[Tutor] Integrating TDD into my current project work-flows
wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Tue May 5 22:58:14 CEST 2015
On 05/05/2015 10:59 AM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
>> My projects are structured like:
>> Project > develop > Project > Project > __main__.py
>> tests > __main__.py
>> I want to be able to execute my Project from a cwd of:
>> Project/develop/Project
>> as: Python3 -m Project
>> That currently works.
> That will only work if there is also a file __init__.py under the
> Project/develop/Project/Project directory (alongside the __main__.py
> file). Adding a __main__.py file allows the directory to be treated as
> a Python script e.g.:
But actually there is no __init__.py in Project/develop/Project/Project/
There is only __main__.py and Project.py files. The __main__.py file
imports Project.py.
> $ python3 Project/develop/Project/Project
> $ python3 Project # Assuming cwd is Project/develop/Project
I tested the above on the terminal and it does not work. I get:
wolfrage at wolfrage-Lemur-UltraThin
~/HomePlusWolfrage/Projects/Project/develop/Project $ python3 Project
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/runpy.py", line 170, in _run_module_as_main
"__main__", mod_spec)
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/runpy.py", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "Project/__main__.py", line 4, in <module>
from . import Project
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import
> The -m switch searches for a script as if it were a module using the
> module search path. In this case the directory containing the package
> Project must be on sys.path and one way to achieve this is to change
> directory to the Project/develop/Project directory. Then the Project
> folder in this directory is on sys.path.
Did you perhaps mean the Project/develop/Project/Project/ directory?
> However a directory is not considered a package unless it contains a
> file __init__.py. So if the directory is on sys.path (e.g. in the cwd)
> AND their is an __init__.py file then you can do
> $ python3 -m Project
> and the code in __main__.py will run.
> Assuming you have the same setup in the
> Project/develop/Project/Project/tests directory (both __init__.py and
> __main__.py and Project is on sys.path) then you can run
> tests/__main__.py using the module search path as
I think I may have confused you. The layout is like this:
Thus tests is not contained in module's directory.
My reasoning for this is that the tests would be shipped with my
production code. I am currently undecided as to whether this is a good
or bad thing. But the more that I read about testing the more it seems
to be a good thing. So perhaps the best solution is to move the tests
into the module's directory. Then the below information would probably work.
> $ python3 -m Project.tests
> Note that this is the same name that you would use to import from the
> tests package in interpreter e.g.
>>>> from Project.tests import test_stuff
> imports from the __init__.py in the tests folder.
> Oscar
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