  Sun May  3 02:01:59 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 03 May 2015 01:01:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] python dictionaries (copy by reference or copy by
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi3ohk$t1u$>

On 03/05/15 00:25, Alex McFerron wrote:

> step 1: x = {}
> step 2: y = x
> step 3: x['key'] = 'value'
> # at this point if i print x or y i see {'key', 'value'}
> step 4:  x['key'] = 'newValue' #and at this point printing x or y i see
> {'key', 'newValue'} and this is true if this was y['key']
> because of the behavior in step 4, i'm thinking, ok the copy job from step
> 2 was a pointer only and not a by value copy job. fair enough

First mistake is to think of step 2 as a "copy job" its not.
Python variables do not work like variables in C and other
similar languages. see below.

> step 5: x = {} #or y={}
> step 6: print both. and what i get here is that x will be empty but y will
> not (or visa verse)
> question: if y=x from step 2 (the copy job)  is just creating a pointer y
> that points to the same thing as x then why when i set x = {} in step 5
> does that also not cause y to equal {}?
> what am i not understanding about python dictionaries?

This has nothing to do with dictionaries. Try this:

 >>> a = 42
 >>> b = a
 >>> a = 66
 >>> print a,b   # => 66,42

The same behaviour.
Remember that unlike some other languages you may have used
variables are not bits of memory. They are labels that are
used as keys in a dictionary. Its a bit like sticking
a post-it note onto a physical object. Many notes can be
stuck to the same object. And you can take a note off an
object and stick it on a new one.

So in step 1 you  take a new post-it, write the name 'x'
on it and attach it to your dictionary.
Then in step 2 you do not copy anything, rather you get
another post-it and write the name 'y' on it, then you
stick it to the same dictionary object as x

In step 5 you move the first post-it, with 'x' on it, to a
new object. It just happens to be another dictionary, but
it could have been anything. But the post-it with 'y' on is
still stuck to the original dictionary object.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From ben+python at  Sun May  3 03:18:16 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Sun, 03 May 2015 11:18:16 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] python dictionaries (copy by reference or copy by
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alex McFerron <pythonistaforhire at> writes:

> trying to understand why this is true
> step 1: x = {}

Assignment; binds a reference (the name ?x?) to a newly-created empty

> step 2: y = x

Assignment; binds a reference (the name ?y?) to the object currently
referred to by ?x?. That's the same object as above.

> step 3: x['key'] = 'value'

Assignment; binds a reference (the item keyed by the string ?'key'? in
the same dictionary as above) to the string object ?'value'?.

> # at this point if i print x or y i see {'key', 'value'}

Because there's only one dictionary in all of this.

> step 4:  x['key'] = 'newValue'

Assignment; binds a reference, the same reference as before (the item
keyed by the string ?'key'? in the same dictionary as above) to the
string object ?'newValue'?.

> #and at this point printing x or y i see {'key', 'newValue'} and this
> is true if this was y['key']

Because there's only one dictionary in all of this.

> because of the behavior in step 4, i'm thinking, ok the copy job from
> step 2 was a pointer only and not a by value copy job. fair enough

None of these operations are copies. Assignment in Python is *never* a
copy operation.

> step 5: x = {}

Assignment; binds a reference (the name ?x?) to a newly created empty

> step 6: print both. and what i get here is that x will be empty but y will
> not (or visa verse)

Because the name ?y? is still a reference to the original dictionary above.

> question: if y=x from step 2 (the copy job)

There's your error. Assignment in Python *never* copies, it only binds a
reference to some value.

 \            ?If you continue running Windows, your system may become |
  `\        unstable.? ?Microsoft, Windows 95 bluescreen error message |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From steve at  Sun May  3 04:32:15 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 12:32:15 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] python dictionaries (copy by reference or copy by
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 02, 2015 at 04:25:41PM -0700, Alex McFerron wrote:
> trying to understand why this is true
> question: if y=x from step 2 (the copy job)  is just creating a pointer y
> that points to the same thing as x then why when i set x = {} in step 5
> does that also not cause y to equal {}?
> what am i not understanding about python dictionaries?

Python, like most modern languages, is neither copy-by-value nor 

Python uses *exactly* the same name-binding mechanism for all values, 
regardless of type, and all names, whether they are global variables, 
function parameters, or anything else.

I discuss this question as it applies to function arguments here:

but the same reasoning applies to any other assignment. The important 
thing to remember is that

y = x

doesn't make a copy of x, it just makes y refer to the same object as x 
currently refers to. This is *not the same* as making y refer to x 
(that is, y and x are permanently linked to be alternative names for 
the same variable). Can you see the difference? If not, I'm happy to 
respond with more detail.


From robertvstepp at  Sun May  3 04:58:29 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 21:58:29 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Questions (and initial responses) on using version
 control: Why cannot I push my single (master) branch to origin without an
 error occurring?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 3:15 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:

> Check out this page:
> Isn't the error you mentioned before the same?

After reading everything on the page you link to, plus the little bit
on Git in "Introducing Python" by Bill Lubanovic, I think I understand
what is going on a bit better. My current understanding is this: The
workflow that I originally did resulted in TWO working directories
being created with the same branch name, master; one where I meant the
remote repository to be and one where I really meant for my work to be
done. The error message reflects that Git will not allow both working
directories to be working on the same branch at the same time, as Git
has to allow for others wanting to access the repository and the
branch master. Thus when I created a new branch on the repository and
checked it out, there was now only one working directory actively
developing the master branch, *not* at the repository's location. The
repository's working directory was then set to have the new branch
developed. Of course this was a throw away branch, to allow me to push
to the repository from my *real* working directory. I don't know if I
am saying this particularly well as I am still wrapping my mind around
how Git structures things.

I could have done one of two things:

1) Created a repository using "git init", and have my working
directory there. In this instance, there would be no need for push or
pull commands. Or,

2) Created a bare repository. This would result in there being NO
working directory in that location. Go to my desired working directory
location and type "git init". Create files, edit them, etc.,
adding/committing them there. When I am ready to push, I can push to
the remote "bare" repository. No error messages result as no working
directories exist on its location.

My intent in having my work stored on two different hard drives, was
to cover myself if one hard drive failed. So I tested arrangement (2)
tonight. After generating some test files and pushing them to the
remote directory, I grew concerned when I did not see any of the files
I pushed there! But I followed through and deleted everything off of
my working directory hard drive to simulate it crashing. While still
there I typed "git clone remote_repo_location" and voila! My files
returned!! I don't totally understand everything yet, but it makes a
lot more sense now.


From diliupg at  Sun May  3 18:46:43 2015
From: diliupg at (diliup gabadamudalige)
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 22:16:43 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: circular movement in pygame
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

for what ever it's worth I'd like to share the code below with you.
I got the code to do what I wanted. Object falls onto a rotating platform
and stays there without falling off.

video is here ->

import sys, os, pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from standard_object_creator import *
from math import sin, cos, pi, radians


FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()

FONT1= "data\Cookie-Regular.ttf"

if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win64':
    #os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '2'# center of screen
    os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (10,30)#top left corner

SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENW, SCREENH))
pygame.display.set_caption('rotating object')

BLUE = (0, 50, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
PURPLE = (145, 0, 100)
yellow = (220,220,  0)

FPS = 160  # frames per second

platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()
boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()

## this is the center of rotation. objects will be placed on the radius
according to the step
cx = SCREENW / 2 # x pos in relation to screen width
cy = SCREENH / 2 # y pos in relation to screen height

## self, posx, posy, imagelist, speedx = 0, speedy = 0, value = 0
plat = pygame.image.load("platform.png").convert_alpha()
box = pygame.image.load("box.png").convert_alpha()

box = object_factory ([box], cx, cy - 300, 0, 2)


RADIUS = 100 # distance from the center
angle = radians(0)  # angular distance between objects
omega = 1
for x in xrange(1):
    xpos = (cos(angle * x) * RADIUS) + cx
    ypos = (sin(angle * x) * RADIUS) + cy
    obj = object_factory([plat], xpos, ypos) = cx = cy
    obj.difx = 0
    obj.dify = 0
    obj.angle = radians(60 * x) # position each object around (cx,cy)
    obj.radius = RADIUS  # distance from the center = radians(omega)
    obj.offsetx = cos(obj.angle) * obj.radius
    obj.offsety = -sin(obj.angle) * obj.radius

mouseposlist = []
okkoma = [platforms, boxes]
x = 0
l = []
while True:

    x += 1
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            if event.button == 1:
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                val = [pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0]
                print val
            elif event.button == 3 and mouseposlist != []:

        if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
            print mouseposlist

    for hp in boxes:

    ## MOVE THE SPRITE IN A CIRCLE center of rotation = cx,cy. Each object
is placed by varying the step), BLUE, (cx, cy), RADIUS, 2)

    for obj in platforms:

        obj.angle +=  # larger value increases speed ( angle gets
        #obj.radius += .1  # this will make the object move in an expanding
        obj.offsetx = cos(obj.angle) * obj.radius
        obj.offsety = -sin(obj.angle) * obj.radius
        obj.difx = obj.offsetx - obj.rect.x
        obj.dify = obj.offsety - obj.rect.y
        obj.speedx = round( + obj.difx, 2)
        obj.speedy = round( + obj.dify, 2)
        l.append([obj.speedx, obj.speedy])


    for ekak in okkoma:

    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, BLUE, (0, SCREENH / 2), (SCREENW, SCREENH /
2), 2)
    pygame.draw.line(SCREEN, BLUE, (SCREENW / 2, 0), (SCREENW / 2,



print l

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:27 PM, diliup gabadamudalige <diliupg at>

> Thanks all for the very informative responses especially to Alan for being
> descriptive.
> I am now going to make my movement linear and move away from my current
> circular one.
> I hope a little bit of fun and "Thank you" emails fall into the order of
> the day..
> :)
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
>> On 04/29/2015 02:37 PM, diliup gabadamudalige wrote:
>>> I do not understand how Alan does not get the code that is in this
>>> thread.
>> There are at least 3 ways of posting to "this thread":
>>    A) email
>>    B) newsgroup
>>    C) googlegroups
>> and at least 5 ways of looking at "this thread"
>>    A) email
>>    B) email digest
>>    C) newsgroup
>>    D) googlegroups
>>    E) various archives
>> To get messages from one region to another involves going through a
>> gateway, and most of them damage some of the messages going through.  To
>> minimize the likelihood that what looks good on your screen will be missing
>> or different on mine or on Alan's, follow a few rules:
>>    1) avoid html
>>    2) avoid attachments
>> There are others, but those seem to be the biggies.
>> Many other guidelines will help readability and consistency, like not
>> top-posting, using proper quoting and attribution, giving enough
>> information but not too much, specifying the whole environment in the FIRST
>> message of a thread, etc.
>> --
>> DaveA
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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> --
> Diliup Gabadamudalige
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Diliup Gabadamudalige

This e-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are
not the intended recipient or have received it in error, please delete it
and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return
e-mail. Any unauthorized reading, reproducing, printing or further
dissemination of this e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited and may
be unlawful. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely,
secure, error or virus-free. The sender does not accept liability for any
errors or omissions.

From anupama.2312.bmsit at  Mon May  4 07:03:34 2015
From: anupama.2312.bmsit at (anupama srinivas murthy)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:33:34 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
Message-ID: <>


My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
function as appropriate, the code i use is;

if sys.version < '3':
            dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
            dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))

The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
get the error:
dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How can I solve the issue?

Thank you

From braveart08 at  Mon May  4 06:26:11 2015
From: braveart08 at (Jag Sherrington)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 04:26:11 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
Message-ID: <>

There appears to be a problem with this program.
It is taken from the "Starting out with Python" book third edition.

The problem is when the "validate the wholesale cost" is introduced.
Without the validator the code works fine, but with it the code won't let you enter a positive wholesale cost unless you do a negative cost first. 
Even after you have entered a negative cost and got the results of your positive cost it asks wether you want to do another item if you type "y" you still can't enter a positive amount.


#This program calculates retail prices.

mark_up = 2.5  # The mark up percentage.
another = 'y'   # Variable to control the loop.

# Process one or more items.
while another == 'y' or another == 'y':
    #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
    wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))

    # Validate the wholesale cost.
    while wholesale < 0:
        print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
        wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))

        #Calculate the retail price.
        retail = wholesale * mark_up

        #Display the retail price.
        print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')

        #Do this again.
        another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
                        '(Enter y for yes): ')


Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
Enter the item's wholesale cost:    (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Enter the item's wholesale cost: -0.50  (YOU HAVE TO ENTER A NEGATIVE FIRST ???)  
ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.
Enter the correct wholesale cost: 0.50  
Retail price: $1.25
Do you have another item? (Enter y for yes): y
Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
Enter the item's wholesale cost: 


Regards, Jag
BraveArt Multimedia 

From gstc2 at  Mon May  4 07:00:06 2015
From: gstc2 at (Grace Anne St Clair-Bates)
Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 22:00:06 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to write a program that uses while and if loops, but my print
statements are not going through and showing up when I run the module. I
have tried numerous things and changed in the code and cannot for the life
of me figure out why it won't print. If someone could help that would be
amazing. Thank you

From alan.gauld at  Mon May  4 09:27:57 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 08:27:57 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi771q$jd0$>

On 04/05/15 06:03, anupama srinivas murthy wrote:
> Hello,
> My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
> function as appropriate, the code i use is;
> if sys.version < '3':
>              dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>          else:
>              dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))

Are you sure you are cutting and pasting the exact code
and error messages?
If so are you using plain text?

Because the indentation of the code above is wrong and should
give an error message every time.

> The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
> get the error:
> dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>                                      ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The code you have shown us doesn't run on any version.
We will need to see the exact code and full error message.

Also, have you looked at the string returned by sys.version?
Comparing it to '3' like that is not a reliable way to test
version. You would be better off using sys.version_info.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Mon May  4 09:34:29 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 09:34:29 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi77e8$pbg$>

Jag Sherrington wrote:

> Hi,
> There appears to be a problem with this program.
> It is taken from the "Starting out with Python" book third edition.
> The problem is when the "validate the wholesale cost" is introduced.
> Without the validator the code works fine, but with it the code won't let
> you enter a positive wholesale cost unless you do a negative cost first.
> Even after you have entered a negative cost and got the results of your
> positive cost it asks wether you want to do another item if you type "y"
> you still can't enter a positive amount.
> #This program calculates retail prices.
> mark_up = 2.5  # The mark up percentage.
> another = 'y'   # Variable to control the loop.
> # Process one or more items.
> while another == 'y' or another == 'y':
>     #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
>     wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
>     # Validate the wholesale cost.
>     while wholesale < 0:
>         print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
>         wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))

Look at the indentation of the rest of your code. To which while loop do you 
want it to belong and in which while loop is it actually executed?
>         #Calculate the retail price.
>         retail = wholesale * mark_up
>         #Display the retail price.
>         print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
>         #Do this again.
>         another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
>                         '(Enter y for yes): ')
> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
> Enter the item's wholesale cost:    (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)
>>>> ================================ RESTART
>>>> ================================
> Enter the item's wholesale cost: -0.50  (YOU HAVE TO ENTER A NEGATIVE
> FIRST ???) ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.
> Enter the correct wholesale cost: 0.50
> Retail price: $1.25
> Do you have another item? (Enter y for yes): y
> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
> Enter the item's wholesale cost:
> Regards, Jag

From alan.gauld at  Mon May  4 09:31:32 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 08:31:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi778h$mp6$>

On 04/05/15 05:26, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi,
> There appears to be a problem with this program.
> It is taken from the "Starting out with Python" book third edition.
> The problem is when the "validate the wholesale cost" is introduced.
> Without the validator the code works fine, but with it the code won't let you enter a positive wholesale cost unless you do a negative cost first.
> Even after you have entered a negative cost and got the results of your positive cost it asks wether you want to do another item if you type "y" you still can't enter a positive amount.
> #This program calculates retail prices.
> mark_up = 2.5  # The mark up percentage.
> another = 'y'   # Variable to control the loop.
> # Process one or more items.
> while another == 'y' or another == 'y':

That's the same test twice. Is that what you meant?

>      #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
>      wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
>      # Validate the wholesale cost.
>      while wholesale < 0:
>          print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
>          wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))
>          #Calculate the retail price.
>          retail = wholesale * mark_up
>          #Display the retail price.
>          print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
>          #Do this again.
>          another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
>                          '(Enter y for yes): ')
> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
> Enter the item's wholesale cost:    (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)

No problem, its exactly what your program tells it to do.
If the cost is >0 there is nothing else to do so it goes
round the loop a second time.

What did you expect it to do?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Mon May  4 09:38:32 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 08:38:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi77ll$sus$>

On 04/05/15 06:00, Grace Anne St Clair-Bates wrote:
> I am trying to write a program that uses while and if loops, but my print
> statements are not going through and showing up when I run the module. I
> have tried numerous things and changed in the code and cannot for the life
> of me figure out why it won't print. If someone could help that would be
> amazing. Thank you

To help you would need to show us the code.
We are not mind readers.

Also post any error messages you get, they
are full of useful information once you
learn how to read them.

Finally, please tell us which Python version you are using,
which OS and which tutorial or book you are using.

With that information available we can try to help.

But note: if *statements* are not *loops*.
*loops* are bits of code that repeat zero or more times.
*if statements* are bits of code that may or may not
execute depending on some test result.

In programming it is very important to be precise
in your language. Otherwise we all get very confused
about what you mean.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Mon May  4 09:37:51 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 09:37:51 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python Help
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi77kf$pbg$>

Grace Anne St Clair-Bates wrote:

> I am trying to write a program that uses while and if loops, but my print
> statements are not going through and showing up when I run the module. I
> have tried numerous things and changed in the code and cannot for the life
> of me figure out why it won't print. If someone could help that would be
> amazing. Thank you

Write a small example script that shows the problem. Post it here so that we 
have something to start the discussion.

Do not attach the script to your mail, put it into the body as plain text. 
Only then everyone can see your code.

Thank you.

From kwpolska at  Mon May  4 09:46:22 2015
From: kwpolska at (Chris Warrick)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 09:46:22 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 7:03 AM, anupama srinivas murthy
<anupama.2312.bmsit at> wrote:
> Hello,
> My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
> function as appropriate, the code i use is;
> if sys.version < '3':

A better comparison to use would be

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:

It?s the standard idiom, which compares 2 == 2 instead of '2.7.9 (more
garbage here)' < '3'.

>             dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>         else:
>             dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))
> The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
> get the error:
> dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>                                     ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> How can I solve the issue?

The best solution is not supporting Python 3.2, especially considering
that Python 3.3.0 was released in September 2012 (and the latest
version is 3.4.3).

Python 3.0?3.2 do not support the u'' notation for Unicode strings, it
was restored in Python 3.3 to make it easier to write code compatible
with 2.x and 3.x (just like you are trying to do here!)  Python has to
read in and parse all the code, and it encounters a strange u'' thing
it does not recognize.  Thus, it fails with a SyntaxError.

Many Python projects out there don?t support 3.2, and this was one of
the reasons.

If you REALLY have to support it (why?), there are two solutions.  The
first one is to use '\n'.decode('utf-8') instead of u'\n' for Python
2.7, which will not trigger a compile error (it does not matter that
there is no str.decode in Python 3, the syntax makes sense even if it
cannot be executed).  The second one is to use (at the top of your

    from __future__ import unicode_literals

This will make Python 2.7 think '\n' is a Unicode string, and Python
3.x will ignore this line ? in that case, you can even drop the
if/else and just use the same dictionary assignment for both Pythons.
Just be warned that it applies to the entire file and can lead to

PS. There is no reason to use """multi-line strings""" in this case,
regular "strings" will do it equally well and are more readable.

Chris Warrick <>

From __peter__ at  Mon May  4 09:53:16 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 09:53:16 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi78he$avd$>

anupama srinivas murthy wrote:

> Hello,
> My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
> function as appropriate, the code i use is;
> if sys.version < '3':
>             dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>         else:
>             dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))
> The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
> get the error:
> dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>                                     ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> How can I solve the issue?

Unfortunately Python 3.2 doesn't understand the u-prefixed syntax for 
unicode strings. Are the strings in english_words all unicode? Then

dictionary = io.StringIO("\n".join(english_words))

should work. In Python 3 "\n" is unicode anyway, and Python 2 implicitly 
converts "\n" to unicode:

$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> "\n".join([u"foo", u"bar"])

From __peter__ at  Mon May  4 10:07:57 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 10:07:57 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
References: <>
Message-ID: <mi79ct$jpn$>

Peter Otten wrote:

> anupama srinivas murthy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
>> function as appropriate, the code i use is;
>> if sys.version < '3':
>>             dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>>         else:
>>             dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))
>> The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
>> get the error:
>> dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>>                                     ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>> How can I solve the issue?
> Unfortunately Python 3.2 doesn't understand the u-prefixed syntax for
> unicode strings. Are the strings in english_words all unicode? Then
> dictionary = io.StringIO("\n".join(english_words))
> should work. In Python 3 "\n" is unicode anyway, and Python 2 implicitly
> converts "\n" to unicode:
> $ python
> Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
> [GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> "\n".join([u"foo", u"bar"])
> u'foo\nbar'

There is also the

from __future__ import unicode_literals

directive in Python 2.7. With that

"..." will be unicode, and bytestrings must be marked b"...".
The latter is understood by both 2.7 and 3.x

From anupama.2312.bmsit at  Mon May  4 09:29:36 2015
From: anupama.2312.bmsit at (anupama srinivas murthy)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 12:59:36 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On May 4, 2015 2:17 AM, "anupama srinivas murthy" <
> anupama.2312.bmsit at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My python code needs to run on versions 2.7 to 3.4. To use stringio
>> function as appropriate, the code i use is;
>> if sys.version < '3':
>>             dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>>         else:
>>             dictionary = io.StringIO("""\n""".join(english_words))
>> The code runs fine on all versions mentioned above except for 3.2 where i
>> get the error:
>> dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))
>>                                     ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>> How can I solve the issue?
>> Thank you
>> Anupama

On 4 May 2015 at 12:48, Reuben <reuben.dlink at> wrote:

Did you import correct library?

Thank you for asking

Yes. I made a new modification and the code now runs fine on python 3.2 as
well. I replaced;

dictionary = io.StringIO(u"""\n""".join(english_words))


dictionary = io.StringIO(unicode('\n').join(english_words))

However, i do not understand why it works fine now

From navyvel at  Mon May  4 09:19:48 2015
From: navyvel at (yvan moses Levy)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:19:48 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Sieve of Erastthotenes without sofisticated tools
Message-ID: <>

My code is wrong!
I tried and tried
But I'm very isolated and It's hard without consultation with a tutor
<code>from math import sqrt
def holeofStrainer():
  bigList = [False, False] + [True]*100
  print("line 4 - bigList : ", bigList)
  for num in range(2, 101):
    print("line 6 - num : ", num)
    for x in range(bigList[2], bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1]):
      print("line 8 x : %d"%x)
      if num % x == 0:
        print("line 10 {0} divise par {1} = {2} ".format(num, x, num/x))
        bigList[num] == False
        print "bigList[{0} == {1}]".format(num, bigList[num])
      bigList[num] == True

    for multiple in range (2, int(101/num) + 1):
      bigList[multiple] = False
print("the last result of bigList {} ".format(holeofStrainer()))</code>


From davea at  Mon May  4 12:00:24 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 06:00:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Sieve of Erastthotenes without sofisticated tools
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/04/2015 03:19 AM, yvan moses Levy wrote:
> My code is wrong!

You'd find it a lot easier to get responses if you'd say in what way the 
code is wrong.  If you get an exception, show the full traceback.  If 
you get printed results, show what you expected, and what you got 
instead.  If it hung, or crashed the OS, or ran out of memory, say so.

> I tried and tried
> But I'm very isolated and It's hard without consultation with a tutor
> <code>from math import sqrt
> def holeofStrainer():
>    bigList = [False, False] + [True]*100
>    print("line 4 - bigList : ", bigList)
>    for num in range(2, 101):
>      print("line 6 - num : ", num)
>      for x in range(bigList[2], bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1]):

What did you expect this to do?  What is bigList[2] ?  What is 
bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1] ?  Are these reasonable values to put into a 
range() function?

>        print("line 8 x : %d"%x)
>        if num % x == 0:
>          print("line 10 {0} divise par {1} = {2} ".format(num, x, num/x))
>          bigList[num] == False
>          print "bigList[{0} == {1}]".format(num, bigList[num])
>        bigList[num] == True
>      for multiple in range (2, int(101/num) + 1):
>        bigList[multiple] = False
>    return(bigList)
> print("the last result of bigList {} ".format(holeofStrainer()))</code>
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From eryksun at  Mon May  4 16:58:05 2015
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 09:58:05 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Chris Warrick <kwpolska at> wrote:
> Python 3.0?3.2 do not support the u'' notation for Unicode strings, it
> was restored in Python 3.3 to make it easier to write code compatible
> with 2.x and 3.x

Whoever restored this forgot about raw literals:

    >>> ur'abc'
      File "<stdin>", line 1
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

From dyoo at  Mon May  4 19:03:31 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:03:31 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Jacob Kaplan-Moss's keynote at PyCon 2015
Message-ID: <>

Apologies: this is somewhat off-topic, but I thought it might resonate
with the audience here:

It reminds me of Camille Fournier's talk back in 2014 at BangBangCon:

Both express the experience of being a programmer, on the dangers of
thinking of programming skill as some kind of bi-modal thing.  A key
point in both their talks, I think, is that almost all of us aren't
born natural programmers.  It's a skill.  We stumble, we learn, and we
can get better at it.

I hope that's an encouraging thought.

From wolfrage8765 at  Mon May  4 21:04:31 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 15:04:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
Message-ID: <>

I would like some help integrating TDD into my current projects.
My chosen TDD framework is unittest from the standard library.
My system details are: Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit, Python 3.4, bzr(for 
version control).

My projects are structured like:
Project > develop > Project > Project >
                               tests   >
I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
as: Python3 -m Project
That currently works.
But executing my tests as: Python3 -m tests
requires that has this hack to import the Project module:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
do you consider that OK? Is there a better way?
I call it a hack because every testcase file will have to have this line 
added to it in order to work.

I am also using and it is good but seems to be testing the 
coverage of my tests, which is not desired, how can I stop this 
behaviour. Or is it really OK.

Output of running the tests:
python3 -m tests
Ran Main.
Ran 1 test in 0.001s

Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
Project/Project          3      0   100%
tests/test_Project       8      0   100%
TOTAL                   11      0   100%

The test files:
{FileName =}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
if __name__ == '__main__':
     import coverage
     import unittest
     cov = coverage.coverage()
     # .. call your code ..
     from .test_Project import ProjectTestCase  # lint:ok
     import sys

{FileName =}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import unittest
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from Project import Project

class ProjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

     def test_example(self):

The Project Files:
{FileName =}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

if __name__ == '__main__':
     from . import Project

{FileName =}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def main():
     return True

From martin at  Mon May  4 22:49:44 2015
From: martin at (Martin A. Brown)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 13:49:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.11.1505041332210.31213@znpeba>

Hi there,

> I would like some help integrating TDD into my current projects. 
> My chosen TDD framework is unittest from the standard library. My 
> system details are: Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit, Python 3.4, bzr(for 
> version control).
> My projects are structured like:
> Project > develop > Project > Project >
>                              tests   >
> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
> Project/develop/Project
> as: Python3 -m Project
> That currently works.
> But executing my tests as: Python3 -m tests
> requires that has this hack to import the Project module:
> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))

Yes, a bit ugly.  Have you tried using nose?  I have used a 
similar project development tree and use nose to run the tests.

Here are a few sample command-lines (I'm on an opensuse-13.2 system 
with Python 3.4 and nose for Python-3.4, which is called 

   nosetests-3.4 -- ./tests/
   nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage -- ./tests/
   nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage --cover-package=Project -- ./tests/

I like nose because it will discover any unittest and doctest 
testing code under the specified files/directories.

> do you consider that OK? Is there a better way?

> I call it a hack because every testcase file will have to have 
> this line added to it in order to work.

Agreed, is a hack.

> I am also using and it is good but seems to be testing 
> the coverage of my tests, which is not desired, how can I stop 
> this behaviour. Or is it really OK.

That's precisely what coverage is supposed to do--that is it should 
report on how much of the 'code under test' has been exercised by 
the testing code.  So, in fact, it's better than OK--it's the 
primary point!

There are two good things about using coverage.

   #1: You see how much more effort you should invest to get
       substantial testing coverage of the code under test.
       [Though, some code is easy to test and others very difficult.]

   #2: You get a report of the lines in the code under test which are
       NOT yet tested; handy!

Good luck,


Martin A. Brown

From braveart08 at  Tue May  5 01:08:13 2015
From: braveart08 at (Jag Sherrington)
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 23:08:13 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
In-Reply-To: <mi778h$mp6$>
References: <mi778h$mp6$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi, Alan> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50?(AFTER THIS LINE PRINTS I HIT ENTER AND WOULD EXPECT THE NEXT LINE TO GIVE ME THE RESULT> Enter the item's wholesale cost: ? ?"Retail price: $1.25" ?INSTEAD WHEN I HIT ENTER I GET "Enter the item's wholesale cost: " AGAIN AND AGAIN
Regards, Jag
BraveArt Multimedia


     On Monday, 4 May 2015, 17:35, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

 On 04/05/15 05:26, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi,
> There appears to be a problem with this program.
> It is taken from the "Starting out with Python" book third edition.
> The problem is when the "validate the wholesale cost" is introduced.
> Without the validator the code works fine, but with it the code won't let you enter a positive wholesale cost unless you do a negative cost first.
> Even after you have entered a negative cost and got the results of your positive cost it asks wether you want to do another item if you type "y" you still can't enter a positive amount.
> #This program calculates retail prices.
> mark_up = 2.5? # The mark up percentage.
> another = 'y'? # Variable to control the loop.
> # Process one or more items.
> while another == 'y' or another == 'y':

That's the same test twice. Is that what you meant?

>? ? ? #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
>? ? ? wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
>? ? ? # Validate the wholesale cost.
>? ? ? while wholesale < 0:
>? ? ? ? ? print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
>? ? ? ? ? wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))
>? ? ? ? ? #Calculate the retail price.
>? ? ? ? ? retail = wholesale * mark_up
>? ? ? ? ? #Display the retail price.
>? ? ? ? ? print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
>? ? ? ? ? #Do this again.
>? ? ? ? ? another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? '(Enter y for yes): ')
> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
> Enter the item's wholesale cost:? ? (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)

No problem, its exactly what your program tells it to do.
If the cost is >0 there is nothing else to do so it goes
round the loop a second time.

What did you expect it to do?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From alan.gauld at  Tue May  5 01:31:23 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 00:31:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mi778h$mp6$>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/05/15 00:08, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi, Alan
> > Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50

But why would it? Your print code is all inside a loop that
only runs if the price is negative. If you enter a positive
price that code will not execute.

Look at your code. Follow it through line by line.

> > while another == 'y' or another == 'y':
> >      wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
> >      while wholesale < 0:
> >          print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
> >          wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))
> >
> >          #Calculate the retail price.
> >          retail = wholesale * mark_up
> >
> >          #Display the retail price.
> >          print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
> >
> >          #Do this again.
> >          another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
> >                          '(Enter y for yes): ')

I suspect that if you look at your books code the lines starting
#Calculate the retail price.
are all aligned under the first while not the second?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From davea at  Tue May  5 01:42:06 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 19:42:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mi778h$mp6$>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/04/2015 07:08 PM, Jag Sherrington wrote:
> Hi, Alan>

Please don't top-post.  Enter your new message *after* whatever portion 
of the previous message you're quoting.  I'm rearranging the portion of 
your message to conform to that standard.

>       On Monday, 4 May 2015, 17:35, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>> # Process one or more items.
>> while another == 'y' or another == 'y':
> That's the same test twice. Is that what you meant?
>>        #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
>>        wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
>>        # Validate the wholesale cost.
>>        while wholesale < 0:
>>            print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
>>            wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))
BUG on following line:
>>            #Calculate the retail price.
>>            retail = wholesale * mark_up
>>            #Display the retail price.
>>            print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
>>            #Do this again.
>>            another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
>>                            '(Enter y for yes): ')
>> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
>> Enter the item's wholesale cost:    (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)
> No problem, its exactly what your program tells it to do.
> If the cost is >0 there is nothing else to do so it goes
> round the loop a second time.
> What did you expect it to do?
 > Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50 (AFTER THIS LINE PRINTS I HIT
 > Enter the item's wholesale cost:    "Retail price: $1.25"
 > INSTEAD WHEN I HIT ENTER I GET "Enter the item's
 >  wholesale cost: " AGAIN AND AGAIN

(See Peter's comment as well as Alan's second one.)

All the rest of your logic is inside the while loop that's only run when 
the wholesale < 0 branch is taken.  So you don't see any output from it, 
as it never runs unless you enter a negative value followed by a 
positive one.

You have to fix the indentation of the lines starting "#Calculate the 
retail price"


From davea at  Tue May  5 07:14:44 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 01:14:44 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Sieve of Erastthotenes without sofisticated tools
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You accidentally sent your response to me instead of the list.  The 
proper thing to do for nearly all messages is to respond to the list. 
The main exception for that is if you just want to leave a simple 
thank-you for a person, and nothing of interest to anyone else.

 From your email program, use Reply-List.  If it doesn't support that, 
use Reply-All, and then delete me, so it goes just to the list.

Another problem with your message is messed-up formatting, apparently 
caused by the fact that you're sending html-encoded email to a text-only 
mailing list.  Please tell your mailer to use text.

On 05/04/2015 10:07 PM, yvan moses levy wrote:> Le 04/05/15 13:00, Dave 
Angel a ?crit :
 >> On 05/04/2015 03:19 AM, yvan moses Levy wrote:
 >>> My code is wrong!
 >> You'd find it a lot easier to get responses if you'd say in what way 
the code
 >> is wrong.  If you get an exception, show the full traceback.  If you get
 >> printed results, show what you expected, and what you got instead. 
If it
 >> hung, or crashed the OS, or ran out of memory, say so.
 >>> I tried and tried
 >>> But I'm very isolated and It's hard without consultation with a tutor
 >>> <code>from math import sqrt
 >>> def holeofStrainer():
 >>>    bigList = [False, False] + [True]*100
 >>>    print("line 4 - bigList : ", bigList)
 >>>    for num in range(2, 101):
 >>>      print("line 6 - num : ", num)
 >>>      for x in range(bigList[2], bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1]):
 >> What did you expect this to do?  What is bigList[2] ?  What is
 >> bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1] ?  Are these reasonable values to put into a
 >> range() function?

You didn't answer any of these questions.  Why not?

 >>>        print("line 8 x : %d"%x)
 >>>        if num % x == 0:
 >>>          print("line 10 {0} divise par {1} = {2} ".format(num, x, 
 >>>          bigList[num] == False
 >>>          print "bigList[{0} == {1}]".format(num, bigList[num])
 >>>        bigList[num] == True
 >>>      for multiple in range (2, int(101/num) + 1):
 >>>        bigList[multiple] = False
 >>>    return(bigList)
 >>> print("the last result of bigList {} ".format(holeofStrainer()))</code>
 >> OK I'll trying
 > code:
 > <code>from math import sqrt
 > def holeofStrainer():
 >     """The purpose is to build a sieve of Erasthotenes.
 >     We beginn with a sieve without holes, called biglist.
 >     The indexes of the list have a double function:
 >     First, The natural list indexation. II-st, there are
 >     as keys of the corresponding list items(the boolean
 >       values of the prime being question about each number).
 > We have for each index a"""
 >     bigList = [False, False] + [True]*100
 >     print("line 11 - bigList : ", bigList)
 >     for num in range(3, 101):
 >       print("line 13 - num : ", num)
 >       # I f we don't find divisors of nume littler that sqrt(num)
 >       # it is guaranted that num is prime.
 >       # 'int(sqrt(num)) + 1' is the first integer greater than sqrt(num)
 >       for x in range(bigList[2], bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1]):

I repeat, what did you expect this line to do? Examine this line 
carefully.  Print out the two expressions you're passing to range().

This currently loops from True to True, or from False to False, so it 
skips the whole predicate. Think about what you really want the loop to do.

 >         print("line 18 x  is equal to %d"%x)
 >         if num % x == 0:
 >           print("line 20 {0} divided by {1} = {2} ".format(num, x, 
 >           bigList[num] == False
 >           print ("bigList index {0} == {1}".format(num, bigList[num]))
 >         bigList[num] == True
 >       for multiple in range (2, int(101/num) + 1):
 >         bigList[multiple] = False
 >     return(bigList) #We expect a 'sieve with many holes'
 > print("the last result of bigList {} ".format(holeofStrainer()))</code>*
 > *
 > ***Hi Dave.*

What's the reason you're quad-spacing the expected output?  I'm fixing 
it, but it's a pain to do.

 > **
 > > *I expected to obtain an output as:*
 > *line 13 num 3*
 > *line 18 x :2*
 > *line 20: 3 divided by 2 is equal to 1.5*
 > *biglist index 3 == True*
 > *line 13 num 4*
 > *line 18 x:2*
 > *line 20 4 divided by 2 is equal to 2*
 > *biglist index 4 == False*

So that's what you expected.  What did you get instead?  If you notice 
that line 18 never printed, shouldn't you guess that something's wrong 
with the loop in line 17?


From brwarhol at  Tue May  5 06:29:59 2015
From: brwarhol at (Brandon D)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 00:29:59 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
Message-ID: <>

Hello tutors,

I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
will keep it at the most rudimentary level:

x = 10

x = x ** x

If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
reassigned.  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
be referenced?  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
are evaluated before storing it in the variable, consequently replacing the
original value of 0.

From siya360 at  Tue May  5 09:17:52 2015
From: siya360 at (Siya 360)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 09:17:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 135, Issue 12
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Twice i unsubscribed to this mailing list, and i still continue to get them, why?

Please remove with immediate effect as this course has not served me well too many of my enquires went unanswered so i see no use for it, just flooding my mailbox

Kind Regards,

> On 05 May 2015, at 1:26 AM, tutor-request at wrote:
> Send Tutor mailing list submissions to
> 	tutor at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	tutor-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	tutor-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Tutor digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Sieve of Erastthotenes without sofisticated tools (Dave Angel)
>   2. Re: trouble with stringio function in python 3.2 (eryksun)
>   3. Jacob Kaplan-Moss's keynote at PyCon 2015 (Danny Yoo)
>   4. Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows (WolfRage)
>   5. Re: Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
>      (Martin A. Brown)
>   6. Re: Python program malfunction (Jag Sherrington)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 06:00:24 -0400
> From: Dave Angel <davea at>
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Sieve of Erastthotenes without sofisticated tools
> Message-ID: <55474338.6050407 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> On 05/04/2015 03:19 AM, yvan moses Levy wrote:
>> My code is wrong!
> You'd find it a lot easier to get responses if you'd say in what way the 
> code is wrong.  If you get an exception, show the full traceback.  If 
> you get printed results, show what you expected, and what you got 
> instead.  If it hung, or crashed the OS, or ran out of memory, say so.
>> I tried and tried
>> But I'm very isolated and It's hard without consultation with a tutor
>> <code>from math import sqrt
>> def holeofStrainer():
>>   bigList = [False, False] + [True]*100
>>   print("line 4 - bigList : ", bigList)
>>   for num in range(2, 101):
>>     print("line 6 - num : ", num)
>>     for x in range(bigList[2], bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1]):
> What did you expect this to do?  What is bigList[2] ?  What is 
> bigList[int(sqrt(num)) + 1] ?  Are these reasonable values to put into a 
> range() function?
>>       print("line 8 x : %d"%x)
>>       if num % x == 0:
>>         print("line 10 {0} divise par {1} = {2} ".format(num, x, num/x))
>>         bigList[num] == False
>>         print "bigList[{0} == {1}]".format(num, bigList[num])
>>       bigList[num] == True
>>     for multiple in range (2, int(101/num) + 1):
>>       bigList[multiple] = False
>>   return(bigList)
>> print("the last result of bigList {} ".format(holeofStrainer()))</code>
>> --
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> -- 
> DaveA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 09:58:05 -0500
> From: eryksun <eryksun at>
> To: Chris Warrick <kwpolska at>
> Cc: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] trouble with stringio function in python 3.2
> Message-ID:
> 	<CACL+1at3QzV=iQMfpZe6UM_kt2ETc8x_W+n4QAhfouio2rb6Jw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Chris Warrick <kwpolska at> wrote:
>> Python 3.0?3.2 do not support the u'' notation for Unicode strings, it
>> was restored in Python 3.3 to make it easier to write code compatible
>> with 2.x and 3.x
> Whoever restored this forgot about raw literals:
>>>> ur'abc'
>      File "<stdin>", line 1
>        ur'abc'
>              ^
>    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 10:03:31 -0700
> From: Danny Yoo <dyoo at>
> To: Python Tutor Mailing List <tutor at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Jacob Kaplan-Moss's keynote at PyCon 2015
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAGZAPF4WV=BPRUso2oTDphU9nEg6deJ03BjV+0J1hdGnxy+DaA at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Apologies: this is somewhat off-topic, but I thought it might resonate
> with the audience here:
> It reminds me of Camille Fournier's talk back in 2014 at BangBangCon:
> Both express the experience of being a programmer, on the dangers of
> thinking of programming skill as some kind of bi-modal thing.  A key
> point in both their talks, I think, is that almost all of us aren't
> born natural programmers.  It's a skill.  We stumble, we learn, and we
> can get better at it.
> I hope that's an encouraging thought.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 15:04:31 -0400
> From: WolfRage <wolfrage8765 at>
> To: Python Tutor Mailing List <tutor at>
> Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
> Message-ID: <5547C2BF.7050100 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> I would like some help integrating TDD into my current projects.
> My chosen TDD framework is unittest from the standard library.
> My system details are: Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit, Python 3.4, bzr(for 
> version control).
> My projects are structured like:
> Project > develop > Project > Project >
>                               tests   >
> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
> Project/develop/Project
> as: Python3 -m Project
> That currently works.
> But executing my tests as: Python3 -m tests
> requires that has this hack to import the Project module:
> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
> do you consider that OK? Is there a better way?
> I call it a hack because every testcase file will have to have this line 
> added to it in order to work.
> I am also using and it is good but seems to be testing the 
> coverage of my tests, which is not desired, how can I stop this 
> behaviour. Or is it really OK.
> Output of running the tests:
> python3 -m tests
> Ran Main.
> .
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 1 test in 0.001s
> OK
> Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
> --------------------------------------------------
> Project/Project          3      0   100%
> tests/test_Project       8      0   100%
> --------------------------------------------------
> TOTAL                   11      0   100%
> The test files:
> {FileName =}
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     import coverage
>     import unittest
>     cov = coverage.coverage()
>     cov.start()
>     # .. call your code ..
>     from .test_Project import ProjectTestCase  # lint:ok
>     unittest.main(exit=False)
>     cov.stop()
>     import sys
> {FileName =}
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> import os
> import sys
> import unittest
> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
> from Project import Project
> class ProjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
>     def test_example(self):
>         self.assertTrue(Project.main())
> The Project Files:
> {FileName =}
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     from . import Project
>     Project.main()
> {FileName =}
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> def main():
>     return True
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 13:49:44 -0700
> From: "Martin A. Brown" <martin at>
> To: WolfRage <wolfrage8765 at>
> Cc: Python Tutor Mailing List <tutor at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project
> 	work-flows
> Message-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.11.1505041332210.31213 at znpeba>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> Hi there,
>> I would like some help integrating TDD into my current projects. 
>> My chosen TDD framework is unittest from the standard library. My 
>> system details are: Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit, Python 3.4, bzr(for 
>> version control).
>> My projects are structured like:
>> Project > develop > Project > Project >
>>                             tests   >
>> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
>> Project/develop/Project
>> as: Python3 -m Project
>> That currently works.
>> But executing my tests as: Python3 -m tests
>> requires that has this hack to import the Project module:
>> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
> Yes, a bit ugly.  Have you tried using nose?  I have used a 
> similar project development tree and use nose to run the tests.
> Here are a few sample command-lines (I'm on an opensuse-13.2 system 
> with Python 3.4 and nose for Python-3.4, which is called 
> 'nosetests-3.4'):
>   nosetests-3.4 -- ./tests/
>   nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage -- ./tests/
>   nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage --cover-package=Project -- ./tests/
> I like nose because it will discover any unittest and doctest 
> testing code under the specified files/directories.
>> do you consider that OK? Is there a better way?
>> I call it a hack because every testcase file will have to have 
>> this line added to it in order to work.
> Agreed, is a hack.
>> I am also using and it is good but seems to be testing 
>> the coverage of my tests, which is not desired, how can I stop 
>> this behaviour. Or is it really OK.
> That's precisely what coverage is supposed to do--that is it should 
> report on how much of the 'code under test' has been exercised by 
> the testing code.  So, in fact, it's better than OK--it's the 
> primary point!
> There are two good things about using coverage.
>   #1: You see how much more effort you should invest to get
>       substantial testing coverage of the code under test.
>       [Though, some code is easy to test and others very difficult.]
>   #2: You get a report of the lines in the code under test which are
>       NOT yet tested; handy!
> Good luck,
> -Martin
> -- 
> Martin A. Brown
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 23:08:13 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Jag Sherrington <braveart08 at>
> To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>,  "tutor at"
> 	<tutor at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python program malfunction
> Message-ID:
> 	< at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi, Alan> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50?(AFTER THIS LINE PRINTS I HIT ENTER AND WOULD EXPECT THE NEXT LINE TO GIVE ME THE RESULT> Enter the item's wholesale cost: ? ?"Retail price: $1.25" ?INSTEAD WHEN I HIT ENTER I GET "Enter the item's wholesale cost: " AGAIN AND AGAIN
> Regards, Jag
> BraveArt Multimedia
>     On Monday, 4 May 2015, 17:35, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 04/05/15 05:26, Jag Sherrington wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There appears to be a problem with this program.
>> It is taken from the "Starting out with Python" book third edition.
>> The problem is when the "validate the wholesale cost" is introduced.
>> Without the validator the code works fine, but with it the code won't let you enter a positive wholesale cost unless you do a negative cost first.
>> Even after you have entered a negative cost and got the results of your positive cost it asks wether you want to do another item if you type "y" you still can't enter a positive amount.
>> #This program calculates retail prices.
>> mark_up = 2.5? # The mark up percentage.
>> another = 'y'? # Variable to control the loop.
>> # Process one or more items.
>> while another == 'y' or another == 'y':
> That's the same test twice. Is that what you meant?
>> ? ? ? #Get the item 's wholesale cost'
>> ? ? ? wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))
>> ? ? ? # Validate the wholesale cost.
>> ? ? ? while wholesale < 0:
>> ? ? ? ? ? print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
>> ? ? ? ? ? wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct wholesale cost: '))
>> ? ? ? ? ? #Calculate the retail price.
>> ? ? ? ? ? retail = wholesale * mark_up
>> ? ? ? ? ? #Display the retail price.
>> ? ? ? ? ? print('Retail price: $', format(retail, ',.2f'), sep='')
>> ? ? ? ? ? #Do this again.
>> ? ? ? ? ? another = input('Do you have another item? ' + \
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? '(Enter y for yes): ')
>> Enter the item's wholesale cost: 0.50
>> Enter the item's wholesale cost:? ? (THIS SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM)
> No problem, its exactly what your program tells it to do.
> If the cost is >0 there is nothing else to do so it goes
> round the loop a second time.
> What did you expect it to do?
> -- 
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> ------------------------------
> End of Tutor Digest, Vol 135, Issue 12
> **************************************

From alan.gauld at  Tue May  5 10:48:00 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 09:48:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mia03t$5jo$>

On 05/05/15 05:29, Brandon D wrote:
> Hello tutors,
> I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
> references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
> will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
> x = 10
> x = x ** x

Its good to use a simple example but in this case your
example bears no relation to your comments below!

> If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
> reassigned.

Or more accurately Python marks the object for deletion
once all references to the object have been lost. Remember
variables in Python are not storage locations, they are
names attached to objects. When there are no more names
attached to an object it can be deleted. But that does
not necessarily happen immediately, Python gets around
to it when it has the time.

> So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
> be referenced?

Its not. This says assign x to the object on the right.
So it has to work out what "the object on the right" is
before it can stick the label x onto the result.

> The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
> are evaluated before storing it in the variable, consequently
 > replacing the original value of 0.

Remember, its the name that moves, not the objects. Python
doesn't store the objects in the variables, it assigns
the variable names to the objects. There is a big difference.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Tue May  5 10:55:32 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 09:55:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 135, Issue 12
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mia0i1$cji$>

On 05/05/15 08:17, Siya 360 wrote:

> Twice i unsubscribed to this mailing list, and i still continue to get them, why?

I don't know. Are you doing it via the web page?

> Please remove with immediate effect

The web page is the only way to unsubscribe. Nobody else
on the list can unsubscribe you.

>  as this course has not served me well too many of my enquires went unanswered

I only see 3 questions posted since the start of 2015, all were answered.

Although 2 of them appear to be Django specific and you were
advised to ask on the Django forum. This list is for questions
about the Python language.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From coolshwetu at  Tue May  5 10:08:59 2015
From: coolshwetu at (shweta kaushik)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 13:38:59 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using python
	and selenium
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

I am trying to open a new tab in IE10 and selenium 2.45. It is able to open
a new tab using pyrobot. But when i am trying to open url in new tab, it is
getting opened in first tab. Focus is not set to second tab and hence it is
not working and also switching of tab is not working. please provide
solution. I have provided my code below:

# Open first tab
IEDriverPath = "/../../../../../../../IEDriverServer.exe"
driver = webdriver.Ie(IEDriverPath, port=5555)
tab1 = pyseldriver.current_window_handle

#open another tab
obja = pyrobot.Robot()

tab2 = pyseldriver.current_window_handle

#Switching to first tab and opening new url

#switching to second tab and opening new url

But links are not opening in new tab and switching is also not happening.
All links are getting opened in first tab itself.

From steve at  Tue May  5 14:51:09 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 22:51:09 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using
	python and selenium
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 01:38:59PM +0530, shweta kaushik wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to open a new tab in IE10 and selenium 2.45.

This list is for beginners learning the Python language, and 
unfortunately selenium is a little too advanced for most of the people 
here. I myself have never used it.

You might be lucky, and someone has used it, but you will probably have 
more success on the main python list, python-list at, also 
available on Usenet as comp.lang.python and gmane.comp.python.general.

Your best chances of success are to find a dedicated selenium mailing 
list or forum, and ask there.

Good luck!


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue May  5 16:59:56 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 15:59:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 4 May 2015 at 20:04, WolfRage <wolfrage8765 at> wrote:
> I would like some help integrating TDD into my current projects.
> My chosen TDD framework is unittest from the standard library.
> My system details are: Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit, Python 3.4, bzr(for version
> control).
> My projects are structured like:
> Project > develop > Project > Project >
>                               tests   >
> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
> Project/develop/Project
> as: Python3 -m Project
> That currently works.

That will only work if there is also a file under the
Project/develop/Project/Project directory (alongside the
file). Adding a file allows the directory to be treated as
a Python script e.g.:

$ python3 Project/develop/Project/Project
$ python3 Project  # Assuming cwd is Project/develop/Project

The -m switch searches for a script as if it were a module using the
module search path. In this case the directory containing the package
Project must be on sys.path and one way to achieve this is to change
directory to the Project/develop/Project directory. Then the Project
folder in this directory is on sys.path.

However a directory is not considered a package unless it contains a
file So if the directory is on sys.path (e.g. in the cwd)
AND their is an file then you can do

$ python3 -m Project

and the code in will run.

Assuming you have the same setup in the
Project/develop/Project/Project/tests directory (both and and Project is on sys.path) then you can run
tests/ using the module search path as

$ python3 -m Project.tests

Note that this is the same name that you would use to import from the
tests package in interpreter e.g.

>>> from Project.tests import test_stuff

imports from the in the tests folder.

> But executing my tests as: Python3 -m tests
> requires that has this hack to import the Project module:
> sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
> do you consider that OK? Is there a better way?
> I call it a hack because every testcase file will have to have this line
> added to it in order to work.

I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're doing but hopefully what
I've written above leads to a better solution.

> I am also using and it is good but seems to be testing the
> coverage of my tests, which is not desired, how can I stop this behaviour.
> Or is it really OK.

I don't see any problem with it since it shows how many of your tests
are being run. If you're not running all of your tests then that's a
problem. I don't know how involved your projects are but often large
projects will have tests that run conditionally for example they
only/don't run on certain platforms. In that case it could be useful
each time you run your tests to get a loose idea of how many tests are
being skipped.

Of course it may just be a distraction from the main goal which is
ensuring good coverage of the exported code. You can control which
files coverage tracks and reports the coverage of. I don't know how to
do it the way that you're running coverage (from within Python code).
I've always run coverage from the command line interface using a
configuration file. See here for more on that:


From steve at  Tue May  5 20:00:17 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 04:00:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 12:29:59AM -0400, Brandon D wrote:
> Hello tutors,
> I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
> references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
> will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
> x = 10
> x = x ** x

In the first case statement, Python creates the integer object 10, and 
binds it to the name 'x'. From this instant onwards, x will resolve as 
the int 10.

When the second line executes, Python first evaluates the right hand 
side 'x ** x'. To do this, it looks up the name 'x', which resolves to 
10. It then evaluates 10**10, which creates the int 10000000000, and 
binds that to the name 'x'. From this instant, x now resolves as the new 
value 10000000000.

Immediately afterwards, Python sees that the int 10 is no longer in use. 
(Well, in principle -- in practice, things are more complicated.) Since 
it is no longer in use, the garbage collector deletes the object, and 
reclaims the memory.

That, at least, is how it works in principle. In practice, Python may 
keep a cache of small integers, so that they never get deleted. That 
makes things a bit faster, at the cost of a tiny amount of extra memory. 
But this will depend on the version and implementation of Python. For 
example, some versions of Python cached integers 0 to 100, others -1 to 
255, very old versions might not cache any at all. As a Python 
programmer, you shouldn't care about this, it is purely an optimization 
to speed up the language.

> If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
> reassigned.  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
> be referenced?  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
> are evaluated before storing it in the variable,

Correct. Let's say x = 10 again, just for simplicity.

Python first evaluates the right hand side: it looks up 'x', which 
resolves to 10. Then it generates the int 1, and adds them together, 
giving 11. Then it binds 11 to the name 'x', which frees up the 
reference to 10, and (in principle) 10 will be deleted.

The right hand side of the equals sign is always fully evaluated before 
any assignments are done. This is why we can swap two variables like 

a = 1
b = 2
a, b = b, a

The third line evaluates b (giving 2) and a (giving 1), and Python then 
does the assignment:

a, b = 2, 1

which is equivalent to a=2, b=1, thus swapping the values.


From fomcl at  Tue May  5 21:03:11 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 12:03:11 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 5, 2015 8:00 PM CEST Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 12:29:59AM -0400, Brandon D wrote:
>> Hello tutors,
>> I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
>> references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
>> will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
>> x = 10
>> x = x ** x
>In the first case statement, Python creates the integer object 10, and 
>binds it to the name 'x'. From this instant onwards, x will resolve as 
>the int 10.
>When the second line executes, Python first evaluates the right hand 
>side 'x ** x'. To do this, it looks up the name 'x', which resolves to 
>10. It then evaluates 10**10, which creates the int 10000000000, and 
>binds that to the name 'x'. From this instant, x now resolves as the new 
>value 10000000000.
>Immediately afterwards, Python sees that the int 10 is no longer in use. 
>(Well, in principle -- in practice, things are more complicated.) Since 
>it is no longer in use, the garbage collector deletes the object, and 
>reclaims the memory.
>That, at least, is how it works in principle. In practice, Python may 
>keep a cache of small integers, so that they never get deleted. That 
>makes things a bit faster, at the cost of a tiny amount of extra memory. 
>But this will depend on the version and implementation of Python. For 
>example, some versions of Python cached integers 0 to 100, others -1 to 
>255, very old versions might not cache any at all. As a Python 
>programmer, you shouldn't care about this, it is purely an optimization 
>to speed up the language.
>> If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
>> reassigned.  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
>> be referenced?  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
>> are evaluated before storing it in the variable,
>Correct. Let's say x = 10 again, just for simplicity.
>Python first evaluates the right hand side: it looks up 'x', which 
>resolves to 10. Then it generates the int 1, and adds them together, 
>giving 11. Then it binds 11 to the name 'x', which frees up the 
>reference to 10, and (in principle) 10 will be deleted.
>The right hand side of the equals sign is always fully evaluated before 
>any assignments are done. This is why we can swap two variables like 
>a = 1
>b = 2
>a, b = b, a
>The third line evaluates b (giving 2) and a (giving 1), and Python then 
>does the assignment:
>a, b = 2, 1
>which is equivalent to a=2, b=1, thus swapping the values.

It will probably only add confusion, but I thought it'd be nice to mention the weakref module: (the only thing I *might* ever use is WeakValueDictionary or WeakKeyDictionary)

From davea at  Tue May  5 21:09:16 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 15:09:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/05/2015 12:29 AM, Brandon D wrote:
> Hello tutors,
> I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
> references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
> will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
> x = 10
> x = x ** x
> If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
> reassigned.  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
> be referenced?  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
> are evaluated before storing it in the variable, consequently replacing the
> original value of 0.

It's not destroyed before it's referenced.  The ten-object is destroyed 
(or may be, depending on optimizations and such) when nothing is bound 
to it.  That happens just after the new object is bound to x.

it may be interesting to put some simple statements into a function, and 
use dis.dis on that function.

import dis
def myfunc():
     x = 10
     x = x ** x



From wolfrage8765 at  Tue May  5 22:58:14 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 16:58:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/05/2015 10:59 AM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
>> My projects are structured like:
>> Project > develop > Project > Project >
>>                                tests   >
>> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
>> Project/develop/Project
>> as: Python3 -m Project
>> That currently works.
> That will only work if there is also a file under the
> Project/develop/Project/Project directory (alongside the
> file). Adding a file allows the directory to be treated as
> a Python script e.g.:
But actually there is no in Project/develop/Project/Project/
There is only and files. The file 
> $ python3 Project/develop/Project/Project
> $ python3 Project  # Assuming cwd is Project/develop/Project
I tested the above on the terminal and it does not work. I get:
wolfrage at wolfrage-Lemur-UltraThin 
~/HomePlusWolfrage/Projects/Project/develop/Project $ python3 Project
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 170, in _run_module_as_main
     "__main__", mod_spec)
   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 85, in _run_code
     exec(code, run_globals)
   File "Project/", line 4, in <module>
     from . import Project
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import
> The -m switch searches for a script as if it were a module using the
> module search path. In this case the directory containing the package
> Project must be on sys.path and one way to achieve this is to change
> directory to the Project/develop/Project directory. Then the Project
> folder in this directory is on sys.path.
Did you perhaps mean the Project/develop/Project/Project/ directory?
> However a directory is not considered a package unless it contains a
> file So if the directory is on sys.path (e.g. in the cwd)
> AND their is an file then you can do
> $ python3 -m Project
> and the code in will run.
> Assuming you have the same setup in the
> Project/develop/Project/Project/tests directory (both and
> and Project is on sys.path) then you can run
> tests/ using the module search path as
I think I may have confused you. The layout is like this:
Thus tests is not contained in module's directory.
My reasoning for this is that the tests would be shipped with my 
production code. I am currently undecided as to whether this is a good 
or bad thing. But the more that I read about testing the more it seems 
to be a good thing. So perhaps the best solution is to move the tests 
into the module's directory. Then the below information would probably work.
> $ python3 -m Project.tests
> Note that this is the same name that you would use to import from the
> tests package in interpreter e.g.
>>>> from Project.tests import test_stuff
> imports from the in the tests folder.
> Oscar

From wolfrage8765 at  Tue May  5 23:09:08 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 17:09:08 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <alpine.LSU.2.11.1505041332210.31213@znpeba>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/04/2015 04:49 PM, Martin A. Brown wrote:
> Hi there,
> Yes, a bit ugly.  Have you tried using nose?  I have used a similar
> project development tree and use nose to run the tests.
I had thought about it, but decided not too, since it was not part of 
the standard library. But then again, it is not like I don't know how to 
install additional dependencies for my projects.
> Here are a few sample command-lines (I'm on an opensuse-13.2 system with
> Python 3.4 and nose for Python-3.4, which is called 'nosetests-3.4'):
>    nosetests-3.4 -- ./tests/
>    nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage -- ./tests/
>    nosetests-3.4 --with-coverage --cover-package=Project -- ./tests/
> I like nose because it will discover any unittest and doctest testing
> code under the specified files/directories.
It looks pretty easy to use, does it have an API like coverage and 
unittest so that I can write my test scripts and simply execute them 
rather than running commands from the terminal? I find that scripts 
prevent errors as compared to typing commands on the terminal.
> -Martin

From wolfrage8765 at  Tue May  5 23:24:14 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 17:24:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Update: My previous hack, has been changed. I now put:

import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))

in the file located under the tests/ directory and it is 
only needed the one time in that one file. Not sure why I was thinking I 
would need to do that for every test. But that now makes the tests 

Also I understand the benefit of coverage showing the coverage for test 
files too, so this is not a problem.

As I am reading about TDD and unittests and the likes. I am thinking 
that testing from a "higher" level is better as compared to the "unit" 
level testing.
It seems to me that in order to get the benefits of testing I need to 
have less test code that will actually test more of my real code. I am 
seeing many potential names for this concept (Blackbox Automated 
Testing; System Level Test; API Level Tests) and would like your inputs 
on it.

From cybervigilante at  Tue May  5 23:30:41 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 14:30:41 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
Message-ID: <>

Can python detect a keypress? I've looked all over and can't find it. I
don't mean input('blah') and have to press Enter - just detect it directly
like Javascript does. All I find are references using msvcrt, which is
Msoft specific, or using tkinter - but I don't want a whacking big GUI,
just keypress detection. Can I make a simple keyboard event loop without


From alan.gauld at  Wed May  6 00:36:18 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 23:36:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mibgkv$8l4$>

On 05/05/15 22:30, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> Can python detect a keypress?

That sounds simple but is actually quite tricky
since it's terminal dependent.

> like Javascript does. All I find are references using msvcrt, which is
> Msoft specific, or using tkinter - but I don't want a whacking big GUI,

You can also use curses on Unix like systems
which is CLI based. But it acts a bit like a GUI, you do need to 
initialize the framework ec.

It's described in the Event Driven Programming topic of my tutorial.

There are other  ways like using the low level C functions directly from 
the C libraries using ctypes, but that brings its own difficulties in 
converting Python data into C compatible types etc.

curses is the preferred option on Unix like systems.

There are some third party modules that try to address this in
a system independent manner, they can be found on PyPI but
I can't recommend any of them as I've not used them. I think
Fred Lundh created one such called, maybe, terminal?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Wed May  6 00:49:06 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 23:49:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mibhcv$kai$>

On 05/05/15 22:24, WolfRage wrote:

> As I am reading about TDD and unittests and the likes. I am thinking
> that testing from a "higher" level is better as compared to the "unit"
> level testing.

Not better, just necessary. The two concepts are complementary.
You need both. The developer primarily needs unit testing, the 
integrator*(who may of course be the developer in a different
role) needs integration testing and the client/project manager
needs system testing and acceptance testing. They are all part
of a project (especially big/commercial projects)

> It seems to me that in order to get the benefits of testing I need to
> have less test code that will actually test more of my real code. I am
> seeing many potential names for this concept (Blackbox Automated
> Testing; System Level Test; API Level Tests) and would like your inputs
> on it.

Don't underestimate the scale of testing. It is not unusual to
have more test code than functional code! (although it is still
the exception!) In real-world commercial projects testing (and
the associated debugging) typically consumes about 25-40% of
the total project budget. Baseline coding by contrast is only
about 10-25%, sometimes much less.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From coolshwetu at  Tue May  5 20:22:33 2015
From: coolshwetu at (shweta kaushik)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 23:52:33 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using
 python and selenium
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Steve for the information.
I searched but was not able to find suitable forum to shoot this question.
So posted here if anyone can help out.

On May 5, 2015 6:21 PM, "Steven D'Aprano" <steve at> wrote:

> On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 01:38:59PM +0530, shweta kaushik wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am trying to open a new tab in IE10 and selenium 2.45.
> This list is for beginners learning the Python language, and
> unfortunately selenium is a little too advanced for most of the people
> here. I myself have never used it.
> You might be lucky, and someone has used it, but you will probably have
> more success on the main python list, python-list at, also
> available on Usenet as comp.lang.python and gmane.comp.python.general.
> Your best chances of success are to find a dedicated selenium mailing
> list or forum, and ask there.
> Good luck!
> --
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Wed May  6 01:15:39 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 00:15:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using
 python and selenium
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mibiun$arr$>

On 05/05/15 19:22, shweta kaushik wrote:
> Thanks Steve for the information.
> I searched but was not able to find suitable forum to shoot this question.
> So posted here if anyone can help out.

As Steve suggested the main python list is probably your best bet.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From wolfrage8765 at  Wed May  6 01:16:19 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 19:16:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <mibhcv$kai$>
References: <>
 <> <mibhcv$kai$>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/05/2015 06:49 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Not better, just necessary. The two concepts are complementary.
> You need both. The developer primarily needs unit testing, the
> integrator*(who may of course be the developer in a different
> role) needs integration testing and the client/project manager
> needs system testing and acceptance testing. They are all part
> of a project (especially big/commercial projects)
So how low level of unit testing is acceptable. My use case is the sole 
programmer on a team project. Their is potential for another programmer 
to join the ranks but that has not happened yet. Additionally the 
project is well under way. But Feature additions have slowed so I want 
to make the code less buggy, and so I am hoping to re-factor my code 
now. I think some unit tests could improve the end result of my 
re-factoring, but where to start is the toughest problem for me to 
solve. Especially given the time trade off that is at least initially 
required for unit tests.
> Don't underestimate the scale of testing. It is not unusual to
> have more test code than functional code! (although it is still
> the exception!) In real-world commercial projects testing (and
> the associated debugging) typically consumes about 25-40% of
> the total project budget. Baseline coding by contrast is only
> about 10-25%, sometimes much less.
I agree I have seen this sort of budget numbers in the government 
project that I have been involved in. Especially once the project hits a 
more general life cycle/maintenance mode.

So how can I make unit testing apply to my project without starting from 
scratch? And how low should I test(ie. every function; every class; 
every interface; system level)?
Thank you for any insight and all of your help.

From wolfrage8765 at  Wed May  6 01:18:57 2015
From: wolfrage8765 at (WolfRage)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 19:18:57 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <mibhcv$kai$>
References: <>
 <> <mibhcv$kai$>
Message-ID: <>

I find myself in the same mind set as this individual:
It is hard to write a proper test with out me initially outlining where 
I am going. Perhaps I need to better understand planning and drafting a 
programming project before I can hope to emulate TDD.

From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 01:47:24 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 16:47:24 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <mibgkv$8l4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 May 2015 at 15:36, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> Can python detect a keypress?
> That sounds simple but is actually quite tricky
> since it's terminal dependent.

An ancillary question. I found a readchar that purports to install in py2
and 3 but fails in 3. The errors (something from the encodings module)
won't copy from the console, so I thought I could redirect them like so:

python3 > errors.txt

But that didn't work. How can I get a printout of setup errors so I can
post them? That's something of general use aside from the keyboard loop.
Otherwise, I decided to just use msvcrt for now, which is quite simple, and
put in a try block for win or linux, when I dual boot linux, which I'm
working on. (solving the usual driver problems for a toshiba laptop)


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From breamoreboy at  Wed May  6 01:51:34 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 00:51:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <mibhcv$kai$>
Message-ID: <mibl2c$ahr$>

On 06/05/2015 00:16, WolfRage wrote:
> On 05/05/2015 06:49 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> Not better, just necessary. The two concepts are complementary.
>> You need both. The developer primarily needs unit testing, the
>> integrator*(who may of course be the developer in a different
>> role) needs integration testing and the client/project manager
>> needs system testing and acceptance testing. They are all part
>> of a project (especially big/commercial projects)
> So how low level of unit testing is acceptable. My use case is the sole
> programmer on a team project. Their is potential for another programmer
> to join the ranks but that has not happened yet. Additionally the
> project is well under way. But Feature additions have slowed so I want
> to make the code less buggy, and so I am hoping to re-factor my code
> now. I think some unit tests could improve the end result of my
> re-factoring, but where to start is the toughest problem for me to
> solve. Especially given the time trade off that is at least initially
> required for unit tests.
> <SNIP>
>> Don't underestimate the scale of testing. It is not unusual to
>> have more test code than functional code! (although it is still
>> the exception!) In real-world commercial projects testing (and
>> the associated debugging) typically consumes about 25-40% of
>> the total project budget. Baseline coding by contrast is only
>> about 10-25%, sometimes much less.
> I agree I have seen this sort of budget numbers in the government
> project that I have been involved in. Especially once the project hits a
> more general life cycle/maintenance mode.

If and only if the project ever gets this far.  One third of major 
projects fail to deliver anything.  Part of the reason for that is 
growing bug lists owing to limited or even no (controlled) testing.

> So how can I make unit testing apply to my project without starting from
> scratch? And how low should I test(ie. every function; every class;
> every interface; system level)?
> Thank you for any insight and all of your help.

Ensure that every publicly available part of your code is tested.  Don't 
bother with internal helper functions or similar.  Remember that the 
toughest parts to test are often the error handling capabilities and the 
rarely occurring edge cases, so up front thought can save a huge amount 
of time, money and effort later on.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 02:00:36 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 17:00:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 May 2015 at 16:47, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP <cybervigilante at>

> But that didn't work. How can I get a printout of setup errors so I can
> post them?

I remembered how to copy the DOS console. Here is the error. Error wasn't
in so that wouldn't have worked anyway.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 39, in <module>
  File "", line 11, in read_description
  File "c:\python34\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
    return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position
2468: cha
racter maps to <undefined>


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From steve at  Wed May  6 03:32:45 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 11:32:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 02:30:41PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> Can python detect a keypress? I've looked all over and can't find it. I
> don't mean input('blah') and have to press Enter - just detect it directly
> like Javascript does. All I find are references using msvcrt, which is
> Msoft specific, or using tkinter - but I don't want a whacking big GUI,
> just keypress detection. Can I make a simple keyboard event loop without
> tkinter?


From steve at  Wed May  6 03:35:18 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 11:35:18 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 04:47:24PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> An ancillary question. I found a readchar that purports to install in py2
> and 3 but fails in 3. The errors (something from the encodings module)
> won't copy from the console, so I thought I could redirect them like so:
> python3 > errors.txt

Is this under Linux or another Unix? If so, > only redirects stdout, not 
stderr, so you need:

python3 2> errors.txt

to capture the errors.

I have no idea if Windows works the same way.


From paradox at  Wed May  6 04:28:49 2015
From: paradox at (Thomas C. Hicks)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 10:28:49 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows :p:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <mibhcv$kai$>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/06/2015 07:18 AM, WolfRage wrote:
> I find myself in the same mind set as this individual: 
> It is hard to write a proper test with out me initially outlining 
> where I am going. Perhaps I need to better understand planning and 
> drafting a programming project before I can hope to emulate TDD.
For what it is worth the idea of user stories really helped me develop 
an approach to testing (or should I say, start an approach to testing).  
The tutorial (here 
covering Django development really drove that idea and its 
implementation home for me.  I believe the user story idea first shows 
up in chapter 2 of the book.


From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 06:02:36 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 21:02:36 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 May 2015 at 18:35, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> Is this under Linux or another Unix? If so, > only redirects stdout, not
> stderr, so you need:
> python3 2> errors.txt
> to capture the errors.
> I have no idea if Windows works the same way.

Damn, that actually worked in windows instead of using their awful screen
copy. What a surprise:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 39, in <module>
  File "", line 11, in read_description
  File "c:\python34\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
    return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position
2468: character maps to <undefined>


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 06:30:12 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 21:30:12 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 May 2015 at 18:32, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:


That only has a stub for Linux,  but I found one that does both. Although,
alas, no IOS version:

Anyway, I set up msvcrt for now until I install linux - I'm not interested
in the program I mentioned, per se, just the error message - mainly to
know, generally, what sort of thing it's choking on. Errors are useful to


From breamoreboy at  Wed May  6 06:51:54 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 05:51:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mic6lg$6cn$>

On 06/05/2015 05:30, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 5 May 2015 at 18:32, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> That only has a stub for Linux,  but I found one that does both. Although,
> alas, no IOS version:
> Anyway, I set up msvcrt for now until I install linux - I'm not interested
> in the program I mentioned, per se, just the error message - mainly to
> know, generally, what sort of thing it's choking on. Errors are useful to
> know.

I went a further step from the recipes linked to above and got here

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From breamoreboy at  Wed May  6 06:53:58 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 05:53:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mic6pc$6cn$>

On 06/05/2015 00:47, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 5 May 2015 at 15:36, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>> Can python detect a keypress?
>> That sounds simple but is actually quite tricky
>> since it's terminal dependent.
> An ancillary question. I found a readchar that purports to install in py2
> and 3 but fails in 3. The errors (something from the encodings module)
> won't copy from the console, so I thought I could redirect them like so:
> python3 > errors.txt
> But that didn't work. How can I get a printout of setup errors so I can
> post them? That's something of general use aside from the keyboard loop.
> Otherwise, I decided to just use msvcrt for now, which is quite simple, and
> put in a try block for win or linux, when I dual boot linux, which I'm
> working on. (solving the usual driver problems for a toshiba laptop)

You may find life far easier on Windows with

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From akleider at  Wed May  6 07:24:14 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 22:24:14 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <mibgkv$8l4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-05 15:36, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 05/05/15 22:30, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> Can python detect a keypress?

The following works for my (on my Ubuntu platform) system
although probably won't be of much use on a Redmond OS.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# file: ''
Provides readchar()
Implementation of a way to get a single character of input
without waiting for the user to hit <Enter>.
(OS is Linux, Ubuntu 14.04)

import tty, sys, termios

class ReadChar():
     def __enter__(self):
         self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
         self.old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)
     def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
         termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, self.old_settings)

def readchar():
     with ReadChar() as rc:
         return rc

def testrc():
     ("Testing ReadChar: enter a character and we'll report what it is.")
     while True:
         char = readchar()
         if ord(char) <= 32:
             print("You entered character with ordinal {}, aka {}."
                         .format(ord(char), repr(char)))
             print("You entered character '{}'."
         if char in "^C^D":

if __name__ == "__main__":

To give credit where credit is due: I seem to remember cobbling this 
based on something that was discussed on this mailing list quite some 
time ago.
i.e. it's not original work:-)

From braveart08 at  Wed May  6 09:36:17 2015
From: braveart08 at (Jag Sherrington)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 07:36:17 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Having Unusual results
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Excellent all working good, thank you.
Regards, Jag?BraveArt Multimedia


     On Saturday, 2 May 2015, 22:28, Dave Angel <d at> wrote:

 On 05/02/2015 04:36 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
> Jag Sherrington wrote:
> With that the calculation becomes
>>>> buns = 20
>>>> package_size = 8
>>>> whole_packages, missing_buns = divmod(buns, package_size)
>>>> total_packages = whole_packages
>>>> if missing_buns: total_packages += 1
> ...
>>>> total_packages
> 3

And that can be simplified:

buns = 20
package_size = 8
total_packages = (buns + package_size - 1) // package_size

#desired answer 3

Or, to take better advantage of the Python library:

import math
total_packages = math.ceil(buns/package_size)

This is exactly what the ceiling and floor mathematical concepts are 
needed for.

Note, I'm using the fact that the OP is writing in Python 3.? If not, 
one should probably add
? ? from __future__ import division

Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From alan.gauld at  Wed May  6 13:51:53 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 12:51:53 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Adding consecutive numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Please use ReplyAll to include the list members.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Tutor] Adding consecutive numbers
Date: 	Wed, 6 May 2015 21:13:15 +1000
From: 	Whom Isac <wombingsac at>
To: 	Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

Thanks for the reply. I am sorry that I did not notice the mail. I am 
actually using the latest version of python (3.5) in windows 7 operating 
system. I have already made certain changes in the code. I understood my 
mistake. The correction's are not finished yet,though. You can have a 
look at it, because, I donot know what I have written is already in 
right syntax or not.

Here are my code:
##Goal: Building a math program.
## two nums will be asked by the user
## they will be added
## condition: num >=o:
## num will continue to be added into a list untill the second number
## For your information, a consequitive sequence of num : num-->1 
num1--> num+1...+n

if __name__=='__main__':

def interact():
     print('''Welcome to My new Math program!!
     With this program, you can find the sum of any consequitive 
     print('So Just add your numbers in following spaces')
     ## If anybody complaining about this function. I will have to say, 
that the coding is incomplete so
     ## I will first define all my function then def interact() when I 
am finishing.

def getting_numbers(first_num, second_num):
     x = [] #This is a empty list to store data
     y = [] #This is a empty list to store data
     """Getting the user values:"""
     first_num =int(input('Please enter your first number: '))
     x.append(first_num) # adding the input in x#
     second_num =int(input('Please enter your second number: '))
     y.append(second_num) # adding the input in x#
     z =(x,y) # This is a touple containing both x and y value.
     return z

def adding_all(x):
     total = 0
     for num in x:
         total +=num
     return total
def remove_letter(x):
     if x != len(x):
         print('You did not enter a number')
     elif x != adding_all(x):
         print("Please, donot include letters")
         return x
         ## I think using a while True function to iterate all item in x 
would be better.

def adding_number(x,y):
     start = x[0]
     end = y[0]
     new_x = 0
     new_x_1 = 0
     while x[0]<=y[0] or x[0]<= 0:
         if x[0]==0:
             return new_x
         elif x[0]>0 or x[0]<y[0]:
             return new_x_1
             print("You have not input a digit in order, check your 
             print("I donot know what you mean?")

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at 
<mailto:alan.gauld at>> wrote:

    On 27/04/15 11:37, Whom Isac wrote:

        num1 entry =1 & num2 entry = 100 , the program should be adding
        number from
        1 to 100 together(which should equal to 5050).

        I have uploaded my code file below.

    Infortunately we can't see it.
    Since it is presumably quite short please just send it
    in the body of your email.

    Also include the full error text that you refer to,

    Also tell us the Python version and OS you are using.

    Alan G
    Author of the Learn to Program web site
    Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

    Tutor maillist  - Tutor at <mailto:Tutor at>
    To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From breamoreboy at  Wed May  6 14:57:34 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 13:57:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Adding consecutive numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mid33v$i6e$>

> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:     Re: [Tutor] Adding consecutive numbers
> Date:     Wed, 6 May 2015 21:13:15 +1000
> From:     Whom Isac <wombingsac at>
> To:     Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> I am actually using the latest version of python (3.5) in windows 7 operating
> system.

Why are you using a version of Python that hasn't had a beta release 
yet?  Or have you simply mistyped the version number?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From davea at  Wed May  6 15:39:39 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 09:39:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/06/2015 12:02 AM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> actually worked in windows instead of using their awful screen
> copy. What a surprise:

Many people don't realize that you can turn on a better screen copy 
feature for the CMD window (DOS box) in Windows.

I've given up Windows, and no longer remember how, but the feature is 
called something like auto-copy and can be turned on for all DOS box 

Once on, you select by dragging with the mouse, and insert by 
right-click.  Still has to be a rectangle, but better than nothing when 
redirection lets you down.


From davea at  Wed May  6 16:01:22 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 10:01:22 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Adding consecutive numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/06/2015 07:51 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Please use ReplyAll to include the list members.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:     Re: [Tutor] Adding consecutive numbers
> Date:     Wed, 6 May 2015 21:13:15 +1000
> From:     Whom Isac <wombingsac at>
> To:     Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> Thanks for the reply. I am sorry that I did not notice the mail. I am
> actually using the latest version of python (3.5) in windows 7 operating
> system. I have already made certain changes in the code. I understood my
> mistake. The correction's are not finished yet,though. You can have a
> look at it, because, I donot know what I have written is already in
> right syntax or not.
> Here are my code:
> ##Goal: Building a math program.
> ## two nums will be asked by the user
> ## they will be added
> ## condition: num >=o:
> ## num will continue to be added into a list untill the second number
> ## For your information, a consequitive sequence of num : num-->1
> num1--> num+1...+n
> if __name__=='__main__':
>      interact()

You get an error right there, since interact() isn't defined yet.  Move 
the above two lines to the end of the file.

> def interact():
>      print('''Welcome to My new Math program!!
>      With this program, you can find the sum of any consequitive
> numbers.''')
>      print('So Just add your numbers in following spaces')
>      ## If anybody complaining about this function. I will have to say,
> that the coding is incomplete so
>      ## I will first define all my function then def interact() when I
> am finishing.
> def getting_numbers(first_num, second_num):
>      x = [] #This is a empty list to store data
>      y = [] #This is a empty list to store data
>      """Getting the user values:"""
>      first_num =int(input('Please enter your first number: '))
>      x.append(first_num) # adding the input in x#
>      second_num =int(input('Please enter your second number: '))
>      y.append(second_num) # adding the input in x#
>      z =(x,y) # This is a touple containing both x and y value.
>      return z

Why are you so enamored with lists?  You're returning a tuple containing 
two lists each of which has exactly one value?  Why not just return a 
tuple of first_num and second_num ?

> def adding_all(x):
>      total = 0
>      for num in x:
>          total +=num
>      return total

Good function.

> def remove_letter(x):
>      if x != len(x):

What do you think that statement does?  It can't possibly do anything 
useful since the right side assumes that x is a collection or 
equivalent, and the left side assumes that x is a number.

>          print('You did not enter a number')
>      elif x != adding_all(x):
>          print("Please, donot include letters")
>      else:
>          return x
>          ## I think using a while True function to iterate all item in x
> would be better.

Considering that after you call each input() function, you immediately 
call int(), I'd figure that checking for "you did not enter a number" is 

> def adding_number(x,y):
>      start = x[0]
>      end = y[0]
>      new_x = 0
>      new_x_1 = 0
>      while x[0]<=y[0] or x[0]<= 0:
>          if x[0]==0:
>              new_x+=1
>              return new_x
>          elif x[0]>0 or x[0]<y[0]:
>              new_x_1+=x[0]
>              return new_x_1
>          else:
>              pass
>              print("You have not input a digit in order, check your
> digits\n")
>              print("I donot know what you mean?")

I can't make any sense out of anything in this function.

I think you need to write one function and include descriptive comments 
in it, and write code that tests it against those comments.  Then when 
you have one function that successfully runs, write a second one.


From wombingsac at  Wed May  6 14:13:31 2015
From: wombingsac at (Whom Isac)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 22:13:31 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re: Adding consecutive numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Steven. I think you are right about those mistake. But you could
tell that the code was incomplete so the interact() was not defined. I have
updated some parts (basically writing from the scratch). I am busy with a
new project and learning how to create GUI app in python, although there
are not enough source to aid me. I will just post the code here for now:
Thanks, Steven. I think you are right about those mistake. But you could
tell that the code was incomplete so the interact() was not defined. I have
updated some parts (basically writing from the scratch). I am busy with a
new project and learning how to create GUI app in python, although there
are not enough source to aid me. I will just post the code here for now:

##Goal: Building a math program.
## two nums will be asked by the user
## they will be added
## condition: num >=o:
## num will continue to be added into a list untill the second number
## For your information, a consequitive sequence of num : num-->1 num1-->

if __name__=='__main__':

def interact():
    print('''Welcome to My new Math program!!
    With this program, you can find the sum of any consequitive numbers.''')
    print('So Just add your numbers in following spaces')
    ## If anybody complaining about this function. I will have to say, that
the coding is incomplete so
    ## I will first define all my function then def interact() when I am

def getting_numbers(first_num, second_num):
    x = [] #This is a empty list to store data
    y = [] #This is a empty list to store data

    """Getting the user values:"""

    first_num =int(input('Please enter your first number: '))
    x.append(first_num) # adding the input in x#
    second_num =int(input('Please enter your second number: '))
    y.append(second_num) # adding the input in x#
    z =(x,y) # This is a touple containing both x and y value.
    return z

def adding_all(x):
    total = 0
    for num in x:
        total +=num
    return total

def remove_letter(x):
    if x != len(x):
        print('You did not enter a number')
    elif x != adding_all(x):
        print("Please, donot include letters")
        return x
        ## I think using a while True function to iterate all item in x
would be better.

def adding_number(x,y):
    start = x[0]
    end = y[0]
    new_x = 0
    new_x_1 = 0
    while x[0]<=y[0] or x[0]<= 0:
        if x[0]==0:
            return new_x
        elif x[0]>0 or x[0]<y[0]:
            return new_x_1
            print("You have not input a digit in order, check your\n")
            print("I donot know what you mean?")

From alan.gauld at  Wed May  6 16:20:45 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 15:20:45 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Re:  Adding consecutive numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <mid7vp$67l$>

On 06/05/15 15:01, Dave Angel wrote:

>> def adding_all(x):
>>      total = 0
>>      for num in x:
>>          total +=num
>>      return total
> Good function.

Except for the fact that the built-in sum() function
does the same thing with a lot less typing...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From joseph.slater at  Wed May  6 16:59:35 2015
From: joseph.slater at (Slater Joseph C , PhD, PE)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 10:59:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] doctest: how to test a single function?
Message-ID: <>

I'm an admitted newb trying to enter the Python community and use Python significantly (versus occassionally). dockets seems to be much more powerful than I can figure out how to tap. 

I have a function inside a file that's an embedded test that (currently) works fine. However, the package has a ton of these, and running all of the tests on all functions just to check the changed function is very time consuming. I can't make heads or tails out of what the manual means. I've read section 25.2 and think I understand it, but clearly do not. 

What I do is:
>>> import doctest
>>> doctest.run_docstring_examples("functionname",globs[name=""])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I've also tried 
import filename
(works fine)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: run_docstring_examples() missing 1 required positional argument: 'globs'

Now, if I do
>>> doctest.run_docstring_examples("sigp.frfestH1",globs=None)
nothing happens. 

Everything works fine from a command line:
bash:> python (I have the end of the file set to run doctest per easily found numerous examples)

except I have a ridiculous lag due to running tests that are unnecessary. Trying to send options doesn't work either

bash:> python -m 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("filename.functionname",globs="")'

/opt/local/bin/python: Error while finding spec for 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("sigp.frfestH1",globs="")' (<class 'ImportError'>: No module named 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("sigp'; 'doctest' is not a package)

bash:> python -m 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("functionname",globs=None)'
/opt/local/bin/python: Error while finding spec for 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("sigp.frfestH1",globs="")' (<class 'ImportError'>: No module named 'doctest.run__docstring_examples("sigp'; 'doctest' is not a package)

I appreciate your efforts to address my cluelessness. 
Thank You,

From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 19:41:26 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 10:41:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <mic6lg$6cn$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 May 2015 at 21:51, Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at> wrote:

> On 06/05/2015 05:30, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> On 5 May 2015 at 18:32, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> That only has a stub for Linux,  but I found one that does both. Although,
>> alas, no IOS version:
>> Anyway, I set up msvcrt for now until I install linux - I'm not interested
>> in the program I mentioned, per se, just the error message - mainly to
>> know, generally, what sort of thing it's choking on. Errors are useful to
>> know.
> I went a further step from the recipes linked to above and got here

I think that's the one that failed for me but I found out why. I just wrote
the simple snippet below to try msvcrt out. I can add a Linux try block
when I install Linux and actually find a wifi driver for it ;')

I reproduced the error that puzzled me  almost immediately. It was from
hitting a function key. The snippet below worked fine for letters and such,
but died when I hit a function key (although not all of them). I was
decoding since msvcrt sends byte strings, but there was nothing in the
utf-8 map for that key.  The 2> redirect is sure handy for dos console
error messages - something I'll have to remember ;')

from msvcrt import *

while True:
    if kbhit():
        key = getch()
        if key == b'\xe0' or key == b'\000':
            print('special key follows')
            key = getch()
            print(str(key, encoding='utf-8')) #got rid of this decode after
a function key error
            print('The key is: ', str(key, encoding='utf-8'))

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    print(str(key, encoding='utf-8'))
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 0:
invalid start byte


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From cybervigilante at  Wed May  6 19:56:24 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 10:56:24 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6 May 2015 at 10:41, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP <cybervigilante at>

> I went a further step from the recipes linked to above and got here
> I think that's the one that failed for me

Addendum. That only failed in python 3.4. It worked fine in python 2.7 -
but I rarely use that.

From davea at  Wed May  6 23:08:39 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 17:08:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/06/2015 01:41 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> from msvcrt import *
> while True:
>      if kbhit():
>          key = getch()
>          if key == b'\xe0' or key == b'\000':
>              print('special key follows')
>              key = getch()
>              print(str(key, encoding='utf-8')) #got rid of this decode after
> a function key error
>          else:
>              print('The key is: ', str(key, encoding='utf-8'))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "", line 9, in <module>
>      print(str(key, encoding='utf-8'))
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 0:
> invalid start byte

I don't know why you would be expecting to get a utf-8 character for the 
second byte of a function key code.  It's an entirely arbitrary byte 
sequence, and not equivalent to anything in Unicode, encoded or not.


From cybervigilante at  Thu May  7 00:24:20 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 15:24:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6 May 2015 at 14:08, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:

> I don't know why you would be expecting to get a utf-8 character for the
> second byte of a function key code.  It's an entirely arbitrary byte
> sequence, and not equivalent to anything in Unicode, encoded or not

I just didn't think of accounting for function keys until I hit one -
experimental learning. The program I'm working on doesn't require F keys,
but I tried one just to see what would happen ;')  It's worth making the
error to reinforce unicode in my head. One item - once I dropped decoding
for special keys, some were printed as hex codes but some as letters. i.e.
F11 was b'\x85', but F9 and F10 were b'C' and b'D', so I assume the second
byte of some function keys just happens to map to utf-8 letters. Sure
enough, when I put in decoding again, F9 and F10 second bytes printed as C
and D, but the program bailed on F11.


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From steve at  Thu May  7 01:40:16 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 09:40:16 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 09:30:12PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 5 May 2015 at 18:32, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> >
> That only has a stub for Linux, 

Er, look again, more closely.

I happen to know the author very well *wink* and know that he run that 
specific code under Linux and it works fine. He's never tested it under 
Windows, so if it erases your hard drive don't blame him. Blame the 
authors of msvcrt.getch.

The general structure of the code goes:

    import tty, termios
except ImportError:
    # handle Windows and other platforms without 
    # the tty and termios modules
    # define Unix/Linux version of getch

> but I found one that does both. Although,
> alas, no IOS version:

If iOS supports tty and termios, it will just work.


Ewww. Talk about unnecessary use of classes.


From steve at  Thu May  7 01:52:25 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 09:52:25 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 03:24:20PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 6 May 2015 at 14:08, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
> > I don't know why you would be expecting to get a utf-8 character for the
> > second byte of a function key code.  It's an entirely arbitrary byte
> > sequence, and not equivalent to anything in Unicode, encoded or not
> I just didn't think of accounting for function keys until I hit one -
> experimental learning. The program I'm working on doesn't require F keys,
> but I tried one just to see what would happen ;')  It's worth making the
> error to reinforce unicode in my head. 

I'm not entirely sure how dealing with something that has nothing to do 
with Unicode will reinforce Unicode in your head. That sounds a bit like 
saying "I love to cook, I find chopping vegetables really helps my 
Python programming..."  :-)

> One item - once I dropped decoding
> for special keys, some were printed as hex codes but some as letters. i.e.
> F11 was b'\x85', but F9 and F10 were b'C' and b'D', so I assume the second
> byte of some function keys just happens to map to utf-8 letters. 

It would be more correct to say they happen to map to ASCII letters.

[Aside: I still don't know whether I like or dislike the (mis)feature 
where bytes are displayed by default as if they were ASCII strings.]

It's not quite fair to say that it is an "accident" that it maps to a 
UTF-8 character. After all, UTF-8 was carefully designed to be ASCII 
compatible, and maybe there was some specific reason why the second byte 
of F9 is 0x43 (ASCII 'C'). But perhaps we can say that it is an accident 
of history that it partially matches UTF-8. It certainly isn't intended 
to match UTF-8.

Think of it this way: if you open a JPEG file in binary mode, to get a 
bunch of bytes, and manage by trial and error to find a sequence 
somewhere inside the file that decodes as UTF-8 without error, that 
doesn't mean that the inventor of the JPEG image format had UTF-8 in 
mind when he designed it.


From brwarhol at  Thu May  7 06:03:30 2015
From: brwarhol at (Brandon D)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 00:03:30 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Steven.  I was just confused on the execution of when Python
destroys objects that are no long bound or referenced.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 12:29:59AM -0400, Brandon D wrote:
> > Hello tutors,
> >
> > I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
> > references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
> > will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
> >
> > x = 10
> >
> > x = x ** x
> In the first case statement, Python creates the integer object 10, and
> binds it to the name 'x'. From this instant onwards, x will resolve as
> the int 10.
> When the second line executes, Python first evaluates the right hand
> side 'x ** x'. To do this, it looks up the name 'x', which resolves to
> 10. It then evaluates 10**10, which creates the int 10000000000, and
> binds that to the name 'x'. From this instant, x now resolves as the new
> value 10000000000.
> Immediately afterwards, Python sees that the int 10 is no longer in use.
> (Well, in principle -- in practice, things are more complicated.) Since
> it is no longer in use, the garbage collector deletes the object, and
> reclaims the memory.
> That, at least, is how it works in principle. In practice, Python may
> keep a cache of small integers, so that they never get deleted. That
> makes things a bit faster, at the cost of a tiny amount of extra memory.
> But this will depend on the version and implementation of Python. For
> example, some versions of Python cached integers 0 to 100, others -1 to
> 255, very old versions might not cache any at all. As a Python
> programmer, you shouldn't care about this, it is purely an optimization
> to speed up the language.
> > If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
> > reassigned.  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
> > be referenced?  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
> > are evaluated before storing it in the variable,
> Correct. Let's say x = 10 again, just for simplicity.
> Python first evaluates the right hand side: it looks up 'x', which
> resolves to 10. Then it generates the int 1, and adds them together,
> giving 11. Then it binds 11 to the name 'x', which frees up the
> reference to 10, and (in principle) 10 will be deleted.
> The right hand side of the equals sign is always fully evaluated before
> any assignments are done. This is why we can swap two variables like
> this:
> a = 1
> b = 2
> a, b = b, a
> The third line evaluates b (giving 2) and a (giving 1), and Python then
> does the assignment:
> a, b = 2, 1
> which is equivalent to a=2, b=1, thus swapping the values.
> --
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From brwarhol at  Thu May  7 06:06:13 2015
From: brwarhol at (Brandon D)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 00:06:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Object references and garbage collection confusion
In-Reply-To: <mia03t$5jo$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> This is what was also confusing as well.  I assumed that python stored
> objects rather than simply assigning them.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:48 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> On 05/05/15 05:29, Brandon D wrote:
>> Hello tutors,
>> I'm having trouble understanding, as well as visualizing, how object
>> references work in the following situation.  For demonstration purposes I
>> will keep it at the most rudimentary level:
>> x = 10
>> x = x ** x
> Its good to use a simple example but in this case your
> example bears no relation to your comments below!
>> If my knowledge serves me correctly, Python destroys the value once
>> reassigned.
> Eventually.
> Or more accurately Python marks the object for deletion
> once all references to the object have been lost. Remember
> variables in Python are not storage locations, they are
> names attached to objects. When there are no more names
> attached to an object it can be deleted. But that does
> not necessarily happen immediately, Python gets around
> to it when it has the time.
>  So, how does x = x +  1 work if it's destroyed before it can
>> be referenced?
> Its not. This says assign x to the object on the right.
> So it has to work out what "the object on the right" is
> before it can stick the label x onto the result.
>  The only solution I came up with is that the two operands
>> are evaluated before storing it in the variable, consequently
> > replacing the original value of 0.
> Remember, its the name that moves, not the objects. Python
> doesn't store the objects in the variables, it assigns
> the variable names to the objects. There is a big difference.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From ileleiwi at  Thu May  7 06:09:50 2015
From: ileleiwi at (Ikaia Leleiwi)
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 22:09:50 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Guess the number
Message-ID: <>

I am having trouble writing a program that guesses a number inputted by the
user.  A number between 1-100 is inputted into the program and the computer
produces a random integer that is the "guess" as to what the inputted
number might be.  If the guess is lower then the inputted number then the
user inputs the word 'higher' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
higher number.  If the guess is higher than the inputted number then the
user inputs the word 'lower' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
lower number.

My goal is to have this process repeat, continually narrowing down the
range of possible numbers that the computer can guess, until it guesses the
correct number.

The code I have thus far is as follows:

#Computer Guesses Number Game
#The player chooses a number between 1 and 100
#The computer guesses a number
#The player inputs either higher or lower depending whether
#the computer guesses higher than the chosen number or lower
#When the computer guesses correctly it is congratulated

import random

number = int(input("Pick an integer between 1-100 "))

guess = random.randint(1,100)

while guess != number:

    if guess < number:
        print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
        input("higher or lower ")
        guess = random.randint(guess,100)

    elif guess > number:
        print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
        input("higher or lower ")
        guess = random.randint(1,guess)

        print("Congradulations Computer!! You guessed that the number was


I can't figure out how to narrow down the random integer range as the
computer guesses closer and closer to the actual value of the number chosen
in the beginning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


From alan.gauld at  Thu May  7 10:39:44 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 09:39:44 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Guess the number
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mif8cc$8h6$>

On 07/05/15 05:09, Ikaia Leleiwi wrote:

> number might be.  If the guess is lower then the inputted number then the
> user inputs the word 'higher' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
> higher number.  If the guess is higher than the inputted number then the
> user inputs the word 'lower' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
> lower number.

Note that your code does not do that. It ignores the
'higher' or 'lower' input from the user.

> number = int(input("Pick an integer between 1-100 "))
> guess = random.randint(1,100)
> while guess != number:
>      if guess < number:

This if condition should be controlled by the user. So before you get 
here you need to print the guess and ask for input.
The if condition then becomes

if next_guess.lower() == 'higher':

or similar

>          print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
>          input("higher or lower ")
>          guess = random.randint(guess,100)
>      elif guess > number:

same here, the test should be

elif next_guess.lower() == 'lower':

>          print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
>          input("higher or lower ")
>          guess = random.randint(1,guess)
>      else:
>          print("Congradulations Computer!! You guessed that the number was
> ",number)

> I can't figure out how to narrow down the random integer range as the
> computer guesses closer and closer to the actual value of the number chosen
> in the beginning.

You could try storing the max and min values of guess so that the limits 




And set hiGuess and loGuess when you get an instruction to
go up or down
loGuess = 1
hiGuess = 100
guess = random(loGuess,hiGuess)
number = ...
    if next_guess == 'higher':
       if guess > loGuess: loGuess = guess
    elif next_guess ==  'lower':
       if guess < hiGuess: hiGuess = guess
    guess = randint(loGuess,hiGuess)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From jstewartlawton at  Thu May  7 12:56:53 2015
From: jstewartlawton at (Stewart Lawton)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 10:56:53 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] apache python cgi sockets error 13 (resend after joining
 the tutorial list)
Message-ID: <>

Hi I have tried Python TCPIP sockets and Unix sockets processed in a python cgi script, called from apache under fedora19. In both cases a permissions error is returned at sock.connect(). I have tried changing permissions x and r w on ALL of user, group, other to no avail. In both cases the cgi script runs if directly executed from /var/www/cgi-bin with no apache involvement.

  In both cases all the other (non sockets())? python cgi scripting works in the apache server environment. 

  I note I needed to enable http in the ferora19 firewall to have the apache server work from locahost or from another device connected to the router. Please find the myUnix2.cgi socket script below. Help appreciated! Regards,??????????????Stewart Lawton
import cgi
import socket
import sys
?<html lang="en">
?????? <metacharset="utf-8" />
??????<title> MyServer Template </title>
??????</html> """?? )

# Create a TCP/IP socket
???sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
???server_address ='../../.././home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'
???? sock.connect(server_address)
???except socket.error,msg:
???? print>>sys.stderr, msg
???? sys.exit(1)
#Send data
??? message = 'This is the message.?It will be repeated.'
#?? print >>sys.stderr,'sending "%s"' % message
??? return

if __name__ == "__main__":
??????? htmlTop()
???????print("Hello World from my Unix2 cgi Script ")
??????? htmlTail()

From alan.gauld at  Thu May  7 14:53:56 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 13:53:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] apache python cgi sockets error 13 (resend after
 joining the tutorial list)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mifn90$34j$>

Can you post again in plain text? The formatting below
is all messed up, indentation and spacing errors abound.

On 07/05/15 11:56, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> Hi I have tried Python TCPIP sockets and Unix sockets
 > processed in a python cgi script,

Have you tried opening the same sockets in a script run
in your user space? Its most likely a problem of cgi user
and your user permissions clashing.

> #!/usr/bin/envpython
> import cgi
> import socket
> import sys
> defhtmlTop():

Note we've lost a space.

>   print("""Content-type:text/html\n\n
>   <DOCTYPEhtml>
>   <html lang="en">
>    <head>
>         <metacharset="utf-8" />
>        <title> MyServer Template </title>
>        </head>
>        <body>""")
> defhtmlTail():
>   print("""<body/>
>        </html> """   )
> defcreSockettoServer():
> # Create a TCP/IP socket
>     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>     server_address ='../../.././home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'
>     try:
>       sock.connect(server_address)
>     except socket.error,msg:
>       print>>sys.stderr, msg
>       sys.exit(1)
> #Send data
>      message = 'This is the message. It will be repeated.'
> #   print >>sys.stderr,'sending "%s"' % message
>     sock.sendall(message)
>      return

And the indentation above is messed up.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From felix.dietrich at  Thu May  7 18:46:33 2015
From: felix.dietrich at (Felix Dietrich)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 18:46:33 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] apache python cgi sockets error 13 (resend after
	joining the tutorial list)
In-Reply-To: <>
 (Stewart Lawton's message of "Thu, 7 May 2015 10:56:53 +0000 (UTC)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Stewart Lawton <jstewartlawton at> writes:

> Hi I have tried Python TCPIP sockets and Unix sockets processed in a
> python cgi script, called from apache under fedora19. In both cases a
> permissions error is returned at sock.connect(). I have tried changing
> permissions x and r w on ALL of user, group, other to no avail. In
> both cases the cgi script runs if directly executed from
> /var/www/cgi-bin with no apache involvement.

Make sure that you not only set the permissions for the socket file but
also for the directories leading to the file.  The man-pages for AF_UNIX
(man unix) state under the section NOTES:

    In the Linux implementation, sockets which are visible in the
    filesystem honor the permissions of the directory they are in.
    Their owner, group and their permissions can be changed.  Creation
    of a new socket will fail if the process does not have write and
    search (execute) permission on the directory the socket is created
    in.  Connecting to the socket object requires read/write permission.

> server_address = '../../.././home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'

You are using a relative path here.  Are you certain about the working
directory of the interpreter?

Felix Dietrich

From cybervigilante at  Thu May  7 21:15:42 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 12:15:42 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
Message-ID: <>

I find this a bit confusing. Since the ID of K remains the same, so it's
the same object, why isn't it increasing each time. i.e, 20, 30, 40,. I
understand that it's immutable but doesn't that mean K is created each time
in local scope so it should have a different ID each time?

def testid(K=10):
    K += 10
    return 'the ID is', id(K), K

*** Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:43:06) [MSC v.1600
32 bit (Intel)] on win32. ***
>>> testid()
('the ID is', 505991936, 20)
>>> testid()
('the ID is', 505991936, 20)
>>> testid()
('the ID is', 505991936, 20)


From emile at  Thu May  7 22:03:56 2015
From: emile at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 13:03:56 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <miggfe$6i2$>

On 5/7/2015 12:15 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> I find this a bit confusing. Since the ID of K remains the same, so it's
> the same object, why isn't it increasing each time. i.e, 20, 30, 40,. I
> understand that it's immutable but doesn't that mean K is created each time
> in local scope so it should have a different ID each time?

You're looking at the ID of an interned string:

 >>> testid()
('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
 >>> testid()
('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
 >>> testid()
('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
 >>> id(20)
 >>> id(10+10)
 >>> id(19+1)

Compare to:

def testid(K=1000000):
      K += 10
      return 'the ID is', id(K), K


From cybervigilante at  Thu May  7 22:54:10 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 13:54:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <miggfe$6i2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7 May 2015 at 13:03, Emile van Sebille <emile at> wrote:

> Compare to:
> def testid(K=1000000):
>      K += 10
>      return 'the ID is', id(K), K

Ah, thanks. I forgot small integers are saved in a table. I was looking at
a demo that pointers to defaults in function parameters are persistent. It
used lists so I tried ints. Although I realized persistence also works for
dicts ;')

def testid(newitem, K={}):
     K[newitem] = newitem + 'item'
     return 'the ID is', id(K), K

>>> testid('bonk')
('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem'})
>>> testid('clonk')
('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem'})
>>> testid('spam')
('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem', 'spam':


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From alan.gauld at  Thu May  7 23:25:47 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 22:25:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <migl8n$mn2$>

On 07/05/15 21:54, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> Ah, thanks. I forgot small integers are saved in a table. I was looking at
> a demo that pointers to defaults in function parameters are persistent.

But remember they variables are NOT pointers.
They are keys in a dictionary. Very different.

Also the id() function is implementation dependant so
although it may seem to be a memory address in CPython
it is something else in IronPython and something else
again in Jython. The only thing guaranteed is that
it is a unique id for that object.

As to default parameter values, the default object is
persistent but if you reassign the parameter inside
the function it will obviously lose its binding to
the default object. It will only be reassigned to
it on the next function call (unless it's a generator

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From davea at  Fri May  8 01:47:54 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 19:47:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 03:15 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> I find this a bit confusing. Since the ID of K remains the same, so it's
> the same object, why isn't it increasing each time. i.e, 20, 30, 40,. I
> understand that it's immutable but doesn't that mean K is created each time
> in local scope so it should have a different ID each time?
> def testid(K=10):
>      K += 10
>      return 'the ID is', id(K), K
> *** Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:43:06) [MSC v.1600
> 32 bit (Intel)] on win32. ***
>>>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 505991936, 20)
>>>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 505991936, 20)
>>>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 505991936, 20)

K is certainly created new each time, but it is bound to the same 
object, the one created when the function is defined.

K does not have an id(), that object does.

Since the object in this case is immutable, the += creates a new object 
and binds that to K.  In your particular code, you never call the id() 
for the initialization object.  I'd add another print, that shows the 
id(K) before the +=

All of this is confused by the fact that small ints happen to be 
interned by your paricular implementation.  So you're getting the same 
<int=20> object each time.


From davea at  Fri May  8 01:48:29 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 19:48:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <miggfe$6i2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 04:03 PM, Emile van Sebille wrote:
> On 5/7/2015 12:15 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> I find this a bit confusing. Since the ID of K remains the same, so it's
>> the same object, why isn't it increasing each time. i.e, 20, 30, 40,. I
>> understand that it's immutable but doesn't that mean K is created each
>> time
>> in local scope so it should have a different ID each time?
> You're looking at the ID of an interned string:

Interned int

>  >>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
>  >>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
>  >>> testid()
> ('the ID is', 7515584L, 20)
>  >>> id(20)
> 7515584L
>  >>> id(10+10)
> 7515584L
>  >>> id(19+1)
> 7515584L
> Compare to:
> def testid(K=1000000):
>       K += 10
>       return 'the ID is', id(K), K


From davea at  Fri May  8 01:51:42 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 19:51:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 04:54 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 7 May 2015 at 13:03, Emile van Sebille <emile at> wrote:
>> Compare to:
>> def testid(K=1000000):
>>       K += 10
>>       return 'the ID is', id(K), K
> Ah, thanks. I forgot small integers are saved in a table. I was looking at
> a demo that pointers to defaults in function parameters are persistent.

Python doesn't have pointers, and nothing here is persistent. 
Persistence refers to a value surviving multiple invocations of a program.

> It
> used lists so I tried ints. Although I realized persistence also works for
> dicts ;')
> def testid(newitem, K={}):
>       K[newitem] = newitem + 'item'
>       return 'the ID is', id(K), K
>>>> testid('bonk')
> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem'})
>>>> testid('clonk')
> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem'})
>>>> testid('spam')
> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem', 'spam':
> 'spamitem'})

The object is not immutable, so it can change.  Therefore the += does an 
in-place change, and you keep the same id.


From davea at  Fri May  8 01:57:35 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 19:57:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <migl8n$mn2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 05:25 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 07/05/15 21:54, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> Ah, thanks. I forgot small integers are saved in a table. I was
>> looking at
>> a demo that pointers to defaults in function parameters are persistent.
> But remember they variables are NOT pointers.
> They are keys in a dictionary. Very different.
> Also the id() function is implementation dependant so
> although it may seem to be a memory address in CPython
> it is something else in IronPython and something else
> again in Jython. The only thing guaranteed is that
> it is a unique id for that object.

Unique as long as the two objects you're examining exist at the same 
time.  An id() may be reused once the first object is destroyed.  And in 
general for CPython that happens a lot for small objects.

> As to default parameter values, the default object is
> persistent but if you reassign the parameter inside
> the function it will obviously lose its binding to
> the default object. It will only be reassigned to
> it on the next function call (unless it's a generator
> function).


From davea at  Fri May  8 03:42:35 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 21:42:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 07:51 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 05/07/2015 04:54 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> On 7 May 2015 at 13:03, Emile van Sebille <emile at> wrote:
>>> Compare to:
>>> def testid(K=1000000):
>>>       K += 10
>>>       return 'the ID is', id(K), K
>> Ah, thanks. I forgot small integers are saved in a table. I was
>> looking at
>> a demo that pointers to defaults in function parameters are persistent.
> Python doesn't have pointers, and nothing here is persistent.
> Persistence refers to a value surviving multiple invocations of a program.

I think the term you're looking for is "static lifetime".  That object 
will exist for the life of the program.  The local variable name K is 
bound to that object each time the function is called without an argument.

>> It
>> used lists so I tried ints. Although I realized persistence also works
>> for
>> dicts ;')
>> def testid(newitem, K={}):
>>       K[newitem] = newitem + 'item'
>>       return 'the ID is', id(K), K
>>>>> testid('bonk')
>> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem'})
>>>>> testid('clonk')
>> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem'})
>>>>> testid('spam')
>> ('the ID is', 18263656, {'bonk': 'bonkitem', 'clonk': 'clonkitem',
>> 'spam':
>> 'spamitem'})
> The object is not immutable, so it can change.  Therefore the += does an
> in-place change, and you keep the same id.


From akleider at  Fri May  8 03:50:28 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 18:50:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-04-21 16:48, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> But it would not be schizophrenic to write a function that returned a
> name arbitrarily, by inspecting locals(). It depends whether you only
> need a name, or if you need "the" name.
> Write yourself a "find_name_from_locals(local_map, value)" function
> that reports. That will (a) get you a partial answer and (b) cement in
> your mind what is possible and why. Easy and useful!
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Well I finally got around to tackling this little challenge and you are 
It was illuminating.

For what it's worth, here's the code that made the light go on:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set file encoding=utf-8 :
# file: ''
Following through on:
Write yourself a "find_name_from_locals(local_map, value)" function that
reports. That will (a) get you a partial answer and (b) cement in your
mind what is possible and why. Easy and useful!
Cheers, Cameron Simpson <cs at>
a = 'Alex'
j = 'June'
ssn = 681769931  # Totally ficticious!
# print(locals())
def get_name_1st_version(item):
     """What I naively thought would work."""
     for name in locals():
         if name == item:
             return name

def get_name(localmap, item):
     """As suggested.
     Returns 'a' name, not necessarily 'the' name."""
     for name in localmap:
         if localmap[name] == item:
             return name

if __name__ == '__main__':  # code block to run the application
     # First attempt:

     # Second attempt:
     localmap = locals()
     # Lesson learned: must use localmap created within the namespace
     # under scrutiny.
     print(get_name(localmap, a))
     print(get_name(localmap, j))
     print(get_name(localmap, ssn))
     print(get_name(localmap, 'Alex'))
     print(get_name(localmap, 'June'))
     print(get_name(localmap, 681769931))

From davea at  Fri May  8 04:10:31 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 22:10:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 09:50 PM, Alex Kleider wrote:
> On 2015-04-21 16:48, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> But it would not be schizophrenic to write a function that returned a
>> name arbitrarily, by inspecting locals(). It depends whether you only
>> need a name, or if you need "the" name.
>> Write yourself a "find_name_from_locals(local_map, value)" function
>> that reports. That will (a) get you a partial answer and (b) cement in
>> your mind what is possible and why. Easy and useful!
>> Cheers,
>> Cameron Simpson <cs at>
> Well I finally got around to tackling this little challenge and you are
> right:
> It was illuminating.
> For what it's worth, here's the code that made the light go on:
> #!../venv/bin/python3
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> # vim: set file encoding=utf-8 :
> #
> # file: ''
> """
> def get_name(localmap, item):
>      """As suggested.
>      Returns 'a' name, not necessarily 'the' name."""
>      for name in localmap:
>          if localmap[name] == item:

This is not likely to be what was intended.  You want
            if localmap[name] is item:
That can identify if one of the names happens to be bound to the SAME 
object being examined.  Rather than one that happens to have the same value.


From steve at  Fri May  8 04:27:52 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 12:27:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 12:15:42PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> I find this a bit confusing. Since the ID of K remains the same, so it's
> the same object, why isn't it increasing each time. i.e, 20, 30, 40,. I
> understand that it's immutable but doesn't that mean K is created each time
> in local scope so it should have a different ID each time?
> def testid(K=10):
>     K += 10
>     return 'the ID is', id(K), K

You have two questions in there, and they are unrelated.

K does not increase each time, because you throw the result away each 
time and start again.

testid() uses the default of K=10. In the body of the function, K+=10 
adds 10+10 to give 20, and binds that to the local variable K. But it 
doesn't change the default value, which is still 10 (ints being 
immutable, it cannot be changed in place). So when you call testid() the 
second time, the previous value of K is lost and it starts against with 

Here is an alternative that does behave like persistent storage from 
call to call:

def testid(K=[10]):
    K[0] += 10
    return 'the ID is', id(K), K

Because the default value is a list, and lists are mutable, so long as 
we *modify* that list, the change will be seen the next time round.

Your second question is why the id() doesn't change. There are at 
least two possible reasons for that:

(1) CPython caches small ints. Because they are used so frequently, 
CPython saves time at the cost of a little bit of memory by using the 
same objects each time, instead of creating them from scratch each time. 
The precise ints which are cached are a private implementation detail 
and subject to change without notice, so don't rely on that.

(2) Python only guarantees that IDs are unique for objects which exist 
at the same time. In other words, Python implementations may re-use IDs. 
Some do not: Jython and IronPython don't re-use IDs, but CPython does. 
So if we have a sequence of events like this:

    (1) create K
    (2) print id(K)
    (3) garbage collect K
    (4) create K again
    (5) print id(K) again

it is possible that the K created in (4) gets the same ID as the one 
created in (1).


From ben+python at  Fri May  8 04:38:20 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 12:38:20 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Tip (thank) your mentors
Message-ID: <>

Howdy all,

I just received a private message that, briefly and simply, thanked me
for advice I gave in this forum, explaining specifically how it helped
the recipient understand a concept better.

It made my day; I have a spring in my step now.

Everyone, never hesitate to thank someone ? privately if you wish ? for
help they've given you. It is inexpensive to give, and very dear to

Most of us, most of the time, are engaging in these public discussions
to help the community. Gratitude sincerely expressed is an important and
valuable way to motivate us to keep contributing.

Thank you for keeping our community welcoming and happy.

 \     ?Oh, I realize it's a penny here and a penny there, but look at |
  `\      me: I've worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme |
_o__)                                          poverty.? ?Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney

From akleider at  Fri May  8 05:23:18 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 20:23:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-07 19:10, Dave Angel wrote:

>> def get_name(localmap, item):
>>      """As suggested.
>>      Returns 'a' name, not necessarily 'the' name."""
>>      for name in localmap:
>>          if localmap[name] == item:
> This is not likely to be what was intended.  You want
>            if localmap[name] is item:
> That can identify if one of the names happens to be bound to the SAME
> object being examined.  Rather than one that happens to have the same
> value.

Correction noted.  Thank you for that.  The distinction is important. 
('==' vs 'is')

From davea at  Fri May  8 05:45:33 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 23:45:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 11:23 PM, Alex Kleider wrote:
> On 2015-05-07 19:10, Dave Angel wrote:
>>> def get_name(localmap, item):
>>>      """As suggested.
>>>      Returns 'a' name, not necessarily 'the' name."""
>>>      for name in localmap:
>>>          if localmap[name] == item:
>> This is not likely to be what was intended.  You want
>>            if localmap[name] is item:
>> That can identify if one of the names happens to be bound to the SAME
>> object being examined.  Rather than one that happens to have the same
>> value.
> Correction noted.  Thank you for that.  The distinction is important.
> ('==' vs 'is')

You also only showed it working on module globals.  (For code at 
top-level, locals() returns the same as globals() )

You could also try it inside functions, where locals() really makes 
sense as a name.  And you could try it in a nested function where there 
may very well be non-locals (eg. closure items) that aren't local or global.

But more interestingly, you could try it on items of a list, or members 
of a dictionary, where there's no name at all associated with the object.


From akleider at  Fri May  8 08:26:43 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 07 May 2015 23:26:43 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-07 20:45, Dave Angel wrote:

> You also only showed it working on module globals.  (For code at
> top-level, locals() returns the same as globals() )
> You could also try it inside functions, where locals() really makes
> sense as a name.  And you could try it in a nested function where
> there may very well be non-locals (eg. closure items) that aren't
> local or global.

You've taken me to new territory:
I wasn't familiar with 'closures' and to be truthful, still am not,
although thanks to you I am at least aware of the idea.
> But more interestingly, you could try it on items of a list, or
> members of a dictionary, where there's no name at all associated with
> the object.

It simply returns None.  I assume that's the point you are making?
(That it has no name, or perhaps more accurately expressed: there is
no name to discover.)


From sreenath at  Fri May  8 06:24:52 2015
From: sreenath at (Sreenath GK)
Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 09:54:52 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Tip (thank) your mentors
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


True that.

Appreciate everyone who is offering a helping hand for the newbies like me.

Best Regards,

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Ben Finney <ben+python at>

> Howdy all,
> I just received a private message that, briefly and simply, thanked me
> for advice I gave in this forum, explaining specifically how it helped
> the recipient understand a concept better.
> It made my day; I have a spring in my step now.
> Everyone, never hesitate to thank someone ? privately if you wish ? for
> help they've given you. It is inexpensive to give, and very dear to
> receive.
> Most of us, most of the time, are engaging in these public discussions
> to help the community. Gratitude sincerely expressed is an important and
> valuable way to motivate us to keep contributing.
> Thank you for keeping our community welcoming and happy.
> --
>  \     ?Oh, I realize it's a penny here and a penny there, but look at |
>   `\      me: I've worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme |
> _o__)                                          poverty.? ?Groucho Marx |
> Ben Finney
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Best Regards,

From alan.gauld at  Fri May  8 11:33:38 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 10:33:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] my membership and access to the Tutor list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08/05/15 09:09, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> Hi Alan
> Thank you very much for your response to my Tutor at question.
> I thought my membership was complete and that I could log in to answer 
> your comments.

The tutor list is a mailing list not a web forum. You don't login to answer
comments you  send an email reply. Use Reply to send to the individual
(as you've just done with me) or, more usually, use ReplyAll (or ReplyList
if your mail tool has that feature) to reply to everyone on the list.

Use plain text to preserve code layout and use interleaved posting
(as I'm doing here) rather than top-posting.

> I found I could not login again. PLEASE can you help to get my 
> password reset?

Only you can change the password, its purely web based. I only
approve messages in the moderation queue, virtually nothing else.
But the password just gives you access to your admin settings.

> I think I am failing to understand what user and or group permissions 
> are required between apache python, and the python myUnix2.cgi program 
> I am using.

OK, I'm no expert here but several things about your program
have me puzzled.

First remember that the web server will have its own user account
and thus your code is effectively being run by another user. So any
permissions on your files need to allow that user to have access.
This is obviously a security risk and the reason its best not to have
web programs accessing files in a users area but to copy any files
needed into the web server space.

> This program script is listed below, hopefully with spaces corrected

Spacing is now legal, but you should increase the indentation to
make it more readable. Consider 2 spaces as the absolute minimum,
most people use 3 or 4. If you ever submit code to the Python
standard library it must use 4 spaces. One space makes the
indentation hard to line up and almost defeats the point of
having it.

> path to uds_socket corrected as Felix Dietricl suggested may be and Issue.

> 1) From my user directory I issued the script Unix2.cgi to
> a listening Unix sockets server and this worked OK.
> 2) the permissions of Unix2.cgi are:-
> -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton  987 May  7 17:55 myUnix2.cgi
> This is not good from security but surely proves the script can execute if
> permissions are not considered.
> 3)This file is copied to the apache cgi directory /var/www/cgi-bin 
> with the permissions
> forced as
> -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton 987 May  7 18:19 
> ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi
> 4) Execution of the cgi script directly works OK.

OK, Permissions of the cgi script are not critical they just need to be
executable to the web server. So you could have ---r-xrwx and it should
be more secure and work OK. What is important is that you change
ownership to whatever the apache user account is (local config, I can't
help there you'll need to look at the files).

> 5) http is enabled in the fedora firewall
> 6)The apache server is started using sudo systemctl start httpd.service.
> When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost receives 
> the following error report.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 37, in <module>
>     creSockettoServer()
>   File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 26, in creSockettoServer
>     sys.exit(1)
> SystemExit: 1
> 7) The copy process of myUnix2.cgi from my user directory to 
> /var/www/cgi-bin
> but setting user and group to root with full permissions results in
> -rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 987 May  7 18:45 
> ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi

OK, But I sincerely hope the web server is NOT running as root, that 
would be
a security disaster and a crackers paradise!

> 8)When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost 
> receives the
> same error report given under 6).
> 9) summary since the 'o' permissions are forced to rwx the script 
> should execute
> no matter what use group are specified?
> 10) How do I establish neccessary cgi permissions?
The problems are not with your script but with the socket you are trying to
create, or the path to it. Its those permissions that likely need to be 
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import cgi
> import socket
> import sys
> def htmlTop():
>  print("""Content-type:text/html\n\n
>  <DOCTYPE html>
>  <html lang="en">
>    <head>
>        <meta charset="utf-8" />
>        <title> MyServer Template </title>
>        </head>
>        <body>""")
> def htmlTail():
>  print("""<body/>
>        </html> """   )
> def creSockettoServer():
>     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>     server_address = '/home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'

I confess I've never used a socket like this, indeed I was only
vaguely aware of their existence! I assume you have previous
experience of using UNIX domain sockets (in C?) since there
is relatively little tutorial help out there.

I've always used sockets for IP and given an IP address to the socket.
So I can only guess what's going on in your case. Can I ask what you
are trying to do in your program that you need UNIX sockets? Just curious.
Also one thing that occurs to me - have you made sure the socket file
is being deleted each time before you run the program? An existing
socket file may well cause your problems.

Back to the issue at hand...
Can you write a simpler CGI script that just prints data or similar?
That way you can check that your CGI setup is working first
and then focus on the issue of opening the socket. I'm a big believer
in solving one problem at a time.

In fact you could then write a second script that reads your socket
folder and prints a dir listing using os.listdir() or glob() or similar to
prove basic access is OK. It might also print some info about the
user so that you know which account is running your scripts.

Armed with that information you can then tackle the issue of
creating your socket file.

I've CCd the list so that others can contribute too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From davea at  Fri May  8 13:16:53 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 07:16:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] introspection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/08/2015 02:26 AM, Alex Kleider wrote:
> On 2015-05-07 20:45, Dave Angel wrote:
>> You also only showed it working on module globals.  (For code at
>> top-level, locals() returns the same as globals() )
>> You could also try it inside functions, where locals() really makes
>> sense as a name.  And you could try it in a nested function where
>> there may very well be non-locals (eg. closure items) that aren't
>> local or global.
> You've taken me to new territory:
> I wasn't familiar with 'closures' and to be truthful, still am not,
> although thanks to you I am at least aware of the idea.
>> But more interestingly, you could try it on items of a list, or
>> members of a dictionary, where there's no name at all associated with
>> the object.
> It simply returns None.  I assume that's the point you are making?
> (That it has no name, or perhaps more accurately expressed: there is
> no name to discover.)

That's right.  But depending on why you're looking, it might be worth 
doing some more subtle searching.  For example, you're currently looking 
at all the members of a dict.  But if one of those members is of type 
dict, list, or tuple, you could look at its members. If you do that 
recursively, you could identify a lot more objects.

Also, since you have to pass the object into the search function, you 
already have one known reference.  That one might not be the interesting 
one, as it might have been made just for this testing.  So it would be 
useful if this function produced a list of *all* the references it can find.

And you could have your function work from an id() value.  Given an 
integer, try to find names or expressions that yield this id value.


From cybervigilante at  Fri May  8 20:10:18 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 11:10:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7 May 2015 at 18:42, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:

> Python doesn't have pointers

So what is the difference between a python name and a pointer? I'm a bit
fuzzy on that.


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From tudby001 at  Thu May  7 20:57:30 2015
From: tudby001 at (Tudor, Bogdan - tudby001)
Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 18:57:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] formatting strings
Message-ID: <>


This is my first time.
I am using python 3.4.3 on windows 7 64bit.

I am trying to make a binary counter that will prompt for and read a decimal number (whole number). Then display all decimal numbers starting from 1 up to and including the decimal number entered along with the binary representation of the numbers to the screen.

I expected nesting a bunch of loops over and over again would work, what I've realized is that there must be an easier way of coding this without repeating loops, I just cannot for the life of me work this out. What I'm doing at the moment is writing way to much code over and over again.

Sorry I'm not sure how to use inline quoting on outlook online.

I will greatly appreciate any help!

Kind Regards.

From davea at  Fri May  8 22:21:39 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 16:21:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<miggfe$6i2$>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/08/2015 02:10 PM, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 7 May 2015 at 18:42, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
>> Python doesn't have pointers
> So what is the difference between a python name and a pointer? I'm a bit
> fuzzy on that.

What's the difference between a painting of Obama and a living state 
Senator from New York?

Pointers are not part of Python.  Python is a language specification. 
Some implementations may use pointers to implement the binding, but 
that's irrelevant unless you're doing something like linking C code to 
such an implementation.  Some implementations may run on Motorola 
processors, but that's not part of the language either.  Other 
implementation do not use pointers for the binding.

A name can be reached from a namespace, and it in turn is bound to an 
object.  That binding is a one-way connection that lets the interpreter 
find the object, given the namespace and the name.


From davea at  Fri May  8 22:28:54 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 16:28:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] formatting strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/07/2015 02:57 PM, Tudor, Bogdan - tudby001 wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first time.

First time doing what?  Presumably the first time on this forum.  But 
what is your history of using Python, or of programming in general?

> I am using python 3.4.3 on windows 7 64bit.
> I am trying to make a binary counter that will prompt for and read a decimal number (whole number). Then display all decimal numbers starting from 1 up to and including the decimal number entered along with the binary representation of the numbers to the screen.
> I expected nesting a bunch of loops over and over again would work, what I've realized is that there must be an easier way of coding this without repeating loops, I just cannot for the life of me work this out. What I'm doing at the moment is writing way to much code over and over again.
> Sorry I'm not sure how to use inline quoting on outlook online.

I can't answer for outlook, but normally you add stuff to your message 
by using copy/paste.  On Windows, that's Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V

I can't comment on the specifics of your code, since it's online rather 
than in your message.


From alan.gauld at  Sat May  9 00:26:16 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 23:26:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <mijd64$oh7$>

On 08/05/15 19:10, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 7 May 2015 at 18:42, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
>> Python doesn't have pointers
> So what is the difference between a python name and a pointer?

OK, This could get deepo.
Lets start with the supoerficial...

A pointer (in most languiages) is a named alias for a memory address.
That is a name that is a specidic memory location. At least in C and 
some other languages.

That means you can, in C , declare a variable (say p) to be a pointer
to some array of objects and it is simply the memory address of the 
first object in the array. The second objects address is therefore 
p+sizeof(o) where 'o' is the object type of the array.

You can in fact write code like this in C (and frequently do):

int p*;  // declare p to be a pointer to an integer
int ia[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};  // an array of 10 integers
p = ia;   # p holds the address in ia, ie its first element

printf("%d\n", p);  // print the object, ie ia[0]
printf("%d",p+3);   // print the 4th object ie ia[3]

So p is a pointer to an integer. And an array is a sequence
of integers in memory so you can access subsequent memory
locations by adding numbers to p. (The compiler multiplies
the number by the size of the type of p to get the actual
memory address.)

In other languages (eg Pascal) pointers are slightly more
abstract but not much. They are more like C++ references
than memory addresses, but the end result is much the same:
they are very tightly  tied to the physical concepts of
memory versus variables.

Now in contrast...
In Python a name is a much more abstract concept and is
just a label that is attached to an object. How the label
gets attached is an entirely abstract and implementation
specific concept. In practice its usually via a dictionary
so that a variable is a name which is a key of a dictionary.
The corresponding value is an object or, (crucially) maybe
a pointer to an object. But the name is not the pointer
it's the corresponding value that (may be) a pointer.

So this Python code (compare to the C above) makes no sense:

aList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
print aList_+ 3

aList is not a pointer to the start of a sequence of
objects in memory. aList is a key to a dictionary
that holds a reference to a list of objects. And adding
3 to a key in a dictionary is not a sensible operation.

I'm writing this at 11:30pm and I've just drunk a full
bottle of (very good!) red wine all by myself (how sad!).
If it makes no sense, my apologies, I'll review it in
the morning!!! :-(

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From davea at  Sat May  9 00:54:58 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 18:54:58 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] pointer puzzlement
In-Reply-To: <mijd64$oh7$>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/08/2015 06:26 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 08/05/15 19:10, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
>> On 7 May 2015 at 18:42, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
>>> Python doesn't have pointers
>> So what is the difference between a python name and a pointer?
> OK, This could get deepo.
> Lets start with the supoerficial...
> A pointer (in most languiages) is a named alias for a memory address.
> That is a name that is a specidic memory location. At least in C and
> some other languages.
> That means you can, in C , declare a variable (say p) to be a pointer
> to some array of objects and it is simply the memory address of the
> first object in the array. The second objects address is therefore
> p+sizeof(o) where 'o' is the object type of the array.
> You can in fact write code like this in C (and frequently do):
> int p*;  // declare p to be a pointer to an integer
> int ia[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0};  // an array of 10 integers
> p = ia;   # p holds the address in ia, ie its first element

This is a shorthand for
     p = & (ia[0])

> printf("%d\n", p);  // print the object, ie ia[0]

   print("%d\n", *p)   // print the first object   ia[0]
   print(("%d\n", p[0]);  // print the first object, ie ia[0]

> printf("%d",p+3);   // print the 4th object ie ia[3]

   printf("%d",*(p+3));   // print the 4th object ie ia[3]
   printf("%d",p[3]);   // print the 4th object ie ia[3]

and p[274] is a random pile of bits which might or might not happen to 
be readable.  Using it might read some other int, it might read a few 
bytes of code, it might cause a segmentation fault.

> So p is a pointer to an integer. And an array is a sequence
> of integers in memory so you can access subsequent memory
> locations by adding numbers to p. (The compiler multiplies
> the number by the size of the type of p to get the actual
> memory address.)

And all this is part of the language specification.  C is after all, an 
overblown assembly language, and all processors are expected to emulate 
the appropriate Dec machine.

> In other languages (eg Pascal) pointers are slightly more
> abstract but not much. They are more like C++ references
> than memory addresses, but the end result is much the same:
> they are very tightly  tied to the physical concepts of
> memory versus variables.
> Now in contrast...
> In Python a name is a much more abstract concept and is
> just a label that is attached to an object. How the label
> gets attached is an entirely abstract and implementation
> specific concept. In practice its usually via a dictionary
> so that a variable is a name which is a key of a dictionary.
> The corresponding value is an object or, (crucially) maybe
> a pointer to an object. But the name is not the pointer
> it's the corresponding value that (may be) a pointer.
> So this Python code (compare to the C above) makes no sense:
> aList = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
> print aList_+ 3
> aList is not a pointer to the start of a sequence of
> objects in memory. aList is a key to a dictionary
> that holds a reference to a list of objects. And adding
> 3 to a key in a dictionary is not a sensible operation.

I'd maintain that this is still more than what the language guarantees. 
  The model I have of the language is that a name is a key in some 
namespace (but not necessarily a dict).  The value that's associated 
with that key is an abstraction that the interpreter knows how to decode 
to identify one particular object.  It might be a pointer, it might be 
an integer, it might be a pair of values.

The object might have a fixed location, or it might move around.  As 
long as at any moment that the code is running, the interpreter can find 
the object, it doesn't matter.


From dyoo at  Sat May  9 02:11:49 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 17:11:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] formatting strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I am trying to make a binary counter that will prompt for and read a decimal number (whole number). Then display all decimal numbers starting from 1 up to and including the decimal number entered along with the binary representation of the numbers to the screen.

You might consider writing a separate function toBinary() that takes
as input a number 'n' and returns its binary representation as a
string.  You're copying and pasting, and that's a sign that you've got
a block of code that you can *reuse*.  If you don't know how to write
functions, please ask!

Also, you can write a loop that goes from 1 to N by using range().  For example:

for n in range(1, N+1):
    print(n, 2*n)

The while loop that you have does work, but the for loop here is more
idiomatic in expressing the idea of "Do the following for this
collection of values ..."

... Reading the code...

Ah.  You have a fixed number of variables to capture values such as
next_num_1, binary_num_1, next_num_2, binary_num_2, and so on.  But
this means you'll only be able to handle a fixed number of values,
where by "fixed", it looks like you've gone up to four.  :P

As you're noticing, this approach with capturing results with a fixed
number of variables isn't going to work well when we don't know how
many times we're walking through the loop.

Do you know about lists?  They allow you to hold onto a variable-sized
collection of values.  For example, let's say that we want to produce
the output:

1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10

Basically, our 2-times table.

Here's how we can do this.

## pseudocode
inputs = []
outputs = []
for x in range(10):
    outputs.append(x * 2)

Then we can get at any particular input/output by indexing the list at
the same position.  For example, we can print the inputs and outputs
like this:

inputs = []
outputs = []
for x in range(10):
    outputs.append(x * 2)
for (i, o) in zip(inputs, outputs):
   print (i,o)

and this takes an approach similar to what you've got, but it works
because it can hold onto all the results in a variable-sized list.

But that being said, for your particular program, you might not even
need to hold onto the entire collection of inputs and outputs at once.
Can you just do something like this instead?

for x in range(10):
    doubled = x * 2
    print(x, doubled)

where we interleave computation with output within the loop itself?
This has the advantage that we don't need to hold onto anything but
the very last thing we just computed, so it reduces the number of
things we're juggling to just the range that we're walking over, the
current value that we're walking, and the output from that current

From steve at  Sat May  9 05:07:02 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 13:07:02 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] formatting strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 06:57:30PM +0000, Tudor, Bogdan - tudby001 wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first time.
> I am using python 3.4.3 on windows 7 64bit.
> I am trying to make a binary counter that will prompt for and read a 
> decimal number (whole number). Then display all decimal numbers 
> starting from 1 up to and including the decimal number entered along 
> with the binary representation of the numbers to the screen.

Start by handling a single number:

py> def display_number(n):
...     print(n, bin(n))
py> display_number(15)
15 0b1111

Now do a loop, displaying each number:

py> for i in range(1, 11):
...     display_number(i)
1 0b1
2 0b10
3 0b11
4 0b100
5 0b101
6 0b110
7 0b111
8 0b1000
9 0b1001
10 0b1010

Does that help?


From steve at  Sat May  9 05:12:28 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 13:12:28 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] formatting strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 05:11:49PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:

> Also, you can write a loop that goes from 1 to N by using range().  For example:
> ########################
> for n in range(1, N+1):
>     print(n, 2*n)
> ########################
> The while loop that you have does work, but the for loop here is more
> idiomatic in expressing the idea of "Do the following for this
> collection of values ..."

Why do so many beginners turn to while loops when they want to iterate 
over a fixed sequence?

I know that Learn Python The Hard Way teaches while loops first. I think 
that is a terrible idea. That's like going to a cookery class where 
for the first three weeks they teach you to chop vegetables with a 
spoon, and only in the fourth week say "Guess what? There's an easier 
way! Introducing the knife!!!!"

While-loops should be taught after for-loops. The fact that from a 
computer-science theoretical perspective while-loops are more 
fundamental is irrelevant. We don't teach people bitwise operators 
before teaching them arithmetic. Loops are no different.


From kaylahilt at  Sat May  9 05:24:48 2015
From: kaylahilt at (Kayla Hiltermann)
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 20:24:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
Message-ID: <>


i am trying to make a pythagorean triples checker (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). the user enters three sides to a triangle and my code determines if it is a pythagorean triple (aka right triangle) or not. i have the entire code pretty much done, except i want to account for variability in user input, like using commas or just spaces. the user input is initially a string, but is converted to a list once run through .split() . I would like to split the user input by commas or spaces, so:
3 4 5
3, 4, 5
all become: [?3", ?4", ?5"]. yes, the inputs are strings but i convert - or make sure - they are integers later in the program. my main issue is that i cannot split by commas or spaces at the same time. i tried using the vertical bar - .split(? |,?) but it only executed the split by space, not the split by comma. as of now, i can only split by either. the issue is that when i split by spaces - .split(? ) , ?3,4,5? does not split and becomes the list [?3,4,5?]. on the other hand, ?3, 4, 5? does split, but becomes [?3,?, ?4,?, ?5?]. the problem is the same if i replace the .split(? ?) by split(?,?), only the commas are replaced by spaces.

sorry if that was super confusing. below is my code. there is a commented out section after sides = raw_input ? that i left in for reference. all other parts of the code work. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! thanks 

import re

def pythagorean_function():
	sides = raw_input("Please enter three sides to a triangle: \n").split(" |,")

		when sides is created, it is a string. when it is split by a .split action, 
		it becomes a list regardless if the items in sides are actually split or not.
		i can't figure out how to split sides (when created) by a comma OR a space.
		the following code attempts (and fails).

			re.split(r",| ",sides)
			print sides

			for item in sides:
				if "," in item:
					print "comma"

	sides_int = []
	for value in sides:
		except ValueError:

	while len(sides_int) != 3:
		print ("you did not enter THREE sides! remember all sides must be integers \n")


	if sides[0]**2 + sides[1]**2 == sides[2]**2:
		print "\nthis triangle IS a pythagorean triple!\n"
		print "\nthis triangle is NOT a pythagorean triple\n"


def redo():
	redo_question = raw_input("would you like to see if another triangle is a pythagorean triple? Y/N\n")
	if redo_question == "Y":
		print "thanks for stopping by!"


From alan.gauld at  Sat May  9 10:13:35 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 09:13:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mikfjc$kn3$>

On 09/05/15 04:24, Kayla Hiltermann wrote:
> i want to account for variability in user input,
 > like using commas or just spaces.

> the user input is initially a string, but is converted to a list once
 > run through .split() .
 > I would like to split the user input by commas or spaces,

I would first replace all non-space separators with spaces
then do the split

separators = ',.;:'   # plus any others you might get
for sep in separators:
      inString.replace(sep,' ')
sides = inString.split()

> import re
> def pythagorean_function():
> 	sides = raw_input("Please enter three sides to a triangle: \n").split(" |,")

> 	sides_int = []
> 	for value in sides:
> 		try:
> 			sides_int.append(int(value))
> 		except ValueError:
> 			continue

You could use a list comprehension here, although you
may not have seen them yet. It would look like:

    sides_int = [int(value) for value in sides]
except ValueError:
    print ("Remember all sides must be integers \n")
    return    # no point continuing with the function using bad data

> 	while len(sides_int) != 3:
> 		print ("you did not enter THREE sides! remember all sides must be integers \n")
> 		break

This should just be an 'if' test, not a while loop.
You only want to test the length once.

> 	sides.sort()
> 	if sides[0]**2 + sides[1]**2 == sides[2]**2:
> 		print "\nthis triangle IS a pythagorean triple!\n"
> 	else:
> 		print "\nthis triangle is NOT a pythagorean triple\n"
> 	redo()	

Rather than use recursion here it would be better to
put your function in a top level while loop.

> def redo():
> 	redo_question = raw_input("would you like to see if another triangle is a pythagorean triple? Y/N\n")
> 	if redo_question == "Y":
> 		pythagorean_function()
> 	else:
> 		print "thanks for stopping by!"

You could write that like

redo_question = 'Y'
while redo_question.upper() == 'Y':
     redo_question = raw_input("would you like to see if another 
triangle is a pythagorean triple? Y/N\n")

print "thanks for stopping by!"

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Sat May  9 10:19:16 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 10:19:16 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
References: <>
Message-ID: <mikfu4$nos$>

Kayla Hiltermann wrote:

> i am trying to make a pythagorean triples checker (a^2 + b^2 = c^2). the
> user enters three sides to a triangle and my code determines if it is a
> pythagorean triple (aka right triangle) or not. i have the entire code
> pretty much done, except i want to account for variability in user input,
> like using commas or just spaces. the user input is initially a string,
> but is converted to a list once run through .split() . I would like to
> split the user input by commas or spaces, so: 3 4 5 3,4,5 3, 4, 5 all
> become: [?3", ?4", ?5"]. yes, the inputs are strings but i convert - or
> make sure - they are integers later in the program. 

Here's the trick: convert the commas to space, then use the string method to 

>>> def my_split(s):
...     return s.replace(",", " ").split()
>>> my_split("1 2 3")
['1', '2', '3']
>>> my_split("1,2,3")
['1', '2', '3']
>>> my_split("1, 2, 3")
['1', '2', '3']
>>> my_split("1, 2, 3,,,")
['1', '2', '3']

When you know it it's easy :)

> my main issue is that
> i cannot split by commas or spaces at the same time. i tried using the
> vertical bar - .split(? |,?) but it only executed the split by space, not
> the split by comma. 

The str.split() method does not understand regular expressions. You need 
re.split() for this:

>>> import re
>>> re.split(" |,", "1 2 3")
['1', '2', '3']
>>> re.split(" |,", "1,2,3")
['1', '2', '3']
>>> re.split(" |,", "1, 2, 3")
['1', '', '2', '', '3']

To accept a combination of one comma and whitespace:

>>> re.split(r"\s*[,\s]\s*", "1, 2    , 3")
['1', '2', '3']

Or just look for digits:

>>> re.findall(r"\d+", "1, 2    , 3")
['1', '2', '3']

But I recommend that you stick with the str.split() approach shown first.

> as of now, i can only split by either. the issue is
> that when i split by spaces - .split(? ) , ?3,4,5? does not split and
> becomes the list [?3,4,5?]. on the other hand, ?3, 4, 5? does split, but
> becomes [?3,?, ?4,?, ?5?]. the problem is the same if i replace the
> .split(? ?) by split(?,?), only the commas are replaced by spaces.

From davea at  Sat May  9 13:00:10 2015
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 07:00:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
In-Reply-To: <mikfjc$kn3$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/09/2015 04:13 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 09/05/15 04:24, Kayla Hiltermann wrote:
>> i want to account for variability in user input,
>  > like using commas or just spaces.
>> the user input is initially a string, but is converted to a list once
>  > run through .split() .
>  > I would like to split the user input by commas or spaces,
> I would first replace all non-space separators with spaces
> then do the split
> separators = ',.;:'   # plus any others you might get
> for sep in separators:
>       inString.replace(sep,' ')

         inString = inString.replace(sep,' ')

> sides = inString.split()
>> import re
>> def pythagorean_function():
>>     sides = raw_input("Please enter three sides to a triangle:
>> \n").split(" |,")
>>     sides_int = []
>>     for value in sides:
>>         try:
>>             sides_int.append(int(value))
>>         except ValueError:
>>             continue
> You could use a list comprehension here, although you
> may not have seen them yet. It would look like:
> try:
>     sides_int = [int(value) for value in sides]
> except ValueError:
>     print ("Remember all sides must be integers \n")
>     return    # no point continuing with the function using bad data
>>     while len(sides_int) != 3:
>>         print ("you did not enter THREE sides! remember all sides must
>> be integers \n")
>>         break
> This should just be an 'if' test, not a while loop.
> You only want to test the length once.
>>     sides.sort()
>>     if sides[0]**2 + sides[1]**2 == sides[2]**2:
>>         print "\nthis triangle IS a pythagorean triple!\n"
>>     else:
>>         print "\nthis triangle is NOT a pythagorean triple\n"
>>     redo()
> Rather than use recursion here it would be better to
> put your function in a top level while loop.
>> def redo():
>>     redo_question = raw_input("would you like to see if another
>> triangle is a pythagorean triple? Y/N\n")
>>     if redo_question == "Y":
>>         pythagorean_function()
>>     else:
>>         print "thanks for stopping by!"
> You could write that like
> redo_question = 'Y'
> while redo_question.upper() == 'Y':
>      pythagorean_function()
>      redo_question = raw_input("would you like to see if another
> triangle is a pythagorean triple? Y/N\n")
> print "thanks for stopping by!"


From andrycolt007 at  Sat May  9 10:23:32 2015
From: andrycolt007 at (acolta)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 11:23:32 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
Message-ID: <>

Hi guys,

I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl (begginner).
My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to practice.

Thank you in advance,

From akleider at  Sat May  9 17:17:17 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 08:17:17 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-08 20:24, Kayla Hiltermann wrote:
> hi,
> i am trying to make a pythagorean triples checker (a^2 + b^2 = c^2).
> the user enters three sides to a triangle and my code determines if it
> is a pythagorean triple (aka right triangle) or not. i have the entire
> code pretty much done, except i want to account for variability in
> user input, like using commas or just spaces. the user input is
> initially a string, but is converted to a list once run through
> .split() . I would like to split the user input by commas or spaces,
> so:
> 3 4 5
> 3,4,5
> 3, 4, 5
> all become: [?3", ?4", ?5"].

Several solutions have been suggested (of which the re.findall approach 
appeals to me the most) but one that hasn't and might be worth 
considering is use of str.maketrans() and s.translate().

From breamoreboy at  Sat May  9 17:32:09 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 16:32:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] split a string inside a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mil99r$cbe$>

On 09/05/2015 16:17, Alex Kleider wrote:
> On 2015-05-08 20:24, Kayla Hiltermann wrote:
>> hi,
>> i am trying to make a pythagorean triples checker (a^2 + b^2 = c^2).
>> the user enters three sides to a triangle and my code determines if it
>> is a pythagorean triple (aka right triangle) or not. i have the entire
>> code pretty much done, except i want to account for variability in
>> user input, like using commas or just spaces. the user input is
>> initially a string, but is converted to a list once run through
>> .split() . I would like to split the user input by commas or spaces,
>> so:
>> 3 4 5
>> 3,4,5
>> 3, 4, 5
>> all become: [?3", ?4", ?5"].
> Several solutions have been suggested (of which the re.findall approach
> appeals to me the most) but one that hasn't and might be worth
> considering is use of str.maketrans() and s.translate().


"The string.maketrans() function is deprecated and is replaced by new 
static methods, bytes.maketrans() and bytearray.maketrans(). This change 
solves the confusion around which types were supported by the string 
module. Now, str, bytes, and bytearray each have their own maketrans and 
translate methods with intermediate translation tables of the 
appropriate type."

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From robertvstepp at  Sat May  9 19:08:00 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 12:08:00 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 3:23 AM, acolta <andrycolt007 at> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl (begginner).
> My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to practice.

This question comes up quite frequently. If you have not done so
already, try searching the Tutor archives.

If you have a good bookstore nearby that is likely to carry
programming-related books, you might just want to do some browsing and
then look at reviews online. My local Barnes & Noble (I'm in the USA.)
always has a selection of Python books.

And of course there are tons of online resources, including tutorials
on Python's official site. As always, a search engine is your good
friend. Also, Alan Gauld (Moderator for this list.) has a good one.
Look for one of his emails; he always has a link to it in his
signature area.

I am learning myself, and, being old-fashioned (I suppose.), I tend to
prefer hard-copy books. If you feel any degree of comfort writing Perl
scripts and programming in general, then you might jump into something
like Mark Summerfield's two book series, "Programming in Python 3, 2nd
ed." and "Python in Practice". If you want to go really deep and cover
pretty much everything, then Mark Lutz has two quite thick books,
"Learning Python, 5th ed." and "Programming Program, 4th ed." One nice
thing about the latter two books (Besides their completeness of
language coverage.) is that Lutz points out the differences between
Python 2 and 3 implementations, where appropriate.

But if you are really a beginner beginner and did not make it very far
in writing sophisticated Perl scripts, then you might enjoy something
like "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd ed." by
Michael Dawson and "More Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner"
by Jonathan S. Harbour. They both try to hold your interest and make
things fun by designing only game-related programs. They both
eventually use a form of the pygame module to get into graphics and
audio. And for the stuff you already understand you can quickly skim
through those portions.

Finally, there are very knowledgeable people here willing to help you,
but make certain you post your questions in a way that makes it easy
for them to offer their help. Their time is very valuable and their
efforts are entirely voluntary. So if you have not, please read the
auto-generated email that covers how to post questions to this list,
things like: Use plain text emails only; no top-posting (If you don't
know what that means, search for it.); give your operating system and
version of Python; think carefully about your question(s) and trim
your code down to something that is self-contained and shows the exact
problem you are experiencing; and, always post the *full* error report
Python generates.



From akleider at  Sat May  9 19:53:58 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 10:53:58 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 3:23 AM, acolta <andrycolt007 at> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl 
>> (begginner).
>> My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises 
>> to practice.

I first cut my Python teeth using
and would highly recommend it as a starting point.
The only reservation to be made is that it covers Python 2.x (probably 
but not Python3

From alan.gauld at  Sat May  9 21:05:30 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 09 May 2015 20:05:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <millpm$80k$>

On 09/05/15 09:23, acolta wrote:

> I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl (begginner).
> My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to practice.

If you are happy writing basic shell/perl scripts then you can
probably jump straight into the official Python tutor. It
usually comes with Python or you can fillow it online. It only
takes a few hours to go through and gets an existing programmer
up to speed easily.

If you are more of a beginner you can try the list of tutorials 
(including mine!) here:

They are all slightly different in flavour and you will probably
find one that is to your taste.

Most important make sure you match the tutorial version with
your Python version since there are several differences
between v2 and v3 that will catch you out otherwise.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From andrycolt007 at  Sat May  9 14:46:51 2015
From: andrycolt007 at (Andrei Colta)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 15:46:51 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for sharing, will try it.

On 9 May 2015 15:45, "Nym City" <nymcity at> wrote:

> I am on the same boat. I have tried using online sites like codeacademy
>  and courses on courser but now I am starting with this new book called
> "Automate The Boring Stuff with Python". So far so good.
> Thank you.
>   On Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:41 AM, acolta <andrycolt007 at> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl
> (begginner).
> My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to
> practice.
> Thank you in advance,
> Andrei
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From nymcity at  Sat May  9 14:45:07 2015
From: nymcity at (Nym City)
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 12:45:07 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am on the same boat. I have tried using online sites like codeacademy ?and courses on courser but now I am starting with this new book called "Automate The Boring Stuff with Python". So far so good. Thank you. 

     On Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:41 AM, acolta <andrycolt007 at> wrote:

 Hi guys,

I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl (begginner).
My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to practice.

Thank you in advance,

Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From fomcl at  Sun May 10 13:55:44 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 04:55:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help Learn python - Step by Step
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 9, 2015 7:08 PM CEST boB Stepp wrote:

>On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 3:23 AM, acolta <andrycolt007 at> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I want to start coding in python. My background is Linux/Bash/Perl (begginner).
>> My appreciate if somebody will recommend books/tutorials + exercises to practice.
>This question comes up quite frequently. If you have not done so
>already, try searching the Tutor archives.
>If you have a good bookstore nearby that is likely to carry
>programming-related books, you might just want to do some browsing and
>then look at reviews online. My local Barnes & Noble (I'm in the USA.)
>always has a selection of Python books.
>And of course there are tons of online resources, including tutorials
>on Python's official site. As always, a search engine is your good
>friend. Also, Alan Gauld (Moderator for this list.) has a good one.
>Look for one of his emails; he always has a link to it in his
>signature area.
>I am learning myself, and, being old-fashioned (I suppose.), I tend to
>prefer hard-copy books. If you feel any degree of comfort writing Perl
>scripts and programming in general, then you might jump into something
>like Mark Summerfield's two book series, "Programming in Python 3, 2nd

That book is goooooood, and even if you use Python 2 it barely matters that it's about Python 3.

From at  Mon May 11 04:50:26 2015
From: at (Kewal Patel)
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 08:20:26 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Guess the number
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i don't know if this is efficient but i think it works just fine....

import random

# input a number from user

input_number = input("Enter a number")

#function defination

def guess_number(start,stop):
    global input_number
        g_number = random.randrange(start,stop)
        if g_number == input_number :
            print "The Input Number is : ",g_number
            print "guessed number is :",g_number
            reply = raw_input("Enter higher or lower")
            if reply == "lower":
    except ValueError,(ex):
        print "you have entered wrong answer."


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Ikaia Leleiwi <ileleiwi at> wrote:

> I am having trouble writing a program that guesses a number inputted by the
> user.  A number between 1-100 is inputted into the program and the computer
> produces a random integer that is the "guess" as to what the inputted
> number might be.  If the guess is lower then the inputted number then the
> user inputs the word 'higher' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
> higher number.  If the guess is higher than the inputted number then the
> user inputs the word 'lower' to indicate the computer needs to guess a
> lower number.
> My goal is to have this process repeat, continually narrowing down the
> range of possible numbers that the computer can guess, until it guesses the
> correct number.
> The code I have thus far is as follows:
> #Computer Guesses Number Game
> #The player chooses a number between 1 and 100
> #The computer guesses a number
> #The player inputs either higher or lower depending whether
> #the computer guesses higher than the chosen number or lower
> #When the computer guesses correctly it is congratulated
> import random
> number = int(input("Pick an integer between 1-100 "))
> guess = random.randint(1,100)
> while guess != number:
>     if guess < number:
>         print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
>         input("higher or lower ")
>         guess = random.randint(guess,100)
>     elif guess > number:
>         print("The computer guesses: ",guess)
>         input("higher or lower ")
>         guess = random.randint(1,guess)
>     else:
>         print("Congradulations Computer!! You guessed that the number was
> ",number)
> -----------------------------------
> I can't figure out how to narrow down the random integer range as the
> computer guesses closer and closer to the actual value of the number chosen
> in the beginning.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
> Thanks,
> Kai
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From anubhav1691 at  Mon May 11 22:07:03 2015
From: anubhav1691 at (Anubhav Yadav)
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 20:07:03 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] TCP server/client application failing. Need some help with
	the basics!
Message-ID: <>

I am very new to python. I have been a very mediocre programmer, but now I
have decided that I want to level up as a programmer.

I wanted to write a simple TCP client/server (where in the server acts as a
simple TCP Listener). I searched on the forums and I saw that people
advised using frameworks like twisted and for client server
applications to take advantage of asynchronous model. But since I couldn't
visualize the problems that people faced when they implemented servers as
multithreaded model, so I decided to start by implementing a multithreaded
server, and then improve as I go on facing issues.

So I started with using socket library for both client and server:

Here is my

    import socket
    import threading
    from time import sleep

    class Serve(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self, client_socket, client_address):
            self.socket = client_socket
            self.address, self.port = client_address
        def run(self):
                while True:
                    data = self.socket.recv(300)
                    if data:
                        print data
            except Exception as e:
                print e

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.bind(('localhost', 5555))

        servers = []

        while True:
            connection, client_address = sock.accept()
            print "New Connection from {}".format(client_address)
            server = Serve(connection, client_address)

        for server in servers:

Here is my It is supposed to simulate clients connecting to the

    import argparse
    import socket
    import threading
    from time import sleep

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A simple TCP sender")
    parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', help='host to connect to',
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='port of the host', type=int,
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--workers', help='number of threads to
create', default=1000, type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    count = args.workers

    def send(id):
        lock = threading.Lock()
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        server_address = (, args.port)
            while True:
        except Exception as e:
            print "thread no {} killed".format(id)
            print e
            print "Total threads are {}".format(count)

    threads = []
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        for i in range(args.workers):
            t = threading.Thread(target=send, args=(i,))

    for thread in threads:

When I run the client and server together with 1000 clients, many threads
are killed on a machine with low memory, and only 210-220 clients are
connected with the server. The killed clients gave the following error:

`[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer`

Right now I am not on the low memory machine, but I remember the error also
had "broken pipe" in it.

So I decided to run the same code with 1000 clients on my laptop with 8 GB
memory. This time almost all clients where connected but one or two clients
got killed with the same above error (I could not see broken error in the
messages this time".

Then I ran the same code with 500 clients, and this is where the code broke
with the following errors.

    Exception in thread Thread-4999:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 763, in run
      File "", line 17, in send
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 187, in __init__
    error: [Errno 24] Too many open files

Total threads are 4998

These errors came a lot, but the count said that only two threads failed. I
think my logic to calculate the count is wrong.

Then I decided to use SocketServer for the server. Here is the new Server:

    import SocketServer
    from threading import Thread
    from time import sleep

    class service(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
        def handle(self):
            print "Client connected with ", self.client_address
            while True:
                    data = self.request.recv(300)
                    if data:
                        print data
                        print "Client exited"
                except Exception as e:
                    print e

    class ThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,

    t = ThreadedTCPServer(('localhost',5555), service)

I have used the same client. This time there is some durability when there
are 1000 clients, but if I disconnect the sender (send a `kill -KILL pid`
signal) the listener breaks with the following error

`[Errno 9] Bad file descriptor`

Now if I run the sender with 5000 clients, the errors are back.

    Exception in thread Thread-4999:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 763, in run
      File "", line 17, in send
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 187, in __init__
    error: [Errno 24] Too many open files

I don't even know if this is the right way of writing the servers, I also
know that possibly there is something wrong with my code, and maybe I am
not doing things as they are meant to be done.

Is it even right to create many thousands clients using threads on the same
machine? Is that what is causing problems? Should I learn some library like
twisted or zmq?

Would love to understand the details of threading and sockets! Please do
leave your comments and criticize me. Sorry for this long post.

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 12 01:49:58 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 00:49:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] TCP server/client application failing. Need some help
 with the basics!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mirf73$5k0$>

On 11/05/15 21:07, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

> I wanted to write a simple TCP client/server (where in the server acts as a
> simple TCP Listener). I searched on the forums and I saw that people
> advised using frameworks like twisted and for client server
> applications to take advantage of asynchronous model.

Yes, for large scale work I'd second that recommendation.,
But when learning its often better to start small.

> multithreaded model, so I decided to start by implementing a multithreaded
> server, and then improve as I go on facing issues.

But starting with a multi threaded server is not what I'd
call starting small. Its quite advanced. I'd start getting
non multi threaded servers running reliably first. Then
I'd try adding some threading. As in maybe a dozen
connections sharing some data source..

Only then would I even consider the extra issues of
scalability to thousands of connections...

> Is it even right to create many thousands clients using threads on the same
> machine?

It may be theoretically possible but when I was designing
large client server/web based systems I used a rule of thumb
that said not more than 100 connections per core. So for 5000 
connections I'd need 50 cores. Allowing one core for the OS to
run per box that leaves 7 cores per 8-core server, so I need
8 servers to handle 5000 connections. For resilience I'd
add another one (so called N+1 architecture).

Now those servers were all carrying significant processing
requests not simple ping-like requests, so on that basis I'd
guess that you don't need 50 cores for your example. But
it does seem like a lot to ask of a single box. And if you
intend to extend that to a network model think about the
load on your network card too. My servers at work all
had a couple of (gigabit) network cards connected.

> Would love to understand the details of threading and sockets! Please do
> leave your comments and criticize me. Sorry for this long post.

Too much code for me to read at this time of night, but I
would try slimming down your testing, at least initially.
Make sure it works on lower loads then ramp up slowly
until it breaks.

The other thing I'd consider is the timing of your requests.
I didn't check but have you a decent gap between requests
or are all 5000 arriving nearly simultaneously? It may
be a network configuration issue - the socket/port queue
simply getting choked to the point where packets time out.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From akleider at  Tue May 12 05:36:15 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 20:36:15 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
Message-ID: <>

Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?

     for f_name in f_names:
         with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
             for line in f:

As always, thank you, tutors, for all you are doing.


From __peter__ at  Tue May 12 08:48:58 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:48:58 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
References: <>
Message-ID: <mis7or$vc9$>

Alex Kleider wrote:

> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
>      for f_name in f_names:
>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>              for line in f:

There's the fileinput module


but personally I prefer the way you show above.

From anubhav1691 at  Tue May 12 06:39:23 2015
From: anubhav1691 at (Anubhav Yadav)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 10:09:23 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] TCP server/client application failing. Need some help
 with the basics!
In-Reply-To: <mirf73$5k0$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    But starting with a multi threaded server is not what I'd

> call starting small. Its quite advanced. I'd start getting
> non multi threaded servers running reliably first. Then
> I'd try adding some threading. As in maybe a dozen
> connections sharing some data source..
> Only then would I even consider the extra issues of
> scalability to thousands of connections...

I did implemented a small server which could only serve one client at a
time. In fact
after realizing that it is able to serve a single client at a moment, I
decided to go with multithreaded
approach. I just didn't thought of including that single threaded server
code here.

> It may be theoretically possible but when I was designing
> large client server/web based systems I used a rule of thumb
> that said not more than 100 connections per core. So for 5000 connections
> I'd need 50 cores. Allowing one core for the OS to
> run per box that leaves 7 cores per 8-core server, so I need
> 8 servers to handle 5000 connections. For resilience I'd
> add another one (so called N+1 architecture).
> Now those servers were all carrying significant processing
> requests not simple ping-like requests, so on that basis I'd
> guess that you don't need 50 cores for your example. But
> it does seem like a lot to ask of a single box. And if you
> intend to extend that to a network model think about the
> load on your network card too. My servers at work all
> had a couple of (gigabit) network cards connected.

I agree, but since I am trying to learn, I think I should limit my clients
to 100 rather than 1000 or 5000
per machine? Getting a server of that capacity is difficult for me.

> Too much code for me to read at this time of night, but I
> would try slimming down your testing, at least initially.
> Make sure it works on lower loads then ramp up slowly
> until it breaks.

I can relate, I wrote this mail at 2 am in the night and immediately hit
the bed. :)

> The other thing I'd consider is the timing of your requests.
> I didn't check but have you a decent gap between requests
> or are all 5000 arriving nearly simultaneously? It may
> be a network configuration issue - the socket/port queue
> simply getting choked to the point where packets time out.

I have a time.sleep(1) before sending each requests, from each client.


Anubhav Yadav
KPIT Technologies,

From akleider at  Tue May 12 11:33:20 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 02:33:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <mis7or$vc9$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-11 23:48, Peter Otten wrote:
> Alex Kleider wrote:
>> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
>>      for f_name in f_names:
>>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>>              for line in f:
> There's the fileinput module
> <>
> but personally I prefer the way you show above.

Then I'll stick with what you prefer and what I know.
It seems silly to import yet another module for the sole
purpose of saving one line of code although the reason
for my inquiry was more to diminish levels of indentation
than number of lines.

From __peter__ at  Tue May 12 12:46:32 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 12:46:32 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
Message-ID: <mislmb$7g0$>

Alex Kleider wrote:

> On 2015-05-11 23:48, Peter Otten wrote:
>> Alex Kleider wrote:
>>> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
>>>      for f_name in f_names:
>>>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>>>              for line in f:
>> There's the fileinput module
>> <>
>> but personally I prefer the way you show above.
> Then I'll stick with what you prefer and what I know.
> It seems silly to import yet another module for the sole
> purpose of saving one line of code 

I think of importing a module as "cheap" unless it draws in a framework (e. 
g. numpy). And don't forget that even small pieces of code should be tested. 
So you aren't just saving the extra line, but also some of your tests.

> although the reason
> for my inquiry was more to diminish levels of indentation
> than number of lines.

You usually do that by factoring out the loops into a generator:

def lines(files):
    for file in files:
        with open(files) as f:
            yield from f  # before python 3.3: for line in f: yield line

for line in lines(files):

Also possible, but sloppy as files are closed on garbage collection rather 
than explicitly:

lines = (line for file in files for line in open(file))
for line in lines:

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue May 12 17:42:47 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 16:42:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <mislmb$7g0$>
References: <>
 <> <mislmb$7g0$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 May 2015 at 11:46, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> > although the reason
> > for my inquiry was more to diminish levels of indentation
> > than number of lines.
> You usually do that by factoring out the loops into a generator:
> def lines(files):
>     for file in files:
>         with open(files) as f:
>             yield from f  # before python 3.3: for line in f: yield line
> for line in lines(files):
>     ...
> Also possible, but sloppy as files are closed on garbage collection rather
> than explicitly:
> lines = (line for file in files for line in open(file))
> for line in lines:
>    ...

The lines generator function above relies on __del__ as well if the
loop exits from break, return or an exception in the loop body. This
happens whenever you yield or yield-from from inside a with block. The
chain of events that calls your context manager if I break from the
loop is:

1) Once the for loop discards the generator it has a zero reference count.
2) generator.__del__() called.
3) __del__() calls close()
4) close() throws GeneratorExit into the generator frame.
5) The GeneratorExit triggers the __exit__() methods of any context
managers active in the generator frame.

Try the following:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3

class cleanup():
    def __enter__(self):
    def __exit__(self, *args):
        print("__exit__ called")__del__.

def generator_with_cm():
    with cleanup():
        yield 1
        yield 2
        yield 3

g = generator_with_cm()
for x in g:

print('Deleting g')
del g
print('g is now deleted')

$ ./
Deleting g
__exit__ called
g is now deleted

A generator cannot guarantee that execution continues after a yield so
any context manager used around a yield is dependent on __del__. I
think a good rule of thumb is "don't yield from a with block".

Alex I apologise if what I've written here is confusing but really
what you started with is just fine. It is not important to fully
understand what I wrote above.


From david at  Tue May 12 18:12:04 2015
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 11:12:04 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20150512161204.GB10489@wdfs>

* Alex Kleider <akleider at> [2015-05-12 02:33]:
> On 2015-05-11 23:48, Peter Otten wrote:
> > Alex Kleider wrote:
> > 
> >> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
> >> 
> >>      for f_name in f_names:
> >>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
> >>              for line in f:
> > 
> > There's the fileinput module
> > 
> > <>
> > 
> > but personally I prefer the way you show above.
> Then I'll stick with what you prefer and what I know.
> It seems silly to import yet another module for the sole
> purpose of saving one line of code although the reason
> for my inquiry was more to diminish levels of indentation
> than number of lines.
> Thanks,
> Alex

Personally, *I* prefer fileinput as my go-to file reader.

Don't knock fileinput for "saving one line." It does a lot more than
that.  It allows your script to manage the filelist as an input,
automatically handles stdin so your script can easily be both a filter
in a pipeline and a file reader, plus a host of other useful methods for
info about the file you are reading.

Part of what you really need to define is the context of your question
of "better."  What is your use case?  From where is your list of files
coming?  Is it truly just "read and forget"?  Your needs will dictate
what option is "best."  It may be what you've already done yourself, it
may be fileinput, or it may be something completely different.

David Rock
david at

From __peter__ at  Tue May 12 20:08:17 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 20:08:17 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
Message-ID: <mitfij$ps5$>

Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> A generator cannot guarantee that execution continues after a yield so
> any context manager used around a yield is dependent on __del__. I
> think a good rule of thumb is "don't yield from a with block".

Uh-oh, I am afraid I did this quite a few times. Most instances seem to be 
context managers though. Is something like

def my_open(filename):
    if filename == "-":
        yield sys.stdin
        with open(filename) as f:
            yield f


From fomcl at  Tue May 12 20:48:23 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 11:48:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 12, 2015 8:48 AM CEST Peter Otten wrote:

>Alex Kleider wrote:
>> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
>>      for f_name in f_names:
>>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>>              for line in f:
>There's the fileinput module
>but personally I prefer the way you show above.

It was not that long ago that I found out about the fileinput module, so I sometimes forget to use it. It is not specify the encoding of the files, is it? It'd be nice if one could specify a tuple of encodings, e.g. ('utf-8-sig', 'latin1', 'cp1252'). 

input(files=None, inplace=0, backup='', bufsize=0, mode='r', openhook=None)
        input([files[, inplace[, backup[, mode[, openhook]]]]])

From lac at  Tue May 12 10:58:34 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 10:58:34 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 135, Issue 12
In-Reply-To: Message from Alan Gauld <>
 of "Tue, 05 May 2015 09:55:32 +0100." <mia0i1$cji$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Tue, 05 May 2015 09:55:32 +0100, Alan Gauld writes:
>On 05/05/15 08:17, Siya 360 wrote:
>> Twice i unsubscribed to this mailing list, and i still continue to get them, why?

>The web page is the only way to unsubscribe. Nobody else
>on the list can unsubscribe you.

This is late.  I've been away.  Putting on my mailman hat now. :)

Actually, the people who are the owners of the list _can_ do this.
That's you and wescpy.  But, of course, it's better to not cave in
to user requests to do this.  I just wanted to let people know that
this is not a limitation of mailman 2.x in case they were in the
market for a mailing list.

However, I believe I know what is going on here.  The original poster,
not cc'd on this list, was receiving his or her mail as a digest.  And,
after you unsubscribe, mailman has to figure out what to do with the
digest that was in the process of being assembled for you.  So digest
readers often get one, and in some odd circumstances 2 copies of
the digest they no longer want to receive.

However, it is easy to check if the account is still around if you
are a list admininstrator ... and that is often a good idea, because
people do get into trouble by unsubscribing a different account than
the one where they are receiving mail, with the perfectly reasonable
outcome that the mail keeps on coming.


From lac at  Tue May 12 11:36:03 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 11:36:03 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using
	python and selenium
In-Reply-To: Message from Alan Gauld <>
 of "Wed, 06 May 2015 00:15:39 +0100." <mibiun$arr$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Wed, 06 May 2015 00:15:39 +0100, Alan Gauld writes:
>On 05/05/15 19:22, shweta kaushik wrote:
>> Thanks Steve for the information.
>> I searched but was not able to find suitable forum to shoot this question.
>> So posted here if anyone can help out.
>As Steve suggested the main python list is probably your best bet.


There are people whom I know know selenium well who read that and
don't read python-list (any more).


From alan.gauld at  Tue May 12 21:01:34 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 20:01:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] my membership and access to the Tutor list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Forwarding to the list for comment.
Always use Reply All9Or Reply List if your mailer supports it)
when including the list members.

Alan G

On 12/05/15 11:24, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> Hi Alan
>  I have worked though the file permissions cogniscent of  your 
> comments to see if  I can find what
> is failing in apache access to a python created unix socket. Points 1) 
> ,..., 12) give the results.
> In particular I do not understand how to set the user of uds_socket to 
> apache or set the write permission of
> uds_socket group to rwx. I think that either change should enable 
> successful operation, comments please!
> In answer to your other questions:
> I chose Unix Sockets since I had very similar access problems with IP 
> sockets.
> I would like to remote control an embedded device from a laptop. The 
> target will be Raspberrypi that in turn communicates to ARM Cortex M3 
> devices that are capable of  correct Nyquist sampling, that Unix based 
> devices cannot guarantee. I chose Python since it is so widely used 
> and I need to learn that language processor. I appreciate there are 
> many ways other ways of achieving this end but I think this one ought 
> to work!
> Many Thanks for your help,
> Stewart Lawton
> 1) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf species the apache server user and group 
> as:-
> # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
> # It is usually good practice to create a dedicated user and group for
> # running httpd, as with most system services.
> #
> User apache
> Group apache
> 2)apache is started with command sudo ./startapache that contains:-
> systemctl start httpd.service
> 3) the process status of apache is found by command ps -el
> the following is taken from the status report:-
> 4 S     0  2226     1  0  80   0 -  7493 poll_s ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S    48  2227  2226  0  80   0 -  7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S    48  2228  2226  0  80   0 -  7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S    48  2229  2226  0  80   0 -  7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S    48  2230  2226  0  80   0 -  7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S    48  2233  2226  0  80   0 -  7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 4) The user identity UID ,48,is used to find the user and group given 
> in /etc/passwd :-
> apache:x:48:48:Apache:/usr/share/httpd:/sbin/nologin
> The user and group identies are given as 48:48 so the user and group 
> are apache and apache.
> 5)The above hopefully establishes that the server has permissions on 
> user and groups named as apache.
> 6)I created a test directory at /test to be used to contain the file 
> node uds_socket.
> drwxrwxr-x.   2 apache apache  4096 May 11 20:15 test
> 7) on starting the Socket server that listens for an incoming connection
> the new uds_socket is created with user and group permissions as shown:-
> srwxr-xr-x. 1 johnlawton apache 0 May 12 10:22 /test/uds_socket
> 8)I do not understand what function the s bit performs here.
>   I note that group access cannot write the file.
> 9) When I execute the myUnix2.cgi script from /var/www/cgi_bin with 
> johnlawton as user with primary group apache the script executes and 
> the listening server responds correctly. I note johnlawton has rwx 
> access but the group apache access is limited  to r-x.
> 10) When the apache server executes the myUnix2.cgi script failure 
> results in failing to access the socket.
> 11) Summary. I think the server fails as it can only get group access 
> and group access is limited to
> r-x NO w permission.
> 12) How can I get UDS_Socket to be created with apache as user(hence 
> allowing rwx) or enable apache group access with w permission?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> *To:* Stewart Lawton <jstewartlawton at>; tutor 
> <tutor at>
> *Sent:* Friday, 8 May 2015, 10:33
> *Subject:* Re: my membership and access to the Tutor list
> On 08/05/15 09:09, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> > Hi Alan
> > Thank you very much for your response to my Tutor at 
> <mailto:Tutor at> question.
> > I thought my membership was complete and that I could log in to answer
> > your comments.
> The tutor list is a mailing list not a web forum. You don't login to 
> answer
> comments you  send an email reply. Use Reply to send to the individual
> (as you've just done with me) or, more usually, use ReplyAll (or ReplyList
> if your mail tool has that feature) to reply to everyone on the list.
> Use plain text to preserve code layout and use interleaved posting
> (as I'm doing here) rather than top-posting.
> > I found I could not login again. PLEASE can you help to get my
> > password reset?
> Only you can change the password, its purely web based. I only
> approve messages in the moderation queue, virtually nothing else.
> But the password just gives you access to your admin settings.
> > I think I am failing to understand what user and or group permissions
> > are required between apache python, and the python myUnix2.cgi program
> > I am using.
> OK, I'm no expert here but several things about your program
> have me puzzled.
> First remember that the web server will have its own user account
> and thus your code is effectively being run by another user. So any
> permissions on your files need to allow that user to have access.
> This is obviously a security risk and the reason its best not to have
> web programs accessing files in a users area but to copy any files
> needed into the web server space.
> > This program script is listed below, hopefully with spaces corrected
> Spacing is now legal, but you should increase the indentation to
> make it more readable. Consider 2 spaces as the absolute minimum,
> most people use 3 or 4. If you ever submit code to the Python
> standard library it must use 4 spaces. One space makes the
> indentation hard to line up and almost defeats the point of
> having it.
> > path to uds_socket corrected as Felix Dietricl suggested may be and 
> Issue.
> > 1) From my user directory I issued the script Unix2.cgi to
> > a listening Unix sockets server and this worked OK.
> > 2) the permissions of Unix2.cgi are:-
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton  987 May  7 17:55 myUnix2.cgi
> > This is not good from security but surely proves the script can 
> execute if
> > permissions are not considered.
> > 3)This file is copied to the apache cgi directory /var/www/cgi-bin
> > with the permissions
> > forced as
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton 987 May  7 18:19
> > ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi
> > 4) Execution of the cgi script directly works OK.
> OK, Permissions of the cgi script are not critical they just need to be
> executable to the web server. So you could have ---r-xrwx and it should
> be more secure and work OK. What is important is that you change
> ownership to whatever the apache user account is (local config, I can't
> help there you'll need to look at the files).
> > 5) http is enabled in the fedora firewall
> > 6)The apache server is started using sudo systemctl start httpd.service.
> > When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost receives
> > the following error report.
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >
> >  File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 37, in <module>
> >    creSockettoServer()
> >  File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 26, in creSockettoServer
> >    sys.exit(1)
> > SystemExit: 1
> >
> > 7) The copy process of myUnix2.cgi from my user directory to
> > /var/www/cgi-bin
> > but setting user and group to root with full permissions results in
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 987 May  7 18:45
> > ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi
> OK, But I sincerely hope the web server is NOT running as root, that
> would be
> a security disaster and a crackers paradise!
> > 8)When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost
> > receives the
> > same error report given under 6).
> > 9) summary since the 'o' permissions are forced to rwx the script
> > should execute
> > no matter what use group are specified?
> > 10) How do I establish neccessary cgi permissions?
> The problems are not with your script but with the socket you are 
> trying to
> create, or the path to it. Its those permissions that likely need to be
> changed.
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > import cgi
> > import socket
> > import sys
> > def htmlTop():
> >  print("""Content-type:text/html\n\n
> >  <DOCTYPE html>
> >  <html lang="en">
> >    <head>
> >        <meta charset="utf-8" />
> >        <title> MyServer Template </title>
> >        </head>
> >        <body>""")
> >
> > def htmlTail():
> >  print("""<body/>
> >        </html> """  )
> >
> > def creSockettoServer():
> >    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> >    server_address = '/home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'
> I confess I've never used a socket like this, indeed I was only
> vaguely aware of their existence! I assume you have previous
> experience of using UNIX domain sockets (in C?) since there
> is relatively little tutorial help out there.
> I've always used sockets for IP and given an IP address to the socket.
> So I can only guess what's going on in your case. Can I ask what you
> are trying to do in your program that you need UNIX sockets? Just curious.
> Also one thing that occurs to me - have you made sure the socket file
> is being deleted each time before you run the program? An existing
> socket file may well cause your problems.
> Back to the issue at hand...
> Can you write a simpler CGI script that just prints data or similar?
> That way you can check that your CGI setup is working first
> and then focus on the issue of opening the socket. I'm a big believer
> in solving one problem at a time.
> In fact you could then write a second script that reads your socket
> folder and prints a dir listing using os.listdir() or glob() or similar to
> prove basic access is OK. It might also print some info about the
> user so that you know which account is running your scripts.
> Armed with that information you can then tackle the issue of
> creating your socket file.
> I've CCd the list so that others can contribute too.
> -- 
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Tue May 12 21:54:01 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 21:54:01 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
References: <>
Message-ID: <mitlop$39d$>

Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> It was not that long ago that I found out about the fileinput module, so I
> sometimes forget to use it. It is not specify the encoding of the files,
> is it? It'd be nice if one could specify a tuple of encodings, e.g.
> ('utf-8-sig', 'latin1', 'cp1252').
> input(files=None, inplace=0, backup='', bufsize=0, mode='r',
> openhook=None)
>         input([files[, inplace[, backup[, mode[, openhook]]]]])

Whatever you plan to do with these encodings, it should be possible with a 
custom openhook.

From coolshwetu at  Tue May 12 21:13:59 2015
From: coolshwetu at (shweta kaushik)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 00:43:59 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Open a Url in new tab and tab switching in IE using
 python and selenium
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <mibiun$arr$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Laura,

I have posted same question in also but no body replied
till now, For timebeing I am using another approach to do my work.

Thank you all for your suggestions.


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at> wrote:

> In a message of Wed, 06 May 2015 00:15:39 +0100, Alan Gauld writes:
> >On 05/05/15 19:22, shweta kaushik wrote:
> >> Thanks Steve for the information.
> >> I searched but was not able to find suitable forum to shoot this
> question.
> >> So posted here if anyone can help out.
> >>
> >
> >As Steve suggested the main python list is probably your best bet.
> >
> Or
> There are people whom I know know selenium well who read that and
> don't read python-list (any more).
> Laura
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From fomcl at  Wed May 13 07:45:26 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 22:45:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 12, 2015 9:54 PM CEST Peter Otten wrote:

>Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>> It was not that long ago that I found out about the fileinput module, so I
>> sometimes forget to use it. It is not specify the encoding of the files,
>> is it? It'd be nice if one could specify a tuple of encodings, e.g.
>> ('utf-8-sig', 'latin1', 'cp1252').
>> input(files=None, inplace=0, backup='', bufsize=0, mode='r',
>> openhook=None)
>>         input([files[, inplace[, backup[, mode[, openhook]]]]])
>Whatever you plan to do with these encodings, it should be possible with a custom openhook.

Hi Peter,

Sorry, I should have read the documentation better. I did not know about openhooks. There's one useful hook already:

Returns a hook which opens each file with, using the given encoding to read the file.
Usage example: 
fi = fileinput.FileInput(openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("iso-8859-1"))
Note With this hook, FileInput might return Unicode strings depending on the specified encoding.
New in version 2.5.

From jstewartlawton at  Wed May 13 09:58:14 2015
From: jstewartlawton at (Stewart Lawton)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 07:58:14 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Permissions between Apache,
	Python cgi scripts and Unix Sockets
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

      From: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
 To: Stewart Lawton <jstewartlawton at>; tutor <tutor at> 
 Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2015, 20:01
 Subject: Re: my membership and access to the Tutor list
Forwarding to the list for comment.
Always use Reply All9Or Reply List if your mailer supports it)
when including the list members.

Alan G

On 12/05/15 11:24, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> Hi Alan
>? I have worked though the file permissions cogniscent of? your 
> comments to see if? I can find what
> is failing in apache access to a python created unix socket. Points 1) 
> ,..., 12) give the results.
> In particular I do not understand how to set the user of uds_socket to 
> apache or set the write permission of
> uds_socket group to rwx. I think that either change should enable 
> successful operation, comments please!
> In answer to your other questions:
> I chose Unix Sockets since I had very similar access problems with IP 
> sockets.
> I would like to remote control an embedded device from a laptop. The 
> target will be Raspberrypi that in turn communicates to ARM Cortex M3 
> devices that are capable of? correct Nyquist sampling, that Unix based 
> devices cannot guarantee. I chose Python since it is so widely used 
> and I need to learn that language processor. I appreciate there are 
> many ways other ways of achieving this end but I think this one ought 
> to work!
> Many Thanks for your help,
> Stewart Lawton
> 1) /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf species the apache server user and group 
> as:-
> # User/Group: The name (or #number) of the user/group to run httpd as.
> # It is usually good practice to create a dedicated user and group for
> # running httpd, as with most system services.
> #
> User apache
> Group apache
> 2)apache is started with command sudo ./startapache that contains:-
> systemctl start httpd.service
> 3) the process status of apache is found by command ps -el
> the following is taken from the status report:-
> 4 S? ? 0? 2226? ? 1? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 poll_s ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S? ? 48? 2227? 2226? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S? ? 48? 2228? 2226? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S? ? 48? 2229? 2226? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S? ? 48? 2230? 2226? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 5 S? ? 48? 2233? 2226? 0? 80? 0 -? 7493 inet_c ? 00:00:00 httpd
> 4) The user identity UID ,48,is used to find the user and group given 
> in /etc/passwd :-
> apache:x:48:48:Apache:/usr/share/httpd:/sbin/nologin
> The user and group identies are given as 48:48 so the user and group 
> are apache and apache.
> 5)The above hopefully establishes that the server has permissions on 
> user and groups named as apache.
> 6)I created a test directory at /test to be used to contain the file 
> node uds_socket.
> drwxrwxr-x.? 2 apache apache? 4096 May 11 20:15 test
> 7) on starting the Socket server that listens for an incoming connection
> the new uds_socket is created with user and group permissions as shown:-
> srwxr-xr-x. 1 johnlawton apache 0 May 12 10:22 /test/uds_socket
> 8)I do not understand what function the s bit performs here.
>? I note that group access cannot write the file.
> 9) When I execute the myUnix2.cgi script from /var/www/cgi_bin with 
> johnlawton as user with primary group apache the script executes and 
> the listening server responds correctly. I note johnlawton has rwx 
> access but the group apache access is limited? to r-x.
> 10) When the apache server executes the myUnix2.cgi script failure 
> results in failing to access the socket.
> 11) Summary. I think the server fails as it can only get group access 
> and group access is limited to
> r-x NO w permission.
> 12) How can I get UDS_Socket to be created with apache as user(hence 
> allowing rwx) or enable apache group access with w permission?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> *To:* Stewart Lawton <jstewartlawton at>; tutor 
> <tutor at>
> *Sent:* Friday, 8 May 2015, 10:33
> *Subject:* Re: my membership and access to the Tutor list
> On 08/05/15 09:09, Stewart Lawton wrote:
> > Hi Alan
> > Thank you very much for your response to my Tutor at 
> <mailto:Tutor at> question.
> > I thought my membership was complete and that I could log in to answer
> > your comments.
> The tutor list is a mailing list not a web forum. You don't login to 
> answer
> comments you? send an email reply. Use Reply to send to the individual
> (as you've just done with me) or, more usually, use ReplyAll (or ReplyList
> if your mail tool has that feature) to reply to everyone on the list.
> Use plain text to preserve code layout and use interleaved posting
> (as I'm doing here) rather than top-posting.
> > I found I could not login again. PLEASE can you help to get my
> > password reset?
> Only you can change the password, its purely web based. I only
> approve messages in the moderation queue, virtually nothing else.
> But the password just gives you access to your admin settings.
> > I think I am failing to understand what user and or group permissions
> > are required between apache python, and the python myUnix2.cgi program
> > I am using.
> OK, I'm no expert here but several things about your program
> have me puzzled.
> First remember that the web server will have its own user account
> and thus your code is effectively being run by another user. So any
> permissions on your files need to allow that user to have access.
> This is obviously a security risk and the reason its best not to have
> web programs accessing files in a users area but to copy any files
> needed into the web server space.
> > This program script is listed below, hopefully with spaces corrected
> Spacing is now legal, but you should increase the indentation to
> make it more readable. Consider 2 spaces as the absolute minimum,
> most people use 3 or 4. If you ever submit code to the Python
> standard library it must use 4 spaces. One space makes the
> indentation hard to line up and almost defeats the point of
> having it.
> > path to uds_socket corrected as Felix Dietricl suggested may be and 
> Issue.
> > 1) From my user directory I issued the script Unix2.cgi to
> > a listening Unix sockets server and this worked OK.
> > 2) the permissions of Unix2.cgi are:-
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton? 987 May? 7 17:55 myUnix2.cgi
> > This is not good from security but surely proves the script can 
> execute if
> > permissions are not considered.
> > 3)This file is copied to the apache cgi directory /var/www/cgi-bin
> > with the permissions
> > forced as
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 johnlawton johnlawton 987 May? 7 18:19
> > ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi
> > 4) Execution of the cgi script directly works OK.
> OK, Permissions of the cgi script are not critical they just need to be
> executable to the web server. So you could have ---r-xrwx and it should
> be more secure and work OK. What is important is that you change
> ownership to whatever the apache user account is (local config, I can't
> help there you'll need to look at the files).
> > 5) http is enabled in the fedora firewall
> > 6)The apache server is started using sudo systemctl start httpd.service.
> > When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost receives
> > the following error report.
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >
> >? File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 37, in <module>
> >? ? creSockettoServer()
> >? File "/var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi", line 26, in creSockettoServer
> >? ? sys.exit(1)
> > SystemExit: 1
> >
> > 7) The copy process of myUnix2.cgi from my user directory to
> > /var/www/cgi-bin
> > but setting user and group to root with full permissions results in
> > -rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 987 May? 7 18:45
> > ../../../var/www/cgi-bin/myUnix2.cgi
> OK, But I sincerely hope the web server is NOT running as root, that
> would be
> a security disaster and a crackers paradise!
> > 8)When firefox is used to have Unix2.cgi executed the localhost
> > receives the
> > same error report given under 6).
> > 9) summary since the 'o' permissions are forced to rwx the script
> > should execute
> > no matter what use group are specified?
> > 10) How do I establish neccessary cgi permissions?
> The problems are not with your script but with the socket you are 
> trying to
> create, or the path to it. Its those permissions that likely need to be
> changed.
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > import cgi
> > import socket
> > import sys
> > def htmlTop():
> >? print("""Content-type:text/html\n\n
> >? <DOCTYPE html>
> >? <html lang="en">
> >? ? <head>
> >? ? ? ? <meta charset="utf-8" />
> >? ? ? ? <title> MyServer Template </title>
> >? ? ? ? </head>
> >? ? ? ? <body>""")
> >
> > def htmlTail():
> >? print("""<body/>
> >? ? ? ? </html> """? )
> >
> > def creSockettoServer():
> >? ? sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> >? ? server_address = '/home/johnlawton/workspace/myUnixSock/uds_socket'
> I confess I've never used a socket like this, indeed I was only
> vaguely aware of their existence! I assume you have previous
> experience of using UNIX domain sockets (in C?) since there
> is relatively little tutorial help out there.
> I've always used sockets for IP and given an IP address to the socket.
> So I can only guess what's going on in your case. Can I ask what you
> are trying to do in your program that you need UNIX sockets? Just curious.
> Also one thing that occurs to me - have you made sure the socket file
> is being deleted each time before you run the program? An existing
> socket file may well cause your problems.
> Back to the issue at hand...
> Can you write a simpler CGI script that just prints data or similar?
> That way you can check that your CGI setup is working first
> and then focus on the issue of opening the socket. I'm a big believer
> in solving one problem at a time.
> In fact you could then write a second script that reads your socket
> folder and prints a dir listing using os.listdir() or glob() or similar to
> prove basic access is OK. It might also print some info about the
> user so that you know which account is running your scripts.
> Armed with that information you can then tackle the issue of
> creating your socket file.
> I've CCd the list so that others can contribute too.
> -- 
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Wed May 13 15:20:50 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 14:20:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <mitfij$ps5$>
References: <>
 <> <mislmb$7g0$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 May 2015 at 19:08, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>> A generator cannot guarantee that execution continues after a yield so
>> any context manager used around a yield is dependent on __del__. I
>> think a good rule of thumb is "don't yield from a with block".
> Uh-oh, I am afraid I did this quite a few times. Most instances seem to be
> context managers though. Is something like
> @contextmanager
> def my_open(filename):
>     if filename == "-":
>         yield sys.stdin
>     else:
>         with open(filename) as f:
>             yield f
> OK?

Yeah that's fine. A generator cannot guarantee that execution
continues after a yield since the controller of the generator decides
that. In this case the only controller that has access to your
generator is the contextmanager decorator which guarantees to do
next(gen) or gen.throw().

You can see the code for that here:


From akleider at  Thu May 14 07:27:11 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 22:27:11 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
Message-ID: <>

> On 2015-05-11 23:48, Peter Otten wrote:
>> Alex Kleider wrote:
>>> Is there a better (more 'Pythonic') way to do the following?
>>>      for f_name in f_names:
>>>          with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>>>              for line in f:
>> There's the fileinput module
>> <>
>> but personally I prefer the way you show above.

As a follow up question:
The following seems to work-

     for f_name in list_of_file_names:
         for line in open(f_name, 'r'):

but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?


From dyoo at  Thu May 14 08:24:03 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 23:24:03 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> As a follow up question:
> The following seems to work-
>     for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>         for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>             process(line)
> but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?

It depends on context.  Personally, I'd write it with the 'with' to
make it very clear that the loop will manage its resource.  That being
said, it sounds like there might be concerned about the nesting.
We're nesting three or four levels deep, at the very least!

I'd agree with that.  Because of this, it might be worthwile to
consider refactoring the processing of the file in a separate
function, something like this:

def processFile(f):
    for line in f:

for f_name in list_of_file_names:
     with open(f_name, 'r') as f:

The primary reason is to reduce the nesting.  But there's also a
potential side benefit: processFile() has a better chance of being
unit-testable, since we can pass in instances of other file-like
objects, such as io.StringIO(), to spot-check the behavior of the

From alan.gauld at  Thu May 14 09:01:44 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 08:01:44 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
Message-ID: <mj1h8o$c9l$>

On 14/05/15 06:27, Alex Kleider wrote:

> The following seems to work-
>      for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>          for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>              process(line)
> but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?

If you are only ever reading from the file then no, I'd not worry
too much. But in the general case, where you might be making
changes then yes, you should worry.

It will work 99% of the time but if things go wrong there's always
a chance that a file has not been closed yet and your changes have
not been written to the file. But if you are not changing the file
it doesn't matter too much.

The only other consideration is that some OS might put a lock
on the file even if it's only read access, so in those cases
closing will release the lock sooner. But I don't think any of
the popular OS do that any more.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From akleider at  Thu May 14 09:52:16 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 00:52:16 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-14 00:15, Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Wed, 13 May 2015 22:27:11 -0700, Alex Kleider writes:
>> As a follow up question:
>> The following seems to work-
>>     for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>>         for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>>             process(line)
>> but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?
>> Alex
> If you use the with statement you will guarantee that the file closes
> as soon as you are done with it. It will also handle exceptions nicely 
> for you.
> See:
> In practice, Cpython's ref counting semantics means that running out
> of file descriptors doesn't happen (unless you put that code in a
> loop that gets called a whole lot).  But the gc used by a Python
> version is not part of the language specification, but is a
> language implementation detail.  If you are writing for PyPy or
> Jython you will need to use the with statement or close your files
> explicitly, so the gc knows you are done with them.  Relying on
> 'the last reference to them went away' to close your file won't
> work if the gc isn't counting references.
> See:
> or for more detail:
> Laura

Thanks, Laura, for your analysis.  I'll happily include the one extra 
line and
let 'with' do its magic rather than depend on implementation details (or 
about their shortcomings:-)

From akleider at  Thu May 14 09:57:12 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 00:57:12 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <mj1h8o$c9l$>
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
 <> <mj1h8o$c9l$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-14 00:01, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 14/05/15 06:27, Alex Kleider wrote:
>> The following seems to work-
>>      for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>>          for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>>              process(line)
>> but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?
> If you are only ever reading from the file then no, I'd not worry
> too much. But in the general case, where you might be making
> changes then yes, you should worry.
> It will work 99% of the time but if things go wrong there's always
> a chance that a file has not been closed yet and your changes have
> not been written to the file. But if you are not changing the file
> it doesn't matter too much.
> The only other consideration is that some OS might put a lock
> on the file even if it's only read access, so in those cases
> closing will release the lock sooner. But I don't think any of
> the popular OS do that any more.

Thank you, Alan; I hadn't appreciated the important difference in risk
with write vs read.  It's clear that 'best practice' would be to use
'with' so as to 'cover all bases.'

From akleider at  Thu May 14 10:01:39 2015
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 01:01:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mis7or$vc9$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-13 23:24, Danny Yoo wrote:
>> As a follow up question:
>> The following seems to work-
>>     for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>>         for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>>             process(line)
>> but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?
> It depends on context.  Personally, I'd write it with the 'with' to
> make it very clear that the loop will manage its resource.  That being
> said, it sounds like there might be concerned about the nesting.
> We're nesting three or four levels deep, at the very least!
> I'd agree with that.  Because of this, it might be worthwile to
> consider refactoring the processing of the file in a separate
> function, something like this:
> ###############################
> def processFile(f):
>     for line in f:
>         ...
> for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>      with open(f_name, 'r') as f:
>          processFile(f)
> ###############################
> The primary reason is to reduce the nesting.  But there's also a
> potential side benefit: processFile() has a better chance of being
> unit-testable, since we can pass in instances of other file-like
> objects, such as io.StringIO(), to spot-check the behavior of the
> process.

Thanks, Danny.  This is particularly germane since the issue has come up 
in the
midst of my first attempt to do test driven development.  I'll try 
refactoring per
your suggestion.

From lac at  Thu May 14 09:15:42 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 09:15:42 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] reading lines from a list of files
In-Reply-To: Message from Alex Kleider <> of "Wed,
 13 May 2015 22:27:11 -0700." <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Wed, 13 May 2015 22:27:11 -0700, Alex Kleider writes:
>As a follow up question:
>The following seems to work-
>     for f_name in list_of_file_names:
>         for line in open(f_name, 'r'):
>             process(line)
>but should I be worried that the file doesn't get explicitly closed?

If you use the with statement you will guarantee that the file closes
as soon as you are done with it. It will also handle exceptions nicely for you.

In practice, Cpython's ref counting semantics means that running out
of file descriptors doesn't happen (unless you put that code in a
loop that gets called a whole lot).  But the gc used by a Python
version is not part of the language specification, but is a
language implementation detail.  If you are writing for PyPy or
Jython you will need to use the with statement or close your files
explicitly, so the gc knows you are done with them.  Relying on
'the last reference to them went away' to close your file won't
work if the gc isn't counting references.

or for more detail:


From cybervigilante at  Fri May 15 00:43:30 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 15:43:30 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
Message-ID: <>

I noticed that if I call a function that throws an error, I can catch it
from the caller, instead of catching it in the function. Is this is what is
known as "errors bubbling up?" Also, is this how you're supposed to do it?

*** Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:43:06) [MSC v.1600
32 bit (Intel)] on win32. ***

'''Print a table of random numbers, given min, max, rows, and columns'''
from random import randint

def make_table(minimum, maximum, rows, columns):
    for row in range(rows):
        for column in range(columns):
            print(randint(minimum, maximum), end = ' ')

def get_input():
    inp = input("Enter minimum, maximum, rows, and columns, separated by
commas: ")
    inps = inp.split(',')

        minimum = int(inps[0])
        maximum = int(inps[1])
        rows = int(inps[2])
        columns = int(inps[3])
        return minimum, maximum, rows, columns
    except ValueError as err:
        print("non-integer entered", err)
        return None
    except IndexError as err:
        print("You didn't enter enough values.", err)
        return None

vals = get_input()
if vals:
    minimum, maximum, rows, columns = vals
        make_table(minimum, maximum, rows, columns)
    except ValueError as err: # CATCH FUNCTION ERROR HERE INSTEAD OF IN
        print("Enter min before max.")
    print('Nothing to do.')


From alan.gauld at  Fri May 15 01:47:30 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 00:47:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mj3c6i$u62$>

On 14/05/15 23:43, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> I noticed that if I call a function that throws an error, I can catch it
> from the caller, instead of catching it in the function. Is this is what is
> known as "errors bubbling up?"

Yes. They can bubble up naturally because there are no handlers lower 
down or you can partially handle it in the function (eg by adding some 
error data to the exception) then call raise to push it up to the next 

> Also, is this how you're supposed to do it?

More or less, except you should aim to deal with errors at the earliest 
opportunity. But bvery often you don;t know the best way to deal with an 
error at the point where it occurs, you need a wider context. So in that 
case bubbling up to a higher level, with a view of the context is the 
right thing to do.

> def get_input():
>      try:
>          minimum = int(inps[0])
>          maximum = int(inps[1])
>          rows = int(inps[2])
>          columns = int(inps[3])
>          return minimum, maximum, rows, columns
>      except ValueError as err:
>          print("non-integer entered", err)
>          return None
>      except IndexError as err:
>          print("You didn't enter enough values.", err)
>          return None

Rather than printing the messages you could re-raise
the error but with the error message attached as a string.
Or, more usefully in a function called get_input() force
it to go round a while loop until they provide valid

> vals = get_input()
> if vals:
>      minimum, maximum, rows, columns = vals
>      try:
>          make_table(minimum, maximum, rows, columns)


would be neater

But it would be better to catch bad input data in the get_input() 
function rather than wait till you use it. It will make debugging easier 
and potentially improve the reliability of the get_input()
in terms of reuse opportunities. After all it's the get_input() 
function's job to get input, so it should check that the inputs
are sane.

So for example you could do some basic checks like ensuring
min <= max, and that rows and cols are non-zero. If not then
either get more inputs or throw a ValueError at that point.
Your try/except then goes round get_input() not the function
that uses the inputs.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From ben+python at  Fri May 15 02:00:06 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 10:00:06 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP" <cybervigilante at> writes:

> I noticed that if I call a function that throws an error

(Known in Python as ?raise an exception?. I understood you, but it's
better to use the terminology that matches what the Python docs say.)

> I can catch it from the caller, instead of catching it in the
> function. Is this is what is known as "errors bubbling up?" Also, is
> this how you're supposed to do it?

Yes, the ?call stack? (the stack of function calls waiting for execution
to return to them) can be thought of as a vertical stack through which
an exception will ?bubble up?.

You should allow exceptions to bubble up to a point where they can be
handled sensibly.

Conversely, you should only ever catch a (type of) excption that you
will be able to handle sensibly at that point, otherwise allow it to
continue up the stack.

 \                    ?It's all in the mind, you know.? ?The Goon Show |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From cybervigilante at  Fri May 15 21:02:44 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 12:02:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <mj3c6i$u62$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 May 2015 at 16:47, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> Rather than printing the messages you could re-raise
> the error but with the error message attached as a string.

I'm a little unclear how you catch the string you create in a raise, in the
caller. I tried an example from the docs but it didn't work. Could you
provide a simple example? Sometimes the docs are heavy slogging if you
don't already know what's what ;')


From breamoreboy at  Fri May 15 21:54:27 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 20:54:27 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mj5itm$tvu$>

On 15/05/2015 20:02, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 14 May 2015 at 16:47, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>> Rather than printing the messages you could re-raise
>> the error but with the error message attached as a string.
> I'm a little unclear how you catch the string you create in a raise, in the
> caller. I tried an example from the docs but it didn't work. Could you
> provide a simple example? Sometimes the docs are heavy slogging if you
> don't already know what's what ;')

Please help us to help you, if you were to show the example from the 
docs that "didn't work" we could easily clarify the situation for you.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From f.barrett12 at  Sat May 16 01:35:30 2015
From: f.barrett12 at (Fredrick Barrett)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 19:35:30 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Help!
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I'm a beginner and I've reached a roadblock. I'm trying to create a
simple guessing game program just to practice creating loops, however it is
not working out as planned.

print ("Lets play a game")

import random

# Generate random number from 1-10
rand_value = random.randint(1,10)
guess = input("Guess a number from 1-10 ")

if guess == rand_value:
    print ("Congratulations! You guessed it!")
while guess != rand_value:
    input ("try again")
    print ("Sorry, you're wrong.")

input ("\n\nBetter luck next time. Press the enter key to exit.")

The goal is for the program to keep running until someone successfully
guesses the right number, however I think I've accidentally created an
infinite loop. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

From Pete.Wilson at  Sat May 16 00:12:35 2015
From: Pete.Wilson at (Wilson, Pete)
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 22:12:35 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Connecting Py 2.7 with visa
Message-ID: <>

Greetings I am trying to write a test executive program using python 2.7 on a windows 7 computer. I want to connect to  a Keithley 2100 voltmeter using National Instruments VISA. I am having trouble installing pyvisa. All the documentation refers to using 'pip' and a command line "$ pip install pyvisa" . What interface or console is this? "$" prompt looks like a Linux command line. How do we do this with windows?

Do I have to do this? Or can I use the native visa module in Python 2.7? Using the help() and dir() features I can get some basic information about visa, but the functions have changed, like visa.ResourceManager.open_resource is not working. I really liked this function... Are there any examples of how to use this new visa? I have some working code below that uses pyvisa, can it be converted?

def update_current():
    import visa

    rm = visa.ResourceManager()

    current_1_ma = ""
    exe_check = "PASS"

        dut_data = open("dut_data.txt", "w")
        exe_check = "FAIL"

        ki2100 = rm.open_resource('USB0::0x05E6::0x2100::1148525::INSTR')
        device_id = ki2100.query("*IDN?")
        exe_check = "FAIL"

        dut_current_amps = (float(ki2100.query("MEASure:CURRent:DC?")))
        dut_current_ma = dut_current_amps * 1000.0
        current_1_ma = "%6G" % dut_current_ma
        exe_check = "FAIL"

    new_line = "Litepoint_Data_Format" + "\r\n"
    new_line = "CURRENT_1_MA=" + current_1_ma + "\r\n"
    new_line = "EXE_CHECK=" + exe_check + "\r\n"



if __name__ == "__main__":


    print "Dumping dut_data.txt"

    with open('dut_data.txt') as dut_data:

        for line in dut_data:
            print line,
           if 'str' in line:


From steve at  Sat May 16 04:08:09 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 12:08:09 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Help!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 07:35:30PM -0400, Fredrick Barrett wrote:

> print ("Lets play a game")
> import random
> # Generate random number from 1-10
> rand_value = random.randint(1,10)
> guess = input("Guess a number from 1-10 ")

Here you guess once.

> if guess == rand_value:
>     print ("Congratulations! You guessed it!")

If you guessed correctly, the game ends.

> while guess != rand_value:
>     input ("try again")
> else:
>     print ("Sorry, you're wrong.")

You ask the user to try again, but you pay no attention to their reply. 
You just completely ignore their guesses, apart from the very first one.

Also, and by the way, although Python does have a "while...else" 
construct, it's a bit misleading and I don't think it is useful in this 

Experiment with something like this instead:

rand_value = random.randint(1,10)
guess = 0  # Guaranteed not to match.
while guess != rand_value:
    guess = input("Guess a number between one and ten: ")


Notice that each time through the loop, I set guess to a new value?


From breamoreboy at  Sat May 16 04:14:55 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 03:14:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Connecting Py 2.7 with visa
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mj6973$cud$>

On 15/05/2015 23:12, Wilson, Pete wrote:
> Greetings I am trying to write a test executive program using python 2.7 on a windows 7 computer. I want to connect to  a Keithley 2100 voltmeter using National Instruments VISA. I am having trouble installing pyvisa. All the documentation refers to using 'pip' and a command line "$ pip install pyvisa" . What interface or console is this? "$" prompt looks like a Linux command line. How do we do this with windows?

It's a Windows command line prompt.  You can get this by hitting the 
Windows logo key with 'R' and then entering cmd<return>.  However the 
simplest way for you I think is to download this

> Do I have to do this? Or can I use the native visa module in Python 2.7? Using the help() and dir() features I can get some basic information about visa, but the functions have changed, like visa.ResourceManager.open_resource is not working. I really liked this function... Are there any examples of how to use this new visa? I have some working code below that uses pyvisa, can it be converted?

Please help us to help you.  Stating "is not working" is less than 
useless, please show us exactly what happens.  Cut and paste any output, 
don't rely on typing it as this often results in further errors that 
just confuse the issue.

> def update_current():
>      import visa
>      rm = visa.ResourceManager()
>      rm.list_resources()
>      current_1_ma = ""
>      exe_check = "PASS"
>      try:
>          dut_data = open("dut_data.txt", "w")
>      except:
>          exe_check = "FAIL"

Don't use bare excepts as it's asking for trouble.  Much better to leave 
out the error handling to start with and just let your programming 
errors bubble up as stack traces.  Then add in appropriate things to 
catch.  In the above FileNotFoundError amongst others seems suitable.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From steve at  Sat May 16 07:45:17 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 15:45:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 12:02:44PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> On 14 May 2015 at 16:47, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> > Rather than printing the messages you could re-raise
> > the error but with the error message attached as a string.
> >
> I'm a little unclear how you catch the string you create in a raise, in the
> caller. I tried an example from the docs but it didn't work.

What does "didn't work" mean? Did your computer crash? Catch fire? A 
completely different error got printed? Something else?

> Could you
> provide a simple example? Sometimes the docs are heavy slogging if you
> don't already know what's what ;')

I'm not entirely sure what part you are having trouble with. I assume 
you know how to catch an exception:

alist = []
    value = alist[2]
except IndexError:
    pass  # Just pretend it didn't happen...

and how to inspect its error message:

alist = []
    value = alist[2]
except IndexError as err:

We can also *replace* the error message with one of our own. The args 
attribute is a tuple, normally the error message is in the zeroeth 
position as above. So we just have to replace args with a tuple of our 
own and re-raise the exception:

    value = alist[2]
except IndexError as err:
    err.args = ("Er, wot?",) + err.args[1:]

An alternative is to replace the exception with a completely different 

    value = alist[2]
except IndexError:
    raise RuntimeError("er, wot?")

In Python 2, this suppresses the IndexError and raises RuntimeError 
instead. However, this hides bugs in the case that the second exception 
isn't deliberate, but a bug. So starting with Python 3, exceptions are 
chained, which means that if an exception occurs inside an "except" 
block, Python will display both exceptions and not just the most recent:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
RuntimeError: er, wot?

This is a great boon for debugging accidental bugs, but doesn't help 
much if you actually do intend to replace one exception with another. So 
starting from Python 3.3 you can suppress the chaining:

    value = alist[2]
except IndexError:
    raise RuntimeError("er, wot?") from None

which gives just a single exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
RuntimeError: er, wot?

Does this help?


From steve at  Sat May 16 08:04:17 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 16:04:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 03:43:30PM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> I noticed that if I call a function that throws an error, I can catch it
> from the caller, instead of catching it in the function. Is this is what is
> known as "errors bubbling up?" Also, is this how you're supposed to do it?

Consider a chain of functions:

main() calls setup();
setup() calls process_arguments();
process_arguments() calls read_config();
read_config() calls open("somefile");

and open("somefile") raises an exception (perhaps the file cannot be 
found, or you don't have permission to read it).

Each function in the chain gets a chance to catch the exception:

open <- read_config <- process_arguments <- setup <- main

If open doesn't catch the exception, we say that the exception "bubbles 
up" the chain until it is caught, or if none of them catch it, then it 
bubbles all the way up and finally reaches the Python interpreter, which 
prints a stack trace and exits.

> def get_input():
>     inp = input("Enter minimum, maximum, rows, and columns, separated by
> commas: ")
>     inps = inp.split(',')
>     try:
>         minimum = int(inps[0])
>         maximum = int(inps[1])
>         rows = int(inps[2])
>         columns = int(inps[3])
>         return minimum, maximum, rows, columns

This is not best practice. There are too many things which might cause 
an exception. Ideally, a try block should only contain *one* thing which 
might go wrong. Here you have at least four. By treating them all the 
same, you lose the opportunity to give the user information about 
*which* one they screwed up.

>     except ValueError as err:
>         print("non-integer entered", err)
>         return None

This is bad practice, for two reasons.

You might not think so yet, but Python tracebacks give you a lot of 
useful debugging information. Here, you flush that useful information 
down the toilet and replace it with a not-very helpful message 
"non-integer entered" (plus a bit more stuff). In a trivial script that 
might not matter, but in a big script, you may have *no idea* where this 
non-integer was entered. There could be thirty places where it might 
happen. How do you know which one it is?

The second reason is that you really should only catch exceptions that 
you can do something about. If you can't fix the problem, there's no 
point in catching the exception[1]. In this case, if the user doesn't 
enter a valid set of values, there's no way you can proceed. So why 
bother delaying the inevitable? Just let the exception exit the program.

This will also look after all the little things which distinguish a 
professional quality application from a jerry-built beginner's toy. For 
example: error messages should print to stderr, not stdout; the 
application should exit with a non-zero result code. If this means 
nothing to you, don't be too concerned about it, just understand that 
Python will do the right thing provided you don't get in its way, as you 
just did by catching the exception.

[1] Well, there is one other reason: in an application aimed at 
non-programmers, you might choose to catch the exception, log the 
traceback somewhere where you can get to it for debugging, and display a 
"friendly" (i.e. non-technical, non-threatening, useless) message to the 
user. But as a beginner yourself, you shouldn't do this until you have 
become an expert in reading tracebacks. Otherwise you're just hiding 
debugging info that you need.


From fast_primes at  Sat May 16 06:11:45 2015
From: fast_primes at (Fast Primes)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 04:11:45 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] =?utf-8?q?_How_to_print_fixed_length_ascii=3F?=
Message-ID: <BAY402-EAS1650F7968CA3C9040536DC380C60@phx.gbl>

How do I set Python to print fixed length ascii--whereby all characters have the exact same length?



From alan.gauld at  Sat May 16 10:08:36 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 09:08:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to print fixed length ascii?
In-Reply-To: <BAY402-EAS1650F7968CA3C9040536DC380C60@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY402-EAS1650F7968CA3C9040536DC380C60@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <mj6tu5$ihi$>

On 16/05/15 05:11, Fast Primes wrote:
> How do I set Python to print fixed length ascii--whereby all characters have the exact same length?

It's not  clear what you mean.
Do you mean you want to use the ASCII character set?
That limits all characters to 7 bits long.

If so we probably need a little bit more context
about what you are doing with these characters.
And whether they are ASCII to start with or if
you need to do some data conversion first.
What/how/where you are 'printing' them.

Or do you really mean you want a fixed width font so
that all characters take up the same amount of screen

In that case the issue lies with your environment
and not with Python. How are you running the program?
(OS, Tools, Terminal type etc) Or if you are writing
a GUI how you are displaying the text - what kind
of widget?.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Sat May 16 11:49:17 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 19:49:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to print fixed length ascii?
In-Reply-To: <BAY402-EAS1650F7968CA3C9040536DC380C60@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY402-EAS1650F7968CA3C9040536DC380C60@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 04:11:45AM +0000, Fast Primes wrote:
> How do I set Python to print fixed length ascii--whereby all characters have the exact same length?

Use a fixed-width font, also known as a non-proportional, monospaced or 
typewriter typeface.

E.g. Monaco (Apple Mac), Courier (Windows), Liberation Mono (Linux) etc.

Does that answer your question? If not, you will need to give more 


From cybervigilante at  Sat May 16 18:56:33 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 09:56:33 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 May 2015 at 22:45, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> What does "didn't work" mean? Did your computer crash? Catch fire? A
> completely different error got printed? Something else?

I can see I was marvelously unclear ;') Here is what I meant.

def make_error():
    raise ZeroDivisionError('Here I am')

def call_error():
        print("How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling

>>> call_error()
How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling routine?


"What a rotten, failed experiment. I'll start over. Maybe dogs instead of
monkeys this time." --God

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 16 19:12:52 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 18:12:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mj7tqk$cqe$>

On 16/05/15 17:56, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> I can see I was marvelously unclear ;') Here is what I meant.
> def make_error():
>      raise ZeroDivisionError('Here I am')
> def call_error():
>      try:
>          make_error()
>      except:
>          print("How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling
> routine?")
>>>> call_error()
> How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling routine?

And the remainder of Steven's reply showed you how, using the
args attribute of the error.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Sat May 16 19:57:16 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 03:57:16 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Terminology question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 09:56:33AM -0700, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> def make_error():
>     raise ZeroDivisionError('Here I am')
> def call_error():
>     try:
>         make_error()
>     except:
>         print("How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling
> routine?")

Okay, here is a hint for you:

Every time you use a bare "except", god kills a puppy. Please, won't you 
think of the poor little puppies?

All joking aside, using a bare except is *nearly always* not what you 
want, and poor practice. The problem is that it catches too much, and so 
masks bugs that should be fixed. You should only catch exceptions that 
you know about and that you can recover from. Everything else is an 
indication that your code has a bug that needs fixing.

But, having said that, sometimes I'm lazy too, and when experimenting at 
the interactive interpreter, I just write "except:" without specifying a 
specific exception. Just don't let it become a habit in real code.

> >>> call_error()
> How do I get the 'Here I am' message to print in the calling routine?

The easiest and best way is to just *not* catch the exception and let 
Python print a traceback. But if you want to look at the error message 
while recovering from the exception, you have to catch and name the 
exception. You can specify multiple types by using a tuple of exception 

except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:

Notice that there is no supported syntax for leaving the exception type 
blank while still naming it.

Remember that exceptions are objects too, and the various exception 
types are classes. You can subclass them to make your own types:

class MyValueError(ValueError):

raise MyValueError

Also, all exceptions inherit from a single class: BaseException. So you 
can say:

except BaseException as error

which is (nearly[1]) the same as a bare except clause, but giving it a 
name. Normally, however, that's not what you want, since that will also 
catch things like the user typing Ctrl-C to interrupt a infinite loop, 
and other exceptions which don't represent errors.

To just catch errors, use "except Exception as error", then inspect 

[1] There is one slight difference. Up to Python 2.5, you could raise 
and catch strings as well as exceptions. This turned out to be a bad 
idea, and was finally removed in 2.6. But if you are running 2.5 or 
older, a bare except clause is the only way to catch string exceptions 
unless you know exactly what string it it.


From daaqou at  Sat May 16 21:25:12 2015
From: daaqou at (daaku gee)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 12:25:12 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python property()
Message-ID: <>

I came across some code where 'property' is being used for class attributes
(or as a decorator @property)

    name = property(lambda self: getattr(self, '_data')['name'])

I think I understand what's going on here.  What I don't understand is
if/when to use property instead of a normal attribute.

1. Is 'property' used widely? Do you use it? Do you know of a github
project where I can look at the code using it? I am looking for more
2. Would you use it only when you need to validate or calculate the value
to be assigned to an attribute or is there any other place for 'property()'
to be used?
3. If there is value in learning and using property, kindly explain it or
point me to a document/writeup/book that I should read to get a better


From alan.gauld at  Sun May 17 01:27:56 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 00:27:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python property()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mj8jps$kec$>

On 16/05/15 20:25, daaku gee wrote:

> I think I understand what's going on here.  What I don't understand is
> if/when to use property instead of a normal attribute.
> 1. Is 'property' used widely? Do you use it?

Yes, occasionally

I first came across properties in Borland Delphi (Object Pascal)
and found them useful there because there was quite a bit of
emphasis on data hiding.

After I moved to Python which has a much more open approach
to data I find them less useful.

> 2. Would you use it only when you need to validate or calculate the value
> to be assigned to an attribute or is there any other place for 'property()'
> to be used?

Those are the main use cases for me.
Calculating values can be an important one though,
especially if it avoids the need for lots of methods
to update some attribute like size. You can calculate
it at runtime and expose the method to look like a
data item.

But that in itself can be done by a method,
the real driver to a property is when I'm using the
class in a polymorphic relationship with other classes
that do have a data attribute and I want mixed access
with a common interface.

> 3. If there is value in learning and using property, kindly explain it or
> point me to a document/writeup/book that I should read to get a better
> understanding.

Oddly enough I'm currently reviewing a book that addresses
this quite well in a chapter on properties. But it won't
be published till later in the year so not much help to
you just now.

Personally I wouldn't worry about them until you think you've
found a real use for them. There are plenty other things to
be doing first!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Sun May 17 03:27:59 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 11:27:59 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Python property()
In-Reply-To: <mj8jps$kec$>
References: <mj8jps$kec$>
Message-ID: <>

As Alan and I disagree on this, to a degree, I thought I would follow up to add 
another perspective. Remember that it is _only_ perspective; Alan's opinions 
are sound and have good reasons. So are mine:-) We place different values on 
the costs and benefits here.

On 17May2015 00:27, alan.gauld at <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>On 16/05/15 20:25, daaku gee wrote:
>>I think I understand what's going on here.  What I don't understand is
>>if/when to use property instead of a normal attribute.
>>1. Is 'property' used widely? Do you use it?
>Yes, occasionally

For me: somewhat, and yes.

>>2. Would you use it only when you need to validate or calculate the value
>>to be assigned to an attribute or is there any other place for 'property()'
>>to be used?
>Those are the main use cases for me.
>Calculating values can be an important one though,
>especially if it avoids the need for lots of methods
>to update some attribute like size. You can calculate
>it at runtime and expose the method to look like a
>data item.
>But that in itself can be done by a method,
>the real driver to a property is when I'm using the
>class in a polymorphic relationship with other classes
>that do have a data attribute and I want mixed access
>with a common interface.

Here we differ, at least in where we draw the line. I am very fond of the 
"property to calculate a value". It makes for more readable code:

  foo.volume() + bah.volume()
  foo.volume + bah.volume

with less syntactic noise.

The "foo" and "bah" objects here might compute their volume from their more 
basic attributes, perhaps length, height etc.

For Alan, using a property here provides no fundamental advantage over a method 
call, especially since a property _is_ a method call underneath. He feels that 
it breaks the OO model and as he mentions above, makes polymorphic use harder 
because different types of objects might readily provide a .volume() method but 
not a property.

For me, when the property such as .volume is (a) a basic thing trivially and 
_repeatably_ computed from the other attributes and (b) cheap (usually O(1) to 
compute, not requiring complex and expensive operations) and (c) having no side 
effects such as creating files etc then I may often choose to use a property.

To me, the method/property distinction is in how the value it thought of:

A "computed", potentially complex or changing thing. This is a method.

A "direct" and simple thing, almost free to compute and (usually) stable. This 
may be a property.

If you need to pass parameters other than "self", obviously it must be a 

>>3. If there is value in learning and using property, kindly explain it or
>>point me to a document/writeup/book that I should read to get a better
>Oddly enough I'm currently reviewing a book that addresses
>this quite well in a chapter on properties. But it won't
>be published till later in the year so not much help to
>you just now.
>Personally I wouldn't worry about them until you think you've
>found a real use for them. There are plenty other things to
>be doing first!

I'm in agreement here.

Become comfortable with methods and using them. Until that is second nature you 
won't have much feel for when you may choose to use a property.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.
      --Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.

From dyoo at  Sun May 17 23:50:39 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 14:50:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Stem and leaf plots
Message-ID: <>

I was reading the "Cartoon Guide to Statistics", and came across a
description on "Stem and plot diagrams".
(  It's sorta like
a histogram diagram, but bundles by the ten's digit, and uses the
one's digit as the "point".

Here's my attempt at describing it as a program:

Stem and leaf plotting.

import collections
import sys

def printStemPlot(values):
    """Prints a stem plot of the values."""
    stems = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for v in values:
        stems[v / 10].append(v % 10)

    low, high = min(stems.keys()), max(stems.keys())
    padding = len(str(high))
    for i in range(low, high+1):
        print(str(i).ljust(padding) + ' | ' +
              ' '.join(map(str, stems[i])))def printStemPlot(values):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    printStemPlot([int(n) for n in sys.argv[1:]])

For example:

$ python 44 46 47 49 63 64 66 68 68 72 72 75 76 81 84 88 106
4  | 4 6 7 9
5  |
6  | 3 4 6 8 8
7  | 2 2 5 6
8  | 1 4 8
9  |
10 | 6

The program came out really short and sweet, especially with the use
of collections.defaultdict, so I'm happy with it.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

From dyoo at  Sun May 17 23:54:07 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 14:54:07 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Stem and leaf plots
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>     for i in range(low, high+1):
>         stems[i].sort()
>         print(str(i).ljust(padding) + ' | ' +
>               ' '.join(map(str, stems[i])))def printStemPlot(values):

Gah!  Sorry!  Copy and paste error near the end there.  Just trim the
'def printStemPlot(values):' part off the end of that definition.

From steve at  Mon May 18 16:32:38 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 00:32:38 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Stem and leaf plots
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 02:50:39PM -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> I was reading the "Cartoon Guide to Statistics", and came across a
> description on "Stem and plot diagrams".
> (  It's sorta like
> a histogram diagram, but bundles by the ten's digit, and uses the
> one's digit as the "point".
> Here's my attempt at describing it as a program:
> ###########################################################
> """
> Stem and leaf plotting.
> """
> import collections
> import sys
> def printStemPlot(values):
>     """Prints a stem plot of the values."""
>     stems = collections.defaultdict(list)
>     for v in values:
>         stems[v / 10].append(v % 10)
>     low, high = min(stems.keys()), max(stems.keys())
>     padding = len(str(high))
>     for i in range(low, high+1):
>         stems[i].sort()
>         print(str(i).ljust(padding) + ' | ' +
>               ' '.join(map(str, stems[i])))def printStemPlot(values):


It doesn't cope with Stem-and-leaf plots in their full generality, e.g.: 
stem-widths which are not 10:

4 | 1 2 2 4
  | 5 7 9 9 9
5 | 0 0 3
  | 5 8

and you should print the stem and leaf width and give a key, but it's 
otherwise excellent. Thank you for sharing!


From anubhav1691 at  Mon May 18 13:59:59 2015
From: anubhav1691 at (Anubhav Yadav)
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 17:29:59 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Implementing a Media Streaming Server in Python
Message-ID: <>

I was looking to implement a media streaming server in python, which can
stream movies to mobile based clients efficiently to multiple clients (over
50 clients )

Should I just use plain sockets to create connection or should I go with a
framework like twisted/flask?

I want to know what would be the best way to design the video/media
streaming server?

Thank you.

Anubhav Yadav

From jstewartlawton at  Mon May 18 13:54:56 2015
From: jstewartlawton at (Stewart Lawton)
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 11:54:56 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Apache cgi Python Sockets classic Linux permissions and
 SELinux under Fedora19
Message-ID: <>


Thanks to recent help from Alan Gauld and Felix Dietrich I have studied the 'classic Linux ' permissions
to allow an Apache cgi script to connect to a Python Socket.
Though I became convinced that the corrected  permissions were correct the Python cgi script still would not work when 

called from apache even though all was OK when the cgi script was executed directly by a user.
I have found that SELinux provides further access constraints. The Fedora SELinux graphic tool and associated 'trouble shooter' parser of the SELinux audit file made suggestions that worked for TCPIP Sockets but failed for Unix Sockets.
(I only experimented with Unix Sockets since I could not get TCPIP Sockets to work).

Below is the textual response from the trouble shooter for TCPIP and Unix Socket connect failures .
I found that assigning PORT_TYPE to dns_port_t worked for TCPIP sockets.

SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/python2.7 from name_connect access on the tcp_socket .

If you want to allow /usr/bin/python2.7 to connect to network port 1080
you need to modify the port type.
# semanage port -a -t PORT_TYPE -p tcp 1080
where PORT_TYPE is one of the following: dns_port_t, kerberos_port_t, ocsp_port_t.

SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/python2.7 from write access on the sock_file /test/uds_socket.

Plugin: catchall_labels 
you want to allow python2.7 to have write access on the uds_socket sock_fileIf you want to allow python2.7 to have write access on the uds_socket sock_file
You need to change the label on /test/uds_socket
# semanage fcontext -a -t FILE_TYPE '/test/uds_socket'
where FILE_TYPE is one of the following: avahi_var_run_t, httpd_sys_rw_content_t, httpd_tmp_t, lsassd_var_socket_t, mysqld_db_t, mysqld_var_run_t, nscd_var_run_t, nslcd_var_run_t, pcscd_var_run_t, postgresql_tmp_t, postgresql_var_run_t, setrans_var_run_t, sssd_var_lib_t, winbind_var_run_t. 
Then execute: 
restorecon -v '/test/uds_socket'

I hope this will be helpful to others wishing to use apache to connect to python sockets via cgi scripts.

From cartman6921 at  Mon May 18 20:27:30 2015
From: cartman6921 at (cartman6921)
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 11:27:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter help?
Message-ID: <>

*Below is a code made by me in 5 minutes, I am new to Tkinter so am kinda
noobish. as you can see, lemon equals 0 at the start and when you click the
button it adds 1 to the amount lemon equals. After about 15 minutes of
trying and 10 minutes googling i can find nothing to help me. when the code
loops, lemon is set back to 0 again, how do i stop lemon from being set back
to 0.

I need it so if you press the button eg 4 times, lemon=4*

from tkinter import *

root.title("Lemonade Stand")


def BuyLemon():

button = Button(root,text="Buy Lemon x1", command=BuyLemon)


View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - tutor mailing list archive at

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 19 00:51:39 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 23:51:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter help?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjdqdq$jgt$>

On 18/05/15 19:27, cartman6921 wrote:
> *Below is a code made by me in 5 minutes, I am new to Tkinter so am kinda
> noobish.

We all have to start somewhere.

Unfortunately there are a few issues with your code.
I'll try to deal with them as we go through.

> from tkinter import *
> root=Tk()
> root.title("Lemonade Stand")
> root.geometry("500x500+500+300")
> lemon=0
> def BuyLemon():
>      str(lemon)+str(1)
>      print(lemon)

This function doesn't do what you think it does.
The second line takes the string representation of
lemon ('0') and adds the string representation of
1 ('1') using string concatenation to produce '01'

Then it throws it away.
Finally it prints lemon which remains unchanged as zero.

You need to have an assignment inside the function
that modifies lemon. But because you are modifying a
global variable you need to declare lemon as global
inside the function. So you get:

def buyLemon():
     global lemon
     lemon = str(lemon) + str(1)
     print (lemon)

However if you just use that function you will wind
up, after 4 presses, with '01111' which is not what
you want.

Instead of converting to strings just add the numbers:

def buyLemon():
     global lemon
     lemon +=1
     print (lemon)

> button = Button(root,text="Buy Lemon x1", command=BuyLemon)
> button.pack()
> root.mainloop()

Once you get that working your next step should be to get
the output printed on the GUI rather than the console. For
that you should probably start with a Label widget. You
can then assign the string representation of lemon to the
text attribute of the label.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From Pete.Wilson at  Tue May 19 07:25:48 2015
From: Pete.Wilson at (Wilson, Pete)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 05:25:48 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Connecting Py 2.7 with visa
In-Reply-To: <mj6973$cud$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Pip-for-windows worked great! Bob's your uncle! Case closed.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tutor [ at] On
> Behalf Of Mark Lawrence
> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 7:15 PM
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Connecting Py 2.7 with visa
> On 15/05/2015 23:12, Wilson, Pete wrote:
> > Greetings I am trying to write a test executive program using python
> 2.7 on a windows 7 computer. I want to connect to  a Keithley 2100
> voltmeter using National Instruments VISA. I am having trouble
> installing pyvisa. All the documentation refers to using 'pip' and a
> command line "$ pip install pyvisa" . What interface or console is
> this? "$" prompt looks like a Linux command line. How do we do this
> with windows?
> >
> It's a Windows command line prompt.  You can get this by hitting the
> Windows logo key with 'R' and then entering cmd<return>.  However the
> simplest way for you I think is to download this
> > Do I have to do this? Or can I use the native visa module in Python
> 2.7? Using the help() and dir() features I can get some basic
> information about visa, but the functions have changed, like
> visa.ResourceManager.open_resource is not working. I really liked this
> function... Are there any examples of how to use this new visa? I have
> some working code below that uses pyvisa, can it be converted?
> >
> Please help us to help you.  Stating "is not working" is less than
> useless, please show us exactly what happens.  Cut and paste any
> output, don't rely on typing it as this often results in further errors
> that just confuse the issue.
> > def update_current():
> >      import visa
> >
> >      rm = visa.ResourceManager()
> >      rm.list_resources()
> >
> >      current_1_ma = ""
> >      exe_check = "PASS"
> >
> >      try:
> >          dut_data = open("dut_data.txt", "w")
> >      except:
> >          exe_check = "FAIL"
> Don't use bare excepts as it's asking for trouble.  Much better to
> leave out the error handling to start with and just let your
> programming errors bubble up as stack traces.  Then add in appropriate
> things to catch.  In the above FileNotFoundError amongst others seems
> suitable.
> --
> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
> what you can do for our language.
> Mark Lawrence
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From bgenest at  Tue May 19 17:58:54 2015
From: bgenest at (bgenest at
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 15:58:54 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Myplotlab issue
Message-ID: <>


I am currently working with a simple program in Python (just starting out) and am getting an error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/nomargfan661/Desktop/PythonProjects/chapter3/", line 3
    from pylab import plot,show
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1
    from matplotlib.pylab import *
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 269
    from matplotlib.pyplot import *
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 29
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure, figaspect
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 36
    from matplotlib.axes import Axes, SubplotBase, subplot_class_factory
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 4
    from ._subplots import *
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 10
    from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 17
    from matplotlib.cbook import _string_to_bool, mplDeprecation
ImportError: cannot import name _string_to_bool

With this program, I am just trying to plot data points as written in a textbook from which I am learning.  I have installed everything properly (Python, VPython, numpy, and matplotlib (and as a result, pyplot).  The program is:

from __future__ import division,print_function

from pylab import plot,show
y = [1.0,2.4,1.7,0.3,0.6,1.8]


I am running Python 2.7 and all modules are compatible with version 2.7 on Mac OS X 10.10.  I have tested other programs I have written which use VPython and numpy and I have no problems with those.  I only have one program using matplotlib, though, so I don?t know what?s wrong.  Would anybody happen to know how to help with fixing this issue?


From learningpython at  Tue May 19 14:20:03 2015
From: learningpython at (Remco)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 12:20:03 GMT
Subject: [Tutor] create a copying tool
Message-ID: <1432038003303.100200.3938@webmail4>


I am new here, and new with Python.
I use Python 2.7 on a windows computer in Pyscripter.

I've got the next problem witch I need some help with:

I need to copy several files, from several folders to a new location in the same folder structure as they are now.
And all the files I need to copy are in a text (.txt) file.

The source folder looks like this: (with in some cases even sub-folders or sub-sub-folders)

And the list.txt looks like this: (over 250 entries in the original list file) D:\source\folder1\1.jpg D:\source\folder1\2.jpg D:\source\folder1\text3.txt D:\source\folder1\FLD\pic.tif
In every source folder there different kind of extensions that I need to copy.
I have written the script below, with the help of google, and the only action I see is the missings.txt that is produced.
With in it all the files that are not copied.
import os
import shutil

target_dir = r'D:\target\'
source_dir = r'D:\source\'
source_file = r'D:\source\list.txt'
missing_files = open("missings.txt","w")

for line in open('list.txt'):
source_file = os.path.normpath(source_dir +line)
target_file = os.path.normpath(target_dir +line)
if os.path.exists(target_file):
Can someone help my fixing my problem.

From breamoreboy at  Tue May 19 19:19:51 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 18:19:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Myplotlab issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjfrbu$r2p$>

On 19/05/2015 16:58, bgenest at wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently working with a simple program in Python (just starting out) and am getting an error message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/Users/nomargfan661/Desktop/PythonProjects/chapter3/", line 3
>      from pylab import plot,show
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 1
>      from matplotlib.pylab import *
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 269
>      from matplotlib.pyplot import *
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 29
>      from matplotlib.figure import Figure, figaspect
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 36
>      from matplotlib.axes import Axes, SubplotBase, subplot_class_factory
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 4
>      from ._subplots import *
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 10
>      from matplotlib.axes._axes import Axes
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/", line 17
>      from matplotlib.cbook import _string_to_bool, mplDeprecation
> ImportError: cannot import name _string_to_bool
> With this program, I am just trying to plot data points as written in a textbook from which I am learning.  I have installed everything properly (Python, VPython, numpy, and matplotlib (and as a result, pyplot).  The program is:
> from __future__ import division,print_function
> from pylab import plot,show
> y = [1.0,2.4,1.7,0.3,0.6,1.8]
> plot(y)
> show()
> I am running Python 2.7 and all modules are compatible with version 2.7 on Mac OS X 10.10.  I have tested other programs I have written which use VPython and numpy and I have no problems with those.  I only have one program using matplotlib, though, so I don?t know what?s wrong.  Would anybody happen to know how to help with fixing this issue?
> Thanks,
> Brandon

"There is a package called six which matplotlib depends on. Check to 
make sure it's installed...".

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 19 20:33:18 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 19:33:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] create a copying tool
In-Reply-To: <1432038003303.100200.3938@webmail4>
References: <1432038003303.100200.3938@webmail4>
Message-ID: <mjfvld$e05$>

On 19/05/15 13:20, Remco wrote:

> The source folder looks like this: (with in some cases even sub-folders or sub-sub-folders)
> D:\source\folder1
> D:\source\folder2
> D:\source\folder3
> D:\source\folder4
> D:\source\folder5
> And the list.txt looks like this: (over 250 entries in the original list file) D:\source\folder1\1.jpg D:\source\folder1\2.jpg D:\source\folder1\text3.txt D:\source\folder1\FLD\pic.tif
> In every source folder there different kind of extensions that I need to copy.

I'm assu ming the files are on separate lines and
the formatting is an email 'feature'? Please make
sure to post in plain text not HTML.

> I have written the script below, with the help of google, and the only action I see is the missings.txt that is produced.
> With in it all the files that are not copied.

> import os
> import shutil
> target_dir = r'D:\target\'
> source_dir = r'D:\source\'
> source_file = r'D:\source\list.txt'
> missing_files = open("missings.txt","w")
> for line in open('list.txt'):

Notice that this looks for a list.txt in the same folder
that the script is run from.
You probably wanted to use your source_file variable above:

for line in open(source_file):

> source_file = os.path.normpath(source_dir +line)
> target_file = os.path.normpath(target_dir +line)
> if os.path.exists(target_file):
> shutil.copyfile(source_file,target_file)
> else:
> missing_files.write(line)
> missing_files.close()

Again I assume your indentation got mangled by the
email system Please use plain text for code mails,
its impossible to reliably read your mail otherwise.

I suspect the main issue is that list.txt does not
exist in your current folder or that if it does it
doesn't have the files you expect to find in it.

What does your missing.txt say?
Which files is it failing on?

BTW It looks as if you are maybe closing missing.txt
after the first write so it only ever holds one
file? I suspect the last line should be outside
the loop. But then it may be just the indentation
that is confusing things.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From joskerc at  Tue May 19 20:52:13 2015
From: joskerc at (Jos Kerc)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 20:52:13 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] create a copying tool
In-Reply-To: <1432038003303.100200.3938@webmail4>
References: <1432038003303.100200.3938@webmail4>
Message-ID: <>


see comments below:

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:20 PM, Remco <learningpython at> wrote:
> Hello,


> import os
> import shutil
> target_dir = r'D:\target\'
> source_dir = r'D:\source\'
> source_file = r'D:\source\list.txt'

you are not using this...

> missing_files = open("missings.txt","w")
> for line in open('list.txt'):
> source_file = os.path.normpath(source_dir +line)
> target_file = os.path.normpath(target_dir +line)
> if os.path.exists(target_file):

don't you want to check if the source file is existing?

> shutil.copyfile(source_file,target_file)
> else:
> missing_files.write(line)
> missing_files.close()
> Can someone help my fixing my problem.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


From cybervigilante at  Wed May 20 01:45:07 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 16:45:07 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
Message-ID: <>

I use python help() a good deal but get tired of paging through the
__object__ stuff to get to what I use at my level, so I wrote the following
to omit it. The problem is, I want to import it then use it as
for different modules so I could just type shorthelp(modulename). Only the
import mechanism won't let me rename. I can only use the hardcoded imported
module name, shutil in this case. If I try x = anothermodule, then import
x, it doesn't work. import sys.argv[1] also doesn't work. Is there any way
to get around this? I'm mostly interested in doing this from the repl
rather than running from the console.
Py3.4 win32

import shutil  #this works to print non  __xxx  helpstrings for a module,
but I can't substitute it.
useful_helps = []
helps = dir(shutil)
for helper in helps:
    if helper[0] == '_':

for helper in useful_helps:
    print(helper.upper() + ':', helper.__doc__, '\n')


After not doing dishes for a week and washing spoon after spoon, fork after
fork, knife after knife - I suddenly understand the mathematical concept of
infinity, which is just one more damn thing after another.

From ben+python at  Wed May 20 02:18:11 2015
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 10:18:11 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP" <cybervigilante at> writes:

> I can only use the hardcoded imported module name, shutil in this
> case. If I try x = anothermodule, then import x, it doesn't work.

Can you show an example of Python code that you would like to work?

I am *guessing* you mean you want this to work::

    >>> foo = 'barmodule'
    >>> import foo

That doesn't work because the ?import? statement requires the name
directly in the source, not as a string value.

You will be pleased to know of the standard library ?importlib?

    >>> import importlib

    >>> foo = 'barmodule'
    >>> importlib.import_module(foo)

See the documentation for ?importlib? for more on this useful library

 \        ?The restriction of knowledge to an elite group destroys the |
  `\                   spirit of society and leads to its intellectual |
_o__)                                impoverishment.? ?Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

From cybervigilante at  Wed May 20 02:25:30 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 17:25:30 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 May 2015 at 17:18, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:

> You will be pleased to know of the standard library ?importlib?
> library::
>     >>> import importlib

Yes, I already got importlib to accept a string. But I can't figure how to
get dir to accept it:

>>> x = 'shutil'
>>> import importlib
>>> importlib.__import__(x)
<module 'shutil' from 'C:\\Python34\\lib\\'>

If I can get dir to accept x I can parse the output to get rid of the __xxx
stuff and print it out.


After not doing dishes for a week and washing spoon after spoon, fork after
fork, knife after knife - I suddenly understand the mathematical concept of
infinity, which is just one more damn thing after another.

From cybervigilante at  Wed May 20 02:28:55 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 17:28:55 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 May 2015 at 17:25, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP <cybervigilante at>

> If I can get dir to accept x I can parse the output to get rid of the
> __xxx stuff and print it out.

By that I mean dir will give me a list of strings I can then use __doc__ on
to get all useful help items.


After not doing dishes for a week and washing spoon after spoon, fork after
fork, knife after knife - I suddenly understand the mathematical concept of
infinity, which is just one more damn thing after another.

From __peter__ at  Wed May 20 10:02:38 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 10:02:38 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjhf33$ha2$>

Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> On 19 May 2015 at 17:25, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP
> <cybervigilante at> wrote:
>> If I can get dir to accept x I can parse the output to get rid of the
>> __xxx stuff and print it out.
> By that I mean dir will give me a list of strings I can then use __doc__
> on to get all useful help items.

If you start with an object dir() gives you a list of attribute names. To 
get the actual attributes use 

attribute = getattr(object, attribute_name)

Then print the attributes' docstring with

print(attribute_name, attribute.__doc__)

The complete example:

$ cat
import importlib

def first_line(s):
    if s is None:
        return "(NO HELP AVAILABLE)"
    return s.splitlines()[0]

def shorthelp(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, str):
        # if obj is a string, assume it's a module name
            obj = importlib.import_module(obj)
        except BaseException as err:
            # we really don't want to exit on error

    # documentation for obj
    objdoc = first_line(obj.__doc__)
    if objdoc:
        print("-" * len(objdoc))

    # documentation for the attributes of obj
    names = [name for name in dir(obj) if not name.startswith("_")]
    width = max(len(name) for name in names)
    for name in names:
        print("{:{}}  {}".format(
            name, width,
            first_line(getattr(obj, name).__doc__)))

$ python3 -i
>>> shorthelp("whatever")
No module named 'whatever'
>>> shorthelp(42)
int(x=0) -> integer
bit_length   int.bit_length() -> int
conjugate    Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.
denominator  int(x=0) -> integer
from_bytes   int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False) -> int
imag         int(x=0) -> integer
numerator    int(x=0) -> integer
real         int(x=0) -> integer
to_bytes     int.to_bytes(length, byteorder, *, signed=False) -> bytes
>>> shorthelp("pwd")
This module provides access to the Unix password database.
getpwall       getpwall() -> list_of_entries
getpwnam       getpwnam(name) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
getpwuid       getpwuid(uid) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
struct_passwd  pwd.struct_passwd: Results from getpw*() routines.
>>> shorthelp(grp)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'grp' is not defined
>>> import grp
>>> shorthelp(grp)
Access to the Unix group database.
getgrall      getgrall() -> list of tuples
getgrgid      getgrgid(id) -> tuple
getgrnam      getgrnam(name) -> tuple
struct_group  grp.struct_group: Results from getgr*() routines.

From gstc2 at  Wed May 20 04:53:00 2015
From: gstc2 at (Grace Anne St Clair-Bates)
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 19:53:00 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Help with writing a bean bag toss game in python
Message-ID: <>

Hello! I am trying to code a bean-bag toss game in python where the program
generates three random dots inside a turtle graphic. Each different hole
means a different score, but I don't know how to write the function to
calculate the total score with all three random points and display the
score on the score board. It is hard to explain, but if anyone has an idea
please let me know! thanks

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 20 11:15:58 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 10:15:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
In-Reply-To: <mjhf33$ha2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjhjce$nev$>

On 20/05/15 09:02, Peter Otten wrote:

> $ python3 -i
>>>> shorthelp("whatever")
> No module named 'whatever'
>>>> shorthelp(42)
> int(x=0) -> integer
> -------------------
> bit_length   int.bit_length() -> int
> conjugate    Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.
> denominator  int(x=0) -> integer
>>>> shorthelp("pwd")
> This module provides access to the Unix password database.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> getpwall       getpwall() -> list_of_entries
> getpwnam       getpwnam(name) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,
> getpwuid       getpwuid(uid) -> (pw_name,pw_passwd,pw_uid,

Thats pretty cool Peter. I can see me using that pretty often.
I think I'll be stealing that for my collection of useful tools. :-)

Kudos to Jim for the concept too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 20 11:25:55 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 10:25:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Help with writing a bean bag toss game in python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjhjv2$2en$>

On 20/05/15 03:53, Grace Anne St Clair-Bates wrote:
> Hello! I am trying to code a bean-bag toss game in python where the program
> generates three random dots inside a turtle graphic. Each different hole
> means a different score, but I don't know how to write the function to
> calculate the total score with all three random points and display the
> score on the score board. It is hard to explain,

One of the things you learn in programming is that you can't write code 
until you understand the concept. So before you worry about the code you 
need to think more about what you are trying to do. Once you can 
articulate the problem the solution will be easier to see.

And if you can't explain what you are trying to do there is little 
chance of us guessing what it is.

As a start you could try sketching the user interface of your game.
Name the elements. Then describe the interaction between the user
and the game. (FWIW This technique is known as writing a use-case
in software engineering) Include all the alternative outcomes for
a given action.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From lac at  Wed May 20 11:18:48 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 11:18:48 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Help with writing a bean bag toss game in python
In-Reply-To: Message from Grace Anne St Clair-Bates <> of "Tue,
 19 May 2015 19:53:00 -0700."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Tue, 19 May 2015 19:53:00 -0700, Grace Anne St Clair-Bates writ
>Hello! I am trying to code a bean-bag toss game in python where the program
>generates three random dots inside a turtle graphic. Each different hole
>means a different score, but I don't know how to write the function to
>calculate the total score with all three random points and display the
>score on the score board. It is hard to explain, but if anyone has an idea
>please let me know! thanks

Hello, and welcome.
I am a bit confused here.  Are you trying to make an electronic version
of the game pictured here:

So by 'turtle graphic' you mean a real picture of a turtle,

or are you using the python turtle module to make something else
called turtle graphics -- graphics made as if you were a turtle
crawling around the screen?

In either case, can you show us some code?

Thanks very much,
Laura Creighton

From fomcl at  Thu May 21 10:02:25 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 01:02:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor]
Message-ID: <>

Hi, features [1] and I thought it&#39;d be nice to share this here: Not sure whether I like this better than IPython Notebook, though.



From fomcl at  Thu May 21 14:55:13 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 12:55:13 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
Message-ID: <>


I would like to hide .pyc and .pyo files because they are visually distracting. Is the aforementioned command the best way? [1]. 

I know Python 3 uses __pycache__ (much better!), but I also need Python 2. And not writing bytecode files altogether using what's-that-environment-var-called-again is not an option for me. I use Debian Linux (Jessie, since today, yaaayy!)






All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 

fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


From steve at  Thu May 21 16:39:32 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 00:39:32 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:55:13PM +0000, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to hide .pyc and .pyo files because they are visually 
> distracting. Is the aforementioned command the best way? [1].

It isn't clear what you mean by "hide them".

If you mean that you want to use the ls command to get a directory 
listing, but just not see the .pyc files, then all you need is:

ls *.py

which will list the .py files and nothing else.

You can remove the .pyc and .pyo files, or move them elsewhere:

rm *.py[co]

mv *.py[co] some/other/directory/

and let Python recreate them as needed.

If you're using a GUI file manager, there may be an option to hide 
certain files. I know that KDE 3, at least, hides files starting with a 
leading dot, and backup files ending with ~ so it's quite likely that 
there's a way to hide .pyc and .pyo files. Check the documentation for 
your GUI file manager.

The command you give:

ls *.py[co] >> .hidden

doesn't hide anything. It lists the .pyc and .pyo files, but rather than 
printing to the terminal, it appends them to a file called .hidden in 
the current directory.

Ah, wait, I see! Nautilus uses the .hidden file to suppress the display 
of those files.

I wonder whether putting a single line:


inside .hidden will work? You need to try it, or ask a Gnome expert.


From bodsda at  Thu May 21 16:54:20 2015
From: bodsda at (Bod Soutar)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 15:54:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21 May 2015 at 15:39, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:55:13PM +0000, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to hide .pyc and .pyo files because they are visually
>> distracting. Is the aforementioned command the best way? [1].
> It isn't clear what you mean by "hide them".
> If you mean that you want to use the ls command to get a directory
> listing, but just not see the .pyc files, then all you need is:
> ls *.py
> which will list the .py files and nothing else.
> You can remove the .pyc and .pyo files, or move them elsewhere:
> rm *.py[co]
> mv *.py[co] some/other/directory/
> and let Python recreate them as needed.
> If you're using a GUI file manager, there may be an option to hide
> certain files. I know that KDE 3, at least, hides files starting with a
> leading dot, and backup files ending with ~ so it's quite likely that
> there's a way to hide .pyc and .pyo files. Check the documentation for
> your GUI file manager.
> The command you give:
> ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
> doesn't hide anything. It lists the .pyc and .pyo files, but rather than
> printing to the terminal, it appends them to a file called .hidden in
> the current directory.
> Ah, wait, I see! Nautilus uses the .hidden file to suppress the display
> of those files.
> I wonder whether putting a single line:
> .*py[co]
> inside .hidden will work? You need to try it, or ask a Gnome expert.
> --
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

ls *.pyc *.pso >> .hidden

should work

root at localhost:~# mkdir hide_test
root at localhost:~# cd hide_test/
root at localhost:~/hide_test# touch a.pyc b.pyc c.pyo e.txt
root at localhost:~/hide_test# ls
a.pyc  b.pyc  c.pyo  e.txt
root at localhost:~/hide_test# ls *.pyc *.pyo >> .hidden
root at localhost:~/hide_test# cat .hidden
root at localhost:~/hide_test#

As this adds specific results of ls you will need to schedule the
command through cron to get it to automatically add new files

-- Bodsda

From steve at  Thu May 21 18:11:12 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 02:11:12 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 03:54:20PM +0100, Bod Soutar wrote:

> ls *.pyc *.pso >> .hidden
> should work
> As this adds specific results of ls you will need to schedule the
> command through cron to get it to automatically add new files

Yes, but that's the point isn't it? If Nautilus understands regular 
expressions, then instead of listing every single .pyc file by name, 
potentially thousands of them, you just need a single entry:


to hide *every* .pyc file. Or use .*py[co] for .pyc and .pyo files.

If Nautilus *doesn't* understand regular expressions, well, that's just 
another example of why Gnome is not good enough for serious work.

This suggests that Nautilus doesn't accept wildcards:


From fomcl at  Thu May 21 18:28:54 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 16:28:54 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: Steven D'Aprano <steve at>
> To: tutor at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 03:54:20PM +0100, Bod Soutar wrote:
>>  ls *.pyc *.pso >> .hidden
>>  should work
> [...]
>>  As this adds specific results of ls you will need to schedule the
>>  command through cron to get it to automatically add new files
> Yes, but that's the point isn't it? If Nautilus understands regular 
> expressions, then instead of listing every single .pyc file by name, 
> potentially thousands of them, you just need a single entry:
> .*pyc
> to hide *every* .pyc file. Or use .*py[co] for .pyc and .pyo files.
> If Nautilus *doesn't* understand regular expressions, well, that's just 
> another example of why Gnome is not good enough for serious work.
> This suggests that Nautilus doesn't accept wildcards:

You're right, I just tried it:

# does NOT work:

echo *.py[co] > .hidden

# works (but you need a cronjob):

ls *.py[co] > .hidden

I just created an alias for this:
alias hidepycs="ls *.py[co] > .hidden"

No idea whether there exists some sneaky way to make Nautilius understand regexes. I could make an enhancement request, but with Debian this would become effective like 15 years later :-)


From emile at  Thu May 21 18:57:47 2015
From: emile at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 09:57:47 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjl2qe$g8$>

On 5/21/2015 9:28 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
> I just created an alias for this:
> alias hidepycs="ls *.py[co] > .hidden"

Close -- try

alias ls='ls --hide=*.py[co]'

and when you want to see them use ls -a.


From cybervigilante at  Thu May 21 21:52:44 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 12:52:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Getting import to use a variable name
In-Reply-To: <mjhf33$ha2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20 May 2015 at 01:02, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:

> If you start with an object dir() gives you a list of attribute names. To
> get the actual attributes use
> attribute = getattr(object, attribute_name)
> Then print the attributes' docstring with
> print(attribute_name, attribute.__doc__)

Thanks. That will save a lot of scrolling - and saving scrolling and typing
is half the battle ;')


From lac at  Thu May 21 17:52:35 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 17:52:35 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: Message from Bod Soutar <> of "Thu,
 21 May 2015 15:54:20 +0100."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Thu, 21 May 2015 15:54:20 +0100, Bod Soutar writes:

>ls *.pyc *.pso >> .hidden
>should work
>root at localhost:~# mkdir hide_test
>root at localhost:~# cd hide_test/
>root at localhost:~/hide_test# touch a.pyc b.pyc c.pyo e.txt
>root at localhost:~/hide_test# ls
>a.pyc  b.pyc  c.pyo  e.txt
>root at localhost:~/hide_test# ls *.pyc *.pyo >> .hidden
>root at localhost:~/hide_test# cat .hidden
>root at localhost:~/hide_test#
>As this adds specific results of ls you will need to schedule the
>command through cron to get it to automatically add new files
>-- Bodsda

If you keep appending the results of ls to your .hidden file
it will grow to enormous size.  (Cron will be happy to do that
for you. :) ) So, if all you care about
is the files you have _today_  then use > not >> so that the
file is recreated.  If, on the other hand, you want your .hidden
to list files that you had at one time, don't happen to have now,
but want to have hidden if ever you should make them again, then
you need to periodically run the commands
sort -u .hidden >newhidden #or whatever you want to call it
mv newhidden .hidden


From dyoo at  Fri May 22 01:01:17 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 16:01:17 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> ls *.pyc *.pso >> .hidden
> should work
> root at localhost:~# mkdir hide_test

[My response is completely off topic of Python; apologies.]

Hi Bod,

Be careful about running as 'root' for normal exploratory programming
or system usage.  'root' should be treated as an emergency-mode kind
of thing.

From dyoo at  Fri May 22 01:05:06 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 16:05:06 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <mjl2qe$g8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> I just created an alias for this:
>> alias hidepycs="ls *.py[co] > .hidden"
> Close -- try
> alias ls='ls --hide=*.py[co]'
> and when you want to see them use ls -a.

+1 to Emile's approach.  This seems to be the right approach, using
the "--hide" option built into ls:

              do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN
(overridden by -a or -A)

From alan.gauld at  Fri May 22 01:44:13 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 00:44:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <mjl2qe$g8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjlqkc$6ok$>

On 21/05/15 17:57, Emile van Sebille wrote:
> On 5/21/2015 9:28 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
>> I just created an alias for this:
>> alias hidepycs="ls *.py[co] > .hidden"
> Close -- try
> alias ls='ls --hide=*.py[co]'

I thought we'd established that this was to
control visibility in the File Manager GUI
not the CLI? So an 'ls' flag isn't going to
help there.

Or am I missing something?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From memilanuk at  Fri May 22 02:14:40 2015
From: memilanuk at (memilanuk)
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 17:14:40 -0700
Subject: [Tutor]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjlsdm$38g$>

On 05/21/2015 01:02 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
> Not sure whether I like this better than IPython Notebook, though.

I was given to understand that the target use / demographic was a bit 
different than with iPython...


Shiny!  Let's be bad guys.

Reach me @ memilanuk (at) gmail dot com

From cs at  Fri May 22 05:42:37 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 13:42:37 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21May2015 17:52, Laura Creighton <lac at> wrote:
>If you keep appending the results of ls to your .hidden file
>it will grow to enormous size. [...]
>sort -u .hidden >newhidden #or whatever you want to call it
>mv newhidden .hidden


  sort -u -o .hidden .hidden

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

[...] post-block actions should be allowed everywhere, not just on
subroutines. The ALWAYS keyword was agreed upon as a good way of doing
this, although POST was also suggested. This lead to the semi-inevitable
rehash of the try- catch exception handling debate. According to John
Porter, "There is no try, there is only do. :-)"
- from the perl6 development discussion

From fomcl at  Fri May 22 08:12:23 2015
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 06:12:23 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <mjlqkc$6ok$>
References: <mjlqkc$6ok$>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> To: tutor at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 1:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
> On 21/05/15 17:57, Emile van Sebille wrote:
>>  On 5/21/2015 9:28 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam via Tutor wrote:
>>>  I just created an alias for this:
>>>  alias hidepycs="ls *.py[co] > .hidden"
>>  Close -- try
>>  alias ls='ls --hide=*.py[co]'
> I thought we'd established that this was to
> control visibility in the File Manager GUI
> not the CLI? So an 'ls' flag isn't going to
> help there.

Yes, it was about the visibility in Nautilius. Much easier on the eye when the bytecode files are not visible. 

Also, I sometimes accidentally open a .pyc when I intend to open the corresponding .py.

From dyoo at  Fri May 22 18:56:15 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 09:56:15 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] ls *.py[co] >> .hidden
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mjlqkc$6ok$>
Message-ID: <>

>> I thought we'd established that this was to
>> control visibility in the File Manager GUI
>> not the CLI? So an 'ls' flag isn't going to
>> help there.
> Yes, it was about the visibility in Nautilius. Much easier on the eye when the bytecode files are not visible.

Ah, I was confused then.  Sorry: I just saw the word "Debian" and that
activated my Unix reptile brain.

From bamccaig at  Fri May 22 18:58:35 2015
From: bamccaig at (Brandon McCaig)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 12:58:35 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] key detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Sorry for the late reply, but it sounds like it could help a few people here...

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
> Many people don't realize that you can turn on a better screen copy feature
> for the CMD window (DOS box) in Windows.
> I've given up Windows, and no longer remember how, but the feature is called
> something like auto-copy and can be turned on for all DOS box windows.
> Once on, you select by dragging with the mouse, and insert by right-click.
> Still has to be a rectangle, but better than nothing when redirection lets
> you down.

The feature you're looking for is called "QuickEdit Mode". There is a
checkbox in the Options tab of the cmd.exe properties dialog. While
you're at it, I recommend configuring the cursor size and optionally
the command buffer size. Then switch tabs and see if you can configure
a better font. Then switch to the layout tab and hard-code a
full-screen size for the window. Everybody knows the stupid cmd.exe
window cannot be dynamically sized, but you can manually configure the
screen buffer and window size to get something much more friendly.
cmd.exe sucks, but if you take a few minutes to configure it then it
sucks considerably less. Add clink to make it suck a bit less still.



Brandon McCaig <bamccaig at> <bamccaig at>
Castopulence Software <>
Blog <>
perl -E '$_=q{V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. }.
q{Vg qbrfa'\''g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.};

From cybervigilante at  Sat May 23 07:56:44 2015
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP)
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 22:56:44 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
Message-ID: <>

'''I was using with open...:, but I'm printing a header in one function,
calling a looping
function to print detail lines, then returning to the calling function to
the footer. But that didn't work since the with statement only seems to work
with the lexical suite and the file wasn't open in the detail print
function. Is there
a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here? Also, is it a
good idea to pass a file handle like that or is there a better way?

Using the below csv file  co2-sample.csv  to print a simple HTML table
(header omitted)
Since this is a file there are enclosing single quotes not visible:

"BAHAMAS, THE",1,1,1,1,1

Program follows (py3.4, winxp):'''

htbegin = '''
table, td {border:2px solid black; border-collapse:collapse;}
td {padding:3px; background-color:pink;
td.l {text-align:left}


htend = '''

def make_lines():
    co2 = open('co2-sample.csv')
    ht = open('output.html', 'w')
    linelist = []
    print(htbegin, file=ht)
    for line in co2:
        newlist = line.rsplit(',', 5) # ending is regular so split it out
        for token in newlist:         # since split char inside quotes for
nation is problematic
            linelist.append(token.strip('"')) # get rid of extra quotes
            linelist[-1] = linelist[-1].strip()
        fprint(linelist, ht)
        linelist = []
    print(htend, file=ht)

def fprint(linelist, ht):
    # size formatting irrelevant for HTML
    formatted_string = "<td
    print(formatted_string, file=ht)
    print('</tr>', file=ht)

if __name__ == "__main__":


From __peter__ at  Sat May 23 08:55:06 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 08:55:06 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjp88b$bq0$>

Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> '''I was using with open...:, but I'm printing a header in one function,
> calling a looping
> function to print detail lines, then returning to the calling function to
> print
> the footer. But that didn't work since the with statement only seems to
> work with the lexical suite and the file wasn't open in the detail print
> function. Is there
> a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here? Also, is it
> a good idea to pass a file handle like that or is there a better way?

Something else must have gone wrong as

def make_lines():
    with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
        with open('output.html', 'w') as ht:
            linelist = []
            print(htbegin, file=ht)
            for line in co2:
                newlist = line.rsplit(',', 5)
                for token in newlist:
                    linelist[-1] = linelist[-1].strip()
                fprint(linelist, ht)
                linelist = []
            print(htend, file=ht)

should run without error. Also possible:

    with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2, open('output.html', 'w') as ht:

But may I suggest that you delegate parsing the CSV to the standard library? 
Then you can write

import csv

def make_lines():
    with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
        rows = csv.reader(co2)
        with open('output.html', 'w') as ht:
            print(htbegin, file=ht)
            for linelist in rows:
                fprint(linelist, ht)
            print(htend, file=ht)

> Using the below csv file  co2-sample.csv  to print a simple HTML table
> (header omitted)
> Since this is a file there are enclosing single quotes not visible:
> "ARGENTINA",37,35,33,36,39
> "BAHAMAS, THE",1,1,1,1,1
> "BAHRAIN",5,6,6,6,6
> Program follows (py3.4, winxp):'''
> htbegin = '''
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>htest</title>
> <style>
> table, td {border:2px solid black; border-collapse:collapse;}
> td {padding:3px; background-color:pink;
> text-align:right;font-family:verdana;}
> td.l {text-align:left}
> </style>
> </head>
> <body>
> <table>
> '''
> htend = '''
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
> '''
> def make_lines():
>     co2 = open('co2-sample.csv')
>     ht = open('output.html', 'w')
>     linelist = []
>     print(htbegin, file=ht)
>     for line in co2:
>         newlist = line.rsplit(',', 5) # ending is regular so split it out
> first
>         for token in newlist:         # since split char inside quotes for
> nation is problematic
>             linelist.append(token.strip('"')) # get rid of extra quotes
>             linelist[-1] = linelist[-1].strip()
>         fprint(linelist, ht)
>         linelist = []
>     co2.close()
>     print(htend, file=ht)
>     ht.close()
> def fprint(linelist, ht):
>     # size formatting irrelevant for HTML
>     formatted_string = "<td
>     print(formatted_string, file=ht)
>     print('</tr>', file=ht)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     make_lines()

From breamoreboy at  Sat May 23 09:02:22 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 08:02:22 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjp8m7$hk8$>

On 23/05/2015 06:56, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> '''I was using with open...:, but I'm printing a header in one function,
> calling a looping
> function to print detail lines, then returning to the calling function to
> print
> the footer. But that didn't work since the with statement only seems to work
> with the lexical suite and the file wasn't open in the detail print
> function. Is there
> a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here? Also, is it a
> good idea to pass a file handle like that or is there a better way?

Will you please be precise about the problems that you have, "that 
didn't work" is usually less than useless.  However on this occasion it 
seems that all you have to do is pass the file handle, it's a standard 
way of doing things.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 23 11:27:54 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 10:27:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjph6p$c27$>

On 23/05/15 06:56, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:
> '''I was using with open...:, but I'm printing a header in one function,
> calling a looping
> function to print detail lines, then returning to the calling function to
> print
> the footer. But that didn't work since the with statement only seems to work
> with the lexical suite and the file wasn't open in the detail print
> function.

What does that mean? Did you get an error message? If so what?
Was the file empty? What happened? Be specific.

> a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here?

Passing the file object around is good, its not "a way around".
Its what you should be doing. Passing objects into functions and getting 
a result back is what good programming encourages.
Leaking objects across function boundaries from the outside
(eg with global variables) is bad and should be avoided.

> Since this is a file there are enclosing single quotes not visible:

I don't know what you mean by that.
What is a file? The data below?
Why would that put it in enclosing quotes?

> "ARGENTINA",37,35,33,36,39
> "BAHAMAS, THE",1,1,1,1,1
> "BAHRAIN",5,6,6,6,6
> Program follows (py3.4, winxp):'''
> htbegin = '''
> '''

> htend = '''

> '''
> def make_lines():
>      co2 = open('co2-sample.csv')
>      ht = open('output.html', 'w')
>      linelist = []
>      print(htbegin, file=ht)

Why not just write to the file directly?


>      for line in co2:
>          newlist = line.rsplit(',', 5) # ending is regular so split it out
> first
>          for token in newlist:         # since split char inside quotes for
> nation is problematic

Use the csv file to parse csv files, it is much more reliable and avoids 
all the strange exceptional cases such as embedded commas,
split lines etc.

>              linelist.append(token.strip('"')) # get rid of extra quotes
>              linelist[-1] = linelist[-1].strip()
>          fprint(linelist, ht)
>          linelist = []

I don't think resetting the list adds much value?

>      co2.close()
>      print(htend, file=ht)


>      ht.close()
> def fprint(linelist, ht):
>      # size formatting irrelevant for HTML
>      formatted_string = "<td
> class=l>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>".format(*linelist)

your table has no rows, is that deliberate? I'd expect a <tr> at the 

>      print(formatted_string, file=ht)


>      print('</tr>', file=ht)

and now you add a </tr> at the end. Why not just put it
inside the string?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From __peter__ at  Sat May 23 11:52:48 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 11:52:48 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
References: <>
Message-ID: <mjpilj$nj$>

Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP wrote:

> function. Is there
> a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here? Also, is it
> a good idea to pass a file handle like that or is there a better way?

Not necessarily better, but instead of passing around the file you can 
rewrite your code to use generators:

import csv

def make_lines():
    with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
        yield htbegin
        for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
            yield from fprint(linelist)
        yield htend

def fprint(linelist):
    yield ("<td class=l>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>"
    yield '</tr>\n'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open('output.html', 'w') as ht:

Python versions before 3.3 don't understand

yield from fprint(linelist)

You have to write

for s in fprint(linelist):
    yield s


From cs at  Sat May 23 08:17:26 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 23 May 2015 16:17:26 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a way to use "with" across suite boundaries?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22May2015 22:56, Jim Mooney Py3.4.3winXP <cybervigilante at> wrote:
>'''I was using with open...:, but I'm printing a header in one function,
>calling a looping
>function to print detail lines, then returning to the calling function to
>the footer. But that didn't work since the with statement only seems to work
>with the lexical suite and the file wasn't open in the detail print
>function. Is there
>a way around this, other than passing the file as I have here? Also, is it a
>good idea to pass a file handle like that or is there a better way?

It is just fine. Example:

  with open("blah", "w") as blahfp:
    print("header", file=blahfp)
    print_details(blahfp, ...)
    print("footer", file=blahfp)

  def print_details(fp, blah_info):
    ... loop using blah_info to write data to "fp"

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From kaushik.halder at  Tue May 26 08:21:06 2015
From: kaushik.halder at (kaushik.halder at
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 06:21:06 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Request Advice on Python Feasibility
Message-ID: <>

Hello Sir,

We are in process of building a recommendation engine based on text analytics and sentiment analytics .
Analytics Engine having Sentiment Analytics and Text Analytics should further have following few requirements

i. The Analytics engine should able to connect REST Web server and SQL DB . Ideally it should get exposed by REST Web Service.
ii. Analytics Engine should run Parallel in Cluster form
iii. Analytics Engine should have Strong Corpus , should able to recognize "Key words and Phrases" and should able to find correlation between words
iv . Analytics Engine should be portable in Big Data environment and should have high throughput .

Please suggest if Python can help in achieving above requirements . Thanks a lot

With Regards

Kaushik halder


This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise confidential information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of the e-mail by you is prohibited. Where allowed by local law, electronic communications with Accenture and its affiliates, including e-mail and instant messaging (including content), may be scanned by our systems for the purposes of information security and assessment of internal compliance with Accenture policy.

From breamoreboy at  Tue May 26 09:50:07 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 08:50:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Request Advice on Python Feasibility
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk18jr$otq$>

On 26/05/2015 07:21, kaushik.halder at wrote:
> Hello Sir,
> Greetings.
> We are in process of building a recommendation engine based on text analytics and sentiment analytics .
> Analytics Engine having Sentiment Analytics and Text Analytics should further have following few requirements
> i. The Analytics engine should able to connect REST Web server and SQL DB . Ideally it should get exposed by REST Web Service.
> ii. Analytics Engine should run Parallel in Cluster form
> iii. Analytics Engine should have Strong Corpus , should able to recognize "Key words and Phrases" and should able to find correlation between words
> iv . Analytics Engine should be portable in Big Data environment and should have high throughput .
> Please suggest if Python can help in achieving above requirements . Thanks a lot
> With Regards
> Kaushik halder
> 9836181515

You're on the wrong list as this is for beginners to the Python language 
and its standard library.  Please try which is also 
available as gmane.comp.python.general.

Having said that do you want something like this ?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 26 10:07:41 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 09:07:41 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Request Advice on Python Feasibility
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk19kc$cb9$>

On 26/05/15 07:21, kaushik.halder at wrote:

> We are in process of building a recommendation engine based on text analytics and sentiment analytics .
> Analytics Engine having Sentiment Analytics and Text Analytics should further have following few requirements

There are third party libraries for analysing text in Python.
They may be of some use to you, but without understanding your
detailed requirements we cannot be sure. Try a search on
Google and/or PyPI.

> i. The Analytics engine should able to connect REST Web server and SQL DB .

Python supports access to most SQL databases (and several
NoSQL options too).
By "connecting" a REST web server doi you mean you want to make Rest 
calls to a specific web server or do you mean you want your analytic 
engine to be accessed via a REST web server? If the former it is the 
standard http access engines and the standard library supports that.
If its the latter then there are many Python web frameworks, most of 
which support some form of RESTful operation. You will need to research 
web frameworks to decide which best suits your needs.

> Ideally it should get exposed by REST Web Service.

See above

> ii. Analytics Engine should run Parallel in Cluster form

This is up to you to design. Parallel computing is a complex
topic, and difficult to get right in any language, but the
general principles of map-reduce would seem to fit your

> iii. Analytics Engine should have Strong Corpus ,
> should able to recognize "Key words and Phrases"
> and should able to find correlation between words

The toolkits mentioned above may help with this but ultimately
you will need to program this, its what will make your platform

> iv . Analytics Engine should be portable in Big Data environment
 > and should have high throughput .

Depends on your idea of big data and your definition of 'high'
Python supports access to many popular noSQL databases as
typically used in big data projects.

> Please suggest if Python can help in achieving above requirements

Yes, it can help, but it won't do the job for you. And you will 
certainly need to research and use some third party packages.

This mailing list os probably not the best source for information
since it is aimed at beginners using the core language and
the standard library. I suggest you ask for more help oin either the 
main Python list or, once you select your toolkits (web,text,data),
on their specific support fora.

Finally you could consider a multi-language approach with
Python acting as the glue. Especially if you want very
high performance or decide to use a non python engine
for part of the solution.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From richkappler at  Wed May 27 15:26:15 2015
From: richkappler at (richard kappler)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 09:26:15 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Extracting data between strings
Message-ID: <>

I'm writing a script that reads from an in-service log file in xml format
that can grow to a couple gigs in 24 hours, then gets zipped out and
restarts at zero. My script must check to see if new entries have been
made, find specific lines based on 2 different start tags, and from those
lines extract data between the start and end tags (hopefully including the
tags) and write it to a file. I've got the script to read the file, see if
it's grown, find the appropriate lines and write them to a file. I  still
need to strip out just the data I need (between the open and close tags)
instead of writing the entire line, and also to reset eof when the nightly
zip / new log file creation occurs. I could use some guidance on stripping
out the data, at the moment I'm pretty lost, and I've got an idea about the
nightly reset but any comments about that would be welcome as well. Oh, and
the painful bit is that I can't use any modules that aren't included in the
initial Python install. My code is appended below.

regards, Richard

import time

while True:
    #open the log file containing the data
    file = open('log.txt', 'r')
    #find inital End Of File offset,2)
    eof = file.tell()
    #set the file size again,2)
    neweof = file.tell()
    #if the file is larger...
    if neweof > eof:
        #go back to last position...
# open file to which the lines will be appended
        f1 = open('newlog.txt', 'a')
# read new lines in log.txt
        for line in file.readlines():
            #check if line contains needed data
            if "usertag1" in line or "SeMsg" in line:

#### this should extract the data between usertag1 and  ####
#### and /usertag1, and between SeMsg and /SeMsg,       ####
#### writing just that data to the new file for         ####
#### analysis. For now, write entire line to file       ####

                # if yes, send line to new file
        # update log.txt file size
        eof = neweof

#### need an elif for when neweof < eof (nightly       ####
#### reset of log file) that continues loop with reset ####
#### eof and neweof                                    ####
    # wait x number of seconds until back to begining of loop
    # set at ten for dev and test, set to 300 for production

From steve at  Wed May 27 16:38:43 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 00:38:43 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Extracting data between strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Richard,

I'm not sure how advanced you are, whether you have any experience or if 
you're a total beginner. If anything I say below doesn't make sense, 
please ask! Keep your replies on the list, and somebody will be happy to 

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 09:26:15AM -0400, richard kappler wrote:

> I'm writing a script that reads from an in-service log file in xml format
> that can grow to a couple gigs in 24 hours, then gets zipped out and
> restarts at zero.

Please be more specific -- does the log file already get zipped up each 
day, and you have to read from it, or is your script responsible for 
reading AND zipping it up?

The best solution to this is to use your operating system's logrotate 
command to zip up and rotate the logs. On Linux, Mac OS X and many Unix 
systems, logrotate is a standard utility. You should use that, it is 
reliable, configurable, heavily tested and debugged and better than 
anything you will write.

On Windows, I don't now if there is any equivalent to logrotate. 
Probably not -- Windows standard utilities is painfully impoverished and 
underpowered compared to what Linux and many Unixes provide as standard.

If you must write your own logrotate, just write a script that zips up 
and renames the log file. At *most*, check whether the file is "big 
enough". In pseudo-code:

if the file is more than X bytes in size:
    rename the log to log.temp
    create a new log file for the process to write to
    zip up log.temp as
check for any old files that need deleting
(e.g. "keep maximum of five log files, deleting the oldest")

Then use your operating system's scheduler to schedule this script to 
run every day at (say) 3am. Don't schedule anything between 1am and 3pm! 
If you do, then when daylight savings changes, it may run twice, or not 
run at all. Again, Linux and Unix have a standard scheduler, cron; I 
expect that even Windows will have one of those too.

The point being, don't re-invent the wheel! If your system already has a 
log rotator, use that; if it has a scheduler, use that; only if it lacks 
both should you write your own.

To read the config settings (e.g. how big is X bytes?), use the 
configparser module. To do the zipping, use the zipfile module. shutil 
and os modules will also be useful. Do you need more pointers or is that 
enough to get you started?

Now, on to the script that extracts data from the logs... 

> My script must check to see if new entries have been
> made, find specific lines based on 2 different start tags, and from those
> lines extract data between the start and end tags (hopefully including the
> tags) and write it to a file. I've got the script to read the file, see if
> it's grown, find the appropriate lines and write them to a file. 

It's probably better to use a directory listener rather than keep 
scanning the file over and over again.

Perhaps you can adapt this?

More comments below:

> I  still
> need to strip out just the data I need (between the open and close tags)
> instead of writing the entire line, and also to reset eof when the nightly
> zip / new log file creation occurs. I could use some guidance on stripping
> out the data, at the moment I'm pretty lost, and I've got an idea about the
> nightly reset but any comments about that would be welcome as well. Oh, and
> the painful bit is that I can't use any modules that aren't included in the
> initial Python install. My code is appended below.
> regards, Richard
> import time
> while True:
>     #open the log file containing the data
>     file = open('log.txt', 'r')
>     #find inital End Of File offset
>     eof = file.tell()
>     #set the file size again
>     neweof = file.tell()
>     #if the file is larger...

You can tell how big the file is without opening it:

import os
filesize = os.path.getsize('path/to/file')

>     if neweof > eof:
>         #go back to last position...
> # open file to which the lines will be appended
>         f1 = open('newlog.txt', 'a')
> # read new lines in log.txt
>         for line in file.readlines():

For huge files, it is ****MUCH**** more efficient to write:

    for line in file: ... 

than to use file.readlines().

>             #check if line contains needed data
>             if "usertag1" in line or "SeMsg" in line:
> ############################################################
> #### this should extract the data between usertag1 and  ####
> #### and /usertag1, and between SeMsg and /SeMsg,       ####
> #### writing just that data to the new file for         ####
> #### analysis. For now, write entire line to file       ####
> ############################################################

You say "between usertag1 ... AND between SeMsg..." -- what if only one 
set of tags are available? I'm going to assume that it's possible that 
both tags could exist.

for line in file:
    for tag in ("usertag1", "SeMsg"):
        if tag in line:
            start = line.find(tag)
            end = line.find("/" + tag, start)
            if end == -1:
                 print("warning: /%d found!" % tag)
                 data = line[start:end+len(tag)+1]

Does this help?


From richkappler at  Wed May 27 16:52:40 2015
From: richkappler at (richard kappler)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 10:52:40 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Extracting data between strings
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Hi Richard,

I'm not sure how advanced you are, whether you have any experience or if
you're a total beginner. If anything I say below doesn't make sense,
please ask! Keep your replies on the list, and somebody will be happy to

In between. I've been learning Python off and on as a hobby for about 4-5
years, learning what I need to know to do what I want to do, but I just
took a new job and part of it requires ramping up my Python knowledge as
I'm the only Python (and Linux) guy here.

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 09:26:15AM -0400, richard kappler wrote:

> I'm writing a script that reads from an in-service log file in xml format
> that can grow to a couple gigs in 24 hours, then gets zipped out and
> restarts at zero.

Please be more specific -- does the log file already get zipped up each
day, and you have to read from it, or is your script responsible for
reading AND zipping it up?

No, all I have to do is read it and recognize when it gets emptied
(zipped). The Linux system its on already rotates and zips. My script just
needs to extract the specific data we're looking for.

Now, on to the script that extracts data from the logs...

> My script must check to see if new entries have been
> made, find specific lines based on 2 different start tags, and from those
> lines extract data between the start and end tags (hopefully including the
> tags) and write it to a file. I've got the script to read the file, see if
> it's grown, find the appropriate lines and write them to a file.

It's probably better to use a directory listener rather than keep
scanning the file over and over again.

Perhaps you can adapt this?

I'll check it out, thanks.

More comments below:

> I  still
> need to strip out just the data I need (between the open and close tags)
> instead of writing the entire line, and also to reset eof when the nightly
> zip / new log file creation occurs. I could use some guidance on stripping
> out the data, at the moment I'm pretty lost, and I've got an idea about
> nightly reset but any comments about that would be welcome as well. Oh,
> the painful bit is that I can't use any modules that aren't included in
> initial Python install. My code is appended below.
> regards, Richard
> import time
> while True:
>     #open the log file containing the data
>     file = open('log.txt', 'r')
>     #find inital End Of File offset
>     eof = file.tell()
>     #set the file size again
>     neweof = file.tell()
>     #if the file is larger...

You can tell how big the file is without opening it:

import os
filesize = os.path.getsize('path/to/file')

Brilliant! We were just discussing the potential interference and overhead
of opening and closing the file more frequently than 5 minutes, this solves
that problem.

>     if neweof > eof:
>         #go back to last position...
> # open file to which the lines will be appended
>         f1 = open('newlog.txt', 'a')
> # read new lines in log.txt
>         for line in file.readlines():

For huge files, it is ****MUCH**** more efficient to write:

    for line in file: ...

than to use file.readlines().


>             #check if line contains needed data
>             if "usertag1" in line or "SeMsg" in line:
> ############################################################
> #### this should extract the data between usertag1 and  ####
> #### and /usertag1, and between SeMsg and /SeMsg,       ####
> #### writing just that data to the new file for         ####
> #### analysis. For now, write entire line to file       ####
> ############################################################

>You say "between usertag1 ... AND between SeMsg..." -- what if only one
>set of tags are available? I'm going to assume that it's possible that
>both tags could exist.

Right, I should have been more specific, sorry. Each line will contain one
or the other or neither, never both.

for line in file:
    for tag in ("usertag1", "SeMsg"):
        if tag in line:
            start = line.find(tag)
            end = line.find("/" + tag, start)
            if end == -1:
                 print("warning: /%d found!" % tag)
                 data = line[start:end+len(tag)+1]

Does this help?

I think it does, I'll go give it a try and post back this afternoon. Thanks

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at>

> Hi Richard,
> I'm not sure how advanced you are, whether you have any experience or if
> you're a total beginner. If anything I say below doesn't make sense,
> please ask! Keep your replies on the list, and somebody will be happy to
> answer.
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 09:26:15AM -0400, richard kappler wrote:
> > I'm writing a script that reads from an in-service log file in xml format
> > that can grow to a couple gigs in 24 hours, then gets zipped out and
> > restarts at zero.
> Please be more specific -- does the log file already get zipped up each
> day, and you have to read from it, or is your script responsible for
> reading AND zipping it up?
> The best solution to this is to use your operating system's logrotate
> command to zip up and rotate the logs. On Linux, Mac OS X and many Unix
> systems, logrotate is a standard utility. You should use that, it is
> reliable, configurable, heavily tested and debugged and better than
> anything you will write.
> On Windows, I don't now if there is any equivalent to logrotate.
> Probably not -- Windows standard utilities is painfully impoverished and
> underpowered compared to what Linux and many Unixes provide as standard.
> If you must write your own logrotate, just write a script that zips up
> and renames the log file. At *most*, check whether the file is "big
> enough". In pseudo-code:
> #
> if the file is more than X bytes in size:
>     rename the log to log.temp
>     create a new log file for the process to write to
>     zip up log.temp as
> check for any old files that need deleting
> (e.g. "keep maximum of five log files, deleting the oldest")
> Then use your operating system's scheduler to schedule this script to
> run every day at (say) 3am. Don't schedule anything between 1am and 3pm!
> If you do, then when daylight savings changes, it may run twice, or not
> run at all. Again, Linux and Unix have a standard scheduler, cron; I
> expect that even Windows will have one of those too.
> The point being, don't re-invent the wheel! If your system already has a
> log rotator, use that; if it has a scheduler, use that; only if it lacks
> both should you write your own.
> To read the config settings (e.g. how big is X bytes?), use the
> configparser module. To do the zipping, use the zipfile module. shutil
> and os modules will also be useful. Do you need more pointers or is that
> enough to get you started?
> Now, on to the script that extracts data from the logs...
> > My script must check to see if new entries have been
> > made, find specific lines based on 2 different start tags, and from those
> > lines extract data between the start and end tags (hopefully including
> the
> > tags) and write it to a file. I've got the script to read the file, see
> if
> > it's grown, find the appropriate lines and write them to a file.
> It's probably better to use a directory listener rather than keep
> scanning the file over and over again.
> Perhaps you can adapt this?
> More comments below:
> > I  still
> > need to strip out just the data I need (between the open and close tags)
> > instead of writing the entire line, and also to reset eof when the
> nightly
> > zip / new log file creation occurs. I could use some guidance on
> stripping
> > out the data, at the moment I'm pretty lost, and I've got an idea about
> the
> > nightly reset but any comments about that would be welcome as well. Oh,
> and
> > the painful bit is that I can't use any modules that aren't included in
> the
> > initial Python install. My code is appended below.
> >
> > regards, Richard
> >
> >
> > import time
> >
> > while True:
> >     #open the log file containing the data
> >     file = open('log.txt', 'r')
> >     #find inital End Of File offset
> >,2)
> >     eof = file.tell()
> >     #set the file size again
> >,2)
> >     neweof = file.tell()
> >     #if the file is larger...
> You can tell how big the file is without opening it:
> import os
> filesize = os.path.getsize('path/to/file')
> >     if neweof > eof:
> >         #go back to last position...
> >
> > # open file to which the lines will be appended
> >         f1 = open('newlog.txt', 'a')
> > # read new lines in log.txt
> >         for line in file.readlines():
> For huge files, it is ****MUCH**** more efficient to write:
>     for line in file: ...
> than to use file.readlines().
> >             #check if line contains needed data
> >             if "usertag1" in line or "SeMsg" in line:
> >
> > ############################################################
> > #### this should extract the data between usertag1 and  ####
> > #### and /usertag1, and between SeMsg and /SeMsg,       ####
> > #### writing just that data to the new file for         ####
> > #### analysis. For now, write entire line to file       ####
> > ############################################################
> You say "between usertag1 ... AND between SeMsg..." -- what if only one
> set of tags are available? I'm going to assume that it's possible that
> both tags could exist.
> for line in file:
>     for tag in ("usertag1", "SeMsg"):
>         if tag in line:
>             start = line.find(tag)
>             end = line.find("/" + tag, start)
>             if end == -1:
>                  print("warning: /%d found!" % tag)
>             else:
>                  data = line[start:end+len(tag)+1]
>                  f1.write(data)
> Does this help?
> --
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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Windows assumes you are an idiot?Linux demands proof.

From __peter__ at  Wed May 27 18:43:52 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 18:43:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Extracting data between strings
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk4s8o$au5$>

richard kappler wrote:

> I'm writing a script that reads from an in-service log file in xml format
> that can grow to a couple gigs in 24 hours, then gets zipped out and
> restarts at zero. My script must check to see if new entries have been
> made, find specific lines based on 2 different start tags, and from those
> lines extract data between the start and end tags (hopefully including the
> tags) and write it to a file. I've got the script to read the file, see if
> it's grown, find the appropriate lines and write them to a file. I  still
> need to strip out just the data I need (between the open and close tags)
> instead of writing the entire line, and also to reset eof when the nightly
> zip / new log file creation occurs. I could use some guidance on stripping
> out the data, at the moment I'm pretty lost, and I've got an idea about
> the nightly reset but any comments about that would be welcome as well.
> Oh, and the painful bit is that I can't use any modules that aren't
> included in the initial Python install. My code is appended below.

You'll probably end up with something closer to your original idea and 
Steven's suggestions, but let me just state that the idea of a line and xml 
exist in two distinct worlds. Here's my (sketchy) attempt to treat xml as 
xml rather than lines in a text file. (I got some hints here:

import os
import sys
import time

from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, tostring

class Rollover(Exception):

class File:
    def __init__(self, filename, sleepinterval=1):
        self.size = 0
        self.sleepinterval = sleepinterval
        self.filename = filename
        self.file = open(filename, "rb")

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, etype, evalue, traceback):

    def read(self, size=0):
        while True:
            s =
            if s:
                return s

    def check_rollover(self):
        newsize = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
        if newsize < self.size:
            raise Rollover()
        self.size = newsize

WANTED_TAGS = {"usertag1", "SeMsg"}

while True:
        with File("log.txt") as f:
            context = iterparse(f, events=("start", "end"))
            event, root = next(context)
            wanted_count = 0

            for event, element in context:
                if event == "start" and element.tag in WANTED_TAGS:
                    wanted_count += 1
                    assert event == "end"
                    if element.tag in WANTED_TAGS:
                        wanted_count -= 1
                        print( tostring(element))
                if wanted_count == 0:
    except Rollover as err:
        print("doing a rollover", file=sys.stderr)

From lac at  Wed May 27 17:09:48 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 17:09:48 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Extracting data between strings
In-Reply-To: Message from richard kappler <> of "Wed,
 27 May 2015 10:52:40 -0400."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Wed, 27 May 2015 10:52:40 -0400, richard kappler writes:

>Windows assumes you are an idiot?Linux demands proof.

We're all rolling on the floor laughing from this one.  Is it
original with you?

Thank you.

From robertvstepp at  Wed May 27 23:42:49 2015
From: robertvstepp at (boB Stepp)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 16:42:49 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] How to close a Tkinter window from a different thread?
In-Reply-To: <mh28pc$cq5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Python 2.4.4, Solaris 10

I realize that this is a bit old, but I got severely sidetracked! ~(:>)

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> I would suggest forgetting about windows and think about
> the processes that create them. Use the OS tools (via
> the os module) to see if the first process is still running.
> If so kill the process - which will in turn kill the window.

Is this a reasonable way to determine if a given pid is still active?
I found this at:

import os

def check_pid(pid):
    """ Check For the existence of a unix pid. """
        os.kill(pid, 0)
    except OSError:
        return False
        return True

I realize that this will also return True if I don't have permissions
to kill, or some such.

> You can find the process based on its name or based on
> its PID which you could store in a file somewhere
> (like in /tmp?)

I can implement this, but thinking about this anew has led to a
concern. Hypothetically, if I check for the existence of a running
process based on this stored pid, what is the likelihood that the pid
will be reassigned to something other than one of my program's windows
left open?


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu May 28 00:27:46 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 23:27:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
Message-ID: <>

On 23 May 2015 at 10:52, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> import csv

I'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
like make_lines below be discouraged?

> def make_lines():
>     with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
>         yield htbegin
>         for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
>             yield from fprint(linelist)
>         yield htend
> def fprint(linelist):
>     yield ("<td class=l>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>"
>            "<td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>\n").format(*linelist)
>     yield '</tr>\n'

There's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
allow anything else to occur".

Using yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
statement pointless: either way we're really depending on __del__ to
execute the finalisation code. So it with or without the with
statement it will work fine on CPython. On other implementations it
may or may not close the file with or without the with statement. IOW
the with statement is not able to provide the guarantees normally
expected of it when used this way.

It's usually fairly trivial to rearrange things so that this doesn't happen:

def wrap_header_footer(fin):
    yield htbegin
    for linelist in csv.reader(fin):
        yield from fprint(linelist)
    yield htend


From cs at  Thu May 28 00:50:02 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 08:50:02 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27May2015 23:27, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
>On 23 May 2015 at 10:52, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
>> import csv
>I'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
>like make_lines below be discouraged?

In my opinion, no.

>> def make_lines():
>>     with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
>>         yield htbegin
>>         for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
>>             yield from fprint(linelist)
>>         yield htend
>> def fprint(linelist):
>>     yield ("<td class=l>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>"
>>            "<td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td>{}</td>\n").format(*linelist)
>>     yield '</tr>\n'
>There's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
>statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
>finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
>without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
>allow anything else to occur".

Not really. Yield passes a return value back to the iterator user and _pauses_ 
execution of the generator. The generator's execution context is _still_ inside 
the "with".

Certainly if the user/consumer of the generator does not consume all the way to 
the end then the "with" exit code won't fire. At least in a timely fashion; 
might it fire during the cleanup phase? I'd think so.

However, the common circumstance is that the consumer does run to the end of 
the iterator, and therefore the "with" exit process _will_ run when because 
that is a standard part of the generator's execution.

BTW, I think including the fprint() function here is a furphy; it doesn't 
affect the issue discussed.

>Using yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
>statement pointless:

This is not true.

>either way we're really depending on __del__ to
>execute the finalisation code. So it with or without the with
>statement it will work fine on CPython. On other implementations it
>may or may not close the file with or without the with statement. IOW
>the with statement is not able to provide the guarantees normally
>expected of it when used this way.

If make_lines() above runs to completion then the "with" exit process will also 
run and everything will be fine.

It is only when make_lines() is not completely consumed that the file may not 
be closed in a timely fashion.

Why? Because the consumer does not get to see end-of-iterator until 
make_lines() actually returns, and that directly implies completion of the 
"with" exit phase.

>It's usually fairly trivial to rearrange things so that this doesn't happen:
>def wrap_header_footer(fin):
>    yield htbegin
>    for linelist in csv.reader(fin):
>        yield from fprint(linelist)
>    yield htend

I would not encourage this kind of thing except in quite special circumstance.  
For your example, failure to completely consume make_ines() will result in 
invalid HTML output (missing closing "htend", for example). So the result of 
the entire process will be invalid anyway, with the leaked open file just 
another side effect.

Normally (ignoring unbounded iterators), the same scenario will apply: you 
always iterate to the end of somehting like your example because to do 
otherwise will usually result in an invalid/incorrect final result. So while 
technically the risk you describe exists, in practice it will almost never 
occur unless the larger program outcome also results in failure of some kind.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

I object to doing things that computers can do. - Olin Shivers

From cs at  Thu May 28 01:03:52 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 09:03:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to close a Tkinter window from a different thread?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27May2015 16:42, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at> wrote:
>Python 2.4.4, Solaris 10
>I realize that this is a bit old, but I got severely sidetracked! ~(:>)
>On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>> I would suggest forgetting about windows and think about
>> the processes that create them. Use the OS tools (via
>> the os module) to see if the first process is still running.
>> If so kill the process - which will in turn kill the window.
>Is this a reasonable way to determine if a given pid is still active?
>I found this at:
>import os
>def check_pid(pid):
>    """ Check For the existence of a unix pid. """
>    try:
>        os.kill(pid, 0)
>    except OSError:
>        return False
>    else:
>        return True
>I realize that this will also return True if I don't have permissions
>to kill, or some such.

Yes it is reasonable and normal. However the clean way to do it involves an 
extra test:

         os.kill(pid, 0)
     except except OSError as e:
         if e.errno == errno.EPERM:
           return True
         return False
         return True

Do bear in mind that process ids repeat. So on a busy system (or if your own 
program is very long lived and the original process exited a long time ago) you 
might be polling that pid as used by something unrelated.

However, if you started the process directly and it has not been wait()ed for, 
then the pid will not be available for reuse and you will be ok.

>> You can find the process based on its name or based on
>> its PID which you could store in a file somewhere
>> (like in /tmp?)
>I can implement this, but thinking about this anew has led to a
>concern. Hypothetically, if I check for the existence of a running
>process based on this stored pid, what is the likelihood that the pid
>will be reassigned to something other than one of my program's windows
>left open?

As discussed above. Possible but unlikely. And if you are the creator of the 
original process you can control the situation.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

Processes are like potatoes.    - NCR device driver manual

From steve at  Thu May 28 04:12:40 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 12:12:40 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:27:46PM +0100, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> I'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
> like make_lines below be discouraged?
> > def make_lines():
> >     with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
> >         yield htbegin
> >         for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
> >             yield from fprint(linelist)
> >         yield htend
> There's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
> statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
> finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
> without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
> allow anything else to occur".

No, I think you have misunderstood the situation, and perhaps been 
fooled by two different usages of the English word "exit".

Let me put it this way:

with open(somefile) as f:
    text = f.write()  # here 

In the line marked "here", execution exits the current routine and 
passes to the write method. Or perhaps it is better to say that 
execution of the current routine pauses, because once the write method 
has finished, execution will return to the current routine, or continue, 
however you want to put it. Either way, there is a sense in which 
execution has left the with-block and is running elsewhere.

I trust that you wouldn't argue that one should avoid calling functions 
or methods inside a with-block?

In this case, there is another sense in which we have not left the 
with-block, just paused it, and in a sense the call to write() occurs 
"inside" the current routine. Nevertheless, at the assembly language 
level, the interpreter has to remember where it is, and jump to the 
write() routine, which is outside of the current routine.

Now let us continue the block:

with open(somefile) as f:
    text = f.write()
    yield text  # here 

Just like the case of transferring execution to the write() method, the 
yield pauses the currently executing code (a coroutine), and transfers 
execution to something else. That something else is the caller. So in 
once sense, we have exited the current block, but in another sense we've 
just paused it, waiting to resume, no different from the case of 
transferring execution to the write() method.

In this case, the with block is not deemed to have been exited until 
execution *within the coroutine* leaves the with-block. Temporarily 
pausing it by yielding leaves the coroutine alive (although in a paused 
state), so we haven't really exited the with-block.

> Using yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
> statement pointless: either way we're really depending on __del__ to
> execute the finalisation code. 

No, that's not correct. __del__ may not enter into it. When you run the 
generator to completion, or possibly even earlier, the with-statement 
exits and the file is closed before __del__ gets a chance to run. 
__del__ may not run until Python exits, but the file will be closed the 
moment execution inside the generator leaves the with-statement. 

def gen():
    with open(somefile) as f:
        yield "Ready..."
    yield "Set..."
    yield "Go!"

it = gen()

At this point, the generator is paused at the first yield statement, and 
the file is held open, possibly indefinitely. If I never return control 
to the generator, eventually the interpreter will shut down and call 
__del__. But if I continue:

next(it)  # file closed here

the with-block exits, the file is closed, and execution halts after the 
next yield. At this point, the generator is paused, but the file object 
is closed. The garbage collector cannot clean up the file (not that it 
needs to!) because f is still alive. If I never return control to the 
generator, then the garbage collector will never clean up the reference 
to f, __del__ will never run, but it doesn't matter because the file is 
already closed. But if I continue:


we get one more value from the generator, and on the final call to 
next() we exit the generator and f goes out of scope and __del__ may be 


From __peter__ at  Thu May 28 10:16:00 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 10:16 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk6is1$45q$>

Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> On 23 May 2015 at 10:52, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:

> I'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
> like make_lines below be discouraged?

>> def make_lines():
>>     with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
>>         yield htbegin
>>         for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
>>             yield from fprint(linelist)
>>         yield htend

In my opinion, yes. 

As I've used the pattern since Python 2.5 when try...finally in generators 
became legal I will need some time to unlearn.

> There's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
> statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
> finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
> without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
> allow anything else to occur".
> Using yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
> statement pointless: either way we're really depending on __del__ to
> execute the finalisation code. So it with or without the with
> statement it will work fine on CPython. On other implementations it
> may or may not close the file with or without the with statement. IOW
> the with statement is not able to provide the guarantees normally
> expected of it when used this way.

Even if you limit yourself to CPython there is another effect: the order of 
execution may not meet one's expectations/requirements:

$ cat
import contextlib

def demo():

def gen(items="abc"):
    with demo():
        yield from items

if __name__ == "__main__":
    g = gen()
    for item in g:
        if item == "b":
$ python3 

(in case you don't spot it: "after" should be printed before "bye")
To get a well-defined order of execution you can close the generator 

$ cat
if __name__ == "__main__":
    g = gen()
    with contextlib.closing(g) as h:
        for item in h:
            if item == "b":
$ python3 

...but the obvious route is of course

> It's usually fairly trivial to rearrange things so that this doesn't
> happen:
> def wrap_header_footer(fin):
>     yield htbegin
>     for linelist in csv.reader(fin):
>         yield from fprint(linelist)
>     yield htend

which in this case also has the advantage of better separation of concerns 
(I'd probably move the csv.reader() out of the generator, too).

PS: I'm still looking for a fairly elegant rewrite of the problematic

def lines(files):
    for file in files:
        with open(files) as f:
            yield from f

(see Oscar's comment in 

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu May 28 11:46:26 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 10:46:26 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28 May 2015 at 03:12, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:27:46PM +0100, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
>> I'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
>> like make_lines below be discouraged?
>> > def make_lines():
>> >     with open('co2-sample.csv') as co2:
>> >         yield htbegin
>> >         for linelist in csv.reader(co2):
>> >             yield from fprint(linelist)
>> >         yield htend
> [...]
>> There's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
>> statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
>> finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
>> without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
>> allow anything else to occur".
> No, I think you have misunderstood the situation, and perhaps been
> fooled by two different usages of the English word "exit".
> Let me put it this way:
> with open(somefile) as f:
>     text = f.write()  # here
>     ...
> In the line marked "here", execution exits the current routine and
> passes to the write method. Or perhaps it is better to say that
> execution of the current routine pauses, because once the write method
> has finished, execution will return to the current routine, or continue,
> however you want to put it. Either way, there is a sense in which
> execution has left the with-block and is running elsewhere.
> I trust that you wouldn't argue that one should avoid calling functions
> or methods inside a with-block?
> In this case, there is another sense in which we have not left the
> with-block, just paused it, and in a sense the call to write() occurs
> "inside" the current routine. Nevertheless, at the assembly language
> level, the interpreter has to remember where it is, and jump to the
> write() routine, which is outside of the current routine.
> Now let us continue the block:
> with open(somefile) as f:
>     text = f.write()
>     yield text  # here
> Just like the case of transferring execution to the write() method, the
> yield pauses the currently executing code (a coroutine), and transfers
> execution to something else. That something else is the caller. So in
> once sense, we have exited the current block, but in another sense we've
> just paused it, waiting to resume, no different from the case of
> transferring execution to the write() method.
> In this case, the with block is not deemed to have been exited until
> execution *within the coroutine* leaves the with-block. Temporarily
> pausing it by yielding leaves the coroutine alive (although in a paused
> state), so we haven't really exited the with-block.

I'm sure you understand the fundamental difference between calling a
function and yielding inside a with statement: when calling a function
the new frame is *appended* to the call stack keeping the current
frame and all of its exception traps and context managers in place
ready for unwinding. When yielding the current frame is *removed* from
the call stack (along with its exception traps and context managers).

When a with block is used without a yield it is not possible (barring
unrecoverable failure of the runtime itself) to leave the block
without calling its finaliser. It doesn't matter if we call a function
that in turn calls a generator. As long as there is no yield inside
the with block in the current frame then the finalisation guarantee is
maintained. When using yield we don't have this guarantee and in fact
there are common non-exceptional cases (break/return) where the
undesirable occurs.

>> Using yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
>> statement pointless: either way we're really depending on __del__ to
>> execute the finalisation code.
> No, that's not correct. __del__ may not enter into it. When you run the
> generator to completion, or possibly even earlier, the with-statement
> exits and the file is closed before __del__ gets a chance to run.

Obviously there is this case in which the with achieves its purpose
but I mean this in a more general context than the specific example. I
consider that it is generally best to avoid doing this. In the same
way that I would advise someone to always use with when working with
files (even though it often doesn't matter) I would advise someone
generally not to yield from a with statement.


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu May 28 12:03:58 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 11:03:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <mk6is1$45q$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28 May 2015 at 09:16, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> ...but the obvious route is of course
>> It's usually fairly trivial to rearrange things so that this doesn't
>> happen:
>> def wrap_header_footer(fin):
>>     yield htbegin
>>     for linelist in csv.reader(fin):
>>         yield from fprint(linelist)
>>     yield htend
> which in this case also has the advantage of better separation of concerns
> (I'd probably move the csv.reader() out of the generator, too).

Agreed. In practise you would at least want to be able to pass the
filename in and then it's almost always better to be able to pass in a
file object.

> PS: I'm still looking for a fairly elegant rewrite of the problematic
> def lines(files):
>     for file in files:
>         with open(files) as f:
>             yield from f

This was mentioned in the previous thread but a fileinput.input object
can be used as a contextmanager so:

import fileinput

filenames = '', ''

with fileinput.input(filenames) as joined:
    for line in joined:
        print(line, end='')

The behaviour of fileinput in the corner case of an empty file list
(reading from stdin) is annoying in this usage though.

You can also just wrap your lines generator in a context manager:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def catfiles(filenames):
    def lines():
        for filename in filenames:
            with open(filename) as fin:
                yield from fin
    gen = lines()
        yield gen

filenames = '', ''

with catfiles(filenames) as joined:
    for line in joined:
        print(line.upper(), end='')


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu May 28 13:24:32 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 12:24:32 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Image Processing in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28 May 2015 at 11:34, Serge Christian Ibala
<christian.ibala at> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I want to know which version of Python is compatible (or can be associated
> with which version of which "tools or package" for image processing)
> I am working under Window and it is so complicated to find out which version
> of which tool goes with which other version?
> I want to use the following package
> ?numpy, matplotib, mahotas, ipython   OpenCV and SciPy"

I would just install the most recent released versions unless I saw
some information that suggested a problem with that.

You may want to consider installing something like the Anaconda Python
distribution which includes most of these packages (all except
mahotas) with a single installer:

You can see the list of packages included here:

It will also install the mingw compiler that you could use to install
mahotas using pip/conda.


From christian.ibala at  Thu May 28 12:34:22 2015
From: christian.ibala at (Serge Christian Ibala)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 12:34:22 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Image Processing in Python
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,

I want to know which version of Python is compatible (or can be associated
with which version of which "tools or package" for image processing)

I am working under Window and it is so complicated to find out which
version of which tool goes with which other version?

I want to use the following package

?numpy, matplotib, mahotas, ipython   OpenCV and SciPy"

Let say I use

Python 2.7 or Python 2.10 which version of the following tools

?numpy, matplotib, mahotas, ipython, OpenCV and SciPy?

should I use? and where can I find them?

Are there any package available for image processing using Python 3.4.3?

Or what is the recommendation of Python for image processing?

Do you know any good Python book on the subject or tutorial ?

Thank you enormously,


From toddrjen at  Thu May 28 13:46:28 2015
From: toddrjen at (Todd)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 13:46:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Image Processing in Python
In-Reply-To: <mk6sq5$ahe$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:

> On 5/28/2015 6:34 AM, Serge Christian Ibala wrote:
>  I want to use the following package
>> ?numpy, matplotib, mahotas, ipython   OpenCV and SciPy"
> opencv seems to be the only one not available for 3.x.
OpenCV 3 (which is in RC1 now) supports Python 3.x.

From sturla.molden at  Thu May 28 16:33:32 2015
From: sturla.molden at (Sturla Molden)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:33:32 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Question About Image Processing in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Serge Christian Ibala <christian.ibala at> wrote:

> Or what is the recommendation of Python for image processing?

Basic setup everyone should have:

SciPy (e.g. scipy.ndimage)
C and C++ compiler

Also consider:
tifffile (by Christoph Gohlke)


From richkappler at  Thu May 28 19:39:02 2015
From: richkappler at (richard kappler)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 13:39:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
Message-ID: <>

This is a continuation of the read data script I asked for help on
yesterday, which works very well thanks to all the help from the list.

My script opens and reads in new lines from an in service log file,
extracts specific data, writes it to another file for analysis. All of that
works fine, tested out great.

Now I've been tasked to change the script so that the script doesn't need
to be in the same directory as the log file, which makes perfect sense.
Furthermore, the path can't be hard coded into the script, but rather
should read the installer should be able to edit a text file to specify the
paths to the read file (log from which we're extracting data) and the write
file (file to which we're send the extracted data). I thought this would be
a trivial exercise, but I'm stuck.

This is python 2.6.6 running on a Linux machine.

I've created a config file which the user would edit named fileMonitor.conf:

# line two is the absolute path to the log you are parsing data from
# keep 'rdfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
# line 4 is the absolute path to the log you are appending the parsed data
# keep 'wrtfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces

and I have written up a script that reads the paths and strips off the
unusable bit named

# read the config file to get file locations for a script
conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
read_it =

for line in read_it.splitlines():
    if line.startswith('rdfile:'):
        rd = line
    elif line.startswith('wrtfile:'):
        wrt = line

rd1 = rd.replace('rdfile:',"",1)
wrt1 = wrt.replace('wrtfile:',"",1)

This worked fine, if I print rd1 and wrt1 I get just the paths that are
entered into the conf file.

Now I need to add that into my (parses log for data
extraction) so it goes to the two files.

At the moment, I am, for example, opening the file to be read from with a

file = open('log.txt', 'r')

but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).

And I'm stumped. rd1 and wrt1 exist, I can print them, and I get what I
expect (path/filename) for example print rd1 gives
me Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt

But how in the heck do I get that into the open() statement?

What I've tried (none worked):
file = open(rd1, 'r')
file = open('rd1', 'r')

and I ran out of ideas.


regards, Richard


Windows assumes you are an idiot?Linux demands proof.

From alan.gauld at  Thu May 28 19:56:46 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 18:56:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk7kst$ijo$>

On 28/05/15 18:39, richard kappler wrote:

> I've created a config file which the user would edit named fileMonitor.conf:
> # line two is the absolute path to the log you are parsing data from
> # keep 'rdfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
> rdfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
> # line 4 is the absolute path to the log you are appending the parsed data
> too
> # keep 'wrtfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
> wrtfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/newlog.txt

You should maybe look at the config parser module and
use a standard file format. You are likely to be adding
more entries into this file...

> and I have written up a script that reads the paths and strips off the
> unusable bit named
> # read the config file to get file locations for a script
> conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
> read_it =
> for line in read_it.splitlines():

You should consider using something like

with open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r') as conf:
    for file in conf:

Rather rthan reading/splitting the file in memory.

> rd1 = rd.replace('rdfile:',"",1)
> wrt1 = wrt.replace('wrtfile:',"",1)
> This worked fine, if I print rd1 and wrt1 I get just the paths that are
> entered into the conf file.
> file = open('log.txt', 'r')
> but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).
> What I've tried (none worked):
> file = open(rd1, 'r')

This should have worked.

What happened when you tried it? "Did not work" is a tad vague!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From richkappler at  Thu May 28 20:40:37 2015
From: richkappler at (richard kappler)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:40:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <mk7kst$ijo$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry Alan, I think I might have accidentally replied to only you. Love
your Python Projects book btw! Working through it now.

I've looked at, and played with a bit, ConfigParser and yes, it seems that
may be a better idea, thank you.

I still have the issue of how to get the path into my code, regardless of
whether I use ConfigParser or

What I've tried (none worked):
> file = open(rd1, 'r')

This should have worked.

What happened when you tried it? "Did not work" is a tad vague!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 28, in <module>
    file = open(rd1, 'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Should I not be using os.path or somesuch? If my path to the file, as
provided via ConfigParser, is rd1, would I do:

file =, 'r') % (rd1)
file =, 'r')

or do I not need os.path...

Kind of lost in the woods here.

regards, Richard

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>

> On 28/05/15 18:39, richard kappler wrote:
>  I've created a config file which the user would edit named
>> fileMonitor.conf:
>> # line two is the absolute path to the log you are parsing data from
>> # keep 'rdfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
>> rdfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
>> # line 4 is the absolute path to the log you are appending the parsed data
>> too
>> # keep 'wrtfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
>> wrtfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/newlog.txt
> You should maybe look at the config parser module and
> use a standard file format. You are likely to be adding
> more entries into this file...
>  and I have written up a script that reads the paths and strips off the
>> unusable bit named
>> # read the config file to get file locations for a script
>> conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
>> read_it =
>> for line in read_it.splitlines():
> You should consider using something like
> with open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r') as conf:
>    for file in conf:
> Rather rthan reading/splitting the file in memory.
>  rd1 = rd.replace('rdfile:',"",1)
>> wrt1 = wrt.replace('wrtfile:',"",1)
>> This worked fine, if I print rd1 and wrt1 I get just the paths that are
>> entered into the conf file.
>> file = open('log.txt', 'r')
>> but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).
>> What I've tried (none worked):
>> file = open(rd1, 'r')
> This should have worked.
> What happened when you tried it? "Did not work" is a tad vague!
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


Windows assumes you are an idiot?Linux demands proof.

From felix.dietrich at  Thu May 28 21:01:27 2015
From: felix.dietrich at (Felix Dietrich)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 21:01:27 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
 (richard kappler's message of "Thu, 28 May 2015 13:39:02 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:

> Now I've been tasked to change the script so that the script doesn't need
> to be in the same directory as the log file, which makes perfect sense.
> Furthermore, the path can't be hard coded into the script, but rather
> should read the installer should be able to edit a text file to specify the
> paths to the read file (log from which we're extracting data) and the write
> file (file to which we're send the extracted data). I thought this would be
> a trivial exercise, but I'm stuck.

An alternative way to configurate execution parameters is to pass the
filenames as arguments to your program which you can access via
/sys.argv/ (modules to consider: /getopt/, /optparser/):

    import sys
    print sys.argv[0] # the first element is the script's name
    print sys.argv[1] # second element first argument (e.g. rd)
    print sys.argv[2] # third element second argument (e.g. wd)

If you have these lines in a file "" try:

    python read_filename write_filename

Another good alternative for filters is to simply read from stdin and
output the results to stdout; then use the shell to redirect those
from/to the respective files:

    python <rdfile >wdfile
    # < redirects stdin
    # > redirects stdout
    # or with a pipe and cat
    cat rdfile | python > wdfile

Within python stdin can be read via sys.stdin:

    import sys
    for l in sys.stdin:
        print l

The /ConfigParser/-Module provides a way to read and write configuration

> # read the config file to get file locations for a script
> conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
> read_it =
> for line in read_it.splitlines():
>     if line.startswith('rdfile:'):
>         rd = line
>     elif line.startswith('wrtfile:'):
>         wrt = line

Instead of reading all the content of a file into memory one can simply
iterate it and retrieve the contents line my line (I believe this way is
also considered more "pythonic"):

    conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
    for line in conf:

One more "pythonic" thing to do is to wrap the interaction with a file
in a /with/-block: that way file closing is ensured after one is done
with the file:

    with open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r') as conf:
        for line in conf:

> At the moment, I am, for example, opening the file to be read from with a
> simple
>     file = open('log.txt', 'r')
> but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).
> And I'm stumped. rd1 and wrt1 exist, I can print them, and I get what I
> expect (path/filename) for example print rd1 gives
> me Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
> But how in the heck do I get that into the open() statement?
> What I've tried (none worked):
>     file = open(rd1, 'r')
>     file = open('rd1', 'r')

What do you mean by "none worked"?  Did python respond with an error?
How did you figure that the calls to /open/ failed?

Also: The first line opens a file having the path of the string the
variable /rd1/ currently holds (presumably
"Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt").  The second calls /open/
with the string "rd1" causing /open/ to try and open a file with the
name rd1.

'r' will fail when the file does not exist.

Felix Dietrich

From richkappler at  Thu May 28 21:29:47 2015
From: richkappler at (richard kappler)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 15:29:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I found the problem, but the answer confuses me.

If I run my script to open a file in Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor which
is where I'm doing my building and testing, with the variable rd1 (however
created, my way and ConfigParser way both work) from within
Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor, the script fails with a

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 28, in <module>
    file = open(rd1, 'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

but if I run the exact same script from the Home directory, it works fine,
does exactly what I expected it to do (ie. opens the files).

I thought it might be because because I used Doc... instead of ~/Doc... for
my path, but I got the same traceback.

curiouser and curiouser was, Richard

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Felix Dietrich <
felix.dietrich at> wrote:

> richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:
> > Now I've been tasked to change the script so that the script doesn't need
> > to be in the same directory as the log file, which makes perfect sense.
> > Furthermore, the path can't be hard coded into the script, but rather
> > should read the installer should be able to edit a text file to specify
> the
> > paths to the read file (log from which we're extracting data) and the
> write
> > file (file to which we're send the extracted data). I thought this would
> be
> > a trivial exercise, but I'm stuck.
> An alternative way to configurate execution parameters is to pass the
> filenames as arguments to your program which you can access via
> /sys.argv/ (modules to consider: /getopt/, /optparser/):
>     import sys
>     print sys.argv[0] # the first element is the script's name
>     print sys.argv[1] # second element first argument (e.g. rd)
>     print sys.argv[2] # third element second argument (e.g. wd)
> If you have these lines in a file "" try:
>     python read_filename write_filename
> Another good alternative for filters is to simply read from stdin and
> output the results to stdout; then use the shell to redirect those
> from/to the respective files:
>     python <rdfile >wdfile
>     # < redirects stdin
>     # > redirects stdout
>     # or with a pipe and cat
>     cat rdfile | python > wdfile
> Within python stdin can be read via sys.stdin:
>     import sys
>     for l in sys.stdin:
>         print l
> The /ConfigParser/-Module provides a way to read and write configuration
> files.
> > # read the config file to get file locations for a script
> > conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
> > read_it =
> >
> > for line in read_it.splitlines():
> >     if line.startswith('rdfile:'):
> >         rd = line
> >     elif line.startswith('wrtfile:'):
> >         wrt = line
> Instead of reading all the content of a file into memory one can simply
> iterate it and retrieve the contents line my line (I believe this way is
> also considered more "pythonic"):
>     conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
>     for line in conf:
>         ...
> One more "pythonic" thing to do is to wrap the interaction with a file
> in a /with/-block: that way file closing is ensured after one is done
> with the file:
>     with open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r') as conf:
>         for line in conf:
>             ...
> > At the moment, I am, for example, opening the file to be read from with a
> > simple
> >
> >     file = open('log.txt', 'r')
> >
> > but I need to replace 'log.txt' with rd1 (path and file name to log.txt).
> >
> > And I'm stumped. rd1 and wrt1 exist, I can print them, and I get what I
> > expect (path/filename) for example print rd1 gives
> > me Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
> >
> > But how in the heck do I get that into the open() statement?
> >
> > What I've tried (none worked):
> >
> >     file = open(rd1, 'r')
> >     file = open('rd1', 'r')
> What do you mean by "none worked"?  Did python respond with an error?
> How did you figure that the calls to /open/ failed?
> Also: The first line opens a file having the path of the string the
> variable /rd1/ currently holds (presumably
> "Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt").  The second calls /open/
> with the string "rd1" causing /open/ to try and open a file with the
> name rd1.
> 'r' will fail when the file does not exist.
> --
> Felix Dietrich
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


Windows assumes you are an idiot?Linux demands proof.

From breamoreboy at  Thu May 28 21:53:01 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 20:53:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk7rmv$7d3$>

On 28/05/2015 20:01, Felix Dietrich wrote:
> richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:
>> Now I've been tasked to change the script so that the script doesn't need
>> to be in the same directory as the log file, which makes perfect sense.
>> Furthermore, the path can't be hard coded into the script, but rather
>> should read the installer should be able to edit a text file to specify the
>> paths to the read file (log from which we're extracting data) and the write
>> file (file to which we're send the extracted data). I thought this would be
>> a trivial exercise, but I'm stuck.
> An alternative way to configurate execution parameters is to pass the
> filenames as arguments to your program which you can access via
> /sys.argv/ (modules to consider: /getopt/, /optparser/):

optparse is deprecated, from "Deprecated since 
version 3.2: The optparse module is deprecated and will not be developed 
further; development will continue with the argparse module".  argparse 
is here

There are also the third party modules docopt which is excellent and clize which I've never tried.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From alan.gauld at  Thu May 28 23:04:58 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 22:04:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<mk7kst$ijo$>
Message-ID: <>

CCing tutor list.
ASlways use ReplyAll (or ReplyList ) to include the list.

On 28/05/15 19:08, richard kappler wrote:
>     What I've tried (none worked):
>     file = open(rd1, 'r')
> This should have worked.
> What happened when you tried it? "Did not work" is a tad vague!
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 28, in <module>
> file = open(rd1, 'r')
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
> 'Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt'

Notice that path is a relative path not an absolute one.
Its looking for a folder called Documents in the current directory.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From yongnuan at  Fri May 29 00:26:26 2015
From: yongnuan at (Yongnuan Liu)
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 16:26:26 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] computation library
Message-ID: <>

Hi Everyone,

I am new to Python. I just downloaded Python 2.7.10.  I am very frustrated
on starting programming. Here are some questions which I hope you can help
me with?

1. Could someone recommend me a more user friendly python debugging tool?

2. Where to download the computing/plotting library, like scipy etc? For
example, when I input a=sin(30), the error says sin is not defined?? it is
just simple calculation and I cannot do it correctly.

3. How to set up variable enviroment before using these libraries?

Thank you so much for your help.  I appreciate it.



From alan.gauld at  Fri May 29 02:15:37 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 01:15:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] computation library
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk8b38$p3q$>

On 28/05/15 23:26, Yongnuan Liu wrote:

> I am new to Python. I just downloaded Python 2.7.10.  I am very frustrated
> on starting programming.

Don't be surprised at being frustrated, many people find that
when starting out. We are all so used to computers doing
very smart things that its often a surprise  to discover just
how dumb they really are and how much detail is needed
to program them.

> 1. Could someone recommend me a more user friendly python debugging tool?

That depends on what debugging tool you are using now.
For beginners the best debugging tools, by far, are
the print statement and the >>> prompt.

But you can also use an IDE like IDLE or Pythonwin.
They both have more sophisticated (and so more complex)

And then there is Winpdb which is a GUI debugger but
also fairly complex for a beginner.

Finally, there are complex professional tools like
Netbeans and Eclipse that have Python add-ons that
have very powerful debugging tools included. But
they are probably only worthwhile if you already
program in another language and use those tools
there. Most Python programmers, even professionals,
do 90% of their debugging using the >>> prompt and
some print statements!

> 2. Where to download the computing/plotting library, like scipy etc?

There is a repository of modules and packages for
Python called PyPI and a tool called pip which you use
to install things from there. But as a beginner you
almost certainly don't need any of that yet. Python
comes with hundreds of modules as standard that
should do most of the things you need initially.

If you are going to do a lot of mathg/science work then
you should probably install one of the bundled SciPy
distributions such as Anaconda or Canopy. But learn the
basics first, you may find the standard edition does
all you need,

> example, when I input a=sin(30), the error says sin is not defined??

That's right, sin() is a math function so it is defined
in the math module. You need to import math first
then you can access it as math.sin()

if you do

 >>> import math
 >>> print math.sin( math.radians(30) )  # sin() uses radians not degrees

Then type
 >>> help(math)

and you will see all of the functions and constants that
are defined in that module.

You don't say which tutorial you are following but any
reasonable one should include information about using
modules. (For example mine- -see the .sig - has a
topic called 'Modules and Functions'. But even in the
first hands-on topic - Simple Sequences - it introduces
the idea.)

> 3. How to set up variable enviroment before using these libraries?

I'm not sure what you mean by this one.
On any properly installed Python you can import  modules
from the standard library without any additional work.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From felix.dietrich at  Fri May 29 02:16:49 2015
From: felix.dietrich at (Felix Dietrich)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 02:16:49 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <mk7rmv$7d3$> (Mark Lawrence's message of "Thu, 28
 May 2015 20:53:01 +0100")
References: <>
 <> <mk7rmv$7d3$>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at> writes:

> optparse is deprecated, from
> "Deprecated since
> version 3.2: The optparse module is deprecated and will not be
> developed further; development will continue with the argparse
> module".  argparse is here

True, but the /optparse/ module does not appear to be part of Python
2.6. ("new in version 3.2")

richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:

>>> This is python 2.6.6 running on a Linux machine.

Felix Dietrich

From breamoreboy at  Fri May 29 03:18:29 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 02:18:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <mk7rmv$7d3$>
Message-ID: <mk8ep7$h2u$>

On 29/05/2015 01:16, Felix Dietrich wrote:
> Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at> writes:
>> optparse is deprecated, from
>> "Deprecated since
>> version 3.2: The optparse module is deprecated and will not be
>> developed further; development will continue with the argparse
>> module".  argparse is here
> True, but the /optparse/ module does not appear to be part of Python
> 2.6. ("new in version 3.2")

If you mean argparse you're correct, but it's in 2.7.  My point is that 
there's not much use writing code now with a deprecated module, 
especially if you want to move onward and upward to python 3.4 or even 
3.5 in the future and get all the new batteries :)

> richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:
>>>> This is python 2.6.6 running on a Linux machine.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From breamoreboy at  Fri May 29 03:22:18 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 02:22:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] computation library
In-Reply-To: <mk8b38$p3q$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mk8f0c$ka5$>

On 29/05/2015 01:15, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 28/05/15 23:26, Yongnuan Liu wrote:
>> I am new to Python. I just downloaded Python 2.7.10.  I am very
>> frustrated
>> on starting programming.
> Welcome.
> Don't be surprised at being frustrated, many people find that
> when starting out. We are all so used to computers doing
> very smart things that its often a surprise  to discover just
> how dumb they really are and how much detail is needed
> to program them.
>> 1. Could someone recommend me a more user friendly python debugging tool?
> That depends on what debugging tool you are using now.
> For beginners the best debugging tools, by far, are
> the print statement and the >>> prompt.

Once you've got the hang of things far better than the print statement 
is the logging module

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From felix.dietrich at  Fri May 29 04:23:15 2015
From: felix.dietrich at (Felix Dietrich)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 04:23:15 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
 (richard kappler's message of "Thu, 28 May 2015 15:29:47 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

richard kappler <richkappler at> writes:

> If I run my script to open a file in Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor which
> is where I'm doing my building and testing, with the variable rd1 (however
> created, my way and ConfigParser way both work) from within
> Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor, the script fails with a
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 28, in <module>
>     file = open(rd1, 'r')
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> 'Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt'
> but if I run the exact same script from the Home directory, it works fine,
> does exactly what I expected it to do (ie. opens the files).
> I thought it might be because because I used Doc... instead of ~/Doc... for
> my path, but I got the same traceback.

"Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor" is a relative path (does not start
with a '/'): it will be looked-up starting from the current working

Assuming the following directory tree:

    ??? home
        ??? richard
            ??? Documents
                ??? MyScripts
                     ??? fileMonitor
                          ??? log.txt
and that you are inside the fileMonitor directory ('$' indicates
commands typed at a shell prompt):

    $ pwd

Now when you try to open a file with the path


from within the fileMonitor directory you are trying to open a file at
(note that I use the '\' as line continuation marker)


To open "/home/richard/Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt" with the
current directory set to "/home/richard/Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor"
you can refer to it as "log.txt" (also "../fileMonitor/log.txt" and all
sorts of less sensible addressing).

If your path on the other hand starts with a '/' it is an absolute path
starting with the directory tree root: the path
"/home/richard/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/log.txt" will always
refer to "/home/richard/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/log.txt" no
matter the current working directory.

Another example:

    ??? home
        ??? felix
            ??? Documents
                ??? MyScripts
                    ??? cwd_example
                        ??? cwd

Here is the content of cwd:

    import os

Make it executable:

    $ pwd
    $ chmod +x cwd

Note that it is not unusual for a script to drop its file extension when
it is made executable; the language used to implement is not important
anymore and the executable becomes not distinguishable by extension from
other executables whether written in an interpreted language or binary.

The shebang ("#!") line acts as magic to identify the interpreter to

Some examples:

    $ pwd
    $ cwd_example/cwd
    $ /home/felix/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/cwd

    $ pwd
    $ ../cwd # .. = parent directory
    $ /home/felix/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/cwd

    $ pwd
    $ ./cwd # . = current directory
    $ /home/felix/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/cwd

Again the absolute path works independently of the current working
directory.  ".." refers to the previous directory; "." to the current
one.  And the working directory is not related to the directory the
executable resides in ? though they might happen to be the same.

The following only works when either '.' or
"/home/felix/Documents/MyScripts/cwd_example/" are part of the PATH
environment variable:

    $ pwd
    $ cwd

Regarding the '~': I do not think that (most?) python functions
automatically expand the tilde to the user's directory; instead look at

    >>> os.path.expanduser("~/Documents")

Have a look at the modules /os/ and /os.path/ (also /pathlib/ for >=3.4)
functions /os.chdir/, /os.getcwd/, /os.expanduser/ specifically.

/sys.path/ is also related to the current working directory and relative
paths and it will come in handy when you import your own modules not
residing in any of the default directories while running the script with
a different working directory than its location.

Felix Dietrich

From felix.dietrich at  Fri May 29 04:57:04 2015
From: felix.dietrich at (Felix Dietrich)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 04:57:04 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <mk8ep7$h2u$> (Mark Lawrence's message of "Fri, 29
 May 2015 02:18:29 +0100")
References: <>
 <> <mk7rmv$7d3$>
 <> <mk8ep7$h2u$>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Lawrence <breamoreboy at> writes:

> On 29/05/2015 01:16, Felix Dietrich wrote:
>> True, but the /optparse/ module does not appear to be part of Python
>> 2.6. ("new in version 3.2")
> If you mean argparse you're correct, but it's in 2.7.  My point is
> that there's not much use writing code now with a deprecated module,
> especially if you want to move onward and upward to python 3.4 or even
> 3.5 in the future and get all the new batteries :)

Yes, i meant /argparse/ and I should have checked the documentation more
thoroughly; I only noticed that it was not part of 2.6 and saw the note
at the top of the /Python 3/ documentation.

I agree in general that it is better to avoid using deprecated modules.
Still, if one is stuck with 2.6 ? one does not always get the choice of
new fancier batteries. ;)

Felix Dietrich

From steve at  Fri May 29 08:16:38 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 16:16:38 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] computation library
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 04:26:26PM -0600, Yongnuan Liu wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am new to Python. I just downloaded Python 2.7.10.  I am very frustrated
> on starting programming. Here are some questions which I hope you can help
> me with?
> 1. Could someone recommend me a more user friendly python debugging tool?

The simplest debugging tool possible is print.

x = 23
print x  # What's the value of x?

> 2. Where to download the computing/plotting library, like scipy etc? For
> example, when I input a=sin(30), the error says sin is not defined?? it is
> just simple calculation and I cannot do it correctly.

from math import sin
a = sin(30)  # 30 radians, are you sure you want that?

import math
b = math.sins(math.radians(30))

What operating system are you using? If you are using Linux, you should 
be able to get scipy from your OS's package manager. At the shell 
prompt, this should work on Linux based systems:

$ sudo yum install scipy numpy

and this should work on Debian based systems:

$ sudo aptitude install scipy numpy

On Windows, there is no package manager, so you will have to go to the 
scipy website and download from there. But you may need a C or Fortran 
compiler, which most Windows users don't have, so better is to use a 
pre-packaged system, e.g. Anaconda:

If you have used Mathematica or another "notebook" based system, you 
might like iPython:

> 3. How to set up variable enviroment before using these libraries?

I don't understand this question. Can you explain in more detail?


From steve at  Fri May 29 14:38:30 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 22:38:30 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:46:26AM +0100, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> I'm sure you understand the fundamental difference between calling a
> function and yielding inside a with statement: when calling a function
> the new frame is *appended* to the call stack keeping the current
> frame and all of its exception traps and context managers in place
> ready for unwinding. When yielding the current frame is *removed* from
> the call stack (along with its exception traps and context managers).

Implementation details.

> When a with block is used without a yield it is not possible (barring
> unrecoverable failure of the runtime itself) to leave the block
> without calling its finaliser. 


> It doesn't matter if we call a function
> that in turn calls a generator. 

This sentence is ambiguous. Do you mean "calls a generator function", or 
do you mean "call [next() on] a generator object"?

I don't suppose it really matters though.

> As long as there is no yield inside
> the with block in the current frame then the finalisation guarantee is
> maintained. When using yield we don't have this guarantee and in fact
> there are common non-exceptional cases (break/return) where the
> undesirable occurs.

Er, no. You still have the finalisation guarantee. You just have to 
understand what the guarantee actually is. It does *not* refer to 
pausing the generator to pass control back to the caller. That would 
make yield inside a with block absolutely useless.

The guarantee is that when you *exit* (not pause) the with block, then 
and only then will the context manager's __exit__ method run. That's no 
different from the non-generator use of a CM.

If you think that guarantee is not made, you have to either demonstrate 
a counter-example where exiting the with block fails to run the __exit__ 
method, or point us to official documentation supporting your position.

Otherwise I stand by my earlier position that you are misinterpreting 
what it means to exit a with block. Pausing it to yield is not an exit.

I did an experiment, where I tried to break the finalisation 
guarantee using break, return and raise:

class CM:
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, *args):

def test(n):
    for i in range(1):
        with CM():
            if n == "break": break
            if n == "return": return
            if n == "raise": raise RuntimeError
            yield 1

Falling out the bottom of the generator finalises correctly. So do 
break, return and raise.

it = test("")
x = next(it)
next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"

it = test("break")
next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"

it = test("return")
next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"

it = test("raise")
try: next(it)
except: pass  # prints "exiting"

Under what circumstances can execution leave the with block without the 
finalisation method __exit__ running?


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Fri May 29 15:13:16 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 14:13:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 May 2015 at 13:38, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> Otherwise I stand by my earlier position that you are misinterpreting
> what it means to exit a with block. Pausing it to yield is not an exit.
> I did an experiment, where I tried to break the finalisation
> guarantee using break, return and raise:
> class CM:
>     def __enter__(self):
>         return self
>     def __exit__(self, *args):
>         print("exiting")
> def test(n):
>     for i in range(1):
>         with CM():
>             if n == "break": break
>             if n == "return": return
>             if n == "raise": raise RuntimeError
>             yield 1
> Falling out the bottom of the generator finalises correctly. So do
> break, return and raise.
> it = test("")
> x = next(it)
> next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"
> it = test("break")
> next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"
> it = test("return")
> next(it, None)  # prints "exiting"
> it = test("raise")
> try: next(it)
> except: pass  # prints "exiting"
> Under what circumstances can execution leave the with block without the
> finalisation method __exit__ running?

The break/return should take place in the loop that controls the generator e.g.:

$ cat

class CM:
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, *args):

def generator():
    with CM():
        yield 1
        yield 2
        yield 3

g = generator()

def f():
    for x in g:
        break  # Or return


print("End of program")

$ python3
End of program

The context manager was triggered by the end of the program. CPython
tries to call all the __del__ methods for all live objects at process
exit. Now run the same under pypy:

$ pypy --version
Python 2.7.2 (1.8+dfsg-2, Feb 19 2012, 19:18:08)
[PyPy 1.8.0 with GCC 4.6.2]

$ pypy
End of program

The __exit__ method was not called at all under pypy. Even if I don't
keep a reference to g outside of f the __exit__ method is not called
under this version of pypy (I don't have another to test with).


From steve at  Fri May 29 15:29:05 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 23:29:05 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <mk6is1$45q$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:16:00AM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

> Even if you limit yourself to CPython there is another effect: the order of 
> execution may not meet one's expectations/requirements:

[snip example]

That's an interesting example, and I can't tell if that's a 
problem with your (and my) expectations, or a bug in the context 
manager implementation.

PEP 343 clearly warns that the finally clause may not run immediately:

    Note that we're not guaranteeing that the finally-clause is
    executed immediately after the generator object becomes unused

but the documentation for the with-statement suggests strongly that the 
__exit__ method will run immediately after the block is exited, before 
any additional code (including before any exception is raised. E.g.:

    5. The suite is executed.

    6. The context manager?s __exit__() method is invoked. If an 
       exception caused the suite to be exited, its type, value, and 
       traceback are passed as arguments to __exit__(). Otherwise, 
       three None arguments are supplied.

> PS: I'm still looking for a fairly elegant rewrite of the problematic
> def lines(files):
>     for file in files:
>         with open(files) as f:
>             yield from f
> (see Oscar's comment in 
> <>)

Oscar's comment includes a syntax error, which makes it hard to run his 

        print("__exit__ called")__del__.

I can't even begin to guess what that is supposed to be, and reading the 
next few messages in the thread doesn't enlighten.


From steve at  Fri May 29 15:31:26 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 23:31:26 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have to think further on most of your post, but for the last point:

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 02:13:16PM +0100, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> Now run the same under pypy:
> $ pypy --version
> Python 2.7.2 (1.8+dfsg-2, Feb 19 2012, 19:18:08)
> [PyPy 1.8.0 with GCC 4.6.2]
> $ pypy
> Entering
> End of program
> The __exit__ method was not called at all under pypy. Even if I don't
> keep a reference to g outside of f the __exit__ method is not called
> under this version of pypy (I don't have another to test with).

I think that is a clear bug in pypy.


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Fri May 29 16:01:50 2015
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 15:01:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mk6is1$45q$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 May 2015 at 14:29, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:16:00AM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:
>> Even if you limit yourself to CPython there is another effect: the order of
>> execution may not meet one's expectations/requirements:
> [snip example]
> That's an interesting example, and I can't tell if that's a
> problem with your (and my) expectations, or a bug in the context
> manager implementation.

I think that this behaviour is consistent with the generally
unspecified language-level behaviour of deallocation and __del__.
Consider the language specification for this version of Python (and
note the last sentence in particular):


Called when the instance is about to be destroyed. This is also called
a destructor. If a base class has a __del__() method, the derived
class?s __del__() method, if any, must explicitly call it to ensure
proper deletion of the base class part of the instance. Note that it
is possible (though not recommended!) for the __del__() method to
postpone destruction of the instance by creating a new reference to
it. It may then be called at a later time when this new reference is
deleted. It is not guaranteed that __del__() methods are called for
objects that still exist when the interpreter exits.

> PEP 343 clearly warns that the finally clause may not run immediately:
>     Note that we're not guaranteeing that the finally-clause is
>     executed immediately after the generator object becomes unused

The rest of that sentence says "..., even though this is how it will
work in CPython." To me that clearly and deliberately permits other
implementations to behave differently.

> but the documentation for the with-statement suggests strongly that the
> __exit__ method will run immediately after the block is exited, before
> any additional code (including before any exception is raised. E.g.:
>     5. The suite is executed.
>     6. The context manager?s __exit__() method is invoked. If an
>        exception caused the suite to be exited, its type, value, and
>        traceback are passed as arguments to __exit__(). Otherwise,
>        three None arguments are supplied.

But the with statement is not "exited" as the suite is unfinished. The
generator has suspended itself and removed itself from the call-stack
so that it is no longer permitted to catch exceptions etc. Also note
that the removal from the call stack is not an implementation detail.
The interpreter can implement the call stack how it likes but it must
be semantically equivalent to a call stack with exception unwinding in
order to meet the general definition of the language.

>> PS: I'm still looking for a fairly elegant rewrite of the problematic
>> def lines(files):
>>     for file in files:
>>         with open(files) as f:
>>             yield from f
>> (see Oscar's comment in
>> <>)
> Oscar's comment includes a syntax error, which makes it hard to run his
> code:
>         print("__exit__ called")__del__.
> I can't even begin to guess what that is supposed to be, and reading the
> next few messages in the thread doesn't enlighten.

Some kind of editing error. It should be:

         print("__exit__ called")


From steve at  Fri May 29 16:23:16 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 00:23:16 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <mk6is1$45q$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:16:00AM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

> Even if you limit yourself to CPython there is another effect: the order of 
> execution may not meet one's expectations/requirements:

No, wait, forget everything I said in my previous post. This is 
*clearly* a case where our expectations were wrong, and the context 
manager guarantee is working correctly. I was confused because I was 
over-thinking it and seeing something unexpected when in fact it is 
working exactly as promised.

> $ cat
> import contextlib
> @contextlib.contextmanager
> def demo():
>     print("before")
>     try:
>         yield
>     finally:
>         print("after")
> def gen(items="abc"):
>     with demo():
>         yield from items
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     g = gen()
>     for item in g:
>         print(item)
>         if item == "b":
>             break
>     print("bye")

Since you *break* from the for-loop, the generator g never runs to 
completion. Since it is still paused *inside the with block*, naturally 
the context manager __exit__ doesn't run. If it did run, THAT would be a 
violation of the context manager guarantee!

Now that you have broken out of the for-loop, you still have a reference 
to g, and are perfectly entitled to hang on to the reference for a 
while, then iterate over it again, or directly call next(g). Until such 
time as you do, or explicitly call g.close(), the context manager has to 
stay open.

Until you do so (or call g.close() to explicitly end it), it is paused 
inside the with block.

There's nothing to see here. The context manager is working correctly, 
and if you expect it to __exit__ while still inside the with block, it 
is your expectations that are wrong.

> (in case you don't spot it: "after" should be printed before "bye")

That's mistaken. Just because you exit from the for-loop, doesn't mean 
the generator is complete. Suppose you wrote a generator like this:

def gen():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

for i in gen():
    if i == 2: break


Would you still expect it to print "closing" before "bye"?


From steve at  Fri May 29 16:59:51 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 00:59:51 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mk6is1$45q$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 03:01:50PM +0100, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> On 29 May 2015 at 14:29, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:16:00AM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:
> >
> >> Even if you limit yourself to CPython there is another effect: the order of
> >> execution may not meet one's expectations/requirements:
> >
> > [snip example]
> >
> > That's an interesting example, and I can't tell if that's a
> > problem with your (and my) expectations, or a bug in the context
> > manager implementation.
> I think that this behaviour is consistent with the generally
> unspecified language-level behaviour of deallocation and __del__.

Yes it is. There's nothing unusual going on in this example. The 
generator is still paused *inside the with block*, and it doesn't exit 
the with block until the generator is closed on deallocation, which 
might not be until interpreter exit.

> It is not guaranteed that __del__() methods are called for
> objects that still exist when the interpreter exits.

Okay, well that gives pypy a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for the 
behaviour you demonstrated. I guess it's not necessarily a bug.

> But the with statement is not "exited" as the suite is unfinished.

Exactly! So Peter's expectation that it should be finalised is wrong. He 
managed to convince me for a few moments that there was something 
mysterious going on, but on further thought I realised that the observed 
behaviour is correct and should be expected. Escaping from the "for x in 
generator" loop early leaves the generator paused inside the with 

> The
> generator has suspended itself and removed itself from the call-stack
> so that it is no longer permitted to catch exceptions etc. Also note
> that the removal from the call stack is not an implementation detail.
> The interpreter can implement the call stack how it likes but it must
> be semantically equivalent to a call stack with exception unwinding in
> order to meet the general definition of the language.

The documention of with statements and context managers says nothing 
about the call stack, and nor should it, since the call stack is part of 
the implementation of the Python virtual machine, not part of the Python 
runtime. What's important is not *how* a paused generator ceases to 
catch exceptions etc. but the fact that it no longer does. That's what I 
mean by calling it an implementation detail.


From breamoreboy at  Fri May 29 17:50:43 2015
From: breamoreboy at (Mark Lawrence)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 16:50:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <mk6is1$45q$> <>
Message-ID: <mka1sm$v7v$>

On 29/05/2015 15:23, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:16:00AM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

As interesting as this may be does it really belong on the tutor mailing 

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

From bamccaig at  Fri May 29 17:27:27 2015
From: bamccaig at (Brandon McCaig)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 11:27:27 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inserting path to open a file from a variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:39 PM, richard kappler <richkappler at> wrote:
> # line two is the absolute path to the log you are parsing data from
> # keep 'rdfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
> rdfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/log.txt
> # line 4 is the absolute path to the log you are appending the parsed data
> too
> # keep 'wrtfile:' as is, path starts after it, no spaces
> wrtfile:Documents/MyScripts/fileMonitor/newlog.txt

Your problem traces all the way back to here. The comments describe
the configuration file as expecting absolute paths, but you have only
entered relative paths (absolute paths need to be "rooted"; in *nix
that typically means a prefix of /). A good option then is to validate
your configuration file when you read it in.

> # read the config file to get file locations for a script
> conf = open('fileMonitor.conf', 'r')
> read_it =
> for line in read_it.splitlines():
>     if line.startswith('rdfile:'):
>         rd = line
>     elif line.startswith('wrtfile:'):
>         wrt = line
> rd1 = rd.replace('rdfile:',"",1)
> wrt1 = wrt.replace('wrtfile:',"",1)

import os.path
import sys

for x in [(rd1, 'Source file', 'rdfile'),
          (wrt1, 'Destination file', 'wrtfile')]:
    if not os.path.isabs(x[0]):
        print >> sys.stderr, \
                'Configuration error:', \
                '%s path (%s) must be absolute!' % \


Brandon McCaig <bamccaig at> <bamccaig at>
Castopulence Software <>
Blog <>
perl -E '$_=q{V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. }.
q{Vg qbrfa'\''g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.};

From cmgcomsol at  Fri May 29 17:28:16 2015
From: cmgcomsol at (Mirage Web Studio)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 20:58:16 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
Message-ID: <>


Below is a sample code i created.

Can i better it any way?




import time
start_time = time.time()

def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
     for c in number:
     if v%3==0:
         return True
         return False

def IsDivisibleBy7(number):#string variable
     if tnumber%7==0:
         return True
         return False

def IsDivisibleBy9(number):#string variable
     for c in number:
     if v%9==0:
         return True
         return False

def IsPrime(number):
     if number[l-1] in ['2','4','5','6','8','0']:
         #print("retuning base false")
         return False

     if IsDivisibleBy3(number):
          #print("retuning 3 check false")
           return False

     if IsDivisibleBy7(number):
           #print("retuning 7 check false")
           return False

     if IsDivisibleBy9(number):
           #print("retuning 9 check false")
           return False

     while half>=i:
         if number%i==0:
             return False
     return True


for i in range (11,200000,2):
     print "checking ",i

     if IsPrime(number):

print ("primes",len(primelist),primelist)

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

From D.BARTH at  Fri May 29 19:10:33 2015
From: D.BARTH at (Barth, Dylan)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 17:10:33 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Directories and Macintosh
Message-ID: <>

Hi there, I've never used this before and I'm very new to programming, but I have an interesting and unique problem. I want to change my working directory in python (permanently if at all possible) and nothing I can find online works, even when I've copy/pasted it into python. I downloaded the anaconda package and the directory right now goes into that folder instead of a different place. No matter what I do, when I put in a path for it to look at like "/Users/name/anaconda/lib/python2.7/Directory/datacopy?" It either gives back an error that it "User" is undefined or that the files that are within that directory don't exist (when I copy the path straight from the Terminal window). Can anyone help?

Ps: Running Python 2.7 on a Macintosh


From lac at  Fri May 29 15:40:28 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 15:40:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Yielding from a with block
In-Reply-To: Message from Oscar Benjamin <> of "Fri,
 29 May 2015 14:13:16 +0100."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Fri, 29 May 2015 14:13:16 +0100, Oscar Benjamin writes:

>Python 2.7.2 (1.8+dfsg-2, Feb 19 2012, 19:18:08)
>[PyPy 1.8.0 with GCC 4.6.2]
>$ pypy
>End of program
>The __exit__ method was not called at all under pypy. Even if I don't
>keep a reference to g outside of f the __exit__ method is not called
>under this version of pypy (I don't have another to test with).

I do.  Same behaviour for PyPy 2.4 and PyPy 2.5.1 .  The __exit __ method
isn't called.


From alan.gauld at  Fri May 29 19:48:38 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 18:48:38 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mka8pl$o5h$>

On 29/05/15 16:28, Mirage Web Studio wrote:

> Below is a sample code i created.
> Can i better it any way?

Of course. There is always improvements that can be made.
But in your case there are quite a few!

> def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>      v=0
>      for c in number:
>          v=v+int(c)
>      if v%3==0:
>          return True
>      else:
>          return False

def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
     return not int(number) % 3

> def IsDivisibleBy7(number):#string variable

See above, but maybe better still

def isDivisibleByN(number, N):
    return not int(number)%N

> def IsPrime(number):

Google for the "sieve of eratosthenes"
Or look it up on wikipedia.

That will give one of several possible
improvements to your algorithm.

> primelist=[]
> for i in range (11,200000,2):
>      number=str(i)
>      print "checking ",i
>      if IsPrime(number):

Note, you are starting with a number, then converting
it to a string then in your functions converting it
back to a number.
That's crazy!

Also where do you store the primes less than 11?
ie. 1,3,5,7

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Fri May 29 20:06:39 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 04:06:39 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Directories and Macintosh
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Dylan, and welcome!

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 05:10:33PM +0000, Barth, Dylan wrote:

> Hi there, I've never used this before and I'm very new to programming, 
> but I have an interesting and unique problem. I want to change my 
> working directory in python (permanently if at all possible) 

"Working directory" has a technical meaning in programming, and I don't 
think it is relevant to what you seem to be talking about here. Can you 
explain what you mean by "working directory"?

> and nothing I can find online works, even when I've copy/pasted it into 
> python. I downloaded the anaconda package and the directory right now 
> goes into that folder instead of a different place. No matter what I 
> do, when I put in a path for it to look at like 
> "/Users/name/anaconda/lib/python2.7/Directory/datacopy?" It either 
> gives back an error that it "User" is undefined or that the files that 
> are within that directory don't exist (when I copy the path straight 
> from the Terminal window). Can anyone help?

Not with the information you have given us, which is vague and 
mysterious. You will need to be much more precise and detailed.

You downloaded anaconda into which directory?

What do you mean, "goes into that folder instead of a different place" 
-- what's "that" folder, and where did you expect it to go?

"when I put in a path for it to look at" -- how do you do that? Where do 
you put this path?

Please copy and paste the EXACT error, don't summarise, abbreviate, 
simplify, or put it in your own words.

We're happy to help, as best we can, but we need more information from 
you, because at the moment it is a bit like "I'm trying to find that 
thing, you know the one, it's like that other thing but different, and I 
looked in that place and it wasn't there." *wink*

> Ps: Running Python 2.7 on a Macintosh

That's a good start!


From alan.gauld at  Fri May 29 20:47:13 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 19:47:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Directories and Macintosh
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mkac7g$sdk$>

On 29/05/15 18:10, Barth, Dylan wrote:
> Hi there, I've never used this before and I'm very new to programming,


> I want to change my working directory in python
 > (permanently if at all possible)

What exactly do you mean by your working directory?
And "permanently" is a very long time, do you really
mean that?

Are you trying to
1) Change the folder that your python program looks
    for stuff by default?
2) Change the folder that your shell prompt is in?
3) Change the folder some GUI app users by default?
4) Something else?

Without significant effort Python can only change its
own environment. You can change the folder it thinks
is the current working directory, but not the folder
that the shell which launched Python thinks is it.
That is much harder to do.

> and nothing I can find online works,

Some examples of what you found online would help.
And how exactly they "didn't work". Did you get an error
message? Did you change directory at all, if so to what?
And what did you expect?

One thing you learn about programming is that you have
to be extremely specific and precise, there is no room
for guesswork.

> even when I've copy/pasted it into python.

How are you running Python? Are you using iPython
or the basic terminal application shell? Or maybe IDLE?

> I downloaded the anaconda package and the directory
 > right now goes into that folder instead of a different place.

Which directory do you mean?
I'm guessing that you mean when you start Python it uses
the anaconda install directory as its default? Is that right?

> No matter what I do, when I put in a path for it to look
 > at like "/Users/name/anaconda/lib/python2.7/Directory/datacopy?"
> It either gives back an error that it "User" is undefined or

Again being precise matters. Always cut n paste error messages
in full to your mails.

In this case did it say User or Users? Your path says Users
but you say the error says User... I'm guessing its a typo but
if they really are different that's "interesting" as Mr Spock
would say.

Also show us the code that generated this error. Otherwise
we are guessing at what is going on, and we don;t much like
guessing... its too unreliable.

Finally, maybe if you tell us *why* you are trying to change
the directory we can find a different method. It may just be a
system environment variable or similar that needs setting...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cs at  Sat May 30 01:37:38 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 09:37:38 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <mka8pl$o5h$>
References: <mka8pl$o5h$>
Message-ID: <>

On 29May2015 18:48, alan.gauld at <alan.gauld at> wrote:
>On 29/05/15 16:28, Mirage Web Studio wrote:
>>def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>>     v=0
>>     for c in number:
>>         v=v+int(c)
>>     if v%3==0:
>>         return True
>>     else:
>>         return False
>def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>    return not int(number) % 3

To illustrate that there isn't just One Right Way, I would code the above like 

  def IsDivisibleBy3(number): #string variable
      return int(number) % 3 == 0

Alan's code relies on "not" using an expressions "nonzero"ness as a boolean 
value. I _much_ prefer to directly state the test instead of relying on magic 
numeric=>boolean effects.

The only other remark I would make is that it is probably a ba idea to write 
this function to take a string. It expresses a numerics test - make it take a 
number! Do the string conversion-to-int outside the function before it is 

>>def IsDivisibleBy7(number):#string variable
>See above, but maybe better still
>def isDivisibleByN(number, N):
>   return not int(number)%N

Indeed, but again I would write an outright numeric expression and not rely on 

>>def IsPrime(number):
>Google for the "sieve of eratosthenes"
>Or look it up on wikipedia.
>That will give one of several possible
>improvements to your algorithm.

Plus, it is incredibly easy to code the SoE in Python. So easy that I once did 
it in about a minute in a Code Wars session. It is a lovely algorithm which is 
easy to remember.

>>for i in range (11,200000,2):
>>     number=str(i)
>>     print "checking ",i
>>     if IsPrime(number):
>Note, you are starting with a number, then converting
>it to a string then in your functions converting it
>back to a number.
>That's crazy!

Indeed! Numbers throughout if at all possible.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

From stefan_ml at  Sat May 30 07:45:05 2015
From: stefan_ml at (Stefan Behnel)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 07:45:05 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mkbip1$s81$>

Mirage Web Studio schrieb am 29.05.2015 um 17:28:
> Below is a sample code i created.
> Can i better it any way?

Absolutely. Prime number generation is a very well researched and fun to
implement topic. Thus many people have done it before.

See this for algorithmic improvements:


From alan.gauld at  Sat May 30 10:49:15 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 09:49:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <mka8pl$o5h$>
Message-ID: <mkbti9$nu0$>

On 30/05/15 00:37, Cameron Simpson wrote:

>> def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>>    return not int(number) % 3
> To illustrate that there isn't just One Right Way, I would code the
> above like this:
>   def IsDivisibleBy3(number): #string variable
>       return int(number) % 3 == 0
> Alan's code relies on "not" using an expressions "nonzero"ness as a
> boolean value. I _much_ prefer to directly state the test instead of
> relying on magic numeric=>boolean effects.

In this case I do too.
Especially since my version using the 'not' as well as
implied Truth value is less clear for a beginner such
as the OP. On reflection the explicit test is clearer.

If the 'not' had not been necessary I'd have been happy
without the == test. But introducing the not can be confusing.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From s.shall at  Sat May 30 13:16:01 2015
From: s.shall at (Sydney Shall)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 12:16:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest with random population data
Message-ID: <>

MAC OSX 10.10.3
Enthought Python 2.7

I am an almost beginner.

Following advice from you generous people, I have chosen a project that 
interests me, to develop some knowledge of python.
My projest is a simulation of a biological population.
I have a base class and a simulation function, which uses instances of 
the class.
This, after many months of work and lots of advice, now seems to work 
well. It generates sensible data and when I write a small test program 
it gives sensible output.
Now I want to learn to use unittest.
I have written a unittest class which works OK.
But the problem I have is that because I use the random module to 
populate my initial arrays, my data is not strictly predictable even 
though I am using seed(0). So the tests return many *fails* because the 
numbers are not exactly correct, although they are all rather close, 
consistent with the sigma value I have chosen for the spread of my 
population. I do of course use *almostEqual* and not *Equal*.
So, I would be very grateful for guidance. How does one proceed in this 
case? Should I simply create an arbitrary array or value to input into 
the function that I want to test?
I would be grateful for any guidance.


From __peter__ at  Sat May 30 13:29:38 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 13:29:38 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] unittest with random population data
References: <>
Message-ID: <mkc6v2$ul1$>

Sydney Shall wrote:

> MAC OSX 10.10.3
> Enthought Python 2.7
> I am an almost beginner.
> Following advice from you generous people, I have chosen a project that
> interests me, to develop some knowledge of python.
> My projest is a simulation of a biological population.
> I have a base class and a simulation function, which uses instances of
> the class.
> This, after many months of work and lots of advice, now seems to work
> well. It generates sensible data and when I write a small test program
> it gives sensible output.
> Now I want to learn to use unittest.
> I have written a unittest class which works OK.
> But the problem I have is that because I use the random module to
> populate my initial arrays, my data is not strictly predictable even
> though I am using seed(0). So the tests return many *fails* because the
> numbers are not exactly correct, although they are all rather close,
> consistent with the sigma value I have chosen for the spread of my
> population. I do of course use *almostEqual* and not *Equal*.
> So, I would be very grateful for guidance. How does one proceed in this
> case? Should I simply create an arbitrary array or value to input into
> the function that I want to test?
> I would be grateful for any guidance.

With the same input your program should produce exactly the same output.
Are you entering data into dicts? Try to set the


environment variable to get reproducible results.

From sanelson at  Sat May 30 14:32:09 2015
From: sanelson at (Stephen Nelson-Smith)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 13:32:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] League Secretary Application
Message-ID: <>


I'm the league secretary for a table tennis league.  I have to generate a
weekly results report, league table, and player averages, from results
cards which arrive by post or email.

The data is of the form:

Division: 1
Week: 7
Home: Some Team
Away: Different Team
Player A: Fred Bloggs
Player B: Nora Batty
Player X: Jim Smith
Player Y: Edna Jones
A vs X: 3-0
B vs Y: 3-2
A vs Y: 3-0
B vs X: 3-2
Doubles: 3-1

>From this I can calculate the points allocated to teams and produce a table.

I've not done any real python for about 6 years, but figured it'd be fun to
design and write something that would take away the time and error issues
associated with generating this manually.  Sure I could build a
spreadsheet, but this seems more fun.

I'm currently thinking through possible approaches, from parsing results
written in, eg YAML, to a menu-driven system, to a web app.  I'm generally
in favour of the simplest thing that could possibly work, but I am
conscious that there's a lot of room for data entry error and thus
validation, if I just parse a file, or make a CLI.  OTOH I have never ever
written a web app, with forms etc.

There's no time constraint here - this is merely for fun, and to make my
life easier.

Any thoughts?


From sanelson at  Sat May 30 18:08:54 2015
From: sanelson at (Stephen Nelson-Smith)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 17:08:54 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] League Secretary Application
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at> wrote:

> 2.  How do you receive your data now?  Do you want to change this,
>     perhaps extend the capabilities -- i.e. let people send an sms
>     with results to your cell phone?  Or limit the capabilities ("Stop
>     phoning me with this stuff!  Use the webpage!)  How you get your
>     data is very relevant to the design.

I get a physical card, or a photograph of the same.  It'd be possible in
the future to get people to use a website or a phone app, but for now, I
enter the data from the cards, manually.

> 3.  After you have performed your calculation and made a table, what
>     do you do with it?  Email it to members?  Publish it in a
>     weekly dead-tree newspaper?  Post it to a website?  What you
>     want to do with it once you have it is also very relevant to the
> design.

ATM I send an email out, and someone else takes that data and publishes it
on a website.


From joel.goldstick at  Sat May 30 19:17:39 2015
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 13:17:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] League Secretary Application
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Stephen Nelson-Smith
<sanelson at> wrote:
> Hullo,
> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at> wrote:
>> 2.  How do you receive your data now?  Do you want to change this,
>>     perhaps extend the capabilities -- i.e. let people send an sms
>>     with results to your cell phone?  Or limit the capabilities ("Stop
>>     phoning me with this stuff!  Use the webpage!)  How you get your
>>     data is very relevant to the design.
> I get a physical card, or a photograph of the same.  It'd be possible in
> the future to get people to use a website or a phone app, but for now, I
> enter the data from the cards, manually.
>> 3.  After you have performed your calculation and made a table, what
>>     do you do with it?  Email it to members?  Publish it in a
>>     weekly dead-tree newspaper?  Post it to a website?  What you
>>     want to do with it once you have it is also very relevant to the
>> design.
> ATM I send an email out, and someone else takes that data and publishes it
> on a website.
> S.

Take a look at django.  The tutorial takes a couple of hours and gives
you a good feel for whether it would suit you.

You could say its overkill, but it makes it very easy to do CRUD stuff
with validation built in.  Displaying the results would be very easy
as well.  You could have your data providers input the data directly

Joel Goldstick

From lac at  Sat May 30 14:03:45 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 14:03:45 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] unittest with random population data
In-Reply-To: Message from Sydney Shall <>
 of "Sat, 30 May 2015 12:16:01 +0100." <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sat, 30 May 2015 12:16:01 +0100, Sydney Shall writes:
>MAC OSX 10.10.3
>Enthought Python 2.7
>I am an almost beginner.
>Following advice from you generous people, I have chosen a project that 
>interests me, to develop some knowledge of python.
>My projest is a simulation of a biological population.
>I have a base class and a simulation function, which uses instances of 
>the class.
>This, after many months of work and lots of advice, now seems to work 
>well. It generates sensible data and when I write a small test program 
>it gives sensible output.
>Now I want to learn to use unittest.
>I have written a unittest class which works OK.
>But the problem I have is that because I use the random module to 
>populate my initial arrays, my data is not strictly predictable even 
>though I am using seed(0). So the tests return many *fails* because the 
>numbers are not exactly correct, although they are all rather close, 
>consistent with the sigma value I have chosen for the spread of my 
>population. I do of course use *almostEqual* and not *Equal*.
>So, I would be very grateful for guidance. How does one proceed in this 
>case? Should I simply create an arbitrary array or value to input into 
>the function that I want to test?
>I would be grateful for any guidance.

You can mock your random number generator function to return something
that isn't random for the purposes of testing.  Mock is part of
unittest for Python 3.3 or later, but since you are on 2.7 you will
have to import mock as a separate library.

This nice blog post

gives a whole slew of examples for how to use mock to mock the
random number generator function os.urandom .  But you can use it to mock
any function you like.

If you have trouble getting it to work, come back with code.  It is tricky
the first time you mock anything, to make sure you put the mock in
the correct place, but once you get the hang of this it is dirt simple.

Happy hacking,

From lac at  Sat May 30 16:49:07 2015
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 16:49:07 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] League Secretary Application
In-Reply-To: Message from Stephen Nelson-Smith <> of "Sat,
 30 May 2015 13:32:09 +0100."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sat, 30 May 2015 13:32:09 +0100, Stephen Nelson-Smith writes:
>I'm the league secretary for a table tennis league.  I have to generate a
>weekly results report, league table, and player averages, from results
>cards which arrive by post or email.
>The data is of the form:
>Division: 1
>Week: 7
>Home: Some Team
>Away: Different Team
>Player A: Fred Bloggs
>Player B: Nora Batty
>Player X: Jim Smith
>Player Y: Edna Jones
>A vs X: 3-0
>B vs Y: 3-2
>A vs Y: 3-0
>B vs X: 3-2
>Doubles: 3-1
>>From this I can calculate the points allocated to teams and produce a table.
>I've not done any real python for about 6 years, but figured it'd be fun to
>design and write something that would take away the time and error issues
>associated with generating this manually.  Sure I could build a
>spreadsheet, but this seems more fun.
>I'm currently thinking through possible approaches, from parsing results
>written in, eg YAML, to a menu-driven system, to a web app.  I'm generally
>in favour of the simplest thing that could possibly work, but I am
>conscious that there's a lot of room for data entry error and thus
>validation, if I just parse a file, or make a CLI.  OTOH I have never ever
>written a web app, with forms etc.
>There's no time constraint here - this is merely for fun, and to make my
>life easier.
>Any thoughts?

1.  There is no better reason to do things.

2.  How do you receive your data now?  Do you want to change this,
    perhaps extend the capabilities -- i.e. let people send an sms
    with results to your cell phone?  Or limit the capabilities ("Stop
    phoning me with this stuff!  Use the webpage!)  How you get your
    data is very relevant to the design.

3.  After you have performed your calculation and made a table, what
    do you do with it?  Email it to members?  Publish it in a
    weekly dead-tree newspaper?  Post it to a website?  What you
    want to do with it once you have it is also very relevant to the design.


From alan.gauld at  Sat May 30 20:09:20 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 19:09:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] League Secretary Application
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <mkcucf$63r$>

On 30/05/15 17:08, Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
>> 3.  After you have performed your calculation and made a table, what
>>      do you do with it?  Email it to members?  Publish it in a
>>      weekly dead-tree newspaper?  Post it to a website?  What you
>>      want to do with it once you have it is also very relevant to the
>> design.
> ATM I send an email out, and someone else takes that data and publishes it
> on a website.

You showed us sample input but what exactly does the output look like?

In any data based program you should try to separate the
presentation from the processing. So what does the output
data look like(in content terms)? It might seem self evident
to you because you are doing this already but it isn't so
obvious to us.

Once we know what the output data looks like we can decide
how to present it (web table, excel spreadsheet, CSV file,
PDF, whatever...)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From cmgcomsol at  Sat May 30 20:14:38 2015
From: cmgcomsol at (Mirage Web Studio)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 23:44:38 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <mka8pl$o5h$>
References: <> <mka8pl$o5h$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2015-05-29 11:18 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 29/05/15 16:28, George wrote:
>> Below is a sample code i created.
>> Can i better it any way?
> Of course. There is always improvements that can be made.
> But in your case there are quite a few!
>> def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>>      v=0
>>      for c in number:
>>          v=v+int(c)
>>      if v%3==0:
>>          return True
>>      else:
>>          return False
> def IsDivisibleBy3(number):#string variable
>     return not int(number) % 3
>> def IsDivisibleBy7(number):#string variable
> See above, but maybe better still
> def isDivisibleByN(number, N):
>    return not int(number)%N
>> def IsPrime(number):
> Google for the "sieve of eratosthenes"
> Or look it up on wikipedia.
> That will give one of several possible
> improvements to your algorithm.
>> primelist=[]
>> for i in range (11,200000,2):
>>      number=str(i)
>>      print "checking ",i
>>      if IsPrime(number):
> Note, you are starting with a number, then converting
> it to a string then in your functions converting it
> back to a number.
> That's crazy!
> Also where do you store the primes less than 11?
> ie. 1,3,5,7


I thank u all for the replies.  I have checked  sieve of Eratosthenes 
and have at first devised a solution using class-object, thinking it 
easier, but it proved to be slower than my basic algorithm which i 
submitted earlier,  results were my algorithm processed 100 thousand 
numbers in 80 or so sec but class based algorithm produced same result 
in about 230 sec. After putting some thought i used dict for a change 
with the sieve method and am able to produce primes for 1 million nos in 
about 10 sec, which is better than both earlier algorithms.  I am 
submitting both.

My query is does using classes slowed it or the python hardcoded 
algorithm for dicts was better?
if you had to implement the sieve algorithm how would u have done it.

Thank u


class based algorithm

import time


class Number:
     def __init__(self,number,p=None,n=None):


for i in range(3,110000):


while start != None:
     if start.marked==True:
         newprime =
         print ("\nNewPrime",newprime,"\nMarking no:")
         while tmpnode !=None:
             for i in range (newprime):
                 if tmpnode==None:
             if tmpnode==None:
             #print (, end=" ")

print ("primes")
while node!=None:
     if not node.marked:


print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - starttime), counter)

dict based algorithm

import time




for i in range(2,max):

for no in sorted(nodict.keys()):
     while x<max:

for no in sorted(nodict.keys()):
     if nodict[no]==0:
         print ("prime",no)

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - starttime), counter)

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

From dyoo at  Sat May 30 21:56:47 2015
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 12:56:47 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <mka8pl$o5h$>
Message-ID: <>

I'll review the code a bit.

> import time
> starttime=time.time()
> class Number:
>     def __init__(self,number,p=None,n=None):
>         self.marked=None
>         self.p=p
>         self.n=n

It would be helpful to document what the types of 'p' and 'n' are
here.  Without any comments, I don't have good expectations on what to
expect yet.  And without types, documentation in Python is doubly
crucial to help folks understand what to expect.

> node=Number(2,None,None)
> start=node
> counter=1
> for i in range(3,110000):
>     counter+=1
>     newnode=Number(i,node)
>     node.n=newnode
>     node=newnode

Ok, I see.  Your structure earlier is meant to represent a
doubly-linked linked data structure.  The fields 'n' stands for
"next", and 'p' stands for "previous", and you're constructing a
linked list of numbers, each of which should have links to the next
and previous elements.  You're basically building up a thread of

    3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> ...

The code above doesn't seem to do the backwards linking with the 'p'
previous attribute.  You might want to remove that from your data
structure definition if you're not using it.

... but that being said: do you need to represent linked structure
here?  Linked structure is very flexible, but with certain costs:
"random" access is slower because you have to keep following links to
get from one end of the list to another point.  If you want to mark
every 5th element in the collection, a linked list will force you to
walk every intermediate element in between, as you do later on in your
'while' loop.  In contrast, an array-like structure will let you
access nodes by index very quickly: you can jump to every fifth
element directly, skipping over the other ones.

That is, it's important to note that the version with linked lists
isn't slow because it's using classes: it's slow fundamentally because
it's not actually taking advantage of the structure of numbers and the
ability to do quick, random access based on numbers.

You should see improvement by using an array-like list.  Something like:

class Number:
    def __init__(self,number):

numbers = []
for i in range(110000):
    newnumber = Number(i)

to initialize the basic structures.  Here, numbers[3] will be the
Number(3), numbers[6] will be the Number(6), and so on.  This direct
correspondence between index and the value at that index is what makes
array-like structures very useful.  With this ability to directly
index, the code that does the sieving no longer needs to manually
march down links: it can index over the multiples of n.

Try it with the array-like list.  You should find it instructive.
You've pretty much got the rest of the code ready: it should be almost
identical with the dict-based code you present later.

From alan.gauld at  Sun May 31 01:34:46 2015
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 00:34:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Generate Prime Numbers
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <mka8pl$o5h$>
Message-ID: <mkdhel$uqp$>

On 30/05/15 19:14, Mirage Web Studio wrote:

> and have at first devised a solution using class-object, thinking it
> easier, but it proved to be slower than my basic algorithm which i
> submitted earlier,

I'm not surprised. You seem to have a talent for finding complex 
solutions to fairly simple problems :-)

> in about 230 sec. After putting some thought i used dict for a change
> with the sieve method and am able to produce primes for 1 million nos in
> about 10 sec, which is better than both earlier algorithms.

Yes, using built in data structures (implemented in highly
optimised C) will nearly always be faster than building
your own in interpreted Python.

> My query is does using classes slowed it or the python hardcoded
> algorithm for dicts was better?

See above.
classes are great for modelling concepts that are not available
in the language. But both numbers and collections are well
provided for in Python.

> if you had to implement the sieve algorithm how would u have done it.

Similarly to your dict approach but probably using lists.
After all lists are naturally indexed by numbers so using
a dict keyed by numbers doesn't add much value.

There are also a few tweaks you can do to improve efficiency
but you are pretty much there.

> ---------------------
> class based algorithm
> ---------------------
> import time
> starttime=time.time()
> class Number:
>      def __init__(self,number,p=None,n=None):
>          self.marked=None
>          self.p=p
>          self.n=n

A class with no methods other than init() is usually a bad sign.
You should always think very carefully whether another data
structure might not be more suitable. The whole point of
objects is that you do things to them. That means you need
methods to make them useful.

> node=Number(2,None,None)

Note the extra work you make Python do to initialise a number
each time compared to just assigning a built-in integer object.

> start=node
> counter=1
> for i in range(3,110000):
>      counter+=1
>      newnode=Number(i,node)
>      node.n=newnode
>      node=newnode
> node=start
> while start != None:
>      if start.marked==True:
>          start=start.n
>          continue
>      else:
>          newprime =
>          print ("\nNewPrime",newprime,"\nMarking no:")
>          tmpnode=start
>          while tmpnode !=None:

Notice you now have a loop within a loop. If you  are
looking for speed that's another bad sign. Compare with
your dict version there are two loops but they are not
nested, they run one after the other (and the first one
could be avoided using a list)

>              for i in range (newprime):

And now you have a third nested loop. Oh dear!

>                  tmpnode=tmpnode.n
>                  if tmpnode==None:
>                      break
>              if tmpnode==None:
>                  break
>              #print (, end=" ")
>              tmpnode.marked=True
>      start=start.n
> print ("primes")
> counter=0
> while node!=None:
>      if not node.marked:
>          counter+=1
>          print(
>      node=node.n
> print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - starttime), counter)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

From steve at  Sun May 31 01:41:35 2015
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 09:41:35 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] unittest with random population data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 12:16:01PM +0100, Sydney Shall wrote:

> I have written a unittest class which works OK.
> But the problem I have is that because I use the random module to 
> populate my initial arrays, my data is not strictly predictable even 
> though I am using seed(0).

Please show us how you populate your arrays, because what you describe 
sounds wrong. Seeding to the same value should give the same sequence of 

py> import random
py> random.seed(0)
py> a = [random.random() for i in range(10**6)]
py> random.seed(0)
py> b = [random.random() for i in range(10**6)]
py> a == b


From cs at  Sun May 31 04:00:52 2015
From: cs at (Cameron Simpson)
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 12:00:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] unittest with random population data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30May2015 12:16, Sydney Shall <s.shall at> wrote:
>Following advice from you generous people, I have chosen a project >that interests me, to develop some knowledge of python.
>My projest is a simulation of a biological population.
>I have a base class and a simulation function, which uses instances of 
>the class.
>This, after many months of work and lots of advice, now seems to work 
>well. It generates sensible data and when I write a small test program 
>it gives sensible output.
>Now I want to learn to use unittest.
>I have written a unittest class which works OK.
>But the problem I have is that because I use the random module to 
>populate my initial arrays, my data is not strictly predictable even 
>though I am using seed(0). So the tests return many *fails* because 
>the numbers are not exactly correct, although they are all rather 
>close, consistent with the sigma value I have chosen for the spread of 
>my population. I do of course use *almostEqual* and not *Equal*.

First of all, several people have posted suggestions for getting identical 
results on every run.

However, there is another approach, which you might consider. (And use in 
addition, not inseadt of, the reproducable suggestions).

It is all very well to have a unit test that runs exactly the same with a test 
set of data - it lets you have confidence that algorithm changes do not change 
the outcome. But on for that data set.

You say that your results are "all rather close, consistent with the sigma
value I have chosen for the spread of my population". I would advocate making 
some "contraint" tests that verify this property for _any_ input data set.

Then you can run with random and _changing_ input data sets to verify that your 
code produces the expected _kind_ of results with many data sets.

So you would have one test which ran with a fixed data set which confirms 
preidctable unchanging results. And you have other tests with run with randomly 
chosen data and confirms that outcomes fall within the parameters you expect.  
You can apply those checks ("outcome in range") to both sets of tests.

As an exmaple, I have a few classes which maintain data structures which are 
sensitive to boundary conditions. The glaring example is a numeric range class 
which stores contiguous ranges efficiently (a sequence of (low,high) pairs). It 
has a few add/remove operations which are meant to maintain that sequence on 
ordered minimal form. cutting and merging adjacent ranges is very easy to get 
wrong, very sensitive to off-by-one logic errors.

So my tests for this class include some random tests which do random 
unpredictable add/remove operations, and run a consistency check on the object 
after each operation. This gives me good odds of exercising some tricky 
sequence which I have not considered explicitly myself.

You can see the test suite here:

It has a bunch of explicit specific tests up the top, and then the random 
consistency test down the bottom as "test30random_set_equivalence".

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

MS-Word is Not a document exchange format - Jeff Goldberg

From nymcity at  Sun May 31 04:11:16 2015
From: nymcity at (Nym City)
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 02:11:16 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Req Assistance with 1st Project.
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,
I am working on my first Python project and I need some help. Here is what my project is about. I want to be able to read in from a text file that contains a list of IP addresses (maybe even hostnames) and write out each IP in the list in the following format: "" OR "" OR ......
After some online search, It seems like I would want to create a list (which I did) however, the challenge is that I can't figure out how to add the double quotes and OR after each entry in my list. 

Here is my current code (also attached):
f = open("BadIPList", "r+")
IOCs = []
for line in f:
    line = line.strip()
?Thank you in advance.

From __peter__ at  Sun May 31 10:57:26 2015
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 10:57:26 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Req Assistance with 1st Project.
References: <>
Message-ID: <mkeidn$tg3$>

Nym City via Tutor wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am working on my first Python project and I need some help. Here is what
> my project is about. I want to be able to read in from a text file that
> contains a list of IP addresses (maybe even hostnames) and write out each
> IP in the list in the following format: "" OR "" OR
> ...... After some online search, It seems like I would want to create a
> list (which I did) however, the challenge is that I can't figure out how
> to add the double quotes and OR after each entry in my list.
> Here is my current code (also attached):
> f = open("BadIPList", "r+")
> IOCs = []
> for line in f:
>     line = line.strip()
>     IOCs.append(line)
> print(IOCs)
> f.close()
> Thank you in advance.

Python has clever ways to achieve this, but you should first do it the hard 

- Just like you remove the whitespace from the line you can add something, 
e. g. line = line + "!" will add an exclamation mark. In a similar way you 
can add '"' before and after the line string.

- Instead of printing the whole list you can loop over the items:

for ioc in IOCs:
    print("OR", ioc, end=" ")

This will print the "OR" followed by an IP. There's one problem though, 
there's an OR before the first IP. Can you avoid that with a flag (a 
variable that is either True or False) and

... # init flag
for ioc in IOCs:
    if ...: # check flag
       ... # update flag
       print("OR", end=" ")
    print(ioc, end=" ")

OK, now for the clever way:

with open("BadIPList") as f:
    print(" OR ".join('"{}"'.format(line.strip()) for line in f))

That may be concise, but is also a bit messy. To make it more readable you 
can break it apart:

with open("BadIPList") as f:
    ips = (line.strip() for line in f)
    quoted_ips = ('"{}"'.format(ip) for ip in ips)
    print(" OR ".join(quoted_ips))

The (... for ... in ...) is called "generator expression", a kind of 
sequence that that lazily delivers items.